IRC log of webapps on 2019-09-19

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:01:14 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #webapps
00:01:14 [RRSAgent]
logging to
00:01:41 [tink]
TOPIC: WebApps WG TPAC 19 Sep
00:02:10 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #webapps
00:02:17 [tink]
rrsagent, set logs world-visible
00:02:24 [SteveBecker]
SteveBecker has joined #webapps
00:02:48 [marcosc]
Meeting structure
00:03:00 [Yves]
00:03:31 [JohnJansen_]
JohnJansen_ has joined #webapps
00:04:48 [mustaq]
mustaq has joined #webapps
00:05:08 [xiaoqian]
meeting: WebApps WG TPAC Meeting
00:08:54 [oriol]
oriol has joined #webapps
00:08:57 [Yves]
00:09:00 [cmp]
cmp has joined #webapps
00:09:01 [Mek]
00:09:01 [xiaoqian]
00:09:03 [marcosc]
00:09:04 [cmp]
00:09:05 [aarongu]
00:09:05 [mustaq]
present+ Mustaq Ahmed
00:09:08 [SteveBecker]
00:09:10 [dlibby]
00:09:11 [msw_]
msw_ has joined #webapps
00:09:13 [smaug]
present+ Olli_Pettay
00:09:16 [tink]
`present+ LĂ©onie (tink)
00:09:17 [lgombos]
lgombos has joined #webapps
00:09:19 [sidvishnoi]
sidvishnoi has joined #webapps
00:09:22 [ella]
ella has joined #webapps
00:09:24 [dmurph]
dmurph has joined #webapps
00:09:27 [NavidZ_]
present+ NavidZ
00:09:35 [msw_]
present+ Mike_Wasserman (Google)
00:09:38 [joemedley]
joemedley has joined #webapps
00:10:01 [lgombos]
Present+ Laszlo_Gombos
00:10:04 [wanderview]
wanderview has joined #webapps
00:10:08 [bkardell_]
bkardell_ has joined #webapps
00:10:10 [tomayac]
tomayac has joined #webapps
00:10:16 [jungkees]
00:10:24 [bkardell_]
00:10:33 [anssik]
anssik has joined #webapps
00:10:34 [wanderview]
00:10:37 [dmurph]
00:10:38 [christianliebel]
christianliebel has joined #webapps
00:10:39 [ella]
present +
00:10:49 [Kangchan]
Kangchan has joined #webapps
00:10:53 [szager]
szager has joined #webapps
00:10:55 [oriol]
present+ Oriol Brufau (Igalia)
00:11:06 [asa]
asa has joined #webapps
00:11:26 [Kangchan]
present+ Kangchan Lee (ETRI)
00:11:29 [asa_]
asa_ has joined #webapps
00:11:30 [dmurph]
00:11:45 [dmurph]
present+ Daniel Murphy (Google)
00:11:52 [christianliebel]
christianliebel has joined #webapps
00:11:58 [tink]
Code of conduct:
00:12:00 [szager]
00:12:05 [asa_]
00:12:15 [christianliebel]
00:12:23 [garykac]
garykac has joined #webapps
00:12:32 [beverloo]
beverloo has joined #webapps
00:12:38 [garykac]
00:12:57 [odejesush]
odejesush has joined #webapps
00:13:20 [heejin]
heejin has joined #webapps
00:13:29 [heejin]
00:13:58 [harrisjay]
harrisjay has joined #webapps
00:14:01 [Yves]
code of conduct:
00:14:45 [annevk]
annevk has joined #webapps
00:14:58 [Yves]
webapps charter:
00:16:11 [Dongwoo]
Dongwoo has joined #webapps
00:16:46 [jay]
jay has joined #webapps
00:17:04 [thomas_the_fish]
thomas_the_fish has joined #webapps
00:19:21 [tink]
00:19:25 [marcosc]
00:19:37 [GameMaker]
GameMaker has joined #WEBAPPS
00:19:51 [horo]
horo has joined #webapps
00:20:16 [kelvin]
kelvin has joined #webapps
00:21:34 [sagoston]
sagoston has joined #webapps
00:21:42 [npm]
npm has joined #webapps
00:22:18 [yoichio_]
yoichio_ has joined #webapps
00:22:58 [marcosc]
Mek: not much progress, but we added new promisy methods. Don't expect to see many more changes but we need cleanup
00:23:14 [marcosc]
00:23:46 [hober]
00:23:55 [GameMaker]
GameMaker has joined #WEBAPPS
00:23:55 [marcosc]
Mek: some mostly need to talk to annevk
00:24:01 [ricea]
ricea has joined #webapps
00:24:01 [Dongwoo]
00:24:07 [garykac]
00:24:19 [ricea]
00:24:23 [annevk]
00:24:27 [beverloo]
00:24:47 [marcosc]
MC: anything blocking?
