IRC log of wot-marketing on 2019-09-30

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:02:25 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wot-marketing
12:02:25 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:02:55 [kaz]
Meeting: WoT-Marketing
12:06:43 [taki]
taki has joined #wot-marketing
12:07:28 [taki]
taki has left #wot-marketing
12:07:30 [taki]
taki has joined #wot-marketing
12:08:48 [dape]
dape has joined #wot-marketing
12:09:18 [dsr]
dsr has joined #wot-marketing
12:09:45 [dsr]
12:09:47 [kaz]
present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Dave_Raggett, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Taki_Kamiya, Tomoaki_Mizushima
12:10:12 [kaz]
action: kaz to create a wiki page for WoT-Marketing TF
12:11:19 [kaz]
Chair: Sebastian
12:12:29 [sebastian]
sebastian has joined #wot-marketing
12:13:03 [dsr]
scribenick: dsr
12:13:23 [dsr]
Sebastian introduces the aims of the Marketing task force
12:13:26 [kaz]
12:13:48 [dsr]
McCool: in the short term we need to sort out organisational details
12:14:26 [dsr]
e.g. to decide where the pages are and to identifiy a wiki page for this task force
12:14:51 [dsr]
sebastian: yes, indeed.
12:15:17 [dsr]
one thing is the web page, and the second is the wiki page
12:15:29 [kaz]
12:15:36 [dsr]
12:15:53 [dsr]
sebastian: we need to appoint someone to take the lead for the web page
12:16:21 [kaz]
s/second is the wiki page/second is the wikipedia page/
12:16:27 [dsr]
McCool: the landing page for WoT should have the shortest URL
12:17:02 [dsr]
We should clean up out of data stuff
12:17:27 [dsr]
Does the curent wikipedia page talk about the old idea for WoT?
12:17:40 [dsr]
sebastian: yes, and the history stops in 2014
12:17:47 [dsr]
McCool: so yes it is stale
12:18:38 [dsr]
sebastian: Ege has agreed to work on the wikipedia page
12:19:07 [kaz]
-> Marketing
12:19:16 [dsr]
kaz: we should first think about the logistics for this task force, e.g. I’ve already created a marketing repo on GitHub
12:19:27 [dsr]
ack kaz
12:19:40 [ryuichi]
ryuichi has joined #wot-marketing
12:19:47 [dsr]
McCool: we could certainly use the issue track on GitHub
12:20:13 [dsr]
The internal wiki page is handy for meeting agendas
12:20:31 [dsr]
What time would be good to invite Naomi?
12:20:50 [dsr]
kaz: this time conflicts with the W3C comms telecon
12:21:14 [dsr]
McCool: let’s make a doodle poll to set up a joint call
12:21:14 [kaz]
i/we could certainly/kaz: we should consider how to work on the topics before starting the concrete discussions/
12:21:18 [dsr]
kaz: yes
12:21:42 [dsr]
She attended the Osaka meeting and says she is happy to help us
12:21:52 [dsr]
McCool: let’s keep this time slot for now
12:22:07 [dsr]
sebastian: what help can she offer us?
12:22:40 [dsr]
kaz: we could ask her to act as liaison with the W3C Comms & Marketing folks
12:22:41 [kaz]
12:23:10 [dsr]
McCool: one of the things to discuss is the plan for autogenerating IG and WG pages
12:23:26 [kaz]
dsr: there are plans for automatic generation pages
12:23:31 [kaz]
... like the one of IETF
12:23:47 [kaz]
... would avoid confusion
12:24:11 [kaz]
McCool: automatic generation for WG, IG, CG?
12:24:29 [kaz]
... but we still need manually build entry point page as well
12:24:30 [dsr]
It would be timely for us to provide feedback to PLH for the auto generated pages and try to minimise confusion for people coming to WoT
12:24:53 [dsr]
McCool: we definitely need a landing page for people new to WoT
12:25:32 [dsr]
Kaz: we would still need manually generate content to describe the relationships between the IG and WG
12:25:42 [dape]
q+ auto-generation is fine.. but we might need some "good" looking pages also..
12:25:47 [dape]
q+ to auto-generation is fine.. but we might need some "good" looking pages also..
12:25:52 [dsr]
ack dsr
12:26:22 [dsr]
our landing point should point to intro pages for the IG and WG, not directly to the auto generated pages
12:27:06 [dsr]
kaz: we can raise issues with the marketing staff initiative
12:28:19 [kaz]
-> WoT Landing page
12:28:36 [dsr]
dsr: we should invite someone from the team working on autogenerated pages to give us more information and answer our questions.
12:28:38 [dsr]
12:28:44 [dsr]
ack dape
12:28:44 [Zakim]
dape, you wanted to auto-generation is fine.. but we might need some "good" looking pages also..
