MiniApps CG Call

18 June 2020


Angel, Canfeng, Chunming, Dan_Zhou, Fuqiao, Ming_Zu, Nicole, Qiang_Jia, Qing_An, Roy, Tengyuan, Vitaliy, Wanming, Xiaoqian, Xueyuan, Yinli, Yongjing
xiaoqian, xueyuan

Meeting minutes

<angel> https://‌w3c.github.io/‌miniapp/‌charters/‌wg-2020.html

angel: today's topic is WG charter


angel: let's look at the scope section


angel: any comments on scope?
… "Web technologies (especially CSS and JavaScript)"
… not sure if we need to mention JavaScript here, but let's hear if people have comment on this

Vitality: I have a question about this sentence
… "Elements and APIs that would enhance the interoperability among different MiniApp platforms, including UI elements, Device API, and those advanced APIs such as Account API and Map API;"
… do we plan to work on all APIs provided by the OS?

angel: I don't think we should work on all APIs, we should only work on the necessary ones
… re "which are the necessary ones", we need some discussions

Vitality: so you have not decided yet

angel: right

Vitality: thank you for clarification

angel: We just listed a few APIs we might work on in the future

xfq: we have a GitHub issue for this sentence
… which is issue #79


xfq: w3c strategy team discussed this, and suggested us to narrow the scope, identifying which API(s) to develop specifically

angel: I think we should narrow down the APIs in the Deliverables part, but not in the Scope part
… I understand the concerns in the strategy team, but I don't think we should be too specific in the Scope section

xfq: somewhat related issue https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌issues/‌92
… what should we do to this sentence?

angel: do we want to narrow down the scope?
… let's hear what others think

yongjing: we may change wording from "including [a list of APIs]" to "such as..." or "for example..."
… it's not realistic at this stage to have a exhaustive list of APIs we want to standardize
… I don't think it's common to decide everything we want to standardize during the early phase of standardization
… my opinion is that we should standardize some APIs and components
… but we can't decide which APIs we want to standardize at this stage

angel: agree. We could change "including" to "initial exploration direction" or "hopefully includes"

xfq: But this is exactly the opposite of my suggestion in https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌issues/‌79
… the scope is more vague instead of more clear with this change

yongjing: it's hard to be specific

angel: we can change the wording as Yongjing suggested

yongjing: I would also suggest that we change the word "element" to "component"

xfq: make sense to me

Dan_Zhou: How about template language such as .maml?

xiaoqian: Does this correspond to the template element in HTML?

<xfq> https://‌developer.mozilla.org/‌en-US/‌docs/‌Web/‌HTML/‌Element/‌template

xiaoqian: if that's the case, I think that makes sense

yongjing: we can standardize a template mechanism, not necessarily a template language
… we may or may not need a template language
… we can put "components, template, APIs" in the second bullet

angel: people ok with suggested changes?

[hearing no objections]


xiaoqian: issue #89
… heard concerns from some vendors and the TAG about us intending to create new technologies for MiniApp instead of reusing existing Web technologies
… to close the gap between miniapp and web tech, can we state the relation between them in the charter?

Yongjing: fair enough

angel: I understand TAG's concern
… but where do you see it fits in the charter?

xiaoqian: to be more clear, I meant that we try to enrich the web
… "close the gap" may not be the right language

angel: I like the word "enrich" better

yongjing: we'll address the comments. people care more about reusing existing standards

angel: the words "enrich, innovate" are fine
… what can miniapp bring to web? We could communicate with TAG about this
… it's good to leverage existing Web technologies
… but it's more important to see what miniapp can bring to the Web
… it's not about forking the Web
… W3C should learn how to benefit from new stuff, and not just make everything "the Web"

xiaoqian: fair enough


angel: last call, we basically agreed to remove the "out of scope" para, comments?

xfq: I've created a PR on GitHub

angel: hearing no objections so we'll remove it


angel: let's go to the Deliverables section


angel: adding: we'll add new deliverable in-scope without rechartering

xfq's PR: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌pull/‌93

[xfq describes the text in https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌pull/‌93/‌files]

angel: I'm fine with xfq's PR
… any objections?



xfq: we need a timeline before AC review, even if it's just a guesstimate

angel: how about FPWD in 2020-03, which should allow us sufficient time to work on the FPWD
… it depends on how long the AC review is

xfq: the AC review itself is six weeks
… but we also have horizontal review, W3M approval etc.

Chunming: 2020-03 may be too late

xfq: the time length between FPWD/CR, and CR/PR matter more
… FPWD date depends on the AC Review

yongjing: any criteria to publish a FPWD?

xfq: publishing FPWD indicates that the Working Group as a whole has agreed to work on a spec
… no other criteria

angel: hard to estimate the timeline

xfq: it's just a guesstimate

yongjing: why 2021-03?

angel: we aim to launch the WG in Oct. so 2020-12 or 2021-03 should be reasonable?

Chunming: [inaudible]

angel: let's vote
… 2020-12 (1)
… 2021-03 (2)
… no preference (0)

<QingAn> 2021-03

<vzasadnyy> 0

<Chunming> dec 2020

<Yongjing> Mar 2021

Nicole: 1

<xiaoqian> Mar 2021

<xfq> 0

Canfeng: 0

Wanming: 0

Ming_Zu: 2

Angel: 2021-03 then. Of course we can hurry up if needed.
… And xfq can put an estimated time for other milestones as well

xfq: that's the difficult part :)
… may different from spec to spec
… I'll try producing a tentative timeline

Success Criteria


xfq: we probably need to a testing policy
… do we want to use wpt?
… when do we do tests, before or during CR?

