Joint Task Force WebAuthn and WPWG

11 Dec 2019



Ian Jacobs (W3C), Lauren Helt (American Express), Benjamin Tidor (Stripe), Nicholas Ancot (Canton Consulting), Tomasz Blachowicz (Mastercard), Ken Buchanan (Google), Sophie Rainford (American Express)
Jonathan Grossar, Jeff Hodges


Use cases

See material from Jonathan Grossar with edits from Ian

tomasz: Goal is to limit the number of authentication events (friction) during the checkout flow

IJ: We will continue to evolve these to look like use cases.
... Any questions or additions?
... Any obstacles to the last one in particular (in practice)?

tomasz: The last flow (delegation to issuer) might involve changes to the protocol.
... I understand that Google has put forward a proposal to do this
... would this require any out-of-band agreement between merchant and issuer?

Ken: I think it would require that there be some communication between merchant and issuer, that the issuer would expose an interface that the merchant would access.
... the proposal that I saw involved the issuer providing an endpoint (at a URL)...
... a description of the end point would go from merchant to client and the client would use it to authenticate.

btidor: What would the endpoint do?

Ken: The client will access that and then there will be webauthn flow between issuer and client

btidor: I am interested in this last case...I think it has the best enrollment properties.
... enroll once, use anywhere.
... we are also interested in the use case where the issuer does not have to expose a public endpoint.
... perhaps the forwarding can take place over a backend protocol instead of a new public endpoint.

tomasz: When we looked into this use case, 3DS 2 seems to be a suitable protocol for passing this information to the issuer.

btidor: My hope would be to send it in the AREQ (of 3DS2) and get frictionless flow.
... but I wonder if we can move away from method URL model which has been problematic in the past.

Ken: One issue is that this goes a bit against the webauthn security model.
... this introduces a risk of phishing
... something would have to be built in to allow delegation explicitly, and that the merchant is authorized to ask the client to authenticate against the issuer.

btidor: Definitely.
... could we expose this in the customer UI as well?
... problems we've had have involved explaining merchant-issuer relationship to user
... if user agents could offer UX to help explain that (in an unphishable way) that could help clear up what's going on.
... getting user gestures have not seemed like the best user experiences.
... Keeping (1) no redirect and (2) not requiring the customer to click twice ... so keeping at a single user gesture is desirable.

Ken: Does an iframe need to be there, or can the merchant and issuer comms happen entirely out of band?
... does the client need to be talking directly to the issuer in any way?

btidor: I think we'd like to move away from iframes. Ideally the merchant site can just produce a payload describing what the interaction should look like and it should "just run from there."

tomasz: Yes and no
... we want to move away from iframes, but in Web Authn there is also a change to enable webauthn from within an iframe.

Ken: Payments use cases are driving that feature request.

Editor's notes: Benjamin expects to provide some text for the wiki with further detail about the scenario involving backend communications rather than a public issuer endpoint. It was also observed that what is currently in the wiki does not constitute use cases, but rather some flow descriptions of current solutions. Ian expect to continue to work with participants to evolve the material into use cases.

Next call

8 January 2020

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/12/11 17:01:47 $