19:42:32 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 19:42:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-irc 19:42:41 rrsagent, make logs public 19:42:50 chair: PWinstanley 19:43:32 regrets+ Alejandra 19:43:40 meeting: DXWG Plenary 19:43:56 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2019.09.24 19:44:09 rrsagent, create minutes v2 19:44:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 19:45:28 present+ 19:48:03 RubenVerborgh has joined #dxwg 19:56:11 ncar has joined #dxwg 20:01:16 LarsG has joined #dxwg 20:01:29 present+ 20:01:44 present+ 20:02:14 DaveBrowning has joined #dxwg 20:02:17 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwg 20:04:47 present+ 20:04:57 plh has joined #dxwg 20:05:07 present+ 20:05:16 present+ 20:05:19 present+ 20:05:24 present+ 20:05:29 annette_g has joined #dxwg 20:05:35 present+ 20:05:37 https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-dxwg-minutes 20:05:50 +1 20:05:55 +1 20:05:56 +1 20:05:57 present+ 20:05:57 scribenick: dsr 20:05:58 +1 20:06:07 PWinstanley: asks for approval of last minutes 20:06:07 +1 20:06:43 antoine has joined #dxwg 20:06:51 present+ antoine 20:07:47 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 20:07:59 present+ 20:08:16 +1 20:08:36 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 20:08:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 20:08:39 Resolved: minutes of 17th September are approved 20:08:41 kcoyle has joined #dxwg 20:08:51 present+ 20:08:53 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/99375/DCAT_to_CR/results 20:09:06 Topic: Ratification of Poll results for DCAT to CR 20:09:27 +1 20:09:27 +1 20:09:28 +1 20:09:33 +1 20:09:37 +1 20:09:38 +1 20:09:40 +1 20:09:41 PWinstanley: does everyone agree that we move DCAT to CR, everyone vote please 20:09:55 +1 20:10:56 resolved: poll results for DCAT to CR ratified 20:11:00 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 20:11:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 20:11:42 PLH: we need to send the transition request by this Thursday … 20:11:49 Link - https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/wiki/DCAT:-Draft-Transition-Request-to-CR 20:12:10 DaveBrowning: see link for a draft request 20:12:22 I have a couple of questions we can deal with right now 20:13:23 The request needs to point to an implementation report, so that the URL is defined 20:13:42 it could be empty at this stage … 20:14:27 PLH: I heard that not all of the use case requirements are met by this version of DCAT 20:14:55 DaveBrowning: We have a little bit of tidying up to do, but are almost finished 20:15:15 PLH: on the transition request, I suggest a couple of changes 20:15:56 People will want to know the changes since the last published Working Draft 20:16:08 I’ve made such tweaks, e.g. marking what features are at risk 20:17:06 We need to clarify which features are future priorities 20:17:51 PLH: as long as this is finished by Friday, it should be good. I plan to sit down with Ralph Swick then to review the transition request 20:18:45 Some discussion about a DXWG review meeting … 20:19:08 PWinstanley: does anyone else have any questions? 20:19:26 I want to give a big congratulations to the DCAT subgroup for getting this far 20:19:35 Topic: Conneg 20:19:37 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 20:19:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 20:19:45 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/99375/CONNEG_to_CR/results 20:19:59 PWinstanley: we still have a poll running until midnight Boston time tonight 20:20:07 q+ 20:20:27 ack ncar 20:20:45 PWinstanley: thanks the editors, and notes that we now need to find a way to put this work into safe moorings 20:21:17 ncar: The github branch has addressed some editorial matters 20:21:51 rrsagent, generate minutes 20:21:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html plh 20:21:58 The single vote to not go to CR - a couple of issues were raised, I am in touch with the respondent to understand better 20:22:47 One of the issues raised is that the use of tokens is undermotivated 20:23:27 PWinstanley: are there areas that need to be marked as at risk for CR? 20:23:42 ncar: I am going to say no to that 20:24:23 some discussion around query strings 20:24:55 q+ to discuss partitioning 20:25:03 PWinstanley: there seems to be some differences between the different proposals being brought forward 20:25:56 ncar: a lot of people understand the HTTP details, but not in query strings … 20:25:58 q+ 20:26:00 ack RubenVerborgh 20:26:00 RubenVerborgh, you wanted to discuss partitioning 20:26:36 RubenVerborgh: on the IETF perspective, we have a mechanism of content negotiation by profile 20:26:46 I am not a big fan of tokens 20:27:27 With hindsight, perhaps the requirements were too prescriptive 20:27:53 ack antoine 20:28:04 If no one is going to use query strings or tokens, we won’t have a problem 20:29:00 PWinstanley: can I ask PLH to outline our options? 20:29:13 PLH: either you move it to CR or you don’t 20:29:36 My initial impression is that it is a little shaky 20:29:57 There is a high chance that the Director might not approve the transition to CR 20:29:59 note that the poll is not closed yet either 20:31:11 PWinstanley: if the group is minded to move it to CR, we will need a transition request by this coming Thursday 20:31:16 Conneg draft CR report: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/wiki/Conneg:-Draft-Transition-Request-to-CR 20:31:23 any other questions? 20:31:48 PWinstanley invites people to review the draft transition request 20:31:49 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 20:31:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 20:32:08 branche with improved definitions: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/dxwg/conneg-data-profile/conneg-by-ap/index.html 20:32:42 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/99375/CONNEG_to_CR/results 20:32:47 PWinstanley: what do people think we should be doing, noting that there are several hours yet for the poll to finish 20:33:21 Is it the case that further discussion is needed to clarify matters? 