12:31:59 RRSAgent has joined #PWE 12:31:59 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/02/11-PWE-irc 12:32:06 Meeting: PWE CG Call 12:32:10 Chair: Angel 12:32:23 Agenda+ Training update 12:32:31 Agenda+ CEPC CfC closed 12:32:38 Agenda+ adding acknowledgements 12:32:52 Agenda+ AB Feedback 12:32:59 Agenda+ Circulating CEPC to AC and Chairs 12:33:11 Agenda+ ombuds update 13:48:02 dauwhe has joined #pwe 13:54:00 dauwhe_ has joined #pwe 14:29:54 wendyreid has joined #pwe 14:31:35 jorydotcom has joined #pwe 14:36:04 chaals has joined #pwe 14:42:05 dkaplan3 has joined #pwe 14:47:41 Ralph has joined #pwe 14:50:37 Angel has joined #PWE 14:54:09 nikolas-toner has joined #pwe 14:55:38 present+ 14:56:16 dauwhe has joined #pwe 14:57:58 jeff has joined #pwe 15:00:03 present+ 15:00:54 present+ 15:01:02 present+ 15:01:10 present+ 15:01:11 zakim, take up agenda 1 15:01:11 agendum 1. "Training update" taken up [from angel] 15:01:30 present but unable to join live call as I am at a onsite meeting 15:01:41 emailed the Public list with my update 15:02:28 apologies, I had told T that I hoped to join for the first 20 mins or so 15:02:41 webex:https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m9fe13fffb1ad13be37ca4af0323a7a62 15:03:11 s|https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m9fe13fffb1ad13be37ca4af0323a7a62|| 15:03:36 zakim, next item 15:03:36 agendum 2. "CEPC CfC closed" taken up [from angel] 15:03:41 zakim, take up item 1 15:03:42 agendum 1. "Training update" taken up [from angel] 15:03:45 scribe+ 15:03:51 scribenick: Ralph 15:04:05 q+ 15:04:37 Judy has joined #pwe 15:04:41 Jeff: we're all following the events in China; it sounds very difficult there. How are you doing? 15:04:44 present+ 15:04:50 AnQi: the virus is still spreading but slowing down 15:04:52 ack je 15:04:58 ... people are optimistic that this can be ended soon 15:05:08 ... I've been working from home and haven't stepped out of my apartment for a week 15:05:21 ... I miss being able to walk out in the open air 15:05:32 ... some companies are starting to allow people back to their offices 15:06:03 ... the news is anticipating the virus will end when the weather gets warmer, perhaps two months 15:06:08 ... but that is very optimistic 15:06:10 +1, sending <3s 15:06:14 Jeff: we're all hoping for the best 15:06:18 +1 15:06:28 AnQi: I hope you all stay safe too 15:06:39 zakim, take up agenda 2 15:06:39 agendum 2. "CEPC CfC closed" taken up [from angel] 15:06:52 AnQi: the CfC has closed 15:07:01 ... we only received positive feedback to the updated draft 15:07:15 ... Vlad suggested adding acknowledgements 15:07:27 ... especiallly the previous PWETF 15:07:27 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/issues/116 15:07:37 ... see #116 ^^ 15:07:49 ... is everyone OK with adding those previous contributors? 15:07:54 +1 15:07:58 +1 15:08:00 +1 15:08:03 +1 15:08:05 0 15:08:12 +1 15:08:16 +1 15:08:48 AnQi: I will work with Tzviya to create the list and put that in the repo for review 15:09:01 zakim, close item 2 15:09:01 agendum 2, CEPC CfC closed, closed 15:09:02 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:09:02 3. adding acknowledgements [from angel] 15:09:07 zakim, close item 3 15:09:07 agendum 3, adding acknowledgements, closed 15:09:08 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:09:08 4. AB Feedback [from angel] 15:09:11 zakim, next item 15:09:11 agendum 4. "AB Feedback" taken up [from angel] 15:09:36 AnQi: the AB proposed a few changes; see PR #117 and #118 15:09:46 ... could Jeff summarize? 15:10:00 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/117 15:10:24 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/118 15:10:59 https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/PWETF/117/67bb88c...b117f6c.html#code 15:11:04 Jeff: as best as I can summarize ... 15:11:31 https://w3c.github.io/PWETF/ 15:12:17 ... immediately before the Reporting section the paragraph "This code prioritizes ..." 15:13:11 ... some of the AB noted that this combines that this combines two items 15:13:25 ... and suggested breaking into two sentences 15:13:40 ... the wording "those enforcing" was awkward as a theme 15:13:54 q+ 15:13:59 ... some thought the point of prioritizing safety of individuals was universal 15:14:20 ... #117 is a proposal to bring those themes together 15:14:35 ... as best I can summarize the thoughts of others 15:14:55 regrets+ Tzviya 15:15:17 Ada: why is there confusion with conflating reserving the right to not take further action and "we will not take further action" ? 