14:47:23 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 14:47:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/06/26-pbgsc-irc 14:47:26 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:47:26 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 14:51:02 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2020Jun/0013.html 14:51:33 -> https://www.w3.org/2020/06/12-pbgsc-minutes.html previous: 12-June 14:52:07 jeff__ has joined #pbgsc 14:52:25 George has joined #pbgsc 14:55:14 present+ Daihei, George, Ralph 14:56:30 regrets+ Wendy_Reid 14:56:49 present+ 14:58:24 present+ 15:01:23 present+ Avneesh 15:01:44 ivan has joined #pbgsc 15:02:00 Avneesh has joined #pbgsc 15:02:07 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 15:02:09 present+ 15:02:21 Daihei_ has joined #pbgsc 15:02:24 present+ Ivan 15:02:28 present+ 15:02:31 present+ 15:02:39 present+ 15:03:05 present+ 15:03:13 I somehow missed seeing an agenda. I have another meeting I need to be on. Could I report on the captioning progress or lack thereof early in the meeting so I can jump to the other one? 15:04:06 present+ 15:04:53 scribe+ dauwhe 15:05:12 present+ dauwhe 15:05:30 present+ Liisa 15:05:34 tzviya: we've been talking about captioning for the webinar 15:05:35 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 15:05:41 Topic: webinar 15:05:46 present+ 15:06:08 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vxI_dvU8EaRfJBVfNvNpwjLPVCa-ZZHZUUCOB-5YomE/edit?usp=sharing 15:06:13 ... let's look at the GDoc 15:06:23 ... I've talked to potential speakers 15:06:30 ^^Publishing @ W3C Summer Webinar 15:06:36 present+ Garth 15:06:43 ... Avneesh was concerned about too many panelists from North America 15:06:54 garth has joined #pbgsc 15:06:55 ... Cristina could speak about groups and goals 15:07:01 ... Avneesh talking about a11y 15:07:04 present+ Garth 15:07:05 ... Wendy representing the WG 15:07:14 ... Mateus representing the CG 15:07:40 ... we have our speakers set 15:07:45 ... we need to coordinate on dates 15:08:03 q+ 15:08:10 ... we're talking about two time slots: one America/Europe, one Asia 15:08:23 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:08:33 Bill_Kasdorf: 15:08:37 Bill_Kasdorf: 15:08:58 Bill_Kasdorf: I wanted to report on progress and lack of progress about captions 15:09:04 ... I talked to 3Play first 15:09:28 ... their CEO said they'd love to do this, but our live captioning is auto-captioning 15:09:49 ... they have a service that combines auto-captioning with human refinement 15:09:55 ... the human part happens later 15:10:05 ... I reached out to Richard Orme 15:10:10 ... he thinks highly of them 15:10:20 ... but shares skepticism about auto-captioning 15:10:33 ... I then reached out to NCam 15:10:49 ... The captioning services are from WGBH 15:11:09 ... but they said they would be unlikely to contribute for free 15:11:16 ... so what should we do? 15:11:24 q? 15:11:26 ... should we pursue live captioning? Can we pay for it? 15:11:37 ... I can get back to Richard for referrals to good captioners 15:11:42 ack Ralph 15:11:55 Ralph: Thanks Bill 15:12:08 jeff_ has joined #pbgsc 15:12:11 ... I would appreciate some sense from this group 15:12:22 ... I asked George about DAISY's general practices around webinars 15:12:55 ... I'd appreciate guidance from them 15:13:04 q+ 15:13:08 ack George 15:13:08 ... does anyone think live captioning is optional? 15:13:14 George: two things 15:13:22 ... first, it's essential from an a11y perspective 15:13:30 ... and for ESL 15:13:46 ... the captioning reinforces the spoken word 15:14:04 ... tzviya, you said the captioning is very good, so you must have it turned on. what do you think? 15:14:20 tzviya: I've looked at the captioning afterwords 15:14:42 ... I've often used it to speed up the absorbtion of video 15:14:43 q? 15:15:06 garth: what's the complaint about auto-captioning? is it the name problem? 15:15:24 ... I've never seen google auto-caption get the words wrong 15:15:30 many: we've seen errors 15:15:33 ack Ralph 15:15:33 Ralph, you wanted to followup after everyone else who cares to respond does so 15:15:49 tzviya: there's an issue with jargon; it gets messed up 15:15:51 garth: point taken 15:16:07 Ralph: George couldn't see us nod that captioning is essential 15:16:19 ... this group does say captioning is essential 15:16:42 tzviya: the action item is to follow up with Richard Orme 15:16:46 Ralph: I'll follow up 15:16:50 tzviya: moving back to dates 15:16:52 [1] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Publishing+community+meeting&iso=20200723T09&p1=43 15:16:52 [2] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Publishing+community+meeting&iso=20200723T10&p1=43 15:16:52 [3] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Publishing+community+meeting&iso=20200723T20&p1=43 15:16:53 [4] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Publishing+community+meeting&iso=20200723T21&p1=43 15:17:11 on 23, 27, or 28 July 15:17:51 ... we'll have to vote by email 15:18:18 ... oh, will have to revise for US Pacific 15:18:30 ... if any dates don't work for the speakers we'll have to change 15:18:36 ... I'll do a doodle poll 15:18:39 q+ 15:18:47 [those dates are Thursday, Monday, and Tuesday] 15:19:00 ... ivan and karen have been working on a sign-up form 15:19:04 ack ivan 15:19:05 ... we need to work on slides 15:19:17 ivan: I think the best is if you send out the doodle for speakers 15:19:24 ... my preferences don't really count 15:19:41 tzviya: I'll include liisamk in case cristina can't be a speaker 15:19:54 ... I'll be in touch with karen about writing that text, making it sound exciting 15:20:04 ... in the BG we were talking about localized presentations 15:20:16 ... would we translate and add content? Do different presentations? 15:20:43 q+ 15:20:46 ack ivan 15:20:53 ivan: I am not one of the localizers 15:21:07 ... the idea would be to have essentially the same message everywhere 15:21:21 ... a translation of a slide set PLUS anything specific to the locale 15:21:57 ... we should try not to make very different presentations, because that makes the w3c message more diffuse 15:22:15 ... Daihei_, you were saying about the japanese audience needing something specific 15:22:36 Daihei_: there was something about epub reflowable for japanese vertical text 15:22:51 ... who should I send details to? 15:22:56 tzviya: send it to the list 15:23:20 ack Ralph 15:23:22 tzviya: I'll reach out to cristina 15:23:30 Ralph: we have room for a little flexibility 15:23:40 ... the agenda has 30min presentation and 30min qa 15:23:42 Karen has joined #pbgsc 15:23:59 ... it's plausible there may be topics that are higher-priority to present and discuss for japan 15:24:23 ... if daihei were to feel that detailed discussion of some of those japanese text layout issues could use some of the qa time, that's fine 15:24:38 ... the first 30min is important info for everyone 15:24:40 q+ 15:25:32 tzviya: this is also taken from Richard Orme... we did a webinar with 30min for questions, and we prepped some questions in advance to get the questioning going 15:26:01 ... Daihei_, if there are concerns about vertical layout, we can ask that question first, or solicit questions in advance 15:26:14 q+ 15:26:22 ack ivan 15:26:36 ack dauwhe 15:26:42 ack Daihei_ 15:26:45 Daihei_: what i'm going to summarize is 15:26:47 q+ ivan 15:27:01 ... I will have Shinya Takami 15:27:09 ... he'll include the more technical issues 15:27:17 ... and some locally unique issues we want to overcome 15:27:28 ack ivan 15:27:31 ... that will all be covered 15:27:42 ivan: I don't want to muddle to waters, but one thing came up for dates 15:27:47 ... we are at the end of July 15:27:59 ... and the end of the EPUB 3 WG charter is on July 31 15:28:11 ... so if everything goes well with the vote... 15:28:16 ... Ralph is shaking his head 15:28:22 Ralph: [shakes his head] 15:28:22 q+ 15:28:35 ivan: rm -rf /Ivan 15:28:36 ack liisamk 15:28:45 q+ 15:28:48 liisamk: what is the next piece, and how long will it take 15:28:53 Ralph: we don't know how long it takes 15:29:05 ... it depends if the director has to address any tough questions from the membership 15:29:18 ivan: a week if there are no problems, which would put us mid-august 15:29:33 ack je 15:29:36 Ralph: I don't recommend moving the schedule based on w3c member activity 15:29:57 jeff_: I wanted to hear more about what Ivan was saying 15:30:17 ivan: I'm not concerned; being able to say that we are going to start the EPUB 3 WG would be a good thing 15:30:25 q+ 15:30:26 ... we can't say that yet because the vote is ongoing 15:30:34 ack av 15:30:39 Avneesh: this is a concern 15:30:49 ... the good thing is that the webinar is not only about WG 15:30:57 +1; not just about the WG 15:31:06 ... it's about strategy at a high level; we can say that we are working on these things 15:31:10 tzviya: that's a fair point 15:31:30 tzviya: we talked in the BG meeting about having the slides available publicly 15:31:39 ... is there an SC github? 