Yongjing: suggests to put simple rules, referring to other groups'

<angel> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2020/‌06/‌gpuweb-charter.html

<angel> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2019/‌Process-20190301/#charter-extension

<angel> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2020/‌06/‌gpuweb-charter.html

Angel: is testing policy a must for the charter?
… will it be a blocking issue?

xfq: I don't think it is required by the Process
… but many group charters have one

angel: we have not started testing yet
… it's very difficult for us to decide the testing policy at this stage

Angel: GPU for the Web Working Group Charter doesn't have a testing policy
… I did a quick search and didn't find it

Angel: let's not add it for now and discuss it in the GitHub issue


angel: let's go to the Coordination section

xfq: issues about DID WG, EPUB 3 WG, MiniApp CG, and WebAppSec


angel: in the Deliverables section we already mentioned the relationship between WG and CG

xfq: for those WGs who has coorresponding CGs like Immersive Web and WebAssembly, they all mention their CGs
… so suggest to add MiniApp CG as well


Angel: +1 to add the MiniApp CG. give chance to members to add more groups during AC review


Yongjing: DID issue
… I don't know if we should add this
… there was an explicit request about coordination between MiniApps and DID during the W3C internal Project Review
… shall we address the issue now or wait until AC review?

xfq: I don't see harm to add DID though

angel: no objection from me
… let's add it


xfq: I added WebAppSec, for potential devices APIs in the future
… and the MiniApp Manifest has a reqPermissions array

angel: make sense


Angel: EPUB?
… I don't see the necessity to add EPUB yet

Yongjing: neither do I

xfq: EPUB group people asked about the MiniApp Package


xfq: we could learn from existing wheels in OCF that are useful for MiniApp packages

Angel: I see very narrow overlap between them, OCF and MiniApp Packaging

Yongjing: I agree
… there is very little commonality
… we cannot explore every existing package fromat

angel: suggest not to add EPUB for now
… otherwise more groups will come and ask "why not us?"

xfq: I'm OK with not adding it for now and see if there's any feedback during the formal AC review

xiaoqian: can we add WICG?

angel: we can, but not sure if they'll take our input

xiaoqian: some proposals can go to WICG browser vendors
… I don't think they will object to that
… I saw several of their proposals mention MiniApps

Angel: ok to add

xfq: it seems not common to include WICG in WG charters
… but not oppose to add it
… I'll craft a PR

Participation & Communication

xfq: this is currently just template text

Xiaoqian: between Participation and Communication, can we add a Working Mode section?

xfq: or extend the "Communication" section, with more info, e.g., GitHub

xiaoqian: we need to tell people we have everything on GitHub

Angel: GitHub, public mailing lists, etc.

Yongjing: it's not a required section, right?

xfq: it's not in the charter template

Xiaoqian: state if implementations support required if substantive changes involved

<angel> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2019/‌05/‌webapps-charter.html#working-mode

angel: looking at their charter
… good to have the description of GitHub and role of Chairs and Editors
… do not suggest to have support from two or more web platform implementers is required before a substantive change can be made to a spec
… since it's a new group

xfq: agree
… can wait when our specs get more stable

yongjing: I think the first paragraph of Working Mode is already covered
… the second and third paragraphs are not necessary
… the second paragraph is already the default behavior
… and the third paragraph is not necessary because of reasons said by angel and xfq

angel: so let's keep it as it is
… do not add a new working mode section

xiaoqian: ok for me

xfq: we should create a new repo for the WG
… should not reuse the CG repo
… otherwise it would cause difficulties for our IPR bot

angel: absolutely

Other sections

angel: Decision Policy
… any comment?

Yongjing: as long as it follows the good practice of the template

xfq: it is

angel: Patent Policy
… make sure we are using the latest one
… we need a start date
… September or October?

xiaoqian: it can be a placeholder for now

angel: OK
… let's produce a clean version and call for consensus in the CG



xfq: last issue
… issue #74
… suggesting a coordination of the Maps CG
… somewhat related to https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌issues/‌79 as well

angel: I don't have any strong preference

Yongjing: we can just remove the Maps API in the charter
… and this issue can be resolved

xiaoqian: +1 to yongjing

angel: we can add it back if we are going to work on Maps in the future
… +1 to yongjing


Yongjing: the GitHub working mode isn't clear enough to me
… is PR required?
… if so, how many reviewers are require for each PR?
… shall we leave it to future discussion?

angel: good question
… for some groups it require group concensus

xiaoqian: some of my groups require 1 or two reviewer and group consensus

xfq: different from groups to groups
… CSSWG doesn't require the use of pull requests
… but has been using PRs more and more recently
… some groups may require the use of PRs

Yongjing: we can set some rules later

angel: thank you everybody for the discussion
… once we have the updated version
… I'll send out the CfC to the group
… 10 working days for the group to review the charter
… after that we will start the W3C process
… welcome to raise issues
… next CG call will be 9th July


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 121 (Mon Jun 8 14:50:45 2020 UTC).