20:55:53 RRSAgent has joined #dxwgdcat 20:55:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/06/03-dxwgdcat-irc 20:55:55 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:55:55 Zakim has joined #dxwgdcat 20:55:57 Meeting: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference 20:55:57 Date: 03 June 2020 20:59:16 PWinstanley has joined #dxwgdcat 21:01:55 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwgdcat 21:06:59 trackbot, start meeting 21:07:02 RRSAgent, make logs public 21:07:05 Meeting: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference 21:07:05 Date: 03 June 2020 21:07:16 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2020.06.03 21:07:28 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2020.06.03 21:07:36 Chair: RiccardoAlbertoni 21:07:43 meeting: DXWG DCAT subgroup meeting 21:07:44 present+ 21:07:48 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:07:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/03-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:07:54 present+ 21:08:04 present+ 21:08:08 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:08:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/03-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:09:11 prpoposed: accept minutes of last meeting https://www.w3.org/2020/05/20-dxwgdcat-minutes 21:09:18 +1 21:09:20 +1 21:09:27 +1 21:09:33 s/prpoposed/proposed/ 21:09:36 proposed: accept minutes of last meeting https://www.w3.org/2020/05/20-dxwgdcat-minutes 21:09:45 resolved: accept minutes of last meeting https://www.w3.org/2020/05/20-dxwgdcat-minutes 21:09:49 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:09:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/03-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:09:54 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2020.06.03 21:10:42 Topic: Progress and feedback on the wiki page Material-for-a-SPRINT-on-Versioning 21:10:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:10:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/03-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:11:09 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kOp810ep3gQ2iezVXH-abX2q2QubqxNmyJ2bcX6WAFw/edit?usp=sharing 21:11:12 riccardoAlbertoni: I would like to point out the table 21:11:30 ... it attempts to provide a summary of the background analysed on the wiki page 21:11:45 ... it relates to the aspects AndreaPerego identified 21:12:25 ... the diverse vocabs have some refinement. I started preparing an analysis but realised that we need more group discussion 21:12:54 ... Colleagues can comment, and if you want to write to the table then that is possible - contact me 21:13:12 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/92 21:13:43 ... Moving to issues - #92 . about the identifier. We can get some agreement if we use owl:versionInfo 21:13:52 q+ 21:14:27 ... Semantic Versioning is an option. It can work with owl:versionInfo 21:14:32 +1 21:15:13 PWinstanley: in DCAT we used cardinal numbers for versions rather than the 3 decimal 'semantic versioning' . are we looking here only at the predicate, or also the object? 21:15:54 riccardoAlbertoni: if you look at the definition, it requires just a string - so you can put whatever you want. There is no enforcement of structure 21:16:24 ... the suggestion of what to use is a matter of determining 'good practice' 21:16:34 There's also https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-adms/#adms-versionnotes 21:17:12 AndreaPerego: For the time-being, going into further depth with the way of identifying the version is not useful as this is community practice 21:17:53 ... coming from ADMS there is another property - adms:versionNote that is complementary and allows the authors to document the version 21:18:06 q+ 21:19:12 PWinstanley: are there any good practices that we should embed in what we are working on here to fit with PAV or Prov-O. i.e. do we need to have either a string or an entity as the object? 21:20:23 riccardoAlbertoni: I don't think that we need to mint new terms. 21:21:01 ... I think that prov provides enough for this. There is also some discussion about the point AndreaPerego mentioned before, the description of the difference. 21:22:58 ... for example, other people would like to show the difference of a version using git style relations, but at the moment we should stick to the simple cases. We can provides some examples of practice and using more complex structures later 21:23:43 Proposed: Let’s include owl:versionInfo into DCAT for supporting version identifiers 21:23:52 +1 21:23:59 +1 21:24:02 +1 21:24:20 resolved :Let’s include owl:versionInfo into DCAT for supporting version identifiers 21:24:28 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:24:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/03-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:24:52 q+ 21:24:56 riccardoAlbertoni: do we want this in the normative part? 21:25:02 ack PWinstanley 21:25:10 ack AndreaPerego 21:25:44 +q 21:26:16 AndreaPerego: the main issue here is to understand where the versioning part will be published. If in the spec then it is a separate doc. In the primer then it could be in many potential places. But we can perhaps defer the decision 21:26:50 ack riccardoAlbertoni 21:26:58 q+ 21:27:31 PWinstanley: if we go to putting it in the normative part of the spec we need good socialisation and community discussion before decisions 21:28:16 riccardoAlbertoni: we can, in the worst case, take the approach we did for DUV/DQV and refer to other docs 21:28:29 ... but it could also go in the primer or somewhere else 21:29:39 q? 21:30:13 AndreaPerego: I am still undecided, but if we put in the normative part then there is already implementation evidence 21:32:00 ... one option is to keep it in the sections with guidelines, but it is also true that version information is important and I am not reluctant to have it in the normative part... There was discussion about the types of resources that can be version, but it isn't clear what the new version of a service means. 