00:02:18 RRSAgent has joined #webauthn 00:02:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/20-webauthn-irc 00:02:22 Zakim has joined #webauthn 00:02:28 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 00:02:34 rrsagent, make logs public 00:02:58 Meeting: Web Authentication WG F2F 00:03:15 Chair: Nadalin, Fontana 00:03:23 wseltzer has changed the topic to: WebAuthn TPAC 00:04:33 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webauthn/2019Sep/0072.html 00:04:39 wseltzer has changed the topic to: WebAuthn TPAC Agenda https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webauthn/2019Sep/0072.html 00:05:45 rmondello has joined #webauthn 00:05:50 present+ 00:05:51 present+ 00:05:53 present+ 00:05:55 present+ 00:05:55 present+ 00:06:03 present+ 00:06:05 present+ 00:06:06 rmondello FB7299047 is the feedback ID 00:06:06 jfontana has joined #webauthn 00:06:09 present+ nadalin 00:06:15 akshayku has joined #webauthn 00:06:20 arnarb has joined #webauthn 00:06:21 Rolf has joined #webauthn 00:06:22 present+ 00:06:22 urata has joined #webauthn 00:06:25 SteveBecker has joined #webauthn 00:06:25 present+ 00:06:27 ericlaw has joined #webauthn 00:06:33 present+ 00:06:34 present+ 00:06:45 present+ 00:06:49 selfissued has joined #webauthn 00:07:11 kTakano_ has joined #webauthn 00:07:17 present+ soneff 00:07:18 present+ 00:07:35 present+ wilander 00:08:13 present+ 00:08:47 pamela has joined #webauthn 00:09:08 Topic: Logistics, Introductions, and Agenda 00:09:35 tony: today agenda . pull request, transport, open issues, account recovery. joint meeting with accessible platform architecture 00:10:08 Guest78 has joined #webauthn 00:10:24 ...had some join t meetings this week with web apymetnst WG, trying to figure out how to best integrate web authn into web payments 00:10:35 ...want one authentication scheme 00:10:52 ...web payments people have signed up and we will add from Web Authn 00:11:37 Guest78 has left #webauthn 00:11:39 Guest78 has joined #webauthn 00:11:45 ...will have docomo presentation. will provide feedback on the specifications. 00:12:02 ...Moriyama-san will lead off the day with Max Hata. 00:12:41 moriyama-san: thanks WG for its work. we have three deployments of web authn/fido2 00:12:53 ...gomi-san is also here from yahoo japan. 00:13:21 moriyama-san: Rual mendez is here from ISR. 00:13:21 wseltzer could be louder 00:14:06 wseltzer thanks. 00:14:16 s/wseltzer could be louder// 00:14:28 jbarclay has joined #webauthn 00:14:56 moriyama-san: isr deployed web authn 00:15:10 ...also looking at Office 365 and web authn 00:15:27 ...they have 4 OEM and vendors, with security key and Win Hello . 00:15:54 ...also Fijitsu, palm reader based on web authn 00:16:05 Steven-Google has joined #webauthn 00:16:41 angel has joined #WebAuthn 00:17:21 raul: thanks for protocol web authn. getting on with move from passwords 00:20:07 presenting demo