20:48:48 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 20:48:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/01/14-dxwg-irc 20:48:54 rrsagent, make logs public 20:49:03 chair: PWinstanley 20:49:06 present+ 20:49:22 regrets+ Makx, DaveBrowning 20:49:28 meeting: DXWG Plenary 20:49:44 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2020.01.14 20:50:23 rrsagent, create minutes v2 20:50:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/01/14-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 20:56:56 alejandra has joined #dxwg 20:57:58 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwg 21:00:48 antoine has joined #dxwg 21:02:40 present+ 21:03:29 SimonCox has joined #dxwg 21:03:41 roba_ has joined #dxwg 21:03:50 present+ 21:03:52 Ana has joined #DXWG 21:03:56 scribenick alejandra 21:04:11 present+ 21:04:27 present+ 21:04:29 agenda https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2020.01.14 21:04:33 present+ 21:04:36 Present+ 21:04:45 plh has joined #dxwg 21:04:50 present+ 21:04:51 Caroline has joined #DXWG 21:04:51 scribenick: alejandra 21:04:57 Present+ Caroline 21:05:08 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 21:05:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/01/14-dxwg-minutes.html alejandra 21:05:52 PWinstanley: no minutes to look at but catching up with latest stuff from last year 21:06:03 ... we'll start off with revision of re-charter 21:06:18 ... 13 Support; 3 abstain; 1 against but not by Formal Objection 21:06:34 ... the against was peculiar 21:06:43 ... [reading comment] 21:06:51 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 21:06:58 present+ 21:06:59 ... philippe, have you got any comment? 21:07:13 plh: not everyone needs to like everything 21:07:36 ... my approach would be: thanks for your feedback but we need to consider all the comments 21:07:46 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:07:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/01/14-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:07:47 ... it wasn't a formal objection 21:08:17 PWinstanley: in the last charter, we had a challenge on getting traction on supposedly competing standards 21:08:33 ... probably we need to make sure we have better degree of engagement from the start 21:08:47 plh: we have a recommendation 21:08:57 ... we have DCAT2 to maintain now 21:09:19 ... I'm not going to be answering the question on what is the scope from the consortium 21:09:38 PWinstanley: enagement and giving people a rationale for all that we are doing, it is something we need to keep at the front of our minds 21:09:46 ... anyone else want to comment? 21:09:51 q? 21:09:56 q+ 21:10:00 ack roba_ 21:10:14 roba_: the experience from OGC is that there is a tension between standard process and tooling 21:10:38 ... perhaps we haven't done here systematically is work out where the momentum in the community is 21:10:46 ... where is the community we want to influence looking 21:11:10 ... the technologies that have momentum/adherence 21:11:15 ... interoperability 21:11:39 PWinstanley: we have lots of people that signed up to the group, but we've only have a dozen who joins in hte conversion let alone the meetings 21:11:55 ... they are from W3C member organisations 21:12:09 ... it'd be helpful to get additional points of view 21:12:14 s/view/views 21:12:27 ... especially if we move to evergreen standards 21:12:27 Q+ 21:12:31 q+ 21:12:31 ... anything else? 21:12:36 ack Caroline 21:12:59 Caroline: we talked about that at the office and we're going to try to engage more Brazilians too 21:13:15 ... not only that, maybe it would be nice for each of us to try and bring someone else 21:13:26 ... brainstorming and think about who to engage 21:13:40 ack AndreaPerego 21:13:42 ... there might be organizations not even aware of the working group 21:14:04 AndreaPerego: my two cents - we should probably consider that it is a particular situation 21:14:12 ... DCAT was already standard and we extended it 21:14:24 ... supporting backward compatibility 21:14:31 ... people were looking at what we were doing 21:14:48 ... when we went to CR we started getting feedback 21:15:13 ... on the other