21:33:53 riccardoAlbertoni: I remember the discussion AndreaPerego referred to . At the time we discussed when writing dcat v2 we wanted to apply versioning to all the first class citizens of the model 21:34:12 ... we need to discuss 21:34:59 AndreaPerego: if we are providing guidelines we need to work out what we mean. e.g. it might not be the service that is of a new version, it might be the interface using a new protocol 21:35:33 riccardoAlbertoni: maybe we can move on... 21:36:07 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1238 21:36:17 Versioning and resource status: 21:36:18 topic: versioning and resource status 21:36:35 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:36:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/03-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:38:19 riccardoAlbertoni: my impression is that adms:status can be a starting point. THe main concerns from PWinstanley are if we should use ADMS as a parent vocabulary. My view is that if we adopt adms:status then we can resolve the issues about namespaces etc later 21:38:25 +1 21:38:44 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:38:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/03-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:39:01 PWinstanley: I haven't had time to consider with real-world data 21:44:41 http://www.opmw.org/model/OPMW 21:44:51 PWinstanley: the full life cycle of data needs to be able to be handled and this means having scope for extensive connections with descriptions of lineage, and workflow 21:47:13 q+ 21:47:48 ack AndreaPerego 21:48:26 AndreaPerego: the proposal makes sense for me. There is still discussion between makx and simon re: role of adms, but we can decide that later as we aren't proposing much other than adding adms:status. But what recommendation are we going to provide about it? 21:49:42 riccardoAlbertoni: I think we need to have a reference example, but also not restrict status indicators to the adms scheme alone. There are others. However, if we don't help people focus then we don't get interoperability 21:49:55 q+ 21:50:37 AndreaPerego: for people who know which status to use, they are not looking for guidance, but we need to help people who don't really know the territory that well 21:51:00 ... There is implementation evidence already 21:52:02 q+ 21:52:05 PWinstanley: if we don't restrict status to a small number of options then we will end up with something similar to the situation with licenses where it is difficult to plan compatibilites 21:52:50 ack PWinstanley 21:52:58 ack AndreaPerego 21:54:16 AndreaPerego: I see the point, and I'm also thinking that we need to also consider what status indicators might be used for. a user of the dataset should know if the dataset is stable or still under development. Internally, a data provider might require a different workflow for one dataset compared with another. 21:54:39 ... e.g. staging vs prod 21:55:04 ... so we need to look at it from more than a theoretical point of view 21:56:29 riccardoAlbertoni: I see the risk of speculating. One reason to consider expressing status is that there are already vocabularies there and we want DCAT to be the lingua franca across communities. for some of the problem we should stop at describing common practices. In some cases it might not be possible to go further. 21:57:10 ... status can also be conflated with semantic versioning, but it is up to the community when to use one and when to rely on the other. 21:57:13 q+ 21:57:21 ack PWinstanley 21:57:30 q+ 21:58:23 PWinstanley: being so flexible means that we cannot define a meaning then there is not much point in the predicate. it devalues the idea of a 'semantic' web 22:00:40 ack 22:00:45 ack AndreaPerego 22:01:30 AndreaPerego: I see the issue of interoperability, but status tends to be related to communities and it should be up to them to take this forward, perhaps with controlled vocabularies 22:01:57 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:01:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/03-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:03:07 riccardoAlbertoni: the part of versioning that is made up of relations between entities, a lot of ontological analysis is required to work out the version story and having appropriate bridges between communities is really helpful. Particularly, understanding which is the last version (most recent) is really worhtwhile 22:03:52 proposed: that adms:status is provisionally included as a working solution 22:03:56 +1 22:03:57 +1 22:04:39 +1 22:04:43 resolved: that adms:status is provisionally included as a working solution 22:04:55 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:04:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/03-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:05:32 bye 22:05:37 Bye 22:05:47 bye 22:05:47 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:05:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/03-dxwgdcat-minutes.html PWinstanley