15:42:06 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 15:42:06 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/11/01-json-ld-irc 15:42:07 rrsagent, set log public 15:42:07 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 15:42:07 Date: 2019-11-01 15:42:07 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Oct/0013.html 15:42:07 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-11-01: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Oct/0013.html 15:42:08 Chair: azaroth 15:42:08 Regrets+ 15:50:15 rsanderson has joined #json-ld 15:50:47 present+ 15:50:58 present+ 15:52:35 TallTed has joined #json-ld 15:53:05 pchampin has joined #json-ld 15:55:26 regrets- 15:55:29 present+ 15:56:42 present+ 15:58:47 guests+ TallTed 15:59:00 guests+ markus_sabadello 15:59:24 gkellogg_ has joined #json-ld 15:59:26 markus_sabadello has joined #json-ld 15:59:57 present+ 15:59:58 scribejs, set markus_sabadello Markus Sabadello 16:00:11 present+ 16:00:16 scribejs, set TallTed Ted Thibodeau Jr 16:00:29 present+ 16:02:07 scribenick: pchampin 16:02:30 TOPIC: Approve minutes of previous call: 16:02:43 PROPOSAL: Approve minutes of previous call: https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-10-25-json-ld 16:02:45 +1 16:02:45 +1 16:02:47 +1 16:02:48 +1 16:03:02 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of previous call: https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-10-25-json-ld 16:03:32 regrets+ jeff_mixter 16:04:17 azaroth: welcome to markus_sabadello and TallTed from the DID WG 16:04:38 ... let's have a round of introduction 16:04:54 ... I'm co-chair of this WG, previous chair of the Annotation WG, where we used JSON-LD 16:05:28 ivan: staff contact on both group, everyone knows me 16:05:33 dlongley: also a member of both groups 16:05:49 gkellogg: JSON-LD editor, I was at the last DID F2F 16:06:13 present+ bigbluehat 16:06:13 markus_sabadello: founder of a startup in Vienna, co-editor of the DID specification 16:06:26 ... not an expert in JSON-LD, but have used it in several projects in the past 16:07:06 gkellogg_ has joined #json-ld 16:07:28 TallTed: OpenLink software since 2000, and W3C since 2001 16:07:50 bigbluehat: co-chair of the JSON-LD WG, and previously of the Annotation WG 16:07:58 ... lurked in the DID CG previously 16:08:07 TOPIC: Announcements? 16:08:22 q? 16:08:53 TOPIC: Issues 16:09:00 SUBTOPIC: Media Types for JSON-LD 16:09:08 ivan: next week, back to usual time in Europe 16:09:24 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/287 16:10:13 azaroth: the DID WG is looking for how to have a media-type, with a specific file extension 16:10:34 ... which would be recognized as a subtype of JSON-LD 16:11:20 ... What would happend with multiple + signs, like application/did+ld+json ? 16:11:47 q+ 16:11:59 ack gkellogg 16:12:02 ... Or should it be application/did+jsonld 16:12:04 -> https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/1 DID issue in question 16:12:05 ... Or could an extension be registed with a *profile* of application/ld+json? 16:12:17 present+ 16:12:19 q+ 16:12:32 gkellogg: did anyone consider application/did-ld+json? Does it satisfy any of the concern? 16:12:43 ivan: that was one of the options. 16:12:50 ack markus_sabadello 16:13:18 q+ re file extensions 16:13:32 markus_sabadello: we want a specific mime-type, in order to have a file extension, 16:13:47 ... and also to be able to specify the semantics of fragments in our format. 16:14:16 potential options: application/did-ld+json, application/did+ld+json application/ld+json;profile=URI, application/did+jsonld, application/did+json 16:14:24 ... Problem seems to be that we are defining a subtype of a subtype. 16:14:35 q? 16:14:37 ack azaroth 16:14:37 azaroth, you wanted to discuss file extensions 16:14:42 ... The hyphen or the multiple-plus solutions would work I think. 16:14:44 q+ to talk about subtype fallbacks 16:15:15 azaroth: about the extension, there was a discussion in the Annotation WG; 16:15:22 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-wg/issues/123 16:15:38 ... we checked with IETF and IANA (Mark Nottigham). 16:16:01 q+ to mention the problem with using profile vs. did-ld+json, did+ld+json, etc. 16:16:05 ... We asked if a file extension could be registered with a profile parameter, 16:16:24 ... without a new media-type. 16:17:06 ... The answer was yes, provided that the "media-type owner" acknowledge it. 16:17:13 q+ 16:17:18 q? 16:17:21 ... In this case, the "media-type owner" is us (the JSON-LD WG). 