13 Mar 2020



grisha, whsieh, BoCupp


<whsieh> BoCupp: thank you!

Meeting Date March 13th 2020

Hangout link: https://github.com/w3c/editing/labels/Agenda%2B

<BoCupp> gisha: what is going on with undo proposal

<BoCupp> whsieh: cleaning up spec and would like to move it into task force

<BoCupp> grisha: ok, just file a github issue

<BoCupp> grisha: moving EditContext explainer to TF

<BoCupp> bocupp: let's make a spec

<BoCupp> grisha: marcos is suggesting that if we put it in spec repo we just need to mark it as unofficial

<BoCupp> bocupp: does unofficial just mean ED spec?

<BoCupp> bocupp: are others moving explainers into w3c repos?

<BoCupp> grisha: I think there is precedent. example link?

issues we just talked about https://github.com/w3c/editing/issues/235

next issue https://github.com/w3c/editing/issues/225

<BoCupp> grisha: policy attribute can go into HTML whatwg spec

<BoCupp> grisha: virtualkeyboard interface can live in w3c spec

<BoCupp> grisha: virtualkeyboard interface includes hide/show api and event to indicate whether it shows etc

<scribe> ACTION: PR opened on HTML spec for virtualkeyboardpolicy

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

Action need to find a place for virtualKeyboard interface

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

next item https://github.com/w3c/editing/issues/176

<BoCupp> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JYn9ETa3JiCoCfZ7Mql3RcBySRzCJJdXr58GKo57Z7M/edit#gid=0

BoCupp: has been doing command research to classify the commands

to recap the intent of this proposal is to prevent UI that is not compatible with editor's implementation

BoCupp: gives examples of Undo/Redo actions

The list contains inputTypes as hints

<BoCupp> example markdown editor with problems: https://nhn.github.io/tui.editor/latest/tutorial-example01-editor-basic

BoCupp: we have 3 buckets so far: 1. formatting commands (author wants to disable commands entirely UI + Input type)

2. Undo/Redo is a different camp of issues (where when UI is used, the undo experience is broken). So the author wants to just disable the UI

BoCupp: ... 3. Content Insertion horizontal rule, list, etc The reason MS is interested in this is that we are experimenting with Microphone UI that will show up for a short instance but may not be describable by web authors . So , we are looking for ways to enable web authors to have microphone not t appear.
... interesting example is Mac where double pressing "fn" key where we don't want to disable since this is system's functionality
... the rationale there is we could distinguish clipboard accelerator from UI.

clipboard -> keyboard accelerator

<BoCupp> https://github.com/BoCupp-Microsoft/editing/blob/gh-pages/Active%20Documents/edit-ui-directives.html

BoCupp: walks through the spec

whsieh: couple of questions
... what does disabled mean? grayed out or removed?

BoCupp: i think it should be removed

whsieh: example underlined is disabled but bold and italic
... so Macs have a thing where it comes together
... so we may just wanted to grayed out unless all of the pieces are disabled

BoCupp: yeah, that sounds reasonable
... we could address this in the spec in what form?

whsieh: we should explicitly state in the spec that the UI disablement experience is up to UA

<GameMaker> can you hear me?


<GameMaker> wenson is correct, we do it for all hidden content editables

<BoCupp> catching up with minutes...

<BoCupp> wenson: maybe for undo redo we don't disable the menu items, we instead synthesize command+Z

<GameMaker> I apparently can't talk

<GameMaker> Hangouts asks for microphone permission, I give it, and it doesn't work

<BoCupp> bocupp: should we separate undo from the spec since its kind of a different class (command is applicable, but not integrated with browser state)

<GameMaker> Basically, I think Undo is complicated, and I want to make sure we don't get into weird UI states.

<scribe> ACTION: to clarify the language around UI behavior is up for UAs discretion in the spec.

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

<scribe> ACTION: should we separate undo from the spec since its kind of a different class (command is applicable, but not integrated with browser state)

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

BoCupp: any other examples for content insertion? where editor doesn't handled links, images
... or are we just talking about markdown ?

<BoCupp> formatting command scenario is clear, not so clear for content insertion

<scribe> ACTION: call for additional examples on Github

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

<BoCupp> also with undo being separated it would reduce scope to just the formatting commands where the canonical example is markdown editing... woudl be great to have a larger body of use cases if we have them

<GameMaker> bye

rrsagent create minutes

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: call for additional examples on Github
[NEW] ACTION: PR opened on HTML spec for virtualkeyboardpolicy
[NEW] ACTION: should we separate undo from the spec since its kind of a different class (command is applicable, but not integrated with browser state)
[NEW] ACTION: to clarify the language around UI behavior is up for UAs discretion in the spec.

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/03/13 23:04:31 $

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