Web Authentication Working Group

06 Nov 2019


Nadalin, Fontana


tony: we have some open PRs.
... three
... they were suppose to look at those

akshay: I started looking into some of these. I am still working.
... we could move to Level 2


working on this


tony: akshay can you approve.

Jeffh: Akshay merged.


jeffH: should be ready to go.
... question is could it break API. but not ture

elundberg: looks OK

tkny: jeffH cna you merge.

tony: that is all the open PRs in Wd02
... now that we have these closed we will produce a new draft.

elundberg: what about (11
... 911

tony: are we ok to generate wd-02

jeffH: yes.

agl: yes

akshay: I can't do it this week

tony: we have so wd03 PRs
... some still blocked, CTAP stuff. we also have #966
... think akshay wrote an answer
... we have #1300, which is AGLs

agl: do we want to flesh this out?

jeffh: I can help

jcj_moz: I am interested, I have done some work but it is not ready for sharing.

akshay: good to have use cases defined.

agl: we should move this PR to where it could be landable and see what people think

tony: I will move it forward.

alexei: I am willing to help RPs understand moving to web authn

jeffH: would we do that in the spec?

tony: I don't think so.

agl: we have app ID defined in this spec

selfissue: we can link to external docs from the spec. W3C allows notes

alexei: I don't care where it exists but it should point to the spec. "Here's is how you do it"

elundberg: would note be good to put things like privacy considerations.

agl: I think privacy and security should be in the main spec.

jeffH: is #1300 done

tony: I think so.
... alexei can create a note to move u2f part forward

alexei: who publishes notes

jeffH: should be on W3C.org site.
... I will help get this done.


tony: still blocked


jeffH: I think it is OK.
... have alexei, akshay others take a look

tony: doesn't look like any of these will land by beginning of week
... we may be OK generating wd02 at beginning of week

akshay: we have options

tony: there won't be new merges

jeffH: we need to take a good close look at spec before we put it into this process
... look at master branch

akshay: can jeffH and elundberg look at the behavior

elundberg: I will take a look

tony: shane is this something you care about.

shane: My concern, browser vendors are not implementing.
... it is only going to make a difference if there is evidence

tony: I hear people just want to re-review


jeffH: reply on this one, should address in secure context spec


jcj_moz: need this use case to move this forward


tony: we left this one hanging..
... decided not to do? is that correct

jcj_Moz: I would rather not close this, I may come back to this.
... we have strong feelings on this one.

tony: OK


tony: this is a wait situation

agl: anything you want to say on this issue

ricky: need more time on feedback

tony: keep it open

ricky: yes


tony: this one is staying open, gathering feedback

jcj_moz: related to #1336 and #1293
... no updates here, .


tony: rolf this is yours

rolf: not sure I have a proposal at this stage
... I've talked to RPs

alexei: we did too. guidance we give, prove to device, ..
... we say something like use this device to prove it is you
... advice is use this to verfiy

rolf: as opposed to specific names.

akshay: out platform is different, we group under Windows Hello

rolf: so RP would need to understand if it runs on windows

akshay: eveyr platform will give guidance

rolf: my concern here is, yes, RP figure it out.
... could be different on multiple platforms.

jcj_moz: there is complexity in translation. need to have a localized string

rolf: trying to understnad what is message to RP
... today it seems to be write lots of Java Script

d.waite: you have RP knows what it requires, and you have user interaction, we don't have consistent kick off for web authn
... the only other thing they can say is log-in with your YubiKey
... do others feel that way

ricky: yes. there is problem here. We tried to address in #1292.
... boiling this to high level use cases could smooth this over.
... more about high level agreement.
... think this is related.

d.waite: issue I see. if we extend branding, we hit a mis-match when presenting security options

agl: I think you learn about authenticator in the transport. explicit language is limited.

akshay: simple solution can be log in with security key. don't know if people understand

rolf: but confusing in some contexts

tony: so I assume we want to move this forward?
... at least go in to it more

rolf: yes
... too early for PR or close
... our answer should be consistent, but don't have a good one yet


tony: JC will work on

jcj_moz: I am waiting for feedback. this could change some plans
... we published a blog about our intentions with Web push.

<jeffh> https://blog.mozilla.org/futurereleases/2019/11/04/restricting-notification-permission-prompts-in-firefox/

agl: can we split feature policy in two

jcj_Moz: I don't think that solves the bigger picture

jeffH: you could do that from technical perspective.

agl: we could keep get and leave create on ten table.
... I am hesitant to have an opinion prior to concrete usage

jcj_Moz: who are the users?

agl: we are looking at it , but flying blind right now
... have not seen anything prove out on cross origin.
... will they use it.

ricky: I appreciate your comment and we will make sure the scenario makes sense.

jcj_moz: I will cross post a site that is trying to trick people to move forward on notifications.
... I will entertain other thoughts and concerns. I want cross origin stuff to work. and feature policy
... issue with notification is more in your face
... with web authn, not so much, but still an issue

akshay: not sure how much of a problem this is now

jcj_moz I supprt ago idea to get to "get" first

jcj_moz: I don't want to cause privacy issues.
... that is all I have to say this week

tony: that takes us through Issues for wd03
... anything else to talk about?
... adjourn

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/11/06 20:57:35 $