<scribe> scribe: becka11y
JF: Paul Bowman has joined pronounciation task force
Janina: any announcements? - heard none
JF: discussed social activity
during CSUN; found IHOP and Denny's as close locations to hotel
for a breakfast together;
... looks like 8-10 people or more; should we invite Silver
... will select Tuesday as a few preferences for that
... will use doodle pool to get a better count and try to make
a reservation (asked about a11y - will make accommodations if
<janina> brb
<Joshue_108_> Good stuff Matthew!
Matthew: landmarks extension is
now available on Edge for keyboard users; originally written by
someone from IBM and I took over
... rewritten as web extension so now available for most
<Matthew_Atkinson> Here is the URL if you'd like to try it: http://matatk.agrip.org.uk/landmarks/
Janina: chatted with Lisa heard
and audio description in video that she was looking for wrt
cognitive - so do we need an additonal audio track (asked for
by coga) to identify alternative media track for video
... Lisa's experience that an audio description had all the
info that someone with cognitive issues would need
... so maybe we don't need another track type, just a better
description of audio track
... publications expect CfC for some documents
Irfan: Use cases and explainer documents from pronounciation
Janina: explainer was requested
by TAG - will get feedback from them; also ask for WICG
... expect CfC before the end of the week for the above two
Josh: RTC A11y requirements CfC coming soon
Janina: discussed verifiable credentials in the past few months; good discussion of a11y concerns; we asked for "killer" use cases
Jason: RQTF has collated a range
of use cases and prioritized and entered in priority order on
wiki page; we are seeking comments on substance and
... will forward to verifiable credentials group after review -
would like to meet end of February deadline
... first one: International Transfer of Service Dogs and
Comfort Animals- facilitate a verifiable credentials for
service animals
JF: this may also help prevent people from "spoofing" service animals - this takes this further than just government agencies - airlines, hotels, service industries
Janina: very compelling use case - something people will grok
Jason: Verification of Disability
Status to establish Eligibility for Opportunities or Benefits -
not a binary classification of a disability - is a more finely
grained statement of situation that can be used to determine
benefit needs;
... Private and Secure Access to Individual Needs and
Preferences - need distinction between transient preferences
that vary across time and those that are do not; can limit
access to only what information is required for the current
... Asserting Conformance to Accessibility Standards - 3rd
party verifiers; organizations publishing software or hardware
want to make verifiable assertions of their accessibility
... Privacy-preserving Identification of Users to Web-Based
Applications and Services - verifiable credential of proof they
are a person without revealing PII other than using CAPTCHA
Janina: goal is to state these as clearly and succinctly as possible and forward along to the Verifiable credentials group
Jason: looking for comments on the substance and will rework
<Matthew_Atkinson> This is really exciting stuff :-).
Janina: it's one thing for chips in service animals - not sure we are ready for embedded chips in humans
Jason: raise the comments on list, please
becky: looked at picture in picture FPWD; do we need to request a11y statement to remind people to provide a11y of UI interactions
JF: is really picture on top of
... one use case is delivering sign language
... multiple layers but when look head on you just see two
dimensions - how do I get to the correct layer.
becky: from the document it appears user agent my control windows
Jason: usability testing with pwd so manipulate picture in picture
Janina: sounds like some questions and use cases to ask
<JF> +1 to janina
Janina: need to ask about mechanism for navigating from window to window
becky: will file an issue with them
<trackbot> action-2224 -- Gottfried Zimmermann to Review ttml profiles for internet media subtitles and captions 1.2 https://www.w3.org/tr/ttml-imsc1.2/ -- due 2019-12-11 -- OPEN
<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/actions/2224
Gottfried: based on Jan 22 call, I revised proposed feedback - changed WCAG 2.1 recommended to WCAG 2.1 requires; is good that they reference MAUR; we had some comments on alt text metadata item; needs introduction for first time readers;
Janina: please send info and will create a CfC
<janina> q/
Janina: reminder that goals are
out there for review; need to add the Pronunciation goals
... also need to add RQTF goals for the year
Janina: no other business - adjourn
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Boeman/Bowman/ Succeeded: s/Goog/Good/ Succeeded: s/videl/video/ Present: janina JF Irfan becky Matthew_Atkinson jasonjgw Joshue_108_ Regrets: Christos WARNING: Possible internal error: join/leave lines remaining: <becky> JF: Paul Bowman has joined pronounciation task force No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: becky Found Scribe: becka11y WARNING: No date found! Assuming today. (Hint: Specify the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.) Or specify the date like this: <dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002 People with action items: WARNING: Possible internal error: join/leave lines remaining: <scribe> JF: Paul Bowman has joined pronounciation task force WARNING: Possible internal error: join/leave lines remaining: <scribe> JF: Paul Bowman has joined pronounciation task force WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]