14:45:35 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 14:45:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/06/12-pbgsc-irc 14:45:38 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:45:39 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 14:46:37 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2020Jun/0000.html 14:46:54 agenda+ 1 minute update on EPUB 3 WG Charter 14:47:11 agenda+ Planning summer community webinar with focus on date and logistics 14:47:27 zakim, remind us to adjourn before xx:30 14:47:27 I don't understand 'remind us to adjourn before xx:30', Ralph 14:52:50 George has joined #pbgsc 14:59:55 present: Ivan, Tzviya, Dave, Ralph 15:00:00 mateus has joined #pbgsc 15:00:03 regrets: Cristina 15:00:25 zakim, remind us in 25 minutes to adjourn 15:00:25 ok, Ralph 15:00:34 regrets+ yoshii 15:00:36 present+ 15:01:28 present+ WendyReid 15:01:32 present+ Liisa 15:01:39 present+ Mateus 15:01:48 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 15:02:01 Daihei has joined #pbgsc 15:02:10 present+ 15:02:12 wendyreid has joined #pbgsc 15:02:21 present+ 15:02:27 scribe+ 15:02:28 Avneesh has joined #pbgsc 15:02:31 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 15:02:40 tzviya: First item is Ralph's update on the EPUB3 WG charter 15:02:44 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 15:02:55 Ralph: Once the charter is complete, the director will review and then send to the AC 15:03:01 present+ 15:03:04 jeff_ has joined #pbgsc 15:03:24 ... the director has delegated that responsibility to W3M, and gives themselves 2 weeks once the community approves the charter 15:03:30 ... we are in the review period now 15:03:38 ... and we hope it'll be less than 2 weeks 15:03:57 present+ 15:04:00 ... for anyone who hasn't been watching GitHub, there was a tweak to the ISO status that Judy Brewer requested 15:04:07 ... to clarify our expectations regarding ISO 15:04:10 ... that's where we ware 15:04:12 It was about EU not ISO: just for clarification 15:04:15 s/ware/are/ 15:04:29 dauwhe: I expected internal review, since we got internal feedback! 15:04:51 s/regarding ISO/regarding EU 15:05:14 tzviya: This is a short meeting today, because there is a DPUB summit presentation on Audiobooks today 15:05:18 ... presented by NNELS 15:05:37 garth has joined #pbgsc 15:05:40 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vxI_dvU8EaRfJBVfNvNpwjLPVCa-ZZHZUUCOB-5YomE/edit?usp=sharing 15:05:42 -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vxI_dvU8EaRfJBVfNvNpwjLPVCa-ZZHZUUCOB-5YomE/edit Publishing @ W3C Summer Webinar 15:05:46 present+ Garth 15:05:49 ...next topic is the summer webinar 15:05:54 ... I want to talk about logistics today 15:05:57 ... specific date 15:06:00 ... who will be speaking 15:06:07 ... communictions, who are we targeting 15:06:16 present+ Jeff_Xu 15:06:24 ... for dates, we spoke of July 15:06:30 present+ Jeff_Jaffe 15:06:37 ... middle of july was suggested 15:06:42 ... shall we just pick a date? 15:07:02 ... Karen isn't here today and I did want to check with her first 15:07:16 Ralph: Should we delegate to wendyreid, tzviya and Karen for a date 15:07:39 tzviya: Should we have a session for the US/Europe time zone and then one for Asia/AUNZ? 15:07:43 +1 for doing it twice 15:07:58 George: It's going to be a webinar, people can just submit questions, would the content be different? 15:08:07 q+ 15:08:19 tzviya: It just occured to me that for the AC we pre-recorded the session, then did a live Q&A 15:08:21 +1 for recording, let people engage asynchronously 15:08:21 q+ 15:08:23 ... could we do something like that 15:08:24 ack ivan 15:08:36 ivan: doing it the way the AC did was really good for participants 15:08:38 q+ 15:08:45 ... it's a significant amount of work in advance 15:09:03 ... George said webinar, I would be more in favour of using zoom in the way we do now 15:09:10 ... for the AC we had over 100 people, and zoom was fine 15:09:21 +1 to recording, followed by two interactive Zoom sessions 15:09:34 ... but asking questions with voice and video gives a different feel to the presentation vs someone collecting the questions online and filtering them 15:09:40 ... I don't know how many we expect 15:09:47 ... but I think we can do it this way 15:10:09 tzviya: When I've done webinars with DAISY, someone collects the questions and reads them out, but they have a lot of viewers 15:10:30 ack av 15:10:30 q+ 15:10:32 ivan: DPUB summit, they have done that as well, but it feels unnatural 15:10:59 Avneesh: Just wanted to comment on the AC, the results weren't optimal, the synchronization was good, but the participation wasn't good 15:11:08 ... the immediacy of questions disappears 15:11:31 ack Ralph 15:11:33 ... we can play the recording, then answer questions, and anyone who is unable to attend can watch at their leisure 15:11:34 q- 15:11:47 Ralph: +1 to Avneesh, the goals of the AC and this are diferent 15:12:03 ... the experience for participants was different, less spontaneity 15:12:05 q+ 15:12:10 ack jeff_ 15:12:14 ... a webinar we record live is sufficient 15:12:22 jeff_: If we can pivot from logistics to contnet 15:12:27 ... agenda looks good to me 15:12:36 ... overview of goals, there's a lot in there 15:12:52 ... two things we think are important to call out 15:12:58 ... the business value of the work 15:13:06 ... avoid starting with detailed spec