15:31:59 action: Ralph cause a SC GitHub repo to exist 15:32:08 tzviya: better to keep all the slides in one deck; I'll reach out to the speakers, and we need accessible slides 15:32:11 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 15:32:12 q+ 15:32:13 q+ 15:32:17 ack George 15:32:27 George: we will need to provide the slides in advance to the captioner 15:32:36 ... that helps them prepare their language in advance 15:32:43 ... sending them a powerpoint is best 15:32:45 ack Avneesh 15:32:57 s/is best/is best rather than expecting them to go into GitHub 15:33:10 Avneesh: when we talk about webinar two times, will we present once and then do a recording, or live both times? 15:33:19 tzviya: I thought we'd do it live both times 15:33:19 q+ 15:33:25 +1 to live both times 15:33:29 Ralph: I would hope the presenters all be available 15:33:37 ack George 15:33:44 tzviya: for Avneesh the time zones are challenging 15:33:57 George: I like pre-recording. Things go smoothly. 15:34:15 tzviya: we talked about pre-recording for everyone last time, and that got nixed 15:34:29 ... let's look at the times again, and then see if everyone can make it. 15:34:39 good to go thorugh times first. anywhays everyone has to be present for question and answers 15:34:53 Ralph: having presenters being awake and alert is a good thing 15:35:18 q+ 15:35:22 ack Avneesh 15:35:27 tzviya: we could expand group for qa, have different group for diff time zones 15:35:40 Avneesh: sometimes you have to dress up at odd times because video :) 15:36:09 tzviya: I will follow up with folks about logistics 15:36:18 Topic: The CG 15:36:27 tzviya: I expected mateus could call in from the road 15:36:40 ... he and Jeff Xu are co-chairs of CG, and are talking about kicking off the group 15:36:52 ... they want a new charter 15:37:01 ... they want to organize around committees 15:37:05 ... the know the scope is broad 15:37:39 ... there will be lot of flexibility in the structure 15:37:48 s/the k/they k 15:37:48 ... it will be a bit like the strategy funnel 15:38:09 ... ralph has talked about combining the CG mailing lists 15:38:10 ack Ralph 15:38:16 ... then there will be a kickoff meeting 15:38:21 Ralph: re combo of CGs 15:38:28 ... that action item is in limbo on my desk 15:38:53 ... we can do a relaunch of the CG 15:39:02 ... my delay may be OK 15:39:17 tzviya: it will come at an opportune time 15:39:30 Ralph: I will sync with them 15:39:36 q+ 15:39:40 ack ge 15:40:19 topic: What to advise when an OS doesn't have support for EPUB ? 15:40:22 George: I would assume the CG would be able to deal with issues like the windows EPUB viewer, and promote EPUB 15:40:30 ack Ralph 15:40:33 ... but the tech issues associated with it, would be fair game for the CG 15:40:39 Ralph: thanks for raising that, George 15:40:45 ... the tech issues are fair game for the CG 15:40:47 q+ to talk about evangelism 15:40:55 ... as I read your email, there's a deployment question 15:41:06 ... this Q may be to Liisa and Daihei 15:41:22 ... is that deployement question, giving assistance to MS Windows users 15:41:31 ... is the BG the place to give advice? 15:41:36 ... can the bg take that up? 15:41:42 q+ to rant 15:41:55 liisamk: from an awareness perspective yes 15:42:13 ... we can promote... laurent talked about thorium in the BG 15:42:16 q later 15:42:20 ... I'm not sure what else we could do 15:42:25 Ralph: it could be a FAQ 15:42:34 q+ 15:42:37 ack dau 15:42:37 dauwhe, you wanted to rant 15:42:41 ... could the business group maintain an FAQ? 15:42:47 scribe+ 15:43:01 dauwhe: this is a really hard question 15:43:10 q+ 15:43:15 ... this gets to one of the reasons why Publishing@W3C struggles in general 15:43:21 ... we don't have the power to change things 15:43:35 ... in CSS it's different; the group participants are the browser developers 15:43:47 ... they can decide to add a feature to their OS 15:44:06 ... all we can do is petition others to do things that we don't have the power to do 15:44:14 ... that puts us in a challenging position 15:44:23 ... we're aware of this but we are not the decision makers 15:44:33 ack me 15:44:33 tzviya, you wanted to talk about evangelism 15:44:46 tzviya: I was going to say something similar 15:44:56 ... when I read George's note 15:45:00 ... this is a shock to people 15:45:10 ... just because you write a standard doesn't mean it gets implemented 15:45:13 ... and that's frustrating 15:45:23 ... we can learn about how to work on implementations 15:45:28 ... and how to petition browsers 15:45:40 ... for those who were at the event after the AB meeting in NY 15:45:53 ... Robin and Leonie talked about how frustrating to work on standards 15:45:57 s/the AB/the January AB 15:46:12 ... Robin spoke about how it took 8 years to get a feature in HTML 15:46:18 ... we need to speak to the browsers 15:46:33 ... HTML5 was no picnic either. The browsers had evangelists. 