12:53:06 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 12:53:06 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/25-rqtf-irc 12:53:08 RRSAgent, make logs world 12:53:08 Zakim has joined #rqtf 12:53:10 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 12:53:10 Date: 25 September 2019 12:53:24 agenda+ Real-time communication accessibility. 12:53:54 agenda+ XR accessibility. 12:54:17 agenda+ Miscellaneous updates from TPAC, and Task Force priorities. 12:54:25 present+ 12:54:27 chair: jasonjgw 12:57:35 Judy has joined #rqtf 13:00:12 Joshue108_ has joined #rqtf 13:03:52 present+ 13:04:08 zakim, next item 13:04:08 agendum 1. "Real-time communication accessibility." taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:04:11 scott_h has joined #rqtf 13:04:12 present+ 13:04:20 scribe: Joshue108_ 13:04:28 SteveNoble has joined #rqtf 13:04:31 present+ 13:04:33 JW: We are talking about RTC Accessibility. 13:04:44 There was a join meeting at TPAC with the WebRTC group. 13:04:58 The Accessible RTC draft was discussed. 13:05:07 Who would like to start? 13:05:35 Josh: there was a meeting with WebRTC WG. 13:05:47 present+ 13:06:18 Josh: WebRTC Working Group participants found our use cases to be valuable. 13:07:03 Josh notes the availability of implementations of real-time text, some of which require polyfill implementations; it was suggested that the approach be captured in the relevant specification. 13:07:29 Josh: the WebRTC Working Group will determine the relevance of the use cases for their work. 13:07:47 q+ 13:08:35 Josh notes the request to review the IETF draft [on use of real-time text in the WebRTC data channel.] 13:09:03 Janina: we should identify what use cases may need to be resolved that may not be well served by the draft. 13:10:02 Here is that doc they would like us to review https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-holmberg-mmusic-t140-usage-data-channel-02 13:11:19 JW: I think there is a code you can input if you are using your phone away. 13:11:24 JS: That is news to me! 13:11:31 So that was a suggestion. 13:11:40 So we don't have to localise all the time. 13:12:08 So the issue seems to be what sort of buffering or delay etc needs to be implemented. 13:12:27 JS: Discussed data streaming and RTT type coms.. 13:12:49 This approach may help the poor pronunciation or braille display output. 13:13:04 JW: Yeah, like waiting for an end of line, and waiting indefinitely. 13:13:11 JS: That is the emergency concern. 13:13:28 They will get what ever is transmitted, but where is the time out. 13:13:39 q+ to ask about the review of https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-holmberg-mmusic-t140-usage-data-channel-02 13:14:04 SH: Great to hear it all went well. 13:14:14 JS: We had a great week, there is a lot to report. 13:14:39 JW: I've looked at the draft, included in the minutes. 13:15:45 ack jan 13:16:01 ack me 13:16:01 Joshue108_, you wanted to ask about the review of https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-holmberg-mmusic-t140-usage-data-channel-02 13:16:12 q+ 13:16:20 Josh: inquires about the details of the review process. 13:16:41 q+ Judy 13:16:47 ack Judy 13:17:13 JB: Dom and I have something to go about explaining the ways RTT can be done and linking with the polyfill implementation. 13:17:21 That needs to get tied in with APA. 13:17:54 JS: And they said the reason WebRTC doesn't say so much about RTT is that the IETF spec covers this. 13:18:20 Josh inquires whether the message was that the IETF spec will cover the RTT use cases. 13:19:00 JW: I've had a look at this spec. 13:19:21 It is a detailed control level spec for how to transfer RTT over the WebRTC data channel. 13:19:59 It is some kind of reliable protocol, they are aiming to define the protocol and WebRTC will mint APIs to support it. 13:20:29 It does define the direction of text, if it is send only etc. 13:20:54 JS: Are you saying the IETF RFC refers to WebRTC in the data channel of the WebRTC spec? 13:21:05 JW: Its a divided deliverable. 13:22:04 JOC: It doesn't refer to the W3C WebRTC spec. 13:22:31 JS: WebRTC gave us the interesting reponse about the IETF doing protocols and we do web APIs. 13:22:52 Not suprised, but until IETF finish the protocol how are they write the API? 13:23:18 It confims our suspicion that the data channel is sufficient. 13:23:32 JW: Consistent with my understanding. 13:24:46 We were told ~ that VoiceOver works, we were urged to share our use cases with IETF. 13:24:52 Josh wishes to ensure that the different responsibilities are understood and taken into account. 13:25:25 JS: The WebRTC data channel may be sufficient but they need to be talked about and validated more. 13:25:28 q? 13:25:38 The next steps are they we look at this document. 13:26:16 ACTION: Josh and Jason to review IETF doc https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-holmberg-mmusic-t140-usage-data-channel-02 13:26:16 Created ACTION-2213 - And jason to review ietf doc https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-holmberg-mmusic-t140-usage-data-channel-02 [on Joshue O Connor - due 2019-10-02]. 13:27:16 JS: We've got to look at community groups etc. 13:27:30 JW: Lets continue this next week. 13:27:42 Anything else on RTC? 13:27:48 zakim, agenda? 