Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

12 March 2020


Andreas, Atsushi, Cyril, Gary, Nigel, Pierre
Gary, Nigel
Cyril, cyril_, nigel

Meeting minutes

This meeting

nigel: for today, we have a bunch of incoming comments from APA on IMSC. we need to iterate and see if we need a change before CR or not

nigel: we have IMSC1.2 CR but not sure we need to discuss

nigel: only one AOB item for the DST issue

IMSC 1.2

pal: I have an update to the IMSC test reel

<atsushi> (will be here shortly - last call continuing)

pal: I was hoping plh would be here and have progress on it

nigel: we have issues 519 to 524 that concern accessibility

APA WG comment: Reference to WCAG 2.1 imsc#519

<nigel> github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌imsc/‌issues/‌519

nigel: they are suggesting that we do a change about WCAG
… change 'recommends' to 'requires'
… D.1 does not say it's not normative
… so that would be a normative change
… we have to do that before publishing CR?

pal: that's news to me because WCAG are guidelines and do not use MUST or SHALL
… it was not clear to me that they were requirements

nigel: they're called guidelines, they have success criteria

gkatsev: WCAG has a conformance section

pal: my recommendation would be to remove the word 'recommends' and replace it with 'specifies' so that the WCAG document speaks for itself, instead of us trying to interpret it

nigel: the text currently says 'recommends that an implementation provide'
… it's not very clear if it's the implementation or the content provider

pal: in general, my preference would be to paraphrase as little as possible and point to WCAG

nigel: I agree it feels uncomfortable to try to interpret another recommendation
… I would make an adjustment to pal's proposal
… "specifies provision of"

pal: I can take a pass at it and propose text

nigel: it's further down as well
… in paragraphs 5 and 6

nigel: in terms of CR, this is a change to normative text
… I would be more comfortable delaying that by a couple of weeks
… it's likely to have less of an impact now that if we do it later

pal: the question in my mind is: is that going to change anythign

nigel: as in what?

pal: I don't think it changes any conformance to IMSC

nigel: it does not look like we have conformance language associated with it but it is in a normative section

pal: on the basis of that one, that's not a change of requirements
… the risk is not very high

nigel: for this specific issue, we should have an editorial pass

SUMMARY: Discussed in today's call and agreed to do an editorial pass to adjust the text so that it no longer interpret WCAG guidelines as recommendations

APA WG comment: Requested Additional WCAG 2.1 References

github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌imsc/‌issues/‌520

nigel: this is going to require some work
… that would go in section D.1
… they all make sense

pal: at some point it becomes easier to point to the WCAG spec instead of pointing to each of them

nigel: the helpful thing here would be to describe the relevant part of an IMSC document that might be used to achieve these guidelines
… for example, for contrast in a text profile we can point to how to do it
… 1.4.3 minimum contrast could point to color and background color
… we could also point to xml:lang
… the useful thing is not to re-express the guidelines but indicate the tools to do that

pal: that makes sense
… we can give it a try

cyril: now or in a new edition?

nigel: that will not affect any processor or conformance, it's a usage guideline
… a document author should be aware of how to use color/backgroundColor to meet these guidelines
… this is in the same category as the previous issue #519

cyril_: how will we consider done?

nigel: we create a PR and ask them to review

SUMMARY: Discussed in today's meeting and agreed to do an editorial pass to list those additional success criteria and how to address them in the context of IMSC

APA WG comment: Add note on alt text

github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌imsc/‌issues/‌521

pal: the text that is being suggested might already be in 5.1
… I can take an action item to determine if the text is already present and if not, add it to the annex D

nigel: they wanted to specifically put it in the altText section

pal: we should not put where the syntax is defined but I'm happy to go through the document to make sure the concept is in

pal: that note is actually best handled in annex D when we describe how to meet the criteria

nigel: makes sense

SUMMARY: Discussed in call today. The editor will consider the best location to incorporate this advice for document authors

APA WG comment: Add introduction

github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌imsc/‌issues/‌522

pal: before taking any action, I'd like to know if they've considered the text in 5.1

cyril_: maybe the fact that it's in 5.1 and not early

pal: exactly, happy to move some of it to an introduction if it suits them

SUMMARY: Discussed today. Pierre to ask follow-up question on this issue.

