Joint Task Force WebAuthn/WPWG

15 Apr 2020



Ian Jacobs (W3C0, John Bradley (Yubico), Jeff Hodges (Google), John Fontana (Yubico), Benjamin Tidor (Stripe), Adrian Hope-Bailie (Coil), Mathieu Hofman (Stripe), Tony Nadalin (Microsoft)


<scribe> Scribe: Ian

WPWG recap

Next steps for transaction confirmation

AdrianHB: The proposal I wrote up needs input from WebAuthn folks
... can you get more certainty about what the user was shown because it was shown by the browser and not the web site?
... there's a concept of "software display"

John: Current state of transaction confirmation: no implementations currently
... Browsers have indicated that they are leery of anything that would allow the RP to display arbitrary text in browser chrome
... there might be some support for limiting that to part of a transaction (which might be good for payments but not contracts)
... so the question for this forum is: what would be the minimum amount that would need to be displayed? And how could that data be collected via APIs?
... another topic is localization: how can the beneficiary and total involve standard phrasing that could be localized?

AdrianHB: Transaction confirmation is a FIDO concept that depends on an authenticator having a display.
... my assumption up to now is that the browser itself doesn't count.
... so we are looking for middle ground: browser displays and browser can sign. Does that fit into a security framework that's verifiable?

John: The authenticator can sign over what the browser or platform says it displays
... e.g., on Windows, it's the OS operating ("ring 1") so it's pretty secure and is not subject to attack by JS

AdrianHB: So, in this potential future state, the relying party will have an assertion that was generated by WebAuthn with some transaction text that they trust the platform to have displayed to the user
... so authenticator and platform share trust

John: There was handwavy text in the FIDO security reqs that you could have an external thing display the transaction confirmation
... but there was no description about how to do that.

AdrianHB: My second question is: it seems like one reason that browsers were reluctant was "free text." But if we can get input from PR API, that seems like it would be an improvement.

JeffH: "Maybe"
... it would need a concrete proposal.
... and there are many facets to Chrome. This notion may or may not make it through all the necessary reviews

John: Chrome on android and desktop may have differing views, and same with other platforms and browsers
... The first thing to do is to show demand.
... E.g., if google pay is interested

Ian: What is a regulatory requirement not sufficient?

John: government mandates do not always bear fruit

IJ: Has google pay expressed interest in this?

John: I think google pay is interested in Dirk's shared credential proposal
... Transaction confirmation may not be a problem for PISPs; it may be more of a merchant problem.

<Zakim> AdrianHB, you wanted to mention some interest I am aware of from Google Pay

AdrianHB: I wanted to mention that Coil is doing some work around mobile money, largely driven by Google pay. I confirm interest in Dirk's proposal. I think that I have also observed interest in transaction confirmation
... I think there may be some misconception about what webauthn gives you...and that there's no guarantee that what you see is what you sign.

John: That might be an angle for education.
... If the PISP (e.g., Google pay) is trusted to not deceive the user and bank, does transaction confirmation add anything?

AdrianHB: I agree that's a good question
... most of the parties collecting attestations are trusted anyway
... so I think the value of the trusted confirmation is not high

John: It's where you have the merchant doing it directly that your confidence goes away

<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to ask about Stripe

Ian: How does Stripe feel about this?

[Recap of proposal: authenticator signs something from the request data]

btidor: This is not about hardware trusted rootkit

John: Maybe in some cases you can determine that (e.g., Windows)
... you won't get much deployment with secure hardware.
... unlikely that people will carry around reliable hardware with them everywhere
... so might be the browser or some piece of the platform that is displaying the information
... there will be different levels of security depending on platform
... the payment code might interact with webauthn and some signed part of the payment API could go into the ....

AdrianHB: I propose that the way you invoke WebAuthn would be through PR API
... so there's interaction between PR API and WebAuthn
... but not through get()
... the user interaction with the browser would be to see transaction details displayed by the browser, interact with authenticator, and the response that comes back to PR API is payment details AND an assertion

btidor: So the browser wraps WebAuthn in a payments experience

AdrianHB: The payments API controls input to webauthn algorithms
... the webauthn output would contain an assertion that says "Here's a signature, and the challenge contains these details from PR API directly, so I can confirm that the display was browser or platform chrome"

John: I would not put in the challenge, but some additional param somewhere

btidor: Sounds reasonable to have a field that other parts of the browser can control but regular JS cannot set.
... Right now there's a lot of trust in the merchant, even small merchants
... having trust hardware based confirmation is not a silver bullet, even if rooted in hardware (merchants could, e.g., never ship something to the user)
... I do think that there is value in having some assertion about what was shown to the user would help with a number of administrative issues
... today there's a lot of prescriptive things about the merchant having the page a certain way
... i think the primary benefit would be in the UX linking the authentication with the act of payment and putting them in the same browser UX
... I would say that basing it on a hardware API isn't necessary
... it would be neat to have an incremental path...e.g., browser UI for now and, if the user has an authenticator, fall back to some system thing
... I also think the card networks would also be interested

AdrianHB: I will take my email and put in a doc and prepare for tomorrow's call of the WPSIG.

Next meeting

29 April

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/04/15 16:51:39 $