side, because DCAT is already implemented, the profiles such as those done in Europe, they just included the new version 21:15:22 ... from them we got some feedback at the end of the process 21:15:33 ... in a new standard, the situation may be different 21:15:40 ... people are seeing what is going to happen 21:15:56 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 21:15:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/01/14-dxwg-minutes.html alejandra 21:16:07 +1 21:16:12 q+ 21:16:14 PWinstanley: this conversation can be go on and on, but we should consider it from time to time 21:16:18 ack AndreaPerego 21:16:33 AndreaPerego: I cannot see the comments 21:16:48 same problem for me too (Alejandra) 21:16:54 I see them 21:17:21 I got a message "Not allowed" 21:17:46 AndreaPerego: before I used to be able to see the comments 21:17:51 q+ 21:17:59 plh: this is member only 21:18:06 ack antoine 21:18:38 antoine: about these comments, which I can see, the person who didn't suppor the charter also has some comments on the document licenses and that the charter history is not completely accurate 21:18:48 ... I'm seeing the comments but not the charter now 21:19:05 plh: for the charter history, I'll fix it 21:19:13 ... for the license, I'd like to discuss with the group 21:19:24 ... the question is: DCAT Rec is supposed to use document license 21:19:37 ... we unintentionally switched to Software & Doc license 21:19:52 ... most of the groups don't use the document license 21:19:55 ... but use the new one 21:20:14 sounds ok! 21:20:15 q+ 21:20:17 ... which allows the spec to be forked 21:20:38 ... we concluded that using the doc license to prevent the spec to being forked 21:20:46 ... makes no sense 21:21:05 ... most of the specs can be forked nowaways and in practice it doesn't happen now 21:21:11 ack AndreaPerego 21:21:17 ... my recommendation is to switch to a more open license 21:21:18 +w 21:21:21 +q 21:21:34 q+ 21:21:41 https://www.w3.org/2019/11/proposed-dx-wg-charter-2019.html 21:21:53 https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2015/copyright-software-and-document 21:22:10 AndreaPerego: what license we can use? 21:22:15 ack alejandra 21:23:32 alejandra: when I was editing something on the doc we had a list convo about this - we were looking at the license on the ttl and there is a distinction between the doc and the ontology. Do we use the same, or different? 21:23:51 q+ 21:23:53 plh: it is as CC with attributions (not legal comment) 21:24:05 Note that Wikidata will only use ontologies with CC0 license 21:24:10 ... I see no reason not to use the same license for the ontology 21:24:11 plh: the licence is not CC0. We should use the same licence for doc and ttl 21:24:19 q+ 21:24:34 alejandra: I agree- that is what I would have suggested 21:24:36 q? 21:24:42 ack roba_ 21:25:00 roba_: people who are using the spec tend to go to the usable artifacts 21:25:12 ... if something is not well documented is an issue 21:25:50 @SimonCox: Wikidata "duplicates" every ontology they want to use anyway. There are not many statements in Wikidata that use non-Wikidate classes and properties. 21:26:04 in the turtle we are using https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2015/copyright-software-and-document 21:26:06 ack AndreaPerego 21:26:07 FYI: this is the link to the discussion in the mailing list: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dxwg-wg/2019Dec/0068.html 21:26:25 and I had mentioned CC-BY 21:26:37 so happy that the W3C one is similar 21:26:51 AndreaPerego: is there a sharealike requirement? can it be commercial? 21:27:05 plh: you need to attribute the work, with or without modification 21:27:06 yes @antoine - that is because very few published ontologies are licensed CC0 21:27:12 ... include disclaimers... 