13:55:14 RRSAgent has joined #personalization 13:55:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/30-personalization-irc 13:55:16 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:55:19 Meeting: Personalization Task Force Teleconference 13:55:19 Date: 30 September 2019 13:55:25 agenda? 13:56:25 agenda, clear 13:56:44 s/agenda, clear// 13:56:55 zakim, clear agenda 13:56:55 agenda cleared 13:57:37 agenda+ vocab duplicates https://raw.githack.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/rewrite-prototype/content/index.html#values 13:58:02 Chair: CharlesL 14:00:14 present+ 14:02:15 Becka11y has joined #personalization 14:03:51 janina has joined #personalization 14:06:40 present+ 14:07:43 https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-apa-minutes#item07 14:08:19 Janina: Internationalization folks were concerned we hadn't reached out to them but Lisa gave a great demo over WebEx 14:10:33 … A person from Mozilla was there and was excited to see the demo on Chrome for symbols and thought he wanted to get it working in Firefox, which he did and shared it with the group. 14:11:31 https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/csun-draft 14:11:58 … Are we planning on submitting anything on symbols to CSUN? 14:12:21 Roy: Yes Lisa and I wrote up something to submit but not sure if it was submitted or not. 14:12:41 http://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-apa-minutes.html#item07 14:12:48 Becky: Knowability is not planning on submitting anything this year. 14:17:08 Charles: noticed issue with the title spelling, but not sure what was the final draft used. 14:17:40 Janina: not sure if we will be able to affect this submission or not. 14:18:35 … would be nice to see what was submitted thou and including that this is a W3C WAI initiative. 14:18:54 https://www.csun.edu/cod/general-call-presentations 14:21:55 "AAC" - Accessible Augmented Communications this is in that area and need to be pointing to it. 14:23:49 Janina: Phillip thought this should be Unicode and not Bliss reference #'s and thought we should reach out to the internationalization folks at the W3C. 14:25:21 Charles: I apologize for not attending the Internationalization meeting with APA was at the AC meetings and didn't realize it was happening at the same time or I would have left the AC meeting for that meeting. 14:25:57 Janina: Issues with minute generating at TPAC 14:26:15 … CSS was related to what we are doing, interline / word spacing. 14:27:02 … and possibly a different end of sentence spacing. and the dot does not necessarily represent end of sentence (i.e. or etc.) 14:28:48 … we will go over this Wednesday. we may look at additional plugins. but CSS thinks all the material is there but we need something that users can use, but Browsers may also have to buy into this as well. Interline / word is already supported with existing CSS. 14:29:26 … this is probably interested to Publishing as well as Personalization. we got all the pieces we just need to close the loop. 14:29:39 … Same for Silver needs to be in this conversation. 14:33:17 … Janina from an APA perspective this was the best TPAC ever. Mark Hakkinen also said there were major breakthroughs for Pronunciation and wrote an explainer. For personalization the Internationalization Lisa's on the fly demo won them over and got us a FireFox implementation. 14:37:50 Becky: what does this even mean on making this unicode? we are using a reference # which is unicode. 14:38:58 Janina: we are trying to achieve the mapping available. We need a horizontal review with internationalization, but they thought that we were fine and didn't need to have the Bliss symbols to unicode since we are mapping concepts not the individual symbols. 14:40:06 … we are solve the interoperability between symbol sets not to a specific set. 14:41:35 Charles: we still need to do a HZ review for Privacy&Security / I18N 14:41:58 Janina: maybe in our next revision we will ask for this. 14:42:16 Charles; what about a TAG review? 14:43:23 Janina: Do we need one? Maybe the WhatWG. 14:45:08 … We should make them aware of two implementations we are experimenting with the data-. 14:46:24 Janina: I think before we go to W3C recommendation we will need to have something other than data- 14:47:09 … The last TPAC I18N meeting was the goldmine we needed. 14:48:16 Becky, I have never gone to TPAC, but next year in Vancouver sounds good. 14:50:28 scribe+ 14:50:30 Becka11y has left #personalization 14:50:38 rrsagent, make logs public 14:50:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:50:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/30-personalization-minutes.html CharlesL 14:51:27 present+ Janina, Roy 14:51:36 regrets+ John, Lisa 14:51:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:51:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/30-personalization-minutes.html CharlesL 15:01:53 janina has left #personalization 16:02:16 zakim, clear agenda 16:02:16 agenda cleared 16:02:27 trackbot, end meeting 16:02:27 Zakim, list attendees 16:02:27 As of this point the attendees have been CharlesL, Becka11y, Janina, Roy 16:02:31 CharlesL has left #personalization 16:02:35 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:02:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/30-personalization-minutes.html trackbot 16:02:36 RRSAgent, bye 16:02:36 I see no action items