20:53:41 RRSAgent has joined #auto 20:53:41 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-auto-irc 20:53:43 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:53:43 Zakim has joined #auto 20:53:45 Meeting: Automotive Working Group Teleconference 20:53:45 Date: 24 September 2019 20:53:47 scribenick: ted 20:53:52 Scribe: Ted 20:53:54 Chair: Peter 20:56:31 Agenda+ WG meeting schedule 20:56:36 Ulf has joined #auto 20:56:43 agenda+ Open source project to promote VSS data model 20:57:03 agenda+ Gen2 editors 20:57:10 agenda+ VSS status 20:57:27 agenda+ Gen2 reference implementation update 20:57:54 agenda+ VSSo status and location 20:58:47 Present+ Ted 20:59:50 Present+ Glenn, Ulf, Peter 21:00:01 Present+ Don 21:00:28 Regrets+ Adnan 21:00:36 Present+ Gunnar 21:01:17 Present+ Harjot 21:05:48 zakim, next agendum 21:05:48 agendum 1. "WG meeting schedule" taken up [from ted] 21:06:25 Peter: this is 2pm PST and 11pm CEST and might be better earlier in the day 21:07:12 … for the west coast, 9am onward start is reasonable 21:07:38 Glenn: that would be noon for us on east coast and 6pm for Europe 21:08:49 Peter: obviously not enough to decide 21:09:50 Karen has joined #auto 21:10:05 Ted: I can start a doodle and propose the different times, starting as early as 8 or 9am PST? 21:10:19 Peter: it cuts into when people tend to head home 21:10:57 Ulf: yes but that would be much better than at present, even an hour earlier (10pm CEST) would be better 21:12:09 Gunnar: depending on the day, I might not be able to do five 21:13:09 Ted: sounds like 5 optimal hours and question of which day. suggest we avoid Mondays due to holidays and Fridays as it may interfere with European weekend plans 21:14:02 Peter: we'll see what people think and aim for a single time instead of alternating 21:14:06 zakim, next agendum 21:14:06 agendum 2. "Open source project to promote VSS data model" taken up [from ted] 21:14:19 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ACoHvQZQTgJF41gIvM48RfoG695O58AUjdvGATGBB6k/edit -> Project writeup 21:16:56 Peter: this aligns well with Joakim's work in Graph 21:17:22 Glenn: if we narrow the use cases, that would make it easier to remap sample data 21:17:48 … I would prefer those aimed for the public good, for instance harsh braking with location for mapping hazardous intersections 21:18:13 … we can also use ABS brakes for evaluating road conditions 21:18:30 Peter: that is more tangible with clear use cases like this, doesn't have to be many just a couple 21:18:54 Glenn: agree, most minimum viable project 21:19:32 Ulf: those are good proposals, we could perhaps come up with a few more. I'm reminded of some of our colleague Amir's recent presentations 21:19:39 … micro-weather was very interesting 21:20:30 … predictive maintenance such as based on cranking voltage another 21:20:51 … we can figure out what signals to bring from stakeholders 21:20:58 Peter: having use cases can help 21:22:27 Glenn: agree it is useful to include use cases on the document and then we can go to our design engineers and see which are more readily feasible 21:24:45 Ted: when the document settles I'll move it to a wiki, @@sample, @@ 21:24:48 zakim, next agendum 21:24:48 agendum 3. "Gen2 editors" taken up [from ted] 21:26:40 Peter: I guess we have Ulf who expressed interest in continuing as an editor but from Geotab instead of Volvo 21:26:49 … PatrickB isn't on the call 21:26:59 Present+ Daniel 21:27:20 Ted: I will be speaking with Colin Lee from JLR tomorrow@@ 21:27:29 Daniel: expect Adnan, I or someone else from BMW to as well 21:29:20 Ted: I expect PatrickL to kick in when his schedule settles and to pull in pieces from ViWi protocol such as Registry so we can move more quickly than we have been 21:29:21 zakim, next agendum 21:29:21 agendum 4. "VSS status" taken up [from ted] 21:29:56 Peter: I noticed we have an outstanding pull request and wondering what the timeline is and how we should work with it 21:30:21 Daniel: much of our energy has gone into discussions around taxonomy, updating documentation etc 21:30:39 … Benjamin finished his thesis and Adnan is taking over, we will settle and get back to it 21:32:49 Ted: CharIN, IEC@@ on EV 21:32:58 … ADAS, diagnostics 21:33:09 Daniel: yes, I want to get others to jump in 21:33:42 … the spec files aren't that legible and we probably want to leverage some open source tools for representing the tree 21:34:02 Gunnar: for visualizing the tree and...? 21:34:28 Daniel: yes and to be able to zoom in on certain branches, I am hearing this from my colleagues as well starting to look at this 21:35:03 Gunnar: yes, that would be helpful for clarifying - we can also use plantUML but that only gives the tree structure 21:35:27 Ted: if we publish a JSON view from tree spec there are tools 21:38:51 zakim, next agendum 21:38:51 agendum 5. "Gen2 reference implementation update" taken up [from ted] 21:39:29 Peter: Mitsubishi and Volvo started this Gen2 implementation and hopefully Ulf will continue from Geotab 21:41:03 … this ties into the Graph project 21:41:41 Ted: yes and at the f2f @@use cases sockets 21:41:52 Ulf: at a later stage, yes tie together 21:42:20 … worth mentioning the latest step we are talking about, building this implementation onto a server that can be remotely accessed 21:42:48 … bootstrap install is rather involved whereas an instance running somewhere then people can play with it more readily 21:43:04 Gunnar suggests https://jsonviewer.stack.hu or https://jsonviewer.stack/ 21:43:37 Ulf: people can then start playing with client apps and we can have a few simple example ones available 21:43:42 … should only take a week or two 21:43:51 Peter: do we have a place we can deploy it? 21:44:02 Ulf: Ted thought it might be possible at W3C 21:44:28 Peter: maybe a docker image would be useful too 21:47:01 Ted: yes, I know the policy for WG 'labs' as will send an email on details, if you are inclined to contribute to debugging, administration etc send me your ssh key 21:47:13 https://cytoscape.org/ 21:50:24 Ted: I have pet peeves about Docker unless we are willing to commit to being diligent maintainers wrt security updates etc 21:50:42 zakim, next agendum 21:50:42 agendum 6. "VSSo status and location" taken up [from ted] 21:51:47 Gunnar: I would prefer to work on github infrastructure to include Travis or some other continuous integration 21:52:03 Ulf: I will talk to you about it 21:52:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-auto-minutes.html ted 21:53:14 Peter: there is increased interest in VSSo and wonder where that will end up? is that in W3C WoT? 21:53:22 … there is considerable interest about it within Volvo 21:55:02 Ted: Raphael@@ ws... 21:56:05 Daniel: Benjamin was the main editor, please involve me in the discussion with him and Raphael 21:56:19 @@mark fox, process 21:56:30 Ted: I will take the action... 21:56:48 Peter: any other business? 21:57:20 http://automotive.eurecom.fr/vsso 21:58:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-auto-minutes.html ted 21:58:26 [adjourned] 21:58:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/24-auto-minutes.html ted 23:32:44 Karen has joined #auto