<agendabot> clear agenda
<scribe> scribe: chaals
<scribe> chair: Léonie
LJW: Would be good to have a list of the concrete things we are working on and want the AC to support
DanA: Didn't meet but put
together a document
... Jeff was involved, a number of others. Not much more came
out of it than initial list of ideas.
<koalie> Proposals for things we could support
DanA: Think the main deliverable was that. We have list of proposed ideas.
<koalie> [[
<koalie> Services or software that can help people participate in TPAC and W3C groups in general
<koalie> Support for higher bandwidth (e.g. 4g or 5g SIM?)
<koalie> Hardware (e.g. webcams, microphones, graphic tablets)
<koalie> Child care costs+elder care
<koalie> Bursary - paying for people's time to participate as invited experts (or as participants in CGs)
<koalie> ]]
[chaals thinks "also personal carer" … added that somewhere but there are more lists than I can track, already]
DanA: For freelancers there is a
cost to not taking work in order to partiicpate in TPAC, or
other work. We're focusing on TPAC but there could be other
areas we support depending on the money in the pot and what
applications we get.
... There were discussions about criteria for eligibility. And
question - why doesn't W3C challenge members to send a more
diverse set of representatives, especially for virtual
... Since costs to send someone to virtual events are probably
... This is predicated on the idea that TPAC is a good gateway
into general W3C community participation.
<koalie> [fwiw, +1 to seeing tpac as a gateway into w3c work]
DanA: That was a motivation for the diversity fund proposal. I am not sure if virtual TPAC will have the same sense of being an introduction to a wide range of W3C work and social activity and people
[chaals +1 to face to face TPAC being a great introduction. It's the place I save money to send people]
DanA: I still think it is a good idea to encourage participation in virtual TPAC
Jeff: I like the idea of
challenging W3C members to send a more diverse set of
representatives, especially to virtual TPAC.
... Notification is expected to be some time next week?
Koalie: Yes.
Jeff: Would like Koalie to do the work of making that part of the announcement.
<koalie> [I'm happy to take that action, Jeff]
Léonie: Are there any concerns with that message?
Judy: +1 to this proposal. The outreach task force could be interested in sending that out to other communities too.
Léonie: Sounds like a plan.
... The additional things that could be funded are excellent.
We need to let people know about that sooner rather than
... Notice asking for funding was already sent out, and if I
were not part of this grojp I might have thought "what is it
for?". Can we please send a message to the AC sahying we are
looking for donations, and how we might spend them?
... i.e. a volunteer?
Koalie: I can do that.
... I can work with chaals since he volunteered too.
LJW: Worth promoting this on W3C blog?
<dka_> +1 to posting on blogs.
Koalie: Yes.
[+1 to blog postings]
LJW: Volunteers: Tzviya, Shawn, Tess, Barbara
Tess: I haven't had a chance to look at this since the last call
<koalie> https://www.w3.org/Consortium/highlights/
Barbara: Besides the blog, W3C produced a strategy summary. Would be good to add some context into that - I use it all the time.
<koalie> BarbH, the next version of the highlights document is for shortly before TPAC
LJW: Me, Tzviya, Judy, Barbara
Barbara: hope communication is
seamless among ourselves. We want to identify some groups, we
have a summary of possibilities and we need to do som research
on who and how to contact. Then we need to narrow the list to
practical tasks.
... the other area of work is to have a clear consolidated
message - what is W3C, how do you participate, what is the
value of inclusion and diversity. Prepared talking points /
messages would be helpful and we could share them with chairs,
etc to share more widely.
... This is a journey, and requires listening. We need to make
sure conversations are two-way. Having office hours is a way to
help make that happen.
Judy: Too add a bit. Regarding events and communities, I think most of what we have is US-centric, but the issue isn't so we have a long list but I would love to get help in identifying communities outside the US.
[I will try to provide some input for that]
Judy: In terms of messaging we
need to keep evolving that. I gave an example of old messaging
for the community of women, that we could articulate in an
updated way.
... Would like us to think about and do well at reaching out to
existing community members who represent various diverse
<BarbH> + 1 on the value of participating in standards and W3c
Judy: Need to talk to colleagues outside the W3C commnuity to see if they are interested in helping with that message. But when people do come in. we need to have worked on the being welcoming...
Barbara+Judy: We are looking for feedback and input
<koalie> rendering of Inclusion and Diversity office hours
Léonie: Sent an email about
office hours - volunteering to set aside a bit of time each
week for conversations about W3C to help people talk to someone
with experience in W3C and learn about how the W3C works.
... If you can still volunteer, please do - 30 minutes or so
some time would be helpful. Please send me your info and I will
add you, and then we can promote this to get W3C community to
help promote this and get the word to the people we are trying
to reach.
Judy: Can you give a flavour of how the office hours goes?
Léonie: I do it for accessibility. My experience is that I have conversations with people about where to look for a job, how to start out, whether someone with 20 years experience should do a PhD in the area, general conversations about politics, talking to a young person working with older people and issues around gender identity… ranges pretty widely but 30 minutes a week I have met some extraordinary people over a few years of it and
it is very rewarding - absolutely worth doing.
Judy: Haven't talked to Tess yet, have been looking through Quincy Brown's action list and appreciate it.
