MiniApp CG Call

14 May 2020


Angel, Dan_Zhou, Keith_Gu, Lanshouren, Nate, Nicole, Qing_An, Roy, Roy_Ran, Shaopeng_Xu, Tengyuan, Wanming, xfq, xiaoqian, xiaowei_jiang, xueyuan, Yilin, Zuming, Yongjing_Zhang

Meeting minutes

Nate: I'm a software engineer at Facebook
… interested to see what's going on here

[Angel gives a brief intro of the meeting structure]

Nate: there're two people I know who would like to join
… they're in London, it's 2am there
… it would be good if we can move the time so that they can join

CG projects progress review

URI scheme

Dan_Zhou: I closed two GitHub issues
… including the timeline issue


Dan_Zhou: I'll respond the above issue today or tomorrow
… I have also closed https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌issues/‌20
… will draw a diagram on the difference between http(s) and the miniapp scheme

angel: any question?




Qing_An: there are two issues in GitHub



Qing_An: I added a comparison of MiniApp Lifecycle with related work in W3C
… maybe it will help with TAG review
… happy to provide IDL for the Lifecycle API in the future

angel: what's your suggestion for the two issues above, Qing?

<Qing_An> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌blob/‌gh-pages/‌specs/‌lifecycle/‌docs/‌explainer.md#comparison-with-some-related-work-in-w3c-such-as-page-visibility-and-page-lifecycle

xiaoqian: I think it would be useful to add a diagram to the explainer
… could you draw one, Qing?

Qing_An: there's already a diagram in the main document
… but not in the explainer

<xiaoqian> Qing_An -- https://‌github.com/‌WICG/‌page-lifecycle

Action: Anqing to talk to Liuqian from Baidu about issue #22



Yinli: Qing gave me some feedback
… will update the document in two days

Action: Anqing to add a diagram about MiniApp lifecycle for issue #37 and Xiaoqian/Fuqiao to find if there is any diagram for lifecycle from current W3C specs

Yinli: mainly about lifecycle of widgets


Yinli: re https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌issues/‌15
… I think this is out of the scope of the widgets requirements document
… may be more suitable for the mini app white paper
… I propose that we change the label from widgets to white paper

angel: could you do that, Yinli?

Yinli: yes

Action: Yinli to update the labels for packaging issues



Yongjing: I submitted some PRs
… adding a JSON schema, a security & privacy section, and some editorial fixes
… JSON schema as an informative tool
… I would encourage people to review the PRs


Yongjing: there are discussions about the MIME type
… we can discuss whether '+zip' is needed
… there're also some discussions about the wording in the white paper

<angel> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌issues/‌16

angel: I think https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌issues/‌16 could be closed

Yongjing: I plan to update the manifest explainer
… some content in the main spec can be moved to the explainer

angel: do you have a timeline?

Yongjing: will do that before the next call
… when everything is stable enough, we can submit a TAG review

<angel> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌issues/‌48

angel: do you think we can close https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌issues/‌48 ?

Yongjing: I think so, unless we have more feedback

angel: let's close it then


Yongjing: this is about packaging
… I don't think we need the 'app' directory
… we can put it in the root directory
… should we discuss it now?

Tengyuan: last week I discussed some issues on packaging with Yongjing
… I agree with his suggestion
… I'll work more on other parts of the packaging spec
… like the structure of the package
… we'll also discuss the installation status of the package

Action: Yongjing to remove the 'app' folder

<angel> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌issues/‌40

[xfq summarizes the issue]

Yongjing: I agree with adding '+zip'
… we should solve https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌issues/‌39 first
… I'll update the pull request to add '+zip'


Tengyuan: I think page.json is useful, and we shouldn't remove it

Qing_An: I agree with Tengyuan
… this is the current practice of all mini app vendors

Yongjing: Quick App doesn't use page.json
… uses js instead

angel: if we have vendors using it and vendors not using it
… how about keeping it and make it optional?

Wide review (TAG, Security, Privacy, Accessibility)

xiaoqian: in our last call we had consensus on creating a WG
… we need to write a draft charter
… one of the biggest concerns may be security & privacy
… we need a security & privacy task force
… to provide guidance to developers
… we have a new CG member, Qiang Jia, who is a security expert
… not sure if he's on the call
… if your team has any feedback on security & privacy, please join or lead the task force
… about accessibility
… Roy, can you give a brief intro?

<Roy_> http://‌w3c.github.io/‌apa/‌fast/#author-implementation

Roy: I'll give a brief intro on a11y review in W3C
… we have a group called Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group

<Roy_> https://‌w3c.github.io/‌apa/‌fast/‌checklist.html

Roy: APA has a checklist ^
… people can follow the checklist
… if anyone would like to have accessibility input from us, I would be happy to help

angel: it would be help if you can go through WCAG 2.1
… and see what's related to our work

Action: Roy to get a tailered version WCAG2.1 for MiniApp

Qiang_Jia: re security & privacy
… what are the expections?

angel: we were just discussing finding lead for the security & privacy task force
… we don't need to decide today
… maybe at the next call

xiaoqian: if we plan to create a WG before the next TPAC
… we should send advance notice and wide review in the near future

xiaoqian: xfq, could you work with the current CG chairs on the draft WG charter?

xfq: OK

Action: Fuqiao work with Yongjing and co-chairs on the draft charter

Yongjing: may I also join the draft charter work?

angel: sure

wanming: I would like to know if we have enough support outside the Chinese vendors?

xiaoqian: we don't know yet, and that's why we need an advance notice, to gather more feedback
… including feedback from Intel :)


angel: let's meet on June 11, 9:00 AM Beijing time?

xfq: it's 2am for folks in London

xiaoqian: we can draft a doodle poll

angel: yeah, I will do that

Angel: thanks all!


Summary of action items

  1. Anqing to talk to Liuqian from Baidu about issue #22
  2. Anqing to add a diagram about MiniApp lifecycle for issue #37 and Xiaoqian/Fuqiao to find if there is any diagram for lifecycle from current W3C specs
  3. Yinli to update the labels for packaging issues
  4. Yongjing to remove the 'app' folder
  5. Roy to get a tailered version WCAG2.1 for MiniApp
  6. Fuqiao work with Yongjing and co-chairs on the draft charter
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 117 (Tue Apr 28 12:46:31 2020 UTC).