<scribe> scribenick: Joshue108
JW: My understanding is that we are making progress on all of this.
The doc is getting closer to the CFC
JS: Nope, passed.
... Waiting for Michael to do his thing - possibly Thurs
Must be Tues or Thurs.
JW: Sounds good.
Is topical now.
JS: Absolutely.
JOC: Good point.
JB: Do we want to say something about that? Without messing up timeline.
We could consider this for the announcement. Something about RTC enabling support for the expanding need for accessible video conferencing.
JOC: Sounds good. Ive been syncing better with Shawn on this.
JS: Agree with that. More relevant now!
JOC: I will edit the draft to reflect this thinking. Good stuff Judy.
JW: Yes, we can remind people of the renewed relevance of this.
JB: Quick addition - they will need a why.
JOC; Will do.
SH: On this note, I've had many requests to move meetings to online..
So any wording on this need is on peoples minds.
JW: We may even get more review.
And make it interesting to people.
... We will get our stats on comments over time.
The other one in flux, is the Verf Claims wiki and the discussion. In APAs hands..
JS: Thats on me.
... I need to move on that.
JW: Will we leave it off agenda?
JS: Nope
JW: Will put it back on agenda next week.
JS: We can check in anyways.
JW: We have a good set of use cases on that one.
JW: Judy suggested this, it's a good one.
Around good practice - rather timely.
JB: For some background - I've been thinking about this a lot. Around issues like climate change etc, or the difficulties of travelling for people with disabilities etc
So they can connect - also outreach and engagement for low income parts of the world.
Also the pandemic and social distancing even in the work place.
Take universities, and the platforms they need.
Progress is slow etc
Also range of devices with many platforms and varying support.
The same issue, of the rapid move to different platforms now.
There are standards and use cases - but we are missing a package of what to say - when it comes to a11y in this space.
People need to consider things that work - we are at a raw stage where we need to join the dots.
So the question is, what are the essential bits we need to say?
Was thinking of a CG - RQTF is relevant.
So with these REC tracks docs, how can cherry-pick relevant bits and ask the right questions etc?
<Zakim> janina, you wanted to talk about lack of interoperability
JS: Taking a long view here..
<scott_h> q!
This is an old movie - interoperability.. RTC is taking us there.
<janina gives some history on telecoms>
JS: We need to look at the features, and requirements in low income countries.
There are issues there with power sources.
From WCAG, the accessibility of controls is the most important thing.
Or taking the best accessible platform - the Zoom experiment was good.
Working on Android I found issues.. silly bug.
<Judy> scribe: Judy
Josh: Strikes me that RAUR is
super relevant, timing good
... that doc is short, rich with basic primitives in accessible
... simple messages to get across, highlights interoperability,
access to controls
... you could point people to that
... for accessible coms reference
<Zakim> Joshue, you wanted to talk about RAUR and its increasing relevance
<Joshue108> SH: It is important - in terms of online education and LMS support, is that you are at the mercy of the platform, Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard etc.
<Joshue108> There is the platform itself and them what you put on it.
<Joshue108> SH: So rolling out these platforms, we should show there are multiple technologies - vldeo, powerpoint etc
<Joshue108> Many things that need to be accessible.
<Joshue108> We should look at the technical issues in the platform and then the user generated issues.
<Joshue108> When many are on video conf, its not bad - but when only one or too, there can be quality issues.
<Joshue108> +1 to Scott
<Joshue108> SH: Bringing together a11y across technologies in LMS's is important.
<Joshue108> JW: Clarifying question for Scott - how do the LMS operate with the voice and video features.
<Joshue108> SH: There is a third party support aspect.
<Joshue108> SH: You may not rely on the LMS itself.
<Joshue108> Can be tricky to implement properly.
<Joshue108> JW: Thank you - helpful.
<Joshue108> I was in a conf that did have live captions - someone was transcribing live dialog.
<Joshue108> We need to consider what the guidance should be.
<Joshue108> Having full transcipt is ideal - or live minute taking.
<Joshue108> Not sure how common these live services are - prob v busy.
<Joshue108> JB: There can be quality issues.
<Joshue108> JB: There can be a habit of dropping negatives but that skews meaning.
<Joshue108> We have guidance, but having tailored guidance is important. Will be looking at this.
<Joshue108> I'd like some quick feedback
<Joshue108> What resources do we have, I take Joshs point of looking at the RAUR as one piece to drive discussion
<Joshue108> Also what role does the RQTF want to have in kicking of a CG.
<Joshue108> This could be the place to start some of this.
<Joshue108> Mixed mode meetings - worth discussing - interesting behavioural stuff.
<Joshue108> JB: What should we call this?
<Joshue108> JB: What does RQTF want to do.