15:16:16 Jeff: the AB as a whole doesn't yet have their final review discussion; that will happen in two weeks 15:16:27 ... these comments come from individuals on the AB 15:16:48 q+ 15:17:11 ... I don't think people are reading [the distinction Ada notes]; they just thought the wording was awkward 15:17:26 Ada: [my concern is] people shouldn't use the CEPC against the CEPC 15:17:35 ... closing down spaces to marginalized groups 15:17:56 ... if someone is doing such a thing, "maybe nothing will happen" vs. "nothing will happen" 15:18:14 ... the proposed wording sounds like "we might compromise" 15:18:21 ack ada 15:18:26 ack judy 15:18:37 Judy: I keep coming back to this section with concern 15:18:51 ... not because of what the policy says but because it might be difficult for people to understand 15:18:58 ... especially those not fluent in English 15:19:12 ... this concern is reinforced every time we discuss interpretation 15:19:21 ... I wonder if it needs to be rewritten more clearly again 15:19:33 ... I worry about having anything in the policy that is difficult to understand 15:19:51 [is editing this a show-stopper for someone?] 15:20:22 AnQi: how much work are we expecting? it's time-sensitive; should we defer changes to the next version? 15:20:28 q+ 15:20:31 Judy: I'm focussed on just that one sentence 15:20:44 ... we seem to keep coming back to this sentence 15:20:59 ... if we want to keep the sentence in, can we wordsmith it better? 15:21:17 ack ada 15:21:23 ... are the comments we're getting because people don't understand what is written or because they want something different? 15:21:36 Ada: there will always be one more sentence that people want to change 15:21:55 ... which is a way to get nowhere 15:21:56 Ada++ 15:22:02 +1 15:22:05 q+ 15:22:32 [JB: definitely not my intent to slow it down or to remove it. my hope is to make sure that people understand it.] 15:22:33 ... if everyone feels comfortable with this line then W3C must be a bastion of goodness 15:22:40 q+ 15:22:54 ... I have strong feelings about this line 15:23:20 Deborah: I agree with Ada 15:23:39 ... personal experience is extremely relevant to how we write things 15:23:57 ... there's always a sentence that can be wordsmithed better or than can be misinterpreted 15:24:01 ... we can't be perfect 15:24:18 ... making it clear that we are inclusive of everyone but explicitly aimed at marginalized communities is our goal 15:24:23 q? 15:24:28 ack d 15:24:31 ... safety of marginalized individuals [is key] 15:24:36 ... so I agree with Ada 15:24:39 ack dkap 15:24:43 ack judy 15:24:58 Judy: I am happy to withdraw my suggestion to wordsmith this sentence 15:25:28 ... I support what Deborah is saying 15:25:46 ... we're still awaiting AB review and discussion 15:26:01 ... we've been tracking the timing closely in order to not miss the Process 2020 updates 15:26:33 ... how can we keep on track if the full AB review isn't for another two weeks? 15:27:30 AnQi: I got some feedback from Tzviya that there were these tweaks and suggestions from AB participants 15:27:34 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/118 15:27:43 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/117 15:27:44 ... and these two pull requests might satisfy them and the rest of the AB 15:28:03 Jeff: the AB meets two weeks from today 15:28:20 ... that conflicts with this CG meeting time 15:28:54 ... we have an existing document that has consensus from the CE and from W3M 15:29:07 ... coming into the AB meeting there is a document that has some consensus 15:29:22 ... the plan has been that the AB forward a document to the AC in early March 15:29:42 ... in the pre-review the AB has been doing some new issues came up 15:29:50 ... we have to decide if those are substantive or editorial 15:30:03 ... if editorial, then the previous CfC holds 15:30:46 ... if we believe the changes the AB wants to make are substantive then the AB has several choices; send it back to the CG, send it to the AC with their comments on things they think should be changed 15:30:48 q+ 15:31:18 ... is Tzviya's view that these changes are editorial or substantive? 