Web Authentication WG

11 Dec 2019



jcj_moz_, selfissued, jeffh, nmooney
Nadalin, Fontana


<wseltzer> present=


<scribe> agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webauthn/2019Dec/0024.html

tony: #1330 any change

emil: waiting on #1300


tony: there is on un-triaged #1553
... nina opened

nina: this is for web driver

tony: anyone have chance to look at this

jcj_moz: not enough to make decision

jeffH: it is on the to-do list

<jcj_moz_> https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1353

tony: nina you want this in wd-03

nina: yes, that is correct.

jcj_moz: this is small to web authn, but I want to see the whole model

bradley: question for nina. did you link PR to #1352. I don't think it has anything to do with web drivder

nina: #1353 is the correct number

tony: move to issues

jeffH: talk about Jbradley new issue

jbradley: I have it open and will do the PR today

tony: #1352?

jbradely: yes. to make it optional for authenticators to store the display name
... none of the browsers want to see it.

tony: how many authenticators have display

nicK: crypto and ledger

tony: jc anything on #1303?

jcj_moz: cross origin. yes.
... well not really, still interested to hear more commentary from apple and google on this
... so far google thinks this is unecessary
... but not sure where apple is.

agl: on this point, chromium has support behind a flag

bradley: this is command line flag

jeffH: let me clarify
... one would be to set this flag as well as allow public key credential on iFrame in html

jcj_moz: it is a pre-relase flag

agl: we want payment people to play with this and see what works and what does not

tony: nick?
... can you look

nick: can do

bradley: in canary
... yes.

agl: this will work through the windows api

tony: I think that is the only issue I had questions about

jcj_moz: want to ask, any more conversation on threat model on cross origin tracking.
... #`1336

agl: I suspect the answer is no
... what do you want to know

jcj_moz: just get the temp. on how cross origin iframes work
... last we left off jeffH was going to read about web push and stare in that void
... has jeff come back changed

jeffH: No. we still need to discuss more internally

agl: I will scribble down to update #1336

jcj_moz: no rush.
... need to resolve for level 2, but not wd-2
... adds a big risk factor; too much friction, and a dark cloud on web push

<kenrb> for reference, the flag to enable the feature policy that allows WebAuthn in cross-origin iframes is --enable-features=WebAuthenticationFeaturePolicy

nick: are there people opposed to this change

jcj_moz: google has not said either way
... we should ask payment folks

thanks nmooney

jcj_moz: want to make sure we are not knee-capping ourselves with this
... we don't want to be reactionary
... I want to discuss the threat model and get the right answer

JeffH: the guy who is PR Preview tool which we have hooked to our repository. he is looking for input
... I encourage everyone who has clicked on PR Preview to respond to the survey. see jeff's email from today

tony: any thing else.

<Nina> https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/20481

nina: i want to point out all the material is up and can be reviewed it is PR #20481

nmooney: any updates on caBLE v2

agl: situation, look to see if BLE is best on our platform. Have not yet finished the work on ble chromium infrastucture
... that will eat up the rest of the year, and we will have some thing to say about next stepsl

NSteele: timeframe?

agl: look to see if it will work, and think next steps.

ton: maybe by Lisbon

agl: not sure how much impact on web auth, more on ctap perhaps.
... this should just work

nmooney: agree maybe more of a fido concern

tony: anything else.

jcj_moz: have an excellent holiday everybody!!

rrsagent: draft minutes

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/12/11 20:43:51 $

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