16:17:50 ... To me, the profile pattern is the preferable way. We should explore this first. 16:17:50 ack TallTed 16:17:50 TallTed, you wanted to talk about subtype fallbacks 16:18:23 TallTed: Can anyone point to a documentation of the profile suffix on mime-types? 16:18:37 It would look like: application/ld+json;profile="https://w3.org/ns/did" (or whatever URI) 16:18:49 ... We have been discussing the "+" solution, because it allows a fallback. 16:19:04 ... But according to the RFC, only the final + matters for this fallback mechanism. 16:19:21 ... But we hope that implementations consider all + signs, 16:19:38 ... otherwise, application/did+ld+json would fallback directly to JSON, 16:19:41 ... which is not ideal. 16:19:52 Profile parameter: https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/#iana-considerations 16:20:25 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6906 - The 'profile' Link Relation Type 16:20:25 ... I would suggest that application/jsonld be declared, as an "alias" to application/ld+json, 16:20:31 q? 16:20:42 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7284 - The Profile URI Registry 16:20:48 -> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6838#section-4.2.8 reference to the '+' descriptions 16:20:54 ack dlongley 16:20:54 dlongley, you wanted to mention the problem with using profile vs. did-ld+json, did+ld+json, etc. 16:20:55 ... i.e. having the same file extension. 16:21:43 https://www.npmjs.com/package/mime 16:21:45 dlongley: the JSON-LD should advertise the possibility to associate file extensions to profiles, 16:21:50 Profile URI registry: https://www.iana.org/assignments/profile-uris/profile-uris.xhtml 16:22:01 q? 16:22:02 ack markus_sabadello 16:22:06 ... but the tooling is missing for properly working with the profile approach. 16:22:41 markus_sabadello: about the fragments, 16:22:48 q? 16:22:52 ... the way we are using the fragments in DID should be compatible with the way they are used in JSON-LD, 16:23:01 q+ 16:23:21 ... so the fallback mentionned above should work to some extent. 16:23:39 ack ivan 16:23:53 ... A pure JSON-LD tool should be able to process the fragments in a DID document. 16:23:53 +1 we absolutely want it to process the fragment the same way 16:23:56 q+ 16:24:11 ivan: I don't think the fragment ID is defined for the JSON format, neither for JSON-LD. 16:24:13 q+ to ask which options require json-ld normative change 16:24:19 ack bigbluehat 16:24:31 gkellogg: I think we say they have the same semantics as in RDF. 16:24:44 Fragment identifiers used with application/ld+json are treated as in RDF syntaxes, as per RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax [RDF11-CONCEPTS]. 16:24:51 bigbluehat: JSON does not have fragment identifiers. 16:26:03 q+ 16:26:06 gkellogg: is there inheritability of fragment identifiers across media-types? 16:26:25 ack azaroth 16:26:25 azaroth, you wanted to ask which options require json-ld normative change 16:26:25 ... It would be logical. 16:26:51 azaroth: as TallTed pointed out, there is some time pressure. 16:27:08 application/did-ld+json would need to echo much of application/ld+json 16:27:08 application/did+ld+json could inherit *if* MIME RFC made *all* + important 16:27:08 ... We are close to recommendation. 16:27:08 application/did+jsonld would inherit/fallback to application/jsonld 16:27:35 ... Would some of the options require a normative change in JSON-LD? 16:27:56 ... Consensus seems to be that we should say, in the IANA section, 16:28:13 ... that profile IRIs can be associated to new file extensions. 16:29:32 ... did[+-]ld+json would not require any change. 16:29:48 ... did+jsonld would require a change. 16:29:52 could the application/ld+json registration possibly talk about additional '+'s? or would that be too out of scope? 16:30:09 q+ 16:30:11 q? 16:30:13 ack ivan 16:30:26 ... Let's focus on the options requiring some change. 16:30:52 ivan: the registration of did+ld+json only concerns the DID WG, won't affect the JSON-LD WG. 16:30:55 bigbluehat application/jsonld parallel to application/ld+json with the latter preferred for basic JSON-LD would work ... only derivatives of JSON-LD (like DID) would use the former ... but maybe did-ld should be considered as parallel to ld as derivatives of JSON 16:31:11 s/bigbluehat// 16:31:21 ... re: did-ld+json, my improession is that this mime-type would be considered independant from ld+json 16:31:41 s/improession/impression/ 16:32:13 ... The reason why it came up, if I'm correct, was to define the semantics of fragment identifiers. 