21:27:19 ... if you make changes, you need to document them 21:27:29 ack SimonCox 21:27:58 q+ 21:28:05 SimonCox: I've already noted in the thread that wikidata takes an attitute that they don't reuse any ontology that doesn't have a CC0 license 21:28:24 ... I suggest a conversation between W3C and Wikidata should happen 21:28:34 ... vocabularies for general purpose 21:28:45 ... unfortunate that Wikidata cannot use them directly 21:28:58 ... antoine mentioned that they use to clone vocabularies 21:29:08 ... but my understanding is that it is not their preference 21:29:21 ... but they do it when there isn't an appropriate license 21:29:47 ... if we use the w3c URIs the attribution is given via the URI reference 21:29:54 ... and for the ontology then we could have CC0 21:30:32 action: plh to ask W3C legal if we can use CC0 for the ontology given the Wikipedia terms 21:30:32 Created ACTION-385 - Ask w3c legal if we can use cc0 for the ontology given the wikipedia terms [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 2020-01-21]. 21:30:35 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:30:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/01/14-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:30:58 q+ 21:31:17 plh: legal process is stretch 21:31:27 ... I'll see if I can get a 'yes' from them 21:31:44 ack antoine 21:32:02 antoine: I'm not extremely convinced by the wikidata argument in the moment 21:32:15 ... I was shocked to say that they clone ontologies 21:32:20 ...I'd be in favour of CC0 21:32:39 ... and I'd be in favour of discussing with Wikidata 21:32:44 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1192 21:32:52 plh: another question about the spec 21:33:01 ... issue about using the proper license 21:33:10 ... willing that people are willing to change to the more open license 21:33:18 ... do we have to fix that issue? 21:33:42 proposed: close issue https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1192 without action 21:34:00 resolution is that we keep the license 'software and document' license 21:34:09 so, keeping the most open license 21:34:11 ... i.e. the more open license 21:34:37 plh: if we get the new charter approved, we can squeeze it in the new charter 21:34:40 q+ 21:35:13 ack antoine 21:35:21 antoine: struggling to understand if this is the issue that we want 21:35:40 +1 to use the more open license 21:35:51 +1 21:35:55 +1 21:35:56 +1 to use the more open license 21:35:57 +1 21:35:59 +1 21:36:06 +1 21:36:12 +1 21:36:22 +1 21:36:25 resolved: close issue https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1192 without action (meaning that we will use the more open license for the spec) 21:36:31 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:36:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/01/14-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:36:56 annette_g has joined #dxwg 21:37:03 plh: I'll get approval for new charter by next week 21:37:05 ack roba_ 21:37:21 roba_: wanted to make sure we don't loose the other important point Simon made 21:37:29 ... about dereferrencing of identifiers 21:37:38 ... check if we can have CC0 21:37:38 Hey, all, sorry to be so late. We're in maintenance mode at the supercomputing center, and I had to put out some fires. 21:37:51 ... and then check if dereferencing is a valid form of attribution 21:38:08 ... we need to have an understanding of that from W3C in general, and probably also OGC 21:38:31 PWinstanley: we need to select the meeting time 21:38:41 topic: meeting time 21:38:41 Q+ 21:38:44 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:38:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/01/14-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:38:48 ack Caroline 21:38:51 ... this time is difficult for Caroline in a regular basis 21:38:59 ... but would find Wednesday easier 21:39:07 present+ 21:39:11 Caroline: I think I'd be available 21:39:21 (To determine meeting timing we should do a poll - e.g. using Doodle) 21:39:25 PWinstanley: are people happy to keep this time or should we consider other times? 21:39:37 +1 from me to keep the current time. 21:39:40 This time OK 21:39:43 PWinstanley: is there a need for a call? 21:39:56 s/call/poll 21:39:59 we are a self-selecting sample of course :-( 21:40:07 proposed: we keep this time 21:40:10 +1 21:40:11 +1 21:40:13 +1 21:40:14 +1 21:40:14 +1 21:40:14 +1 21:40:16 +1 21:40:17 +0 21:40:18 +1 21:40:25 resolved: we keep this time 21:40:25 +1 21:40:49 topic: DCAT2 21:41:00 PWinstanley: we have the member only results 21:41:18 ... 