13:27:48 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 13:27:49 1. Real-time communication accessibility. [from jasonjgw] 13:27:49 2. XR accessibility. [from jasonjgw] 13:27:49 3. Miscellaneous updates from TPAC, and Task Force priorities. [from jasonjgw] 13:28:03 zakim, next item 13:28:03 agendum 2. "XR accessibility." taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:28:38 JS: So unlike RTC that was a one hour meet, we spent ~ 3-4 hours talking about XR. 13:29:08 We had enlightening sessions, the intro to 3D on Friday morning by Nell from Amazon was very good. 13:29:39 Aims to develop a common vocabulary so we can work together. 13:29:45 It is well minuted. 13:30:00 https://www.w3.org/2019/09/20-apa-minutes.html#item01 13:30:38 JS: There was also the conversation from the day before. But we talked XR on the Thurs sesh, the APA sesh anetc 13:30:50 s/anetc/etc 13:31:01 JW: Thats helpful Janina, I've read some. 13:31:18 Good discussion on rendering, and related AOM discussion and scene graphs. 13:31:26 So valuable territory was addressed. 13:31:31 q+ 13:31:48 JW: So what are the central ideas that will help with use cases etc. 13:32:09 JS: The AOM converstaions were in the TAG hour, AOM and scene graphs etc. 13:32:27 My take away was that, we are not the only ones with concerns to have semantic data coming out of XR. 13:32:46 Immersive web and XR people want to get to doing declarative programming and semantics. 13:32:56 So I think this is a common goal and I'm heartened by that. 13:33:10 It takes the WebGL, WebGPU stuff off the table IMO. 13:33:23 glTF seems promising for WebGL. 13:33:56 That was confirmed by Nell, Ada and other folks but the main concern is the semantics we need, and matching that with their requirements. 13:34:28 SH: Do you think it is more of a technology or terminology issue? 13:34:42 Is this from a semantic POV or from just having the conversation. 13:35:12 JS: I took away that we were using similar terms but coming at them from diff angles - we need a common vocab. 13:35:37 Alice was quite involved - so is our model a tree or more like a scene graph? 13:36:00 This distinction is an open question - immersive web are more scene graph oreintated. 13:36:28 FOr interative or augmented envs, you dont have time for static DOM/tree, you need it all at once. 13:36:54 SH: So how do we get that work into our documents? 13:37:48 Josh: affirms Janina's summary. 13:38:39 Josh: we should be clear about the generic need for declarative semantics for accessibility and other purposes. 13:38:56 q+ 13:39:27 Josh suggests we need to understand how different components of the stack work, how semantic scene graphs work, and what is needed on the semantic side. 13:39:55 He thinks we may need to combine current accessibility tree-oriented approaches with semantic scene graphs. 13:40:26 In summary, Josh thinks the various aspects of this landscape need to be better defined an understood for purposes of a dialogue. 13:40:26 ack me 13:40:27 q+ to discuss timing, and circulation of a backgrounder 13:40:55 ack Jud 13:40:55 Judy, you wanted to discuss timing, and circulation of a backgrounder 13:41:44 q+ 13:43:25 Josh considers the notes to be of high quality. 13:43:32 https://www.w3.org/2019/09/20-apa-minutes.html#item01 13:43:40 ack me 13:44:37 Josh is currently capturing the ideas for purposes of understanding the material. These notes can be developed into a primer, once shared with the group. 13:54:45 13:55:19 Some of us may make it. 13:55:40 zakim, next item 13:55:40 agendum 3. "Miscellaneous updates from TPAC, and Task Force priorities." taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:56:06 JW: Part of the intent is to consider what are priorities will be post TPAC. 13:56:16 We've done that, and know what we need to do. 13:56:30 Are there other TF conversations that should be noted. 13:56:43 JB: I've started doing debriefs. 13:57:10 JS: Relevant to this, we had a good meet with Authentication people, decentralised identifiers. 13:57:17 We asked for CAPTCHA to die. 13:57:30 They may be able to kill it. They validated what we have reported. 13:57:36 No disagreement. 13:57:42 SH: Thats great. 13:58:07 JW: Yes indeed. The AGWG are also talking about authentication. etc 13:58:33 I've also sent a note to the chairs of AGWG offering help but not had a response. 13:58:49 We have things to offer, and I'm not sure if they've read our doc. 13:58:57 q+ 13:59:14 JW: Is there any authenitcation stuff to bring back to the TF? 13:59:17 JS: No. 13:59:24 ack me 13:59:57 Josh: notes discussion of the FAST which clarified the objectives of the document. 14:00:07 http://w3c.github.io/apa/fast/checklist 14:01:15 [JB: Yes -- FAST is *really* hard to find -- let's fix that!] 14:03:59 We need a user needs discovery on FAST for anyone developing accessibility specs, then we need to iterate it. 14:04:58 zakim, bye 14:04:58 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, janina, Joshue108_, scott_h, SteveNoble 14:04:58 Zakim has left #rqtf 14:05:01 rrsagent, make minutes 14:05:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/25-rqtf-minutes.html jasonjgw 15:03:40 janina has left #rqtf 15:04:10 Judy has joined #rqtf 17:34:06 Judy has joined #rqtf