00:12:35 RRSAgent has joined #wicg 00:12:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-wicg-irc 00:13:17 .. joining the meeting in progress 00:13:37 SubTopic: Support for certs not anchored to WEb PKI (Self-signed) 00:14:14 .. 00:14:32 SubTopic: provide a way to specify a subprotocol 00:14:53 It's not trival to find a place to put this in the protocol. 00:15:42 Thought: put in first string, but not block data. 00:15:51 Could do this without losing RTT 00:17:03 But don't want to add extra complexity 00:23:28 Two other issues not covered: conjestion control and stream prioritization 00:24:13 iclelland has joined #wicg 00:24:32 wonsuk has joined #wicg 00:24:54 q? 00:25:18 Topic is now WebCodecs 00:25:26 Peter Thatcher: does anyone want an intro? 00:25:31 Scribe: jbroman 00:25:32 (response is yes) 00:25:46 yhirano_ has joined #wicg 00:26:01 low-level API for media encode/decode 00:26:08 based on transform streams 00:26:33 useful for live streaming, faster-than-realtime encoding, realtime comms, ... 00:27:04 VideoEncoder takes image data and makes a bitstream 00:27:23 typically gotten from a MediaStreamTrack via VideoTrackReader 00:27:43 not strictly part of web codecs but pulled in as a dependency 00:28:29 slide example of constructing audio/video decoders from some readable streams 00:28:40 and plugging that into a