15:31:22 AnQi: editorial 15:31:32 q+ to ask for the record among all here whether the proposed 117 and 118 changes are opposed or supported 15:31:57 Jeff: if everyone agrees these are editorial then the revised document can move forward 15:32:03 ack judy 15:32:03 Judy, you wanted to ask for the record among all here whether the proposed 117 and 118 changes are opposed or supported 15:32:44 q+ 15:32:50 Judy: are any of those here uncomfortable with these changes? 15:33:06 ack ada 15:33:29 Ada: #118 seems totally editorial and is fine 15:33:42 ... #117 weakens the sentence and would need some changes 15:33:45 q+ 15:33:50 Ralph: I'm not comfortable with #117 15:34:02 ack ada 15:34:04 Ralph: I am also comfortable with #118, but not #117 15:34:11 ack ralph 15:34:17 ... I proposed a tweak in the discussion thread 15:34:24 ... it's gotten some thumbs up 15:34:36 ... chair, Ada can discuss whether the tweak satisfies folks 15:34:39 q+ 15:34:43 ... or abandon #117. 15:34:45 scribe+ Jeff 15:34:48 ack judy 15:35:36 Judy: let's try to sort out both of these to get ahead of early reviews 15:35:43 ... and avoid yet more delay 15:35:49 q? 15:35:56 q+ 15:36:13 Ada: Ralph's suggestion doesn't fix my concerns 15:36:13 q- 15:36:32 ... it doesn't make it clear that certain complaints might receive no action 15:36:50 ... it still reads that we might try to compromise 15:37:03 ... Wendy's suggestion would be an appropriate fix 15:37:18 ack ada 15:37:49 Ralph: Wendy's is sufficient by itself or Wendy's plus mine? 15:38:03 Ada: Wendy's is sufficient, no objection to Ralph's 15:38:11 Ralph: no objection to Wendy's 15:38:24 AnQi: do we have this group's consensus to accept #118? 15:38:25 +1 15:38:28 +1 15:38:28 +1 15:38:28 +1 15:38:29 +1 15:38:35 +1 15:39:03 present+ NikolasToner 15:39:13 +2 abandon, +1 accept wendy' suggestion 15:39:16 AnQi: on #118, should we abandon or accept Wendy's ? 15:39:32 +1 15:39:40 I'd abandon or do Wendy's + mine 15:39:56 +1 to accepting Wendy's suggestion 15:39:58 [and since there wasn't a #3, then I''m #2] 15:40:15 +1 to accepting Wendy's suggestion 15:40:32 +2 15:40:53 q+ 15:41:06 q- 15:41:10 ack ralph 15:41:27 q+ 15:41:37 ack ada 15:41:49 Ralph: I'm confused why Ada felt that Wendy's change is sufficient 15:42:13 Ada: replacing "marginalized communities" with "those less privileged" achieves pretty much the same result 15:42:28 ... the big change is reserving the right not to take further action 15:42:45 Ralph: thanks; I'm comfortable accepting just Wendy's change 15:43:03 q+ 15:43:08 AnQi: there's almost consensus; a majority accepting Wendy's change 15:43:14 ... any objection? 15:43:18 ack niko 15:43:45 Nikolas: does Wendy's change include removing the portion on complaints against -isms not being acting on? 15:43:52 q+ 15:43:53 ... reserving the right not to take further action? 15:44:08 ack ada 15:44:15 Ada: Wendy's change restores that section 15:44:26 ... reserving the right not to take action on certain complaints 15:44:41 +1 to accept Wendy's change 15:45:33 AnQi: we have consensus to accept #118 as -is and #117 to accept with Wendy's change 15:45:35 q+ 15:45:40 s/as -is/as-is/ 15:45:40 ack jeff 15:46:18 Jeff: there was a consensus that Wendy's change was an improvement to #117 but did we decide on accepting #117? 15:46:31 AnQi: I considered those together, but thanks for clarifying 15:46:42 ... do we accept #117 with Wendy's change? 15:46:45 +1 15:46:45 +1 15:46:46 +1 15:46:46 +1 15:46:48 +1 15:47:02 AnQi: so resolved 15:47:13 +1 15:47:15 zakim, next item 15:47:15 agendum 5. "Circulating CEPC to AC and Chairs" taken up [from angel] 15:47:35 AnQi: as Jeff has mentioned, we will sent this updated draft to the AC and chairs 15:47:41 +1!!! 15:47:49 ... I suggest that it be sent to those groups at the same time 15:47:50 q+ 15:47:57 ack Jeff 15:47:58 ... are we agreeing to send it? 15:48:07 Jeff: I suggest we wait until after the AB meeting 15:48:27 ... it's on the agenda for that meeting 15:48:30 q+ 15:48:35 q+ to ask when is the AB meeting? 