15:47:03 ... we should talk to MS about what worked and didn't work in their implementation 15:47:08 ... patience is part of the game 15:47:14 q? 15:47:17 ack Daihei_ 15:47:18 ... we need to work with the browsers instead of complaining about it 15:47:31 Daihei_: it's worthwhile to discuss at PBG 15:47:39 jeff__ has joined #pbgsc 15:47:43 ... and talk about implementation 15:47:58 ... and do some research about how the industry thinks about the extension issue 15:48:10 ... I can talk to people in Japan about how they see this 15:48:18 ... and about other possibilities 15:48:30 ack liis 15:48:34 ... and I can work with the PBG chairs 15:48:58 liisamk: coming out of survey result was dismay at the misinformation out there 15:49:14 ... and we could help educate people, as we're starting to do with the guest speakers 15:49:20 ... an FAQ could be part of that 15:49:40 ... and how do we help our community get traction to do good things 15:49:59 ... like Thorium... we need to get it to a place where you can search 15:50:10 ... not having search is the thing that keeps publishers from adopting tools 15:50:19 ... so we need to educate the community 15:50:32 ack Ralph 15:50:34 ... but also how to we let people working on tools understand why their tools aren't be adopted 15:50:39 Ralph: exactly, liisamk 15:50:51 ... we have an opportunity to correct some misunderstandings 15:50:56 ... I appreciate dave's rant 15:51:14 ... what I was thinking was along the lines of what liisa said 15:51:17 q+ to mention MDN 15:51:18 q+ 15:51:26 ... we can be frustrated that we don't see the deployment that we want 15:51:31 ... but there are solutions 15:51:39 ... if the community doesn't know about thorium 15:51:50 ... we have to be careful about being neutral 15:52:02 ... but saying "windows users can't read epub" is factually incorrect 15:52:02 ack me 15:52:02 tzviya, you wanted to mention MDN 15:52:21 tzviya: last year, Rachel Comerford and I were working on MDN documentation for EPUB 15:52:46 ... we never finished that up. Could the BG take that up? We have all the docs and initial feedback 15:52:53 q+ 15:52:55 q+ 15:52:57 ... the SEO is very good 15:53:04 ... I'd be willing to help 15:53:12 liisamk: I'd want to see the details 15:53:21 ... it sounded like it was hell on wheels to get off the ground 15:53:31 ... and it was going to be very basic 15:53:37 tzviya: I'll dig up what I have 15:53:38 q- 15:53:43 ack George 15:53:59 George: an FAQ sounds like a good method for solving a problem or future problems 15:54:20 ... some of these companies, they're asking me for boilerplate for what they put on their web page when they host an epub 15:54:42 ... we could get a link to thorium on the microsoft store and an FAQ for more information 15:54:57 ack ivan 15:55:01 ... DAISY would be delighted to provide a link to our roundup and a11y evaluations 15:55:06 ivan: I'm a regular user of MDN 15:55:14 ... we should have EPUB somehow presented there 15:55:23 ... but MDN is different than what we're talking about 15:55:50 [MDN addresses an important, but separate audience than a "So how to I read an EPUB?" FAQ] 15:56:15 scribe+ 15:56:35 Cristina has joined #pbgsc 15:56:44 Tzviya: I'm hearing that MDN will be great but we have something that needs to be addressed before MDN 15:57:11 Tzviya: I'll follow up with details about the Webinar for presenters and planners 15:57:32 [adjourned] 15:57:35 zakim, end meeting 15:57:35 As of this point the attendees have been Daihei, George, Ralph, dauwhe, tzviya, Avneesh, Ivan, Bill_Kasdorf, Daihei_, jeff__, Liisa, liisamk, Garth 15:57:37 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 15:57:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/26-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 15:57:40 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:57:44 Zakim has left #pbgsc 16:04:24 jeff_ has joined #pbgsc 16:07:10 jeff has joined #pbgsc 16:08:28 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 16:29:38 chair: Tzviya 16:31:05 rrsagent, please draft minutes 16:31:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/26-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 16:31:23 rrsagent, please draft minutes v2 16:31:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/26-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 16:31:49 rrsagent, bye 16:31:49 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2020/06/26-pbgsc-actions.rdf : 16:31:49 ACTION: Ralph cause a SC GitHub repo to exist [1] 16:31:49 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2020/06/26-pbgsc-irc#T15-31-59