15:01:35 RRSAgent has joined #tt 15:01:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/04/16-tt-irc 15:01:38 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:01:40 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 15:03:20 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/107 15:03:42 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2020/04/09-tt-minutes.html 15:04:00 Present: Gary, Glenn, Nigel, Pierre, Cyril 15:04:11 cyril has joined #tt 15:04:11 Regrets: None 15:04:14 Chair: Nigel, Gary 15:04:53 Present+ Andreas 15:05:08 Present+ Atsushi 15:06:29 present+ 15:06:37 (back to PC now) 15:06:48 atai has joined #tt 15:07:22 scribe: Cyril 15:07:28 Topic: this meeting 15:08:08 nigel: some imsc topics, and TTML2 IR, and tests 15:08:20 ... there is one AOB which is planning for TPAC 15:08:37 ... is there any other business ? 15:08:50 ... I noticed a open PR with a stalled discussion 15:09:28 [silence] 15:09:45 Topic: IMSC1.2 15:10:08 nigel: we seem to have a way forward to have the rec link fixed on the published spec 15:10:21 atsushi: last week we discussed editing the spec 15:10:31 ... but that was invalid 15:10:41 ... the only way is to do in place editing 15:10:49 ... simply editing the HTML not using respec 15:11:19 nigel: that's ok we just need to make sure in respec that future editions will have the correct spec 15:11:46 nigel: any other thoughts? 15:11:50 pal: sounds good 15:12:12 pal: very quickly on IMSC1.2 15:12:26 ... HR still no feedback on 2 PR from the APA? 15:12:36 nigel: I had an action to ping Michael Cooper 15:12:46 ... he responded to my email saying he'd look at it 15:12:51 ... but so far hasn't 15:12:57 pal: this is frustrating 15:13:07 ... we were responsive in responding to their comments 15:13:20 nigel: I had his response on April 8th 15:13:25 ... over a week now 15:14:54 nigel: the earliest date to advance to PR is the 5th of May 15:15:21 ... but we need a version integrating comments 15:15:26 ... I should nag them 15:15:30 ... this is critical path 15:16:23 cyril: if it were a non HR comment, we would have closed the comment already 15:16:36 pal: we should include the team in the email thread 15:17:32 Topic: TTML2 2nd Edition Implementation Report - tests 15:17:58 nigel: we have 2 open PRs 15:19:23 ... those PRs are againts 2 open issues on TTML2 test 15:20:19 glenn: I just updated PR 252 this morning to add the line breaks as you had requested 15:20:29 ... if you are satisfied we can dispatch it 15:20:31 nigel: I will 15:20:37 ... have a look 15:21:05 glenn: the other one, I'll run through the issues next day or so 15:21:17 ... I need to make a run on the IR document 15:21:34 ... still don't know if anybody is working on actual implementation other than BBC on audio 15:22:05 nigel: as far as audio and BBC, we integrated it to our tests and it succeeds 15:22:26 ... it's public and visible so I'll add a link in the IR 15:23:03 cyril: Netflix will have a very limited report regarding the new tests 15:23:16 glenn: at least we'll have an implementation by the end of April 15:23:20 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/TimedText/TTML2SecondEditionImplementationReport TTML2 Second Edition Implementation Report 15:23:29 ... for all the presentation tests and validation tests 15:23:50 ... I'll have to coordinate with Cyril with what they can provide and then see what's missing 15:24:13 cyril: I suspect we will be missing a second validation implementation only 15:24:32 glenn: correct. previously we had other validation implementations, from Pierre and Andreas 15:24:58 ... in this particular set of tests, it's a mixture of presentation tests and validation tests 15:25:07 ... 50/50 15:25:38 nigel: the current IR does not need much change 15:25:56 ... quite a few, maybe 50 validation tests, and 20-25 invalid, 3 presentation tests 15:26:05 ... I know more presentation tests need to be added 15:27:11 s/does not need much change/needs a review because I know some tests are missing. There are 15:27:15 s/50/15 15:27:54 nigel: anything else on that agenda topic? 