15:48:38 ... I recommend we wait in order to factor-in all their comments 15:48:41 ack wendy 15:48:48 q+ judy 15:48:51 Wendy: the AB meeting is in two weeks 15:48:54 q- 15:49:13 ... the window for feedback from the AC and chairs will be much longer 15:49:40 ... I think it would be better to start [that longer window] sooner as they will require more time to review 15:49:43 q? 15:50:05 Jeff: I suggested we wait not because I anticipate massive change; I don't anticipate massive change 15:50:36 ... more process-oriented; W3C generally works by running all changes through the Directdor, with W3M delegation 15:50:57 ... but managing changes to the Process is done by the AB and CEPC is linked to the Process 15:51:17 ... the AB has delegated to this CG the work on CEPC in order to work on it in as open a manner as possible 15:51:33 ... we're talking about a several-month cycle of review in any case 15:51:50 chaals has joined #pwe 15:51:51 ... even if we wanted to send this out tomorrow, we're not ready 15:52:23 ... I anticipate need for a cover letter describing the rationale for the changes, some background, some inspiration for the change 15:52:29 ... tell a little bit of a story 15:52:48 ... it would probably be a good idea to ask a couple of people to draft that cover letter 15:53:24 Judy: I share Wendy's concerns and had not recalled that we had been planning a three-step sequence with W3M and AB reviewing concurrently 15:53:49 ... are there any other things that can be done at the same time? 15:54:07 ... can we try to time the post-AB-feedback meeting of the CG? 15:54:16 q+ 15:54:29 ... encouraging the AB to do as much review as they can before their f2f would be helpful 15:54:36 ack ralph 15:55:32 Ralph: The AB has recently reminded itself that it delegated to the CG 15:55:50 ... in the history of the document, it became evident that CEPC needed to be linked to the process 15:55:59 ... process explicitly cites CEPC 15:56:15 ... the AB is the "WG" that owns the process 15:56:32 ... things that are linked to the process are "owned" by the AB 15:56:45 ... authority to post to the membership comes from the AB 15:57:03 ... inappropriate to independently send something 15:57:14 ... the AB will hopefully acknowledge us 15:57:18 q? 15:57:22 ... said it strongly for emphasis 15:57:34 ack jeff 15:57:40 Jeff: I don't think the AB feels as strongly as Ralph does 15:57:49 ... Ralph was clear from a Process point of view 15:58:03 ... the AB feels comfortable putting a light blessing on this 15:58:08 agenda? 15:59:13 ... to the concern on taking another few weeks after the AB f2f, I propose a resolution that from the point of view of the PWE CG, presuming the AB does not have massive changes on the draft CEPC document, we empower the chairs of the CG to take the document forward to the Membership immediately following the AB meeting 15:59:42 Judy: there could be changes proposed by the AB that might look like tweaks to some but more problematic to others 15:59:55 ... it would be good for this group to have visibility on those changes 16:00:03 ... with a brief period to flag any objections 16:00:11 ... let's get that on the calendar 16:00:24 ... can the Process calendar be adjusted to accomodate the work done on this? 16:01:01 Jeff: I leave it to the CG chairs how to address that comment 16:01:21 ... as people have left this meeting we no longer have quorum 16:01:38 AnQi: [of those remaining] do you agree to wait until after the AB meeting? 16:01:47 +1 16:01:51 +1 16:01:56 +1 to wait 16:02:00 +1 16:02:14 +1 16:02:21 Jeff: we need to coordinate the work so that this update is included in Process 2020 16:02:29 s/Jeff: /Judy: 16:02:51 AnQi: I conclude that we should wait until after the AB meeting 16:03:01 ... I will discuss with Tzviya options to bring something sooner 16:03:10 dkaplan3 has left #pwe 16:03:12 ... we will meet in two weeks, without Jeff and Tzviya 16:03:16 and without me 16:03:31 AnQi: if there are other regrets, we might change the date 16:03:36 ... adjourned 16:03:57 zakim, end meeting 16:03:57 As of this point the attendees have been Ralph, dkaplan, jeff, wendyreid, adarose, Judy, NikolasToner 16:03:59 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:03:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/02/11-PWE-minutes.html Zakim 16:04:02 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:04:06 Zakim has left #pwe 16:04:13 present+ Angel 16:04:35 rrsangent, draft minutes 16:04:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/02/11-PWE-minutes.html Ralph 16:04:49 rrsagent, make log public 16:05:17 rrsagent, bye 16:05:17 I see no action items