<jeanne> aghenda?
<scribe> scribe:ChrisLoiselle
<bruce_bailey> i have no updates to report
<Lauriat> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Main_Page#Sub_Groups
Jeanne: Alt text update - Makoto can update if he joins.
ChrisLoiselle: We are meeting Thursday, no new updates.
Jeanne: Benchmarking proposal update from Jake?
Jake: For technical pass / fail with blended user experience testing with benchmarks, I talked with Jeanne about it. It may be too early to showcase, but there is a new directory about benchmarking.
Headings would be a fail and a pass and you'd give it a rating. You'd also give the task a rating.
every benchmark will have questions, also answering on task itself.
User disability types and functional outcomes will be looked at for proper total , to include everyone. I think within two weeks , we could do search and search results and headings . Headings , labels, submit button and link for experiment guidelines.
Questions for tasks would be same, i.e. log in or search task, would have same type of elements . We'd be able to compare outcomes and scoring to see if it is what we are looking for.
BruceB: Sounds great, nice progress Jake.
<kirkwood> how do you forsee approach with co occuring disabiiteis?
Jake: Making it easy and approachable is important.
I will follow up with a benchmarking expert and provide my feedback once I talk to them.
Jeanne: Jake's proposal ties in a
lot of what we were talking about, including Bruce's adjectival
prior work.
... Accessibility benchmarking should also be reviewed. Janina:
I can reach out to research folks. Jeanne: I can reach out to
Shadi. Makoto: I can reach out to Georgio.
Anything from functional needs? MichaelC: No new update. CharlesH: I've added some definitions to document.
<Zakim> just, you wanted to say sounds very sound
Jeanne: We took a look at the guidelines to migrate on Friday. Language of environment was interesting, as it talks to environment user agents and authoring tools. Does anyone want to to lead on this success criteria to migrate?
Other ideas for success criteria to migrate?
Pause stop hide, sensory characteristics and timing are others that are available for migration.
AGWG requests we have 6 criteria migrated.
Jeanne: Update on iso9000?
<jeanne> ISO 30071 is what David is talking about
DavidF: quality management standardized process for audits etc. Jake asked, is it any different than the accessibility iso standard? It would be a good idea to look at ISO in the future . Create a document that maps the wcag3 to iso standards
We've created a folder related to ISO and will figure out how to map as we move forward.
<CharlesHall> should we consult Professor Jonathan Hassell to participate in that ISO discussion?
<jeanne> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JWABeIMyMKgPZ8NwDMRf7eju5TJiu-q3
Kim: Is this supposed to empty? DavidF: Yes, we will be placing the documents into that folder.
<KimD> +1
Jeanne: How ISO can map to Silver will be placed in there. DavidF: I'll place the Google doc link into IRC once I have added the files.
<Fazio> ISO 9001 Doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DkJsigPobyhYbzt3oIR4K5k2W7wYT9JmeYOd_uzUW78/edit
Jeanne: Do you want to discuss any topic in more detail? Opening up to group.
<Detlev> Should there be a doc in the folder now? Don't see it...
Detlev: Google docs, I can't see anything within it, is there a document?
ISO 9001 Doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DkJsigPobyhYbzt3oIR4K5k2W7wYT9JmeYOd_uzUW78/edit.
ISO 9001 Doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DkJsigPobyhYbzt3oIR4K5k2W7wYT9JmeYOd_uzUW78/edit
Benchmarking Experiment: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WYA8DH3uLLJaSmwsXM0wvNm1oDG9FVQ0
Jeanne: We will end meeting. Thanks everyone!
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