12:28:46 [dape]
IG page could simlpy forward to
12:29:43 [dsr]
dape: we should include navigation cues for where people are
12:29:55 [kaz]
12:30:14 [dsr]
McCool: autogeneration is for consistency across groups
12:30:28 [dsr]
we should focus in the short term on keeping our pages up to date
12:30:43 [dsr]
later on we can work on the graphics and styling
12:30:59 [kaz]
12:31:15 [dsr]
dape: if we start from autogenerated pages we will be stuck
12:32:13 [dsr]
kaz: I have been working with PLH on the auto generation of pages, but suggest that in this call we focus on what we need in the short term
12:32:22 [kaz]
ack k
12:32:34 [dsr]
McCool: okay, let’s start with collecting issues on GitHub
12:32:48 [dsr]
we have some really obvious short term actions to clean up
12:33:38 [kaz]
-> WoT landing page
12:33:55 [dsr]
dsr: the /WoT/ page is a regular HTML page that we can update
12:33:57 [kaz]
12:34:03 [kaz]
q+ sebastian
12:34:33 [dsr]
sebastian: Matthias made a proposal 2 years back, can anyone remember why it was rejected
12:35:06 [dsr]
dape: it was based upon some other website, not sure why it was rejected
12:35:24 [kaz]
12:35:25 [dsr]
sebastian: I like the shared style
12:35:29 [kaz]
ack seb
12:35:46 [dsr]
12:36:15 [dsr]
McCool: it wasn’t rejected, more it didn’t get the support needed
12:36:38 [dsr]
we should re-explore that with the W3C MarCom
12:36:47 [kaz]
12:37:22 [dsr]
kaz: we need to clarify our needs
12:37:26 [dsr]
12:37:33 [dsr]
ack kaz
12:37:55 [dape]
idea borrowed from
12:38:14 [dape]
12:38:17 [dsr]
McCool: we need to insist a clean up to make the page simpler
12:38:55 [dsr]
kaz: my point is do we want to use the design sebastian pointed to?
12:39:09 [dsr]
sebastian: it is nice and clear for newcomers
12:39:46 [dsr]
the design isn’t critical, it is more about being a nice overview and easy to find out more
12:39:54 [dsr]
12:40:18 [McCool]
12:40:53 [kaz]
dsr: separately from the design, how to fit within W3C, how to find the information?
12:41:47 [dsr]
who is the target audience and what are they looking for and what do we want to tell them
12:42:39 [dsr]
McCool: we should update the landing page this week with the current design
12:42:56 [dsr]
and then we should work with MarCom on the longer term plan
12:43:02 [kaz]
present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura
12:43:37 [dape]
12:43:53 [dsr]
Dape: the media group are also unhappy about the wordpress page model
12:44:36 [dsr]
kaz: you are showing the private proposal from Francois Daoust
12:44:47 [dsr]
12:45:01 [dape]
ack dape
12:45:10 [kaz]
12:45:30 [dsr]
sebastian: we have to rely on the W3C to help us
12:46:02 [kaz]
ack d
12:46:32 [kaz]
-> WG page
12:46:44 [dsr]
dsr: I am happy to update the current pages this week if we can gather what needs to be done
12:47:08 [dsr]
kaz summarises the plan
12:47:38 [dsr]
McCool: let’s decide some actions
12:47:54 [kaz]
i/let's/topic: Next steps/
12:47:56 [dsr]
1. let’s start a doodle poll for a joint call with MarCom
12:48:11 [dsr]
2. Ege and propose content for the Wikipedia page for review by us
12:48:19 [kaz]
12:48:29 [dsr]
3. Dave can update the /WoT page this week for us to review
12:49:17 [dsr]
The /WoT/ page when redesigned becomes out landing page
12:50:15 [dsr]
McCool: the IG and WG page need links to the landing page and a brief explanation
12:51:37 [dsr]
dsr: I see this task force as responsible for driving regular, topical updates
12:52:08 [dsr]
McCool: the IG page should indicate it is a sub-page under the landing page
12:52:24 [dsr]
kaz: we should avoid certain words, e.g. “activity”
12:52:52 [dsr]
dsr: using activity in lower case may be okay
12:53:25 [dsr]
kaz: we could collectively work on improved wording
12:54:00 [dsr]
I strongly suggest we continue this discussion as GitHub issues
12:55:15 [dsr]
dsr: I will include a link to so people can find it
12:55:22 [kaz]
-> wot-marketing repo
12:55:33 [kaz]
as the starting point
12:55:43 [kaz]
to raise issues
12:55:45 [dsr]
sebastian: we can then work on a plan for what we really want in the redesign
12:56:28 [dsr]
kaz: I encourage sebastian to make an issue and link to design idea pages
12:58:34 [dsr]
sebastian should have admin rights for the repo
12:59:01 [dsr]
currently he doesn’t have push access
13:00:31 [dsr]
(now fixed)
13:00:42 [dsr]
rrsagent, set logs public
13:00:56 [dsr]
meeting: WoT Marketing Task Force
13:01:01 [dsr]
chair: Sebastian
13:01:59 [kaz]
13:03:17 [kaz]
13:03:19 [dsr]
rrsagent, make minutes
13:03:19 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dsr
13:24:04 [taki]
taki has left #wot-marketing