15:28:02 [silence] 15:28:24 glenn: there are TTML2 editorial issues (typos) 15:28:33 ... you had a request to make a change to an example 15:28:41 ... I don't like to do it in 2nd edition 15:28:53 ... I'd prefer to delay it to 3rd ed 15:29:03 nigel: I already did a PR for a typo fix 15:29:12 ... for the other one, I did not understand the concern 15:29:24 ... I suggested changing 2 lines in the example 15:29:36 ... you made a comment that they have been stable since TTML1 15:29:56 glenn: we are only on record that the only changes that we would do are typo changes 15:29:58 ... this is not 15:30:12 ... this is not a WR or HR either 15:30:46 nigel: I would consider it HR as it is completely editorial 15:31:02 ... not a big deal, but clearly caused confusion 15:31:25 glenn: it wasn't part of the review before CR 15:31:34 nigel: I just received the feedback 15:32:02 ... I'll continue to prepare the change regardless of when we merge it 15:32:21 ... people were taking the example in the introduction as a good practice for positioning 15:33:46 ... it seemed to me that it was worthwhile to address that feedback 15:34:29 glenn: you said that if you have a body that specifies a region and an children with another region, some content would disappear 15:34:35 nigel: yes, it gets pruned 15:34:46 ... we had a long discussion in the past and concluded that 15:34:55 glenn: hmm... I believe you are right 15:35:04 nigel: that's why I think it's a bad example 15:35:20 glenn: it's not applicable to the actual example 15:35:45 ... that could be resolved by adding a note to the example 15:35:55 nigel: why not 15:36:21 glenn: I would be amenable to adding a note now 15:36:29 nigel: let me have a look 15:36:43 glenn: I just don't want to change the example 15:37:25 Topic: TPAC Planning 15:37:38 nigel: you might have seen TTWG issue 112 15:37:53 ... staff have sent chairs a link to a survey 15:37:58 ... as usual 15:38:22 ... obviously this year is weird 15:38:29 ... not clear we will have a physical meeting 15:38:40 ... they have added questions about a virtual meeting 15:38:55 ... not sure the best way is to have the discussion now 15:39:09 ... so please have a look 15:39:14 github: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/112 15:39:31 nigel: the virtual meeting questions are 15:39:53 ... general attitude towards having it (too complicated, ...) 15:41:19 atsushi: W3C opened several pages of notes for operations under the current situation 15:41:41 -> https://www.w3.org/Guide/meetings/continuity.html Continuity of Operations under Travel Restrictions 15:41:44 ... for this past one month, there were several F2F 3-4 meetings per day over 1 week 15:42:03 q+ 15:42:03 ... short meetings is considered an alternative meeting for offline TPAC 15:42:28 ... it might be possible to have TPAC over several weeks 15:42:46 .. there are several discussions, no solid decision to have online or offline 15:43:15 pal: I want to echo that trying to recreate TPAC virtually is a fool's errands 15:43:18 continuity of operations under travel restrictions -> https://w3c.github.io/Guide/meetings/continuity.html 15:43:27 ... virtual meetings have to be planned differently 15:43:50 ... on the other hands, having a time and place to bring together multiple threads is very valuable 15:43:57 ... on many weeks or one week 15:44:02 ... is a good idea 15:44:05 web payments WG virtual F2F March 2020 -> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/FTF-Mar2020 15:45:44 q+ pal 15:46:08 scribe: nigel 15:46:26 cyril: ISO has proposed 3 meetings a day over a concentrated 1 week period, 15:46:46 .. at something like 0500, 1000 and 2000 UTC time. 15:47:00 .. I think we should avoid trying to do something like that. 15:47:04 .. XXXXX 15:47:10 ack atai 15:47:24 Andreas: I agree. It's worthwhile thinking about the goals of TPAC and trying to 15:47:33 .. achieve the same goals virtually in whatever form. 15:47:46 .. It's a good opportunity to say that what is special about TPAC is not WG meetings, 15:47:57 .. but joint meetings, because every group is organised in the same place. 15:48:11 .. It would be a good idea to meet maybe over several weeks in fixed time zones over 2-3 15:48:21 .. hours, with short WG meetings for preparation and post-joint-meeting discussions. 15:48:36 .. It will be good to wait until the May AC meeting experience, which will also be virtual. 15:48:47 q+ info on AC 2020 May 15:49:00 ack pal 15:49:07 Pierre: I wanted to echo what Cyril says. 15:49:20 s/XXXXX/I'm the best/ 15:49:35 .. It should be focused on joint work and I don't think that individual groups should 15:49:47 .. be encouraged to meet. My observation is that virtual meetings can be more efficient 15:49:52 .. but require a lot more pre-planning. 