MiniApps CG Monthly Call
11 Jun 2020


xiaoqian, xfq, xueyuan, Angel, Yongjing_Zhang, Wanming, Nate, QingAn, jiexuan, liulangyu, Roy, zuming, Nicole, Anqing, liuqian, Vitaliy, akun, Canfeng, Sean, Keith_Gu, Tengyuan_zhang, Dan_Zhou, Yinli_Chen


<scribe> scribe: xiaoqian

Work progress review: projects, actions and Github Issues

angel: any progress on the 5 documents we are working on?

Dan_zhou: further discuss on issue #34
... review the discussion about URI in the DID WG

<xueyuan> -> #34 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/34

Dan_zhou: Security and Privacy consideration
... the possibility to use HTTPS
... waiting for feedback
... can we reach the consensus to implement a unified URI?

akun: what is the current proposals except for the HTTP proposal?

Dan_Zhou: to create a new URI scheme named miniapp://

yongjing: we now have 3 options on the table: we discussed a lot about option 1 and option 2
... using DID needs more investigation
... I prefer the option to use miniapp other than http

QingAn: Lifecycle, added a section about security and privacy
... submit a TAG review request

angel_: how about issue #22?

QingAn: talked with LiuQian, issue closed

<QingAn> https://w3c.github.io/miniapp/specs/lifecycle/#privacy-and-security

xfq: I fired an issue about RenderView and workers
... we need a clear definition about layout

<xueyuan> -> 64 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/#64

QingAn: we have an definition about this in the whitepaper
... shall we just add a reference to the white paper?

xfq: I'm expecting a more clear definition in the spec for the implementation purpose
... happy to review it

canfeng: attend this meeting on behalf of xiaomi
... not clear about the current progress

Yongjing: on Manifest, we updated the explainer
... focus on the relationship of MiniApp Manifest vs Web Manifest
... ready for TAG review

<xueyuan> Manifest explainer https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/blob/gh-pages/specs/manifest/docs/explainer.md

angel_: how about the action about removing the app folder?

Yongjing: done
... no pending PRs
... for Packaging, we added the Zip minetype
... added a i18n section
... added Sec&Privacy considerations
... need further discussion
... whether to give detail description about digital signature

tengyuan: we will submit a PR to provide a unified way to load the package
... need more discussion with the editors

<xueyuan> -> PR #90 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/pull/90

<Roy> https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/tree/roy/miniapp-a11y/specs/maur

Roy: I created a branch about a11y for MiniApp
... it's still a empty framework about a11y
... welcome to help fill out the framework

<angel_> https://w3c.github.io/miniapp/charters/wg-2020.html

WG Charter discussion

angel_: we have a draft charter to create a WG
... we will keep the CG to incubate new ideas
... the WG is to specify the current 5 proposals
... need to work on the milestones
... please review the charter

yongjing: submit a PR about the scope
... want to have a clear picture about MiniApp VS the web platform

angel_: please take some time to review the charter, will close the review within the group in the next CG call

xfq: we still have 11 open issues

Online workshop planning

yongjing: suggest we spend some time to review the charter in today's call as well before the end of the meeting

angel_: while we are drafting the charter, we need to deliver a clear message to the community why we need to standardise miniapp
... the plan is to have a online workshop in Mid July
... working on the agenda and to find a suitable time for all of us
... any volunteer to present?
... hearing none, I'll be chasing you :)


angel_: we will have the future group call at this new time
... let us know if you have any suggestion to have this call more efficient

<xueyuan> -> Draft charter of MiniApps WG https://w3c.github.io/miniapp/charters/wg-2020.html

Update on Widget

canfeng: widget lifecycle is still work in progress
... will review the open issues

Charter Review

angel_: any one not happy about the name of the group?
... 10% FTE from the team contact

yongjing: I submit a PR for issue #75
... to explain the relationship with WPACK

angel_: think Sam's suggestion makes sense

yongjing: it's about the nature of MiniApp
... the platform may not be the web platform
... whether we want to cover the Web browser as one of the hosting platforms?
... if yes, there will be overlap with the ongoing web standards?

<xfq> xiaoqian: talked to some vendors

<xfq> ... some suggested that we include a subset of the web platform as the base of miniapps

yongjing: if we are trying to be a subset of the Web
... we will need to identify what will be covered and what will not
... we need to focus on how to work with the other hosting platform

angel_: miniapp have overlap of the web, but not a subset
... minor suggestions about the wording
... what's not in the scope...
... what's "the other part of the MiniApp platform"?
... would suggest we delete it

yongjing: agree

xfq: there is an issue about operation
... Sam suggested operation may be within the scope

angel_: how about we delete the Out of Scope section until we have a clear picture?
... ok, let's delete it

yongjing: doesn't think it will make a big difference

angel_: Deliverable
... very clear about the 4 proposal and 1 requirement

yongjing: do we need to recharter if we want to adapt a new proposal?

angel_: good question
... we can add a new paragraph about embracing the new deliverables

yongjing: would like to avoid recharter to adapt those new deliverables in scope

angel_: next meeting, 9 July
... same time as today's call

yongjing: would like to extend the meetings or increase the frequency of the meeting

angel_: would people like to have extra meeting on 21 June about the charter?

<QingAn> +1

<xueyuan> Canfeng_Chen +1

<xueyuan> Dan_Zhou +1

<xueyuan> Yongjing +1

<xueyuan> Wangming +1

<xueyuan> Keith 0

<xueyuan> Nicole 0

<xueyuan> Vitaliy 0

RESOLUTION: an extra meeting to discuss the charter on 18 June


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. an extra meeting to discuss the charter on 18 June
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/06/11 13:18:47 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision of Date 
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/64/#64/
Succeeded: s/Canfeng+Chen/Canfeng_Chen/
Succeeded: s/a meeting about the charter on 21 June/a meeting about the charter on 18 June/
Succeeded: s/prsent+ Vitaliy, jiexuan, akun, Canfeng, Sean//
Succeeded: s/prsent+ Keith_Gu, Tengyuan_zhang, Dan_Zhou, Yinli_Chen//
Succeeded: s/render view/RenderView/
Succeeded: s/just reference the white paper/just add a reference to the white paper/
Succeeded: s/finding a good time/to find a suitable time for all of us/
Succeeded: s/the PR is trying the address issue #75/I submit a PR for issue #75/
Succeeded: s/those new delivery/those new deliverables/
Succeeded: s/and increase/or increase/
Succeeded: s/a meeting about the charter on 18 June/an extra meeting to discuss the charter on 18 June/
Present: xiaoqian xfq xueyuan Angel Yongjing_Zhang Wanming Nate QingAn jiexuan liulangyu Roy zuming Nicole Anqing liuqian Vitaliy akun Canfeng Sean Keith_Gu Tengyuan_zhang Dan_Zhou Yinli_Chen
Found Scribe: xiaoqian
Inferring ScribeNick: xiaoqian

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
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Or specify the date like this:
<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

WARNING: IRC log location not specified!  (You can ignore this 
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[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]