talk 15:13:17 ... committment to backwards compatability 15:13:24 ... just wanted to call those out 15:13:31 tzviya: Please add those comments to the document, thanks 15:13:40 q? 15:13:43 ack liisamk 15:13:45 ... just want to clear these logistics out to get invitations 15:13:48 jeff__ has joined #pbgsc 15:13:54 liisamk: I like the idea of recording it and having it ready 15:14:12 ... does it make sense to put out the recording, wait a week, then do discussion/Q&A 15:14:19 tzviya: That's what I was suggesting 15:14:20 q? 15:14:23 q+ 15:14:33 ... but Avneesh and Ralph disagreed, based on the experience with the AC meeting 15:14:47 q+ 15:15:00 ... I'm on the fence, I like the idea of letting people watch on their own time, but I also agree we want that discussion 15:15:02 q+ 15:15:32 ... in previous webinars, we allotted 15 mins for Q&A, we can answer them in writing later 15:15:33 Bill_Kasdorf 15:15:38 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:15:41 Bill_Kasdorf: I'm ok with either method 15:15:48 ... I was really impressed with the AC meeting strategy 15:16:09 ... one way to eliminate Avneesh's criticism is maybe to have a method to collect questions from watchers as they watch it 15:16:30 tzviya: They had that for the AC meeting 15:16:34 ack da 15:16:36 Ralph: We didn't get many 15:16:58 s/We didn't get many/we invited questions in advance and got very few 15:17:07 dauwhe: I agree with Avneesh, tzviya, wendyreid and I did a webinar, we took half the time for presentation and half for questions, it worked really well 15:17:14 ... we're inundated with videos right now 15:17:33 ... the AC presentations were a lot, and I can read them a lot faster than I can watch 15:17:57 ack jef 15:18:03 ... considering the amount of work required for this, it doesn't have the benefits we want 15:18:25 jeff__: One of the popular things in the AC meeting that might apply, the popularity of captions and translations 15:18:34 ... we could do it live but it's a lot harder 15:18:49 ... I don't know if we need to translate to every language, but it might be sensible 15:19:19 ack Ralph 15:19:19 Ralph, you wanted to comment on captioning 15:19:20 tzviya: I was going to mention the captioning, we'd like to do this live, but we should discuss if we can do live captioning, and in how many languages 15:19:34 q+ 15:19:45 Ralph: Same question, is there a consensus to ask for funding for captions/simulateous interpretation 15:19:54 ack George 15:19:56 ... we should find a sponsor 15:20:26 George: The captioning for hearing impaired vs simultaneous captioning, it's easy when prerecorded but there is a cost 15:20:36 tzviya: Are we interesting in looking for funding for captioning 15:20:38 +1 15:20:49 dauwhe: What kind of cost is it? 15:20:52 +1 to ask for a captioning sponsor 15:21:08 +1 to captioning 15:21:12 +1 15:21:13 +1 15:21:13 tzviya: Do we have consensus? Yes 15:21:22 q+ 15:21:28 Ralph: We have a mandate that we post videos with captions 15:21:30 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:21:33 tzviya: That's WCAG :) 15:21:35 +1 15:22:03 q+ 15:22:05 Bill_Kasdorf: One way to fund it would be for someone to donate the captioning, like a company who does it for promotion 15:22:06 ack jeff__ 15:22:21 jeff__: The obvious question is can the W3C provide the funds 15:22:30 ... where do we draw the line, there's lots of meetings 15:22:49 ... if we were able to get this mostly sponsored, and ask the W3C cover the remainder 15:22:51 [Zoom does not have automatied captioning, however other systems exist that do] 15:22:59 ... helps with other groups asking as well 15:23:31 tzviya: Hopefully Bill will come back with a sponsor 15:23:33 My suggestions were NCAM or 3Play Media 15:23:40 ... in the last few minutes, who will be speaking? 15:24:11 liisamk: *volunteeers* 15:24:20 tzviya: Me, Cristina, Liisa, and Wendy 15:24:51 George: If you need me let me know 15:24:59 Daihei: I can help with Asia/Japan 15:25:25 tzviya: Mateus, representation from CG? 15:25:26 Ralph, you asked to be reminded at this time to adjourn 15:25:32 mateus: Yes! 15:25:45 tzviya: Expect to see some updates! We'll clean this up 15:25:51 +1 to have one panelist from Japan 15:25:51 ... AOB? 15:26:16 zakim, end meeting 15:26:16 As of this point the attendees have been Ivan, Tzviya, Dave, Ralph, dauwhe, WendyReid, Liisa, Mateus, Daihei, Bill_Kasdorf, Avneesh, George, Garth, Jeff_Xu, Jeff_Jaffe 15:26:19 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 15:26:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/12-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 15:26:21 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:26:25 Zakim has left #pbgsc 15:27:06 chair: Tzviya 15:27:47 i/tzviya: First item is/topic: 1 minute update on EPUB 3 WG Charter 15:28:18 i/tzviya: next topic is/topic: Planning summer community webinar with focus on date and logistics 15:28:42 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 15:28:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/12-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 15:30:13 topic: Planning summer community webinar with focus on date and logistics 15:30:26 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 15:30:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/12-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 15:30:39 rrsagent, bye 15:30:39 I see no action items