15:49:54 s/I'm the best/We should focus a virtual TPAC on joint meetings only/ 15:50:38 q+ 15:51:00 Pierre: When meeting face to face sometimes people take shortcuts, and it is easier 15:51:10 .. to have side conversations. Maybe people feel they've set aside the time so they can 15:51:17 .. fill it more flexibly. It's hard to tell. 15:51:27 .. I like the idea of a TPAC where common threads are brought together but please 15:51:33 .. let's not schedule WG meetings during that week, 15:51:36 s/,/. 15:51:38 ack info 15:51:38 info, you wanted to comment on AC 2020 May 15:51:48 Atsushi: Just for info about the AC meeting next month. 15:52:02 .. It is quite different from WG discussions so W3C will provide pre-recorded videos 15:52:18 .. for talks over 9-10 hours and try to have 90 minute conversations, two times. 15:52:27 .. That's how virtual AC 2020 will be organised. 15:52:51 .. It's quite a different set of conditions from our WG meeting. 15:52:57 ack atsushi 15:52:59 ack atai 15:53:27 s/It would be a good idea to meet maybe over several weeks/It would not be a good idea to meet maybe over several weeks 15:54:04 s/over several weeks/over several weeks, rather over one week 15:55:08 Nigel: Would it be a good idea to try to simulate side-conversations? 15:55:17 Pierre: If anyone can crack that it would be great progress for humanity in general! 15:55:30 .. If there's a way to solve it that would be great. Current platforms make it really 15:55:33 .. hard to have those conversations. 15:55:52 .. Those side conversations only happen during meetings, and it isn't facilitated in breaks etc. 15:55:59 .. If any org can do it, W3C can! 15:56:09 .. It is the missing thing from virtual meetings. 15:56:21 .. People work around it somehow. Maybe it can be integrated in meeting planning. 15:56:34 .. That's a stretch goal. It is possible to plan TPAC as a virtual meeting, but will require 15:56:37 .. more planning than usual. 15:57:39 Nigel: Another question is on the duration and timezone. A single TPAC timezone, 15:57:51 .. or using only a small part of the working day that works best globally? 15:58:23 Pierre: I would be pragmatic here for a big plenary. For joint meetings, base it entirely 15:58:33 .. on the membership, and who can attend and where they are. 15:58:57 .. Picking a single time zone is not pragmatic. It is simple conceptually but makes nobody 15:59:07 .. happy other than the people in that timezone. I don't like that solution at all. 15:59:40 Glenn: Was there a location originally planned? 15:59:43 Nigel: Vancouver 15:59:55 Pierre: I'd love it in Vancouver's time zone but I think it's a terrible idea. 16:00:49 .. For individual group meetings I would base it entirely on the attendees. 16:00:57 q? 16:02:07 Nigel: We are out of time for today and we covered a lot, but we may need to come back to canvas 16:02:17 .. opinions on some of the questions we haven't tackled. 16:02:33 Gary: One idea for the side conversation is time scheduled for a Webex where anyone 16:02:47 .. can join, regardless of group, especially if we are doing the remote thing. 16:02:55 .. Some people may still have travel restrictions in place. 16:04:32 SUMMARY: Initial discussion: don't try to reproduce TPAC virtually, focus on the joint meetings and main benefits of cross-fertilisation of ideas and groups. 16:04:36 Topic: Meeting close 16:04:50 Nigel: Thanks everyone, we're out of time for today. [adjourns meeting] 16:04:54 rrsagent, make minutes v2 16:04:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/04/16-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:05:29 atai has left #tt 16:07:06 s/(back to PC now)// 16:08:24 s/I would consider it HR/I would consider it WR 16:11:08 s/atsushi/Atsushi/g 16:11:20 scribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 16:11:24 zakim, end meeting 16:11:24 As of this point the attendees have been Gary, Glenn, Nigel, Pierre, Cyril, Andreas, Atsushi 16:11:26 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 16:11:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/04/16-tt-minutes.html Zakim 16:11:29 I am happy to have been of service, nigel; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:11:29 github-bot, end topic 16:11:33 Zakim has left #tt