16:32:31 ... We just pointed out that JSON-LD does define a semantics for fragment identifiers. 16:32:41 q? 16:32:45 ack dlongley 16:32:58 ... Is DID compatible with it? If not, then it should not be a subtype of ld+json, 16:33:02 +1, in DID documents we want to use standard JSON-LD fragment behavior 16:33:09 ... regardless of the possibility for IANA. 16:33:25 dlongley: for me, they should be compatible, and I think this is the opinion of the DID WG. 16:33:34 q+ 16:33:41 ack azaroth 16:34:13 ... I wonder if we could not just mention in the IANA declaration, that +ld+json should be considered a subtype of ld+json, 16:34:34 ... even despite what the RFC says about the final +. 16:34:52 azaroth: We can ask IANA what they would think about that if we did that. 16:35:16 q+ 16:35:17 TallTed: concerned about timing 16:35:21 ack markus_sabadello 16:35:46 markus_sabadello: I agree with Dave about the standard fragment semantics. 16:36:26 q+ to raise the question of what else is different between proposed/considered did+ld+json and ld+json -- is the only reason for the new Media Type the fragment semantics? 16:37:01 azaroth: dlongley, you mentioned problems with the tooling for the profile approach. 16:37:41 ... can tools be updated more quickly than specs? 16:38:04 dlongley: I'm not sure they can. 16:38:14 ... There are many toolchains out there... 16:38:15 ack TallTed 16:38:15 TallTed, you wanted to raise the question of what else is different between proposed/considered did+ld+json and ld+json -- is the only reason for the new Media Type the fragment 16:38:18 ... semantics? 16:38:55 TallTed: if the only concern is the fragment semantics, 16:38:56 q+ 16:39:01 ... and they appear to be in synchrony, 16:39:03 ack dlongley 16:39:09 ... do we need a DID media-type in the 1st place? 16:39:29 dlongley: we also want a file extension. 16:39:51 q+ 16:40:02 TallTed: multiple file extensions can be associated with a single media-type. 16:40:23 q- 16:40:24 ... Why not associate the .did extension to application/ld+json? 16:40:26 q+ 16:40:41 q+ to say the tools would do inconsistent things 16:40:52 azaroth: this would be a bad precedent 16:41:06 ack bigbluehat 16:41:09 TallTed: there are lot of things out there, sharing the same media-type, 16:41:16 ... with very different contents. 16:41:17 q- 16:42:34 bigbluehat: I'm assuming you want a file extension so that desktop apps do the right thing (double click)./ 16:42:59 q+ 16:43:09 ... Most application do not trust only the extension, and check the content once opened. 16:43:23 q+ to suggest profile registration of file extension bubble up to ld+json 16:43:25 q+ 16:43:38 ack markus_sabadello 16:43:41 ... We could register several extensions with application/ld+json, applications should still check the content. 16:43:50 ... The same problem exists with JSON. 16:44:22 markus_sabadello: we also want to be able to do content negociation 16:44:35 q+ 16:44:38 ack azaroth 16:44:38 azaroth, you wanted to suggest profile registration of file extension bubble up to ld+json 16:44:41 q- 16:45:02 ... we want to be able to distinguish btw a DID document and another JSON-LD document. 16:45:24 azaroth: can we update the IANA section, saying that 16:45:33 ... when a file extension is associated with a profile, 16:45:46 q+ 16:45:59 q? 16:46:09 ack ivan 16:47:12 +1 to ivan 16:47:16 +1 to ivan 16:47:18 +1 to ivan 16:47:33 We could require that the registration of a file extension be combined with the registration of a profile URI. Then there's the express intent of the profile URI and the extension being linked. Then the registration for ld+json would explicitly inherit all of the file extensions of all of the profiles. 16:47:40 ivan: this discussion started with the question about multiple +. Shouldn't we go back to checking this? If we can, this is the simplest solution. 16:48:19 did+ld+json conforms to RFC. but tools will probably fall back to json, not to ld+json. which may be OK. 16:48:19 q? 16:48:20 but my understanding is that did+ld+json would NOT automatically inherit from ld+json 16:48:34 ... Let's check with Heather. If the answer is no, then we can look for another solution. 