20:34:23 PLH: I will need a story on the breadth of review for the Director 20:34:31 q? 20:34:34 q+ 20:35:11 PWinstanley: a prudent suggestion would be to publish the spec as a WG Note 20:35:28 We would need to keep the WG open to maintain the work items 20:35:56 Could we bring the spec to CR at a later stage? 20:36:04 PLH: it would need to be part of the next Charter 20:36:25 The maintenance bit would be pretty straightforward 20:36:46 I can show you what I am doing in that respect with the verifiable claims WG 20:37:04 ack ncar 20:37:34 ncar: can I just clarify, that we need to present a story of engagement in respect to wide review 20:38:03 We have reached out and had feedback, so do we just need to document how the review was handled? 20:38:22 PLH: yes, look at how DCAT has addressed this 20:39:54 In the last 5 mins we’ve had feedback from the person who voted against moving to CR, and we have a way to address this in terms of outstanding issues, which mostly fall into the category of features at risk 20:40:16 PLH: you will indeed need to mark which features are at risk 20:40:17 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aprofile-negotiation 20:40:37 PLH: I see that Karen provided some feedback on Section 7 20:40:51 PWinstanley: any other input to this discussion? 20:41:08 [no] 20:41:52 what is the group’s risk appetite? 20:42:25 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 20:42:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html DaveBrowning 20:42:52 If the subgroup have address the outstanding work needed to submit a transition request this Thursday, are we going to support that? 20:43:04 q+ 20:43:10 acn annette_g 20:43:15 … recognising that the work will move to a WG Note if the transition is rejected 20:43:46 annette_g: for me it is more a question of whether the spec is good enough 20:43:50 q+ 20:43:58 ack annette_g 20:43:59 ack kcoyle 20:44:35 kcoyle: there are comments from people who voted yes, and we should review those too 20:45:02 There is a sense that the spec isn’t quite cooked yes 20:45:18 my question to PLH is whether a REC needs to be fully polished? 20:45:56 PLH: if the changes needed are more than editorial then you shouldn’t move it forward to CR 20:46:04 PWinstanley: does anyone who voted yes want to talk about their feedback? 20:46:59 kcoyle: one of the reasons why I abstained is that there is quite a bit of discussion going on, the editors need to tie those issues up 20:47:53 PWinstanley asks kcoyle whether she thinks a WG Note is more appropriate than a CR? 20:48:18 kcoyle: it would be really shame for this not to proposed for transition to CR? 20:48:41 it would have been better if some of these issues had been dealt with a month ago 20:49:22 It may be a matter of showing that the issues have been resolved 20:49:43 PWinstanley: this needs to be done in transparent way, especially given the time pressure 20:50:41 kcoyle: with a clear wrapping up of the issues, some people may change their vote 20:51:47 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 20:51:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 20:51:52 we should extend the poll for another 24 hours, and well before then the editors ought to review any open issues and announce their resolutions so that people have the chance to change their votes 20:52:09 +1 for extending the poll 20:52:30 PWinstanley: asks PLH if it is possible to extend this poll? 20:52:42 PLH: yes, but don’t quote me on this :-) 20:53:20 q+ 20:53:25 ack annette_g 20:53:30 PWinstanley: Proposed: we extend the poll for a day 20:53:59 annette_g: what would be the best way for people to respond, given the multiple channels we have right now 20:54:21 kcoyle: are you talking in general or about a specific github issue? 20:54:33 annette_g talks about some email threads 20:54:55 kcoyle: it is up to the editors to gather up the loose ends 20:55:23 they need to show evidence that the loose ends have been addressed 20:56:10 Proposal: we extend the conneg poll by 24 hours 20:56:14 +1 20:56:15 +1 20:56:16 +1 20:56:18 +1 20:56:19 PWinstanley: please vote 20:56:21 +1 20:56:23 +1 20:56:32 +1 20:56:56 +1 20:56:57 +1 20:57:16 Resolved: we will extend the conneg poll by 24 hours 20:58:14 Proposal: a clear evidence trail must be prepared by the conneg editors to show satisfactory resolution of the key issues raised in the poll 20:58:19 +1 20:58:21 +1 20:58:24 +1 20:58:25 +1 20:58:28 +1 20:58:29 action: PWinstanley extend poll 24 hours 20:58:29 Created ACTION-377 - Extend poll 24 hours [on Peter Winstanley - due 2019-10-01]. 20:58:31 +1 20:58:32 +1 20:58:58 +1 20:59:22 +1 20:59:35 Resolved: a clear evidence trail must be prepared by the conneg editors to show satisfactory resolution of the key issues raised in the poll 20:59:58 PWinstanley: anything else to discuss? 21:00:21 My thanks to everyone for their contributions 21:00:25 we didn't get to issues to close - can we carry those over? 21:00:52 good night, all 21:00:52 Thanks, bye bye 21:00:58 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:00:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:00:58 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 21:00:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html dsr 21:00:58 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:00:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 21:00:59 rrsagent, please create minutes v2 21:00:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-dxwg-minutes.html kcoyle 21:32:13 annette_g has joined #dxwg 22:01:49 annette_g has joined #dxwg 22:26:26 annette_g has joined #dxwg 23:19:57 annette_g has joined #dxwg 23:26:55 Zakim has left #dxwg 23:42:22 annette_g1 has joined #dxwg