APA WG comment: Author proposes, user disposes

github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌imsc/‌issues/‌523

nigel: we have MAUR in D.2
… this particular issue recommends adding a note to the spec

pal: I can see what it means but the wording does not seem useful
… as a general idea, saying that the final rendering depends on user settings, local regulation ...
… we could say that, if don't say it already somewhere

nigel: I do have a bit of a fundamental problem
… authors specifying layout is not an issue
… it's a positive point
… the authors know what's in the video when the subs will be presented
… I get that sometimes people want to override that

gkatsev: I agree with you Nigel but on the other hand, it would be useful for author that it's going to happen
… for example for the CVAA in the US and the font-size change
… the captions can become too big and missing

pal: we've had this discussion many times before
… there are different regulations in different places
… I don't think we can summarize it in one sentenc
… I don't know how to make a sentence that is productive
… just saying it might not be rendered as the author intended is not sufficient

nigel: we don't provide in IMSC any tools that the author can sensibly take advantage of
… the closest is overflow and wrap option
… but even then, they are not that useful
… we could say don't make region as tight as possible
… there are techniques that you can put for specific cases
… the second point is that this note is more targeted to implementers of processors rather than authors
… we might want to get back to them to ask if they meant authors
… because this specification says in the absence of anything else this is how to render
… but in practice implementers have to take other things into account

pal: we could reference issue #316
… the resolution was to add the reference to MAUR
… my proposed disposition would be in the MAUR section to add a note along the lines of what you just mentioned

cyril: What about adding an example?
… We could say there are plenty of ways for authors to take into account and give
… the example like what Nigel said not to make the region too tight so the text does
… not get clipped.

pal: in section D.2
… we have one sentencee
… we could expand on that

gkatsev: I think maybe it's enough to say that authors should specify styling and positioning and that due to MAUR it may be overriden

pal: I like that, we could say the document specifies a nominal rendering
… I want to avoid saying 'authors'

gkatsev: the sticking point is that users can modify the rendering (not the accessibility requirements)

nigel: the formal term we can make use of here is the "document processing context"
… users may influence the document processing context to modify the actual presentation in order to meet the MAUR guidelines

SUMMARY: Discussed and editor to add text to D.2 to express this concept

APA WG comment: semantic layers

github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌imsc/‌issues/‌524

nigel: TTML and IMSC permit metadata description to be specified on particular bit of information
… there is no formal requirement to do anything on that
… the facility to have layers exist already
… by using e.g. ttm:role
… but there is no normative requirement on processor to use it
… so force content provides a clear mechanism for authors and processors to define a interoperable presentation behavior

pal: "Forced" is a very specific tool for a very specific use case
… the broader question is how to indicate the semantics of timed text
… how to get the consistency across the ecosystem but that's beyond the scope of IMSC

SUMMARY: this is a really interesting topic, but we don't think we can make any useful change to IMSC in response to this comment

SUMMARY: TTWG suggests this should be the beginning of a conversion with APA and other interested parties


nigel: there were no objections
… the editorial passes that we agreed to do, do not affect the normative parts
… my proposal would be to say that the CFC is approved for CR publication
… and we'll address the APA issues during CR phase

cyril_: +1

pal: good

nigel: it seems there is no objection from the group

Resolution: Publish IMSC1.2 CR on March 19th

Nigel: I think that gives Atsushi what he needs and the action moves to Pierre and Atsushi
… to get the materials ready for publication. Thanks everyone for that.

AOB - #104

Nigel: [short of time] Can we take this offline or defer until next week?

Atsushi: Yes, if someone who can open ics files could check the file in the pull request
… please that would be very helpful?

Nigel: I will try to do that. Others welcome to also.

Meeting close

Nigel: Thank you everyone, and thank you Cyril for scribing. I found that really interesting.
… We're out of time so I'll adjourn now, see you next week. [adjourns meeting]

Summary of resolutions

  1. Publish IMSC1.2 CR on March 19th
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 113 (Sat Mar 7 01:13:06 2020 UTC).