Tess: Have been thinking over an Equity review board - what it would do, how we would staff it. I think it could be problematic as a community with a diversity problem to ask a few people to step up and do the work, but it would be problematic if it was a bunch of middle-aged white blokes, too. We have a lot of mmebers with diversity efforts that are typically not participants in W3C, maybe we could ask members if they can bring people wit
h expertise to W3C.
scribe: instead of asking the
under-represented people in engineering to be over-represented
in doing this work as well...
... So, how do we ask for this?
Jeff: Big +1 to Tess' idea. Getting more work done without having to ask a few people to keep piliing on work would be good.
Léonie: To be sure I understood - this would be a step towards an Equity Review Board?
Tess: Assuming we agree that we
want an ERB - where would we get the people from to do the
... Also wonder - W3C is member consortium but has staff, maybe
the effort can be to improve things for the community and for
the W3C workforce, as an employer.
... Do the hosts have existing work we could leverage here?
Jeff: Can't speak for all hosts,
but MIT has a good focus on diversity. The president of MIT has
been very vocal about needing to do more. There are plans to
have additional programs.
... One thing in a task list is to consider the framing and
goals of an Equity Review Board. One piece is related to the
team itself, the bigger issue is the community overall,
improving diversity, and recognising that a lot of decisions
are in the hands of the members, so we need to recognise that
DanA: I am not sure what an Equity Review Board would do…sounds nice but I am not sure what it means in detail.
Judy: Quincy Brown talked about this in a recent post
<tink> The idea of an ERB is introduced here https://medium.com/@quincykbrown/on-being-black-in-computing-during-these-days-54e049d56987
Judy: This would be at a high
level in an organisation lookjng at the status of diversity and
steps the organisation should be thinking about
... To comment on the MIT question, I have shared some
resources into the CSAIL discussions, I don't get the
impression that people there are ahead of us, so I see an
effort to learn but less obviously a surplus of available
expertise and effort
<Zakim> dka_, you wanted to ask what an equity review board is
Léonie: One more idea is a terminology review. Some stuff already happened - is it worth carrying that on in a review of our documentation…?
<Zakim> chaals, you wanted to say Yes
<koalie> scribe+
<koalie> chaals: It's worth taking it on
<koalie> ... I'd like us to make sure this is an action we are tracking
<koalie> scribe-
Léonie: I assume an Equity Review Board would take some on but it would be good to get moving on that
Judy: I also support this. I see
people raise concerns and have it reflexively dismissed as
... What is changing is that people are saying this does
matter, please at least re-open the conversation. That seems
like a positive development
<BarbH> +q Inclusion and Diversity message on the https://www.w3.org/2020/05/w3c-highlights/
Tess: I would be happy to help with this
Chaals: I would be happy to say I should do this, and then scramble to do enough to keep out of trouble for not having done what I hoped…
Barbara: One thing I like is the w3C's strategic highlights. I use it a lot. I notice there is no mention of inclusion and diversity messages there. Something to think about…
Judy: I may have been tagged for
too many things.
... I like Barb's suggestion to cover diversity and inclusions
in our next strategic highlights, I believe due just before
... W3C has a lot of opportunities to produce messages.
... Koalie can you help brainstorm on ideas about how we could
do better at promoting diversity at W3C?
Koalie: Yes.
Judy: WOuld like to focus on one or two areas myself, but are there other people who want to do this?
<koalie> scribe+
<BarbH> +q W3C statement
<koalie> Léonie: I'm happy to help
<vagner> I can help Judy as well.
<koalie> Barb: a week or two, there was the potential to update the w3c statement
<koalie> ... it had a lot of the key messages
<koalie> ... again the team should not be reinventing
<koalie> ... if there is communication messages and we repurpose it
<koalie> ... what happens to the statement, and can this be the foundation to key messages we integrate to many communications?
<koalie> scribe-
Léonie: Makes good sense.
... have to be cautious about what W3C supports. Coralie is
well-practised at this, and it makes sense
<koalie> scribe+
<koalie> scribe-
Léonie: Thanks for the progress that has been made, it is enouraging. We have a statement forming that we want to ask the AC to endorse, we are missing actions.
scribe+ koalie
<koalie> Léonie: we are pulling informatio re: how our community can learn more about discrimination
scribe: @@
... Does that list sound about right?
<koalie> ... anything missing, please add to the e-mail conversation
<dka_> +1 to leonie's list.
<koalie> ... Let's wrap this meeting early
<BarbH> +1 on list
<koalie> ... Thanks everyone!
<koalie> ... till next week
scribe: If not, please work it into shape.
[thank you all]
<vagner> thanks
[Thanks Koalie for emergency scribe help]
This is scribe.perl Revision of Date Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s|https://pad.w3.org/p/2020_Diversity_Fund_Ideas|Proposals for things we could support| Succeeded: s/@@/Barbara/ Succeeded: s/In one ear, out the other/Communication/ Succeeded: s/cam/can/ Succeeded: s/scribe= koalie// Present: Coralie chaals Léonie Judy_Brewer Barbara Dan_APpelquist marisa cwilso jeff_jaffe hober Judy vagner Regrets: Florian Rhian Shawn wseltzer Tzviya WendyR Found Scribe: chaals Inferring ScribeNick: chaals Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-idcg/2020Jul/0000.html WARNING: No date found! Assuming today. (Hint: Specify the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.) Or specify the date like this: <dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002 People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]