25 Sep 2019



dezell, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Ben_Francis, Dave_Raggett, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Takahisa_Suzuki, Taki_Kamiya, Zoltan_Kis, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster


<McCool> agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#25_Sept_2019

<scribe> scribenick: dsr

McCool: I have been talking to the venue host in Singapore and they have space, but 4 round tables, so I have asked them for alternatives

I would like to have book it on the Intel budget if the group agrees

The other logistical thing is the time for the chairs call. I suggest that we switch the hour immediately prior to this call

<mjkoster> https://github.com/t2trg/wishi/wiki

<mjkoster> there's no agenda posted yet

One of needs to go to the Friday call in respect to the workshop

sebastian: how will the workshop be structured, can we propose some topics?

McCool: I would like to talk about discovery, for instance
... we could also raise the whole management thing

mjkoster: we could ask them to take responsibility to work on the XXX vocabulary

sebastian: +1 on myside for a coap vocab

mjkoster: restful actions and events is an interesting topic

<Zakim> kaz, you wanted to mention IG Charter review (by Oct 11)

<kaz> AC review for WoT IG proposed Charter (Member-only)

McCool: we have time to work on the detail list of workshop topic we want to discuss

WoT IG AC Review Reminder

Kaz reminds us to chase our respective AC Reps as a matter of urgency - see above email for a link to the Review

mjkoster: I will respond on behalf of Samsung

McCool: currently we only have a quarter of the responses we need to get the charter approved
... please review the Fukuoka F2F minutes and we will approve them in the next call


McCool: we have various things for the Marketing task force to work on, and hence we should go ahead and create the task force and arrange for a wiki page and regular webex call

asks people who are interested to attend the Marketing TF call on Mondays

<kaz> (Kaz will ask Naomi about her availability for the marketing call.)

sebastian: what is the time of the call?

McCool: 8am EST, 1pm UK, 2pm Germany, 9pm Korea and Japan.

We do have the time zone change chaos coming up …

Kaz: late October for USA, and 2 weeks later for Europe

<inserted> [5am Pacific, 8am Eastern, 1pm UK, 2pm EU, 9pm Japan (till Oct 27)]

McCool: our calls are tied to Boston (EST), right?

Kaz: yes

McCool: anything else [no]

Group liaisons

We met with several groups during TPAC: Decentralized Identifiers, Edge Computing, Privacy and JSON-LD

McCool: I am looking after Privacy and Edge Computing.

JSON-LD Victor

Who is interested in liaising with DID WG?

dezell_: I am given that I am a member of that WG

McCool: it would be good to get an invited presentation on their main objectives

Kaz: what about the media and entertainment IG, we spoke about a joint call on December 3rd

McCool: yes, also we want to get someone from the Accessibility IG to join our group

Kaz: possibly Josh from the W3C staff

Presentations from TPAC 2019

<mjkoster> (sorry, have to drop off now)

McCool: please add your presentations from TPAC to this directory

<McCool> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#25_Sept_2019

When reviewing the minutes missing presentations will be marked TBD

Normative Privacy Guidelines

Certain people felt that WoT WG should be taking a more normative approach, and that the CR should incorporate this

Our current charter extension runs until December 2019, the last date for a CR submission is 3rd week in Octobe

I sent an email to the Privacy IG seeking agreement on a timeslot for joint work

We need to work on a strawman privacy section rather than having the guidelines spread throughout the spec

The Security TF needs to propose this new wording

McCool: I can’t personally make the next Security TF call on Monday

We should move the call to Tuesday instead

We need someone from the Privacy IG to work with us actively rather than wait for a review at the end

let’s create a doodle poll for a call next week

let’s share this with the Privacy IG

McCool: I seem to remember Tuesday 7am EST as our first suggestion

Kaz: I will create the poll for you

McCool: let’s pick a time for next week now and use the poll for subsequent calls

<taki> previous doodle for security

Kaz: I will also create a webex for the telecon

sebastian: we need a reference example that we can learn from when writing our own text

Kaz: this is the first occasion that the PING IG have asked for a normative section, so that’s why I think we needed to talk with PLH and Ralph

Ralph was okay with our proposed direction

McCool: we need to make protecting the TD mandatory

There are cases where you don’t want to provide the URI for a TD, but sometimes a temporary URI would be acceptable

Kaz: we need to focus on satisfying the W3C Director and moving the spec forward

McCool: there’s a big discussion within W3C on the appropriate role of privacy, and we’re kind of a test case for that

right now we have mostly informative statements, some of which we can make normative

making TD ID’s optional is more contensious

Dave: could we ask Sam to represent us and help find a way forward?

McCool: The person who was most vocal in the TPAC meeting was Tom

We probably want a W3C Member person not a staff person

Web Things Protocol CG charter

McCool: everyone needs to read this and be ready to ask questions next week

we don’t have adequate time today

Ben: there is an email on the IG list that introduces the CG’s aims

<inserted> email thread on the Web Thing Protocol CG on the WoT IG list

<benfrancis> Yes, that thread.

WG charter updates

McCool: We may want to adjust the timeline given the delays for the CR

If you have suggestions for the charter, please follow the process I outlined

Does anyone have an objection to a WG Charter call next week on Thursday

I think a single meeting should be sufficient to wrap up the charter

<kaz> [thursday: 4am Pacific, 7am Eeastern, noon UK, 1pm EU, 8pm Japan is the current Charter slot]

McCool asks kaz to set up a doodle poll and ensure that Michael Lagally is included

Let’s look for a variety of times on Thursday

Kaz: I can do that, but let’s not forget the need for a Discovery TF slot

McCool: the Discovery TF is lower priority but could take the same slot in subsequent weeks

The scripting discussion is likely to be deferred until 2 weeks from now

Zoltan: what should we do in the meantime?

McCool: we need to discuss where it fits into our charter, who should we collaborate with? should we have a management API, etc.

I want to work on a better template for use cases and requirements

this would allow us to better justify the scripting work

I would be happy to have a private call with zkis if that would help in the meantime

we are out of time for today’s call? Any other business?

Kaz: just got a response from PING Chair. PING IG’s next call is on Oct 3

McCool: we should prepare the ground in the meantime

Ben: I provided some feedback on the charter a while back and am seeking a response

<kaz> [Kaz will generate 3 doodle polls: WG Charter, Security and Discovery]

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/10/02 00:43:52 $