10 support; 3 abstain; 1 suggestion of changes 21:41:34 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/24 21:41:50 plh: we need to see the issues in that milestone 21:42:09 +q 21:42:23 ack riccardoAlbertoni 21:42:55 riccardoAlbertoni: we have resolved most of the issues 21:43:00 ... several 'due for closing' 21:43:20 ... some other issues plh has assigned himself 21:43:35 ... 1182 and 1177 are open but I think we can close them 21:44:08 +q 21:44:24 PWinstanley: are people happy for riccardoAlbertoni to lead this? 21:44:39 riccardoAlbertoni: next two days, I'll be busy 21:44:39 ack alejandra 21:45:11 alejandra: that is fine - if riccardoAlbertoni can lead then others can review - I've been doing this recently 21:45:39 plh: riccardoAlbertoni will you give me the document or do you want me to generate from github? 21:45:46 riccardoAlbertoni: is there a procedure for this? 21:46:40 plh: focus on the issues and let me know and I can point you to the tools or run them myself 21:46:56 PWinstanley: reminder about discussion on papers and blog posts, etc 21:47:05 ... put them around and get quick feedback 21:47:58 ... perhaps different languages and different audiences 21:48:55 PWinstanley: are we going to break out the github for one repo per document? 21:49:03 I think that would be good 21:49:21 +1 to split up and reset issue chaos 21:49:23 topic: Conneg 21:49:29 I prefer to keep the same repo. Issues may be about several deliverables... 21:49:36 According to Phillipe the DXWG is unusual in not having split the repo from the beginning! 21:49:50 Same opinion of antoine 21:50:14 roba_: as nick is not here, I'll take the discussion on conneg 21:50:18 (indeed) 21:50:24 (Git subtree command allows you to split the repo and keep the history) 21:50:37 ... my understanding is that nic has been following the W3C process for PWD3 21:50:55 PWinstanley: we voted towards the end of last year to take it forward 21:51:22 (but we won't get the split of the issues) 21:51:39 https://w3c.github.io/transitions/nextstep.html?shortname=dx-prof-conneg 21:52:23 roba_: I've got an extended contract with OGC and will extend conversations engaging various organisations 21:53:26 topic: prof 21:53:32 roba_: same situation 21:53:48 ... ready to be published as a note 21:53:53 https://w3c.github.io/transitions/nextstep.html?shortname=dx-prof 21:53:54 q+ 21:54:09 ack plh 21:54:21 plh: it's been published as a note in mid Dec 21:54:45 ... it can be updated anytime 21:55:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:55:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/01/14-dxwg-minutes.html alejandra 21:55:22 PWinstanley: remaining topic was open actions 21:55:44 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/open 21:56:43 382 can be closed 21:56:56 close action-382 21:56:56 Closed action-382. 21:57:07 242? 21:57:20 action-338? 21:57:20 action-338 -- Antoine Isaac to Handle definition in 662 re profiles and media types in Profile Guidance -- due 2019-06-18 -- OPEN 21:57:20 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/338 21:57:27 PWinstanley: related to 242 is 338 21:57:53 PWinstanley: small taxonomy of profiles 21:58:06 ... data profiles and talk about them in isolation 21:58:36 ... if we're going to do anything on profiles it has to be very focused 21:58:38 q+ 21:58:43 ack roba_ 21:59:04 roba_: ADMS is a note and declares itself a profile of DCAT 21:59:22 ... can we look at the W3C cannon and note how they relate to each other 21:59:33 ... we might get a sense on how to do things 21:59:46 ... keen to keep it open 21:59:58 ... not sure to specify what we want to do now 22:00:36 PWinstanley: we'll meet up same time next week 22:00:45 bye 22:00:45 bye 22:00:46 nye 22:00:47 rrsagent, create minutes v2 22:00:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/01/14-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 22:00:52 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:00:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/01/14-dxwg-minutes.html alejandra 22:01:34 * thank you, bye 22:04:35 annette_g1 has joined #dxwg 22:44:34 annette_g has joined #dxwg 23:01:51 annette_g1 has joined #dxwg