December 4, 2019 ARIA and Assistive Technology Community Group telecon

04 Dec 2019


Matt_King, Jean-Francois_Hector, michael_fairchild, Jon_Gunderson


<jongund> test

Current status and next steps

MCK: We have a prototype harness and runner.

Wrapping up final to-dos on these.

Will help us illustrate our testing approach.

And find out whether the testing approach seem practical, give us the type of information that our primary audiences need

It'll help us look at our uses, see what's well covered, see where the gaps are, and what we'd need to build a production-grade system

We need to answer those questions before building a production system

My first thought is that I'd like us to go to at lease Freedom Scientific and NV Access (and hopefully Apple) with a set of tests, and say "here's how we're thinking of testing your product, with these tests on these patterns". And get their input on what they thing of it

E.g. do they think that it gives fair results, whether testing is appropriate, and any concern they have about the approach

So that we have a vendor-neutral approach that has buy-in from the vendors

The hardest part of this right now is reviewing the test, e.g. do we have the right tests and key commands

Right now it's time consuming (you have to walk through the test)

We might be able to get Valérie to work on that early Jan

Another concern is that we don't have enough tests

We have Checkbox, maybe half of Combobox written. I need to have at least Combobox written before we can feel confident in the designs

We want to have menubar and grid done before we go to screen reader developers

We I'm thinking we should write some more tests, get a way to review those tests, and test those tests and info to screen reader developers to get their input

And review our use cases work, compare it to what we have and identify gaps

and put that in some form of planning document

And use the feedback and gap analysis as input for designing the production system

In parallel to that we can have conversations about hosting and where this sits in the WAI

One other thing we might need to do, is looking for more support (resourced) for running the project

I don't know how much my own budget will cover

It's not the kind of project where you can make a lot of project with people working 2h a week

We'd need people to dedicate at least half time for several weeks, or full time for some weeks

Especially in the first half of the year

MF: There's a bit of a learning curve before someone can contribute well.

JG: What's the time frame?

MCK: I'd like to target getting the production system built in the first half of the year and also have most tests written

JG: We might be able to get some help from students for some of it

Yohta is graduating in May

MCK: A definite need is engineering for first half. But there's help in developing the documentation and help needed for emboarding


My view on writing test is that we need people who are already screen reader experts, eg JG MCK and MF, and a lot of people at Deque/etc who do screen reader testing for a living

Maybe we should have a little road show

to talk to the heads of each of these companies, with projects and goals, to show how it'd benefit their companies

We could meet next week to plan when to kick things off in the new year

The prototype will be changing Monday and Tuesday

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2019/12/04 17:26:44 $

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Default Present: Matt_King, Jean-Francois_Hector, michael_fairchild, Jon_Gunderson
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