MiniApp CG Call

09 April 2020


Angel, chenyinli, DanZhou, dongyongqing, Fuqiao, Jiaying, lanshouren, NicoleYu, QianLiu, QingAn, Roy, WangShuo, WangWei, xiaoqian, XiaoweiJiang, xueyuan, ZhangTengyuan, Zuming

Meeting minutes

angel: Good morning

CG projects progress review

URI scheme


Dan_Zhou: Discussion of the feasibility of using HTTPS as MiniApp URI scheme happening in the above issuue
… @marcoscaceres and @ylafon commented on this issue
… Even if we use https, we still need a pre-judgment mechanism, which pre-judges whether a URI is a miniapp URI before the user agent initiates a network request
… @ylafon suggested the link element
… the link element only solves the issue of using it in HTML
… but not in JavaScript and other places
… any comment?


<Angel_> 小程序生命周期explainer:https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌miniapp/‌blob/‌gh-pages/‌specs/‌lifecycle/‌docs/‌explainer.md


Qing_An: updated spec per feedback from Xiaomi
… initial draft complete
… wrote an informative explainer
… review needed



@@: submitted a PR about trsanslation
… @@



tengyuan: baidu is also writing some text about packaging
… we think that the current scope is not big enough
… submitted a PR, and more will come



shouren: Fixed some remaining issues
… reviewed internally
… will write an explainer
… filed some issues on packaging

xiaoqian_: when writing explainers, I suggest that we explain what is the difference between us and PWA

Dan_Zhou: If we want to explain clearly, we need to explain the technical architecture of miniapps
… So do we need to write a high-level document to introduce the technical architecture of miniapps?


xiaoqian_: We can extract some text from the white paper

angel: how much work? any template on the technical architecture document?

xiaoqian_: not yet. I'll look into it.

angel: timeline?

xiaoqian: about a week

Action: xiaoqian to get a template of MiniApp explainer

Next Steps for MiniApp standards in W3C

angel: REC-track or CG-only?
… our previous target was REC-track
… is there any change?


xiaoqian_: what about implementation intent from the current miniapp vendors?

Angel_: Implementation is important, as is developer support, but it is not mandatory for every vendor before we push the work into a W3C WG
… we can start to prepare the charter of the working group, based on the current CG charter

xiaoqian_: I think we need more than two implementation intents from different vendors and after the TAG reviews and then prepare the working group
… if multiple vendors use the same engine, this is considered one implementation rather than two

Dan_Zhou: currently one vendor leads one specification, and other vendors are not sufficiently involved
… I have no doubt about the goal of setting up a working group, but I don’t know if we will encounter push-back from the TAG.

xiaoqian_: in terms of process, TAG can not hinder the establishment of the working group
… but consensus from the TAG is still needed

xueyuan: advance notice would be helpful to collect member comments

Angel_: we can review the current open issues in GitHub in April
… and submit the TAG view of the remaining proposals
… send advance notice for the WG charter
… the goal is to have a F2F in TPAC (if possible), and set up a working group in October
… any comment?

@@: we are still trying to figure out which part of the widgets should be standardised
… Before June, the parts related to lifecycle in widgets will be written into the lifecycle spec

Angel_: hope everyone looks into and replies to the GitHub issues
… teleconferences are not enough


xiaoqian_: timeline of a11y document?

Angel_: initial framework of the document within a month
… won't be on REC-track
… accessibility of mini apps is important, and it is not good enough
… so we need to write a best practice or requirements document
… we can write a group note in the CG and future WG

xiaoqian_: For security and privacy review, we need to clearly write down our thoughts on security and privacy


xiaoqian: if we have time, we can translate the Security and Privacy Questionnaire into Chinese

Switch to Zoom for later CG Calls

Angel_: Today is our first meeting with Zoom. Any issue?
… objection on switching to Zoom for later CG calls?




angel: next meeting, May 7 or May 14?


angel: let's meet on May 14, 9:00 AM Beijing time

xiaoqian_: for the English-only documents, do we need to translate them into Chinese?

shouren: +1

xiaoqian_: lifecycle is currently English-only

shouren: and packaging

Angel_: We will write a Chinese version for the lifecycle spec

xiaoqian: please look into the GitHub issues, especially the old issues

Angel: thanks all!


Summary of action items

  1. xiaoqian to get a template of MiniApp explainer
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 114 (Tue Mar 17 13:45:45 2020 UTC).