00:24:51 [marcosc]
Mek: just time
00:25:24 [darwin]
darwin has joined #webapps
00:25:25 [marcosc]
Let's move onto Gamepad API
00:25:51 [marcosc]
00:25:52 [JohnJansen]
JohnJansen has joined #webapps
00:26:24 [marcosc]
steve: we are trying to get to CR. We have a privacy issue and a proposal.
00:27:05 [marcosc]
steve: we have some tests in WPT.
00:27:05 [sagoston]
00:27:26 [marcosc]
MC: it would good to see how much test coverage we have .
00:27:49 [GameMaker]
00:28:03 [marcosc]
Indexed Database API
00:28:15 [kelvin]
00:28:17 [szager]
00:28:28 [marcosc]
00:28:33 [szager]
dmurph: three major changes
00:28:49 [szager]
dmurph: 1) IDBFactory databases
00:29:09 [szager]
2) IDBTransaction commit() -- explicit transaction commit
00:29:23 [szager]
dmurph: 3) IDBCursor request attribute (?)
00:29:32 [oyiptong]
oyiptong has joined #webapps
00:29:32 [Darwin_Huang]
Darwin_Huang has joined #webapps
00:29:42 [szager]
dmurph: Better controls over transaction lifetime and status
00:30:01 [Darwin_Huang]
00:30:11 [szager]
dmurph: Maybe not enough support to move to CR due to lack of adoption
00:30:39 [szager]
dmurph: Need to chat with Mozilla people
00:30:43 [Darwin_Huang]
Darwin_Huang has joined #webapps
00:31:17 [GameMake_]
GameMake_ has joined #WEBAPPS
00:31:20 [szager]
dmurph: Seeking opinions from Apple; Brady/Apple is the person, but not present
00:32:37 [takumif]
takumif has joined #webapps
00:33:08 [Yves]
00:33:33 [horo]
horo has joined #webapps
00:35:12 [saschanaz]
saschanaz has joined #webapps
00:37:58 [szager]
IntersectionObserver tl;dr -- basically ready for CR, implemented in all major browsers
00:38:18 [szager]
szager evangelizing for IntersectionObserver V2 (occlusion detection)
00:38:36 [szager]
00:39:19 [szager]
Issues due to OS display scaling affecting cursor location
00:39:47 [szager]
There's a path forward on Windows, looking for Apple people to collaborate
00:40:17 [szager]
Looking for usability feedback prior to CR
00:40:53 [oyiptong]
00:41:55 [szager]
Push API
00:42:04 [szager]
Concern about testability
00:42:25 [jay]
jay has joined #webapps
00:43:02 [szager]
Improvements in interop over last 12 months
00:43:46 [szager]
Editor(s) unsure whether it's worthwhile to move to CR
00:44:26 [szager]
API may undergo additional churn, so CR may be premature
00:44:46 [szager]
Screen Orientation API
00:44:58 [sanketj]
sanketj has joined #webapps
00:45:37 [szager]
Spec overhauled over last 12 months
00:45:51 [szager]
Added lots of WPT
00:46:04 [szager]
Testing on mobile is tedious
00:46:51 [szager]
Fun issues around lock() reentry
00:47:23 [jay]
jay has joined #webapps
00:47:35 [szager]
Still lots of work to do
00:47:43 [szager]
Seeking input from WebKIt
00:48:06 [whsieh]
whsieh has joined #webapps
00:48:36 [raymes]
raymes has joined #webapps
00:49:07 [szager]
Web Manifest spec
00:49:18 [torgo]
torgo has joined #webapps
00:49:22 [szager]
Limited progress; wanting for feedback from browsers
00:49:28 [torgo]
present+ Dan Appelquist
00:50:04 [szager]
Testing the feature is hard
00:50:26 [aarongu]
Shout out to Maximiliano Firtman (@firt)
00:50:42 [szager]
Just got into Firefox preview, waiting for issues/feedback
00:51:25 [szager]
concerns around BeforeInstallPrompt()
00:52:10 [szager]
aarongu: Want to add "shortcuts" to manifest, to enable long-press type shortcuts for install
00:52:36 [szager]
aarongu: Initial feedback is positive, more discussion necessary
00:52:48 [aarongu]
shortcuts = context menu like capability
00:53:06 [szager]
Web Share API
00:53:31 [aarongu]
shortcuts background/discussion
00:54:29 [szager]
This is an example of the standards process working well
00:54:39 [szager]
shipped in chromium and webkit, being implemented in firefox
00:55:06 [szager]
CR process should be smooth sailing
00:55:31 [szager]
Do we want to support sharing files? Security concerns.
00:56:12 [szager]
How to do feature detection for level-2 features?
00:56:32 [tantek]
tantek has joined #webapps
00:56:52 [szager]
Here come the editing specs..
00:57:19 [szager]
00:57:19 [tantek]
00:57:36 [tantek]
RRSAgent, make logs public
00:57:39 [szager]
Long crufty history of this spec
00:58:19 [szager]
tantek: Need significant rewrites of old spec prior to CR
00:58:36 [tantek]
00:59:09 [szager]
Anybody: who is the speaker?