16:49:06 azaroth: the RFC says that only the last + is relevant. 16:49:15 q+ 16:49:21 ... I agree that we should check. I'm affraid the answer is no. 16:49:44 ivan: Let's ask, and prepare a fallback plan. 16:49:46 ack bigbluehat 16:49:56 azaroth: I think the fallback should be profile. 16:50:30 bigbluehat: the did+ld+json IANA declaration could explicitly state that it inherits ld+json. 16:51:15 PROPOSAL: Ask IETF if the JSON-LD media type registration can specify that it should be able to be used with additional +s, such as did+ld+json, with the intent to fallback to ld+json and then to json. If the answer is no, then we proceed with the profile pattern. 16:51:29 +1 16:51:32 +1 16:51:32 +1 16:51:34 +1 16:51:34 +1 16:51:36 +1 16:51:36 +1 16:51:43 +1 16:51:48 worst case, did+ld+json is equivalent to did-ld+json ... and things need to be explicitly and/or redundantly stated in the DID space. 16:52:01 this should require less retooling than reliance on profile -- which doesn't work anywhere yet 16:52:30 q+ i think we just do did+ld+json regardless 16:52:35 q+ to agree... i think we just do did+ld+json regardless 16:53:00 RESOLVED: Ask IETF if the JSON-LD media type registration can specify that it should be able to be used with additional +s, such as did+ld+json, with the intent to fallback to ld+json and then to json. If the answer is no, then we proceed with the profile pattern. 16:53:03 ack dlongley 16:53:03 dlongley, you wanted to agree... i think we just do did+ld+json regardless 16:53:08 markus_sabadello: if the answer is no in general, we can decide later if we go for the profile pattern, or something else... 16:53:17 s/which doesn't work anywhere yet/which currently only works in conneg/ 16:53:28 +1 to above proposal, but fallback could still be either profile, or did+ld+json 16:53:34 ACTION: azaroth to contact IETF about the multiple pluses in the JSON-LD registration 16:53:35 q+ 16:53:55 ack bigbluehat 16:54:00 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.3.2 16:54:14 dlongley: the did+ld+json is legal; even if IETF decides that it does NOT inherit ld+json in general, we can bake this inheritance in this specific media-type 16:54:46 bigbluehat: we should check JS libraries, see how they handle this 16:54:50 q? 16:54:52 JSON-LD WG could suggest that unrecognized /...+ld+json be treatable as /ld+json 16:55:02 (this could be non-normative at this point) 16:55:05 +1 to TallTed 16:55:09 +1 to TallTed 16:55:12 +1 to TallTed 16:56:16 azaroth: re. TallTed suggestion, it boils down to what IETF thinks of that pattern 16:56:49 TallTed: even if they disagree about it in general, we can still recommend it for JSON-LD 16:56:55 q+ 16:57:01 ack pchampin 16:57:47 +1 to pchampin 16:57:49 +1 to pchampin 16:57:52 +1 16:58:21 ... We could recommend that JSON-LD processors process application/*+ld+json 16:58:31 PROPOSAL: In IANA considerations, allow file extension registration with profile registration. 16:58:33 +1 16:58:38 +1 16:58:39 +1 16:58:41 +1 16:58:42 +1 16:58:48 +1 16:58:53 RESOLVED: In IANA considerations, allow file extension registration with profile registration. 16:59:23 PROPOSAL: Conforming json-ld processors SHOULD treat *+ld+json in the same way as the application/ld+json media type 16:59:27 +1 16:59:29 +1 16:59:30 +1 16:59:30 +1 16:59:31 +1 16:59:33 +1 16:59:34 +1 16:59:58 RESOLVED: Conforming json-ld processors SHOULD treat *+ld+json in the same way as the application/ld+json media type 17:00:38 +1 17:01:08 azaroth: I hope we get a response from IETF for next week. 17:01:08 +1 this works regardless 17:01:16 q? 17:01:18 +1 17:01:28 ivan: anyway, we can put in the document what we have resolved, regardless. 17:01:47 thank you all for taking the time today! 17:02:17 TOPIC: Adjourn 17:02:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:02:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/11/01-json-ld-minutes.html ivan 17:02:48 zakim, bye 17:02:48 rrsagent, bye 17:02:48 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2019/11/01-json-ld-actions.rdf : 17:02:48 ACTION: azaroth to contact IETF about the multiple pluses in the JSON-LD registration [1] 17:02:48 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2019/11/01-json-ld-irc#T16-53-34 17:02:48 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been rsanderson, azaroth, ivan, pchampin, dlongley, markus_sabadello, gkellogg, bigbluehat, dlehn 17:02:48 Zakim has left #json-ld