<Joshue108> Accessible RTC from me.
<scott_h> q!
<Joshue108> JW: We can create a wiki page, link to resources
<Joshue108> JW: Would that be useful?
<Joshue108> JB: Does RQTF want to own some of this?
<Joshue108> Any objections?
<Joshue108> JW: We are doing related work.
<Joshue108> JB: Who can start the page?
<Joshue108> SH: We should look at this, v relevant.
<Joshue108> SH: Those mixed call are important, so how can we access other media.
<Joshue108> RQTF should pick this up.
<Joshue108> In terms of naming - we call it remote online meetings.
<Joshue108> JW: To add an issue that we have not discussed in RAUR, is the sharing of content.
<Joshue108> Real Time Screen capture - not sure what the WebRTC team will call it.
<Joshue108> Sharing content in structured format is critical
<Joshue108> You could say its a WCAG thing.
<Joshue108> WebRTC has some support.
<Joshue108> JOC: Q: Are you saying that we need not just screen sharing, but the ability to access the semantic underlayer of the shared content?
<Joshue108> JW: Yes, I think so.
<Joshue108> JS: Like what sighted people have been doing - projecting example.
<Joshue108> JS: LIke sharing that file..
<Joshue108> SH: Yes.
<Joshue108> JB: Connecting the dots..
<Joshue108> We need to map or translate this guidance.
<Joshue108> JS: Like in person meetings, where docs are shared.
<Joshue108> JB: I'm hearing this is a welcome topic.
<Joshue108> We will do the most basic of alerts but there is a lot of work behind it.
<Joshue108> JW: Will help to document - will set up wiki page and post to list.
<Joshue108> JB: Sounds good. I'll be doing a community group on accessible remote meetings and parallel activity.
<Joshue108> Also in WCAG 2.2 is there anything that would clarify, techniques etc
<Joshue108> JS: I mean to illustrate the analogue equivalent
<Joshue108> SH: I'll second that, and am keen to work on this.
<Joshue108> See intersection..
<Joshue108> JOC: We need semantic projections
<Joshue108> JW: This is a long topic..
<Joshue108> Scott, you had contributed something?
<Joshue108> SH: Yes, its in the mail - and I did some research, Josh replied about seperating the streams.
<Joshue108> So I've approached it in this way.
<Joshue108> Have looked through ~ 40 references.
<Joshue108> For security, and disability the focus in on how policy and legislation can protect - or how groups can participate.
<Joshue108> Technical stuff also..
<Joshue108> SH: So relates more to techincal and policy aspects - there is also a piece on autism which is interesting.
<Joshue108> On Privacy side, social media is a hot topic.
<Joshue108> From AT, to can PwDs understand privacy policies or settings.
<Joshue108> Does AT work with accessiing privacy settings?
<Joshue108> Next steps, I can continue.. its a little off from where we were.
<Joshue108> It can be good or bad - hope this is of interest.
<Joshue108> JB: this will be of interest but regarding people understanding privacy settings - is a good example of the nexus between usability and a11y.
<Joshue108> Understanding privacy setting can be difficult for e'one.
<Joshue108> For example, look at GDPR.
<Joshue108> We need to be aware of our positioning and build on the research.
<Joshue108> Some may not understand why, or the research may not look at why people are failing.
<Joshue108> SH: Yes, there is a broad discussion and some grouping of concerns.
<Joshue108> JW: So are we discovering we can draw inferences from seemingly unrelated info.
<Joshue108> <descibes how to gain inference from data points>
<Joshue108> That may not be apparent from existing user privacy settings.
<Joshue108> So people need to be aware of what use can be made from the privacy setting they share with a service provider.
<Joshue108> JS: Even more blunt that that - User Friendly Design - up to 300 data points on FB can give you a lot of info.
<Joshue108> SH: One paper talks about intellectial disability and issues with complex privacy settings.
<Joshue108> It becomes clear a person may be vulnerable.
<Joshue108> Profiles can be built and taken advantage of.
<Joshue108> JS: LIke in 2016 and the targetting of users..
<Joshue108> JS: I don't know what the privacy defaults in the browser are!
<Joshue108> Like blocking local host redirects. Makes no sense.
<Joshue108> JB: thanks all.
<Joshue108> JW: This will be on agenda next week.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Sounds good./Sounds good. Ive been syncing better with Shawn on this./ Default Present: jasonjgw, janina, scott_h, SteveNoble, Joshue Present: jasonjgw janina scott_h SteveNoble Joshue108 Found ScribeNick: Joshue108 Found Scribe: Judy Inferring ScribeNick: Judy ScribeNicks: Joshue108, Judy Found Date: 18 Mar 2020 People with action items: WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]