Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference

01 Apr 2020


Irfan, paul_grenier, Roy, SteveNoble, Léonie, (tink), mhakkinen, Dee, paul_grenier_
Irfan Ali
paul_grenier, PaulG, paul_grenier_


<paul_grenier> scribe: paul_grenier

<irfan> scribe: PaulG

Pronunciation publication announcements

<paul_grenier> irfan: email exchange about documents cleared up confusion

CSS speech Module and Pronunciation TF work

<paul_grenier> irfan: In APA call last week there were questions, this week we have Mark so we can decide how to proceed.

<paul_grenier> janina: we're pursuing separate paths from CSS-speech, you (tink) mentioned different use cases.

<paul_grenier> janina: understanding how the documents differ needs to be understood.

<paul_grenier> mhakkinen: that seems accurate.

<paul_grenier> tink: the republish by CSS WG is correcting the note status.

<paul_grenier> tink: there's a wider audience for pronunciation than screen reader users.

<paul_grenier> tink: there's potential for overlap of SSML and CSS-speech.

<paul_grenier> tink: where the use cases diverge, are those beyond that, like audio experience like browser speak functionality. For example, emphasis on a header and less on publication date.

<paul_grenier_> I was kicked out of the chat

<paul_grenier_> scribe: paul_grenier_

tink: CSS speech seems to have great benefits globally for a site stylesheet where SSML has great detail capability in detailed examples.

mhakkinen: left-right channel capability seems to be lost or missing from CSS spec.

tink: it was lost due to concerns over how it would work with mono headsets or unilateral hearing loss.

mhakkinen: we can't get the old examples to work.
... for spacial aspects of audio presentation, webxr could also use these capabilties.

tink: audio description for characters could take on more artistic aspects.

mhakkinen: SSML will most likely be used at the lowest level for driving syth anyway

irfan: as editor can you [tink] what's the roadmap for joining wicg

tink: the pronunciation proposal is very good. The recent events should not change anything.

janina: we're complimentary domains, not competing domains--that's the "elevator" speech (lift for tink) :)

<mhakkinen> +1 to Leonie's suggestion

<paul_grenier> scribe: paul_grenier

(internet issues have hampered the scribe today)

janina: we want to convey pronunciation isn't just for accessibility without losing the accessibility benefits.

SteveNoble: so many technologies use SSML, do we want to get those vendors to give feedback?

tink: that's an excellent idea.

janina: we will want wide review upon publication of the first working draft
... as well as horizontal review

<irfan> paul: instead of high contrast over stylesheet for browser speech or built in screen readers.

janina: high contrast settings get picked up by browsers, if the OS could describe audio frequencies for HOH folks.
... it could improve hearing for them, customized for the individual.
... digital assistant devices should also respond to such settings

irfan: welcome our excellent new team member

Other businesses

irfan: we will move to zoom soon

paul_grenier: I will create a github ticket for the "Grendel" example.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/04/01 14:44:54 $

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Present: Irfan paul_grenier Roy SteveNoble Léonie (tink) mhakkinen Dee paul_grenier_
Found Scribe: paul_grenier
Found Scribe: PaulG
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Found Scribe: paul_grenier
Inferring ScribeNick: paul_grenier
Scribes: paul_grenier, PaulG, paul_grenier_
ScribeNicks: paul_grenier_, paul_grenier
Found Date: 01 Apr 2020
People with action items: 

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