00:59:41 [dharani]
dharani has joined #webapps
01:00:01 [pwnall]
pwnall has joined #webapps
01:00:21 [szager]
garykac: This is grungy unglamorous work, but the current state is limiting other API's
01:00:29 [aarongu]
aarongu has left #webapps
01:00:35 [szager]
Clipboard API
01:00:35 [aarongu]
aarongu has joined #webapps
01:00:47 [garykac]
01:00:56 [whsieh]
01:01:25 [szager]
garykac: implemented text and image support, spec work to follow
01:01:42 [szager]
garykac: Long list of desired features
01:02:19 [szager]
garykac: Async text clipboard API was first step; step two adds image support
01:02:27 [szager]
garykac: Seeking feedback
01:04:34 [grisha]
01:04:36 [sanketj]
01:04:38 [szager]
jsbell will talk about IndexDB cursor requests
01:04:53 [marcosc_]
marcosc_ has joined #webapps
01:05:16 [szager]
jsbell: cursor->request bookkeeping was hard, now it's easy
01:05:23 [karl]
karl has joined #webapps
01:05:26 [szager]
jsbell: \o/
01:05:43 [wonsuk___]
wonsuk___ has joined #webapps
01:05:48 [szager]
Input Events API
01:06:01 [garykac]
Johannes Wil,
01:06:03 [garykac]
01:06:04 [marcosc_]
01:06:11 [christianliebel]
christianliebel has joined #webapps
01:06:11 [szager]
Johannes Will: Two levels of API
01:06:14 [jsbell]
01:06:23 [szager]
Level 1 implemented in chromium and WK
01:06:27 [szager]
Level 2 only in @K
01:06:28 [szager]
01:06:29 [wonsuk___]
01:06:37 [szager]
Seeking feedback from chromium
01:07:07 [joemedley]
01:07:28 [xiaoqian]
Input Events and Contenteditable ->
01:07:49 [szager]
marcosc_: Maybe time to revisit two-implementor policy for spec progress
01:07:50 [dlibby_]
dlibby_ has joined #webapps
01:08:42 [szager]
Johanness Will (JW): Level 2 was original proposal, but chromium discovered problems and backed off original proposal, leading to schism
01:09:02 [szager]
JW: Onus on chromium to suggest path forward
01:09:12 [szager]
Selection API
01:09:55 [szager]
Postpone Selection API pending rniwa
01:10:02 [szager]
01:10:24 [szager]
JW: All browsers have legacy implementations without formal spec
01:10:44 [szager]
JW: Intention is to revisit after Input Events API
01:11:22 [szager]
JW: execCommand is buggiest part
01:11:39 [jsbell]
IDBCursor request video:
01:13:14 [szager]
jsbell: Please subscribe to my YT channel!
01:13:43 [jsbell]
01:14:04 [szager]
Accessibility specs...
01:14:12 [szager]
Editors not present, can anyone speak?
01:14:51 [szager]
Leonie Watson (LW): Lack of tests is primary impediment
01:15:04 [pwnall]
present+ Victor Costan (Google)
01:15:54 [szager]
LW: Extracting old accessibility from HTML5 spec created lack of implementors
01:16:34 [szager]
LW: There are active participants from Apple and Mozilla
01:17:43 [torgo]
q+ to ask about the things that have come over from WICG?
01:17:58 [karl]
RRSAgent, make minutes
01:17:58 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate karl
01:18:16 [karl]
RRSAgent, make logs world-visible
01:20:17 [NavidZ_]
01:21:08 [xiaoqian]
Editing Meeting ->
01:24:04 [msw_]
msw_ has joined #webapps
01:27:11 [tantek]
I'd like to discuss text range references with anyone interested, e.g.
01:29:48 [szager]
szager has left #webapps
01:35:48 [kimwooglae]
kimwooglae has joined #webapps
01:39:49 [aarongu]
aarongu has joined #webapps
01:50:43 [aarongu]
aarongu has joined #webapps
01:52:55 [tantek]
aarongu here's one pointer
01:54:46 [torgo]
torgo has joined #webapps
02:05:15 [aboxhall_]
aboxhall_ has joined #webapps
02:06:28 [ericc]
ericc has joined #webapps
02:06:55 [aarongu]
aarongu has joined #webapps
02:12:40 [jay]
jay has joined #webapps
02:13:02 [christianliebel]
christianliebel has joined #webapps
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msw_ has joined #webapps
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aarongu has joined #webapps
02:38:05 [kinuko]
kinuko has joined #webapps
02:45:53 [staphany]
staphany has joined #webapps
02:45:55 [staphany]
02:46:33 [staphany]
02:46:42 [staphany]
present+ Staphany Park (Google)
02:47:20 [pwnall]
pwnall has joined #webapps
02:47:33 [pwnall]
present+ Victor Costan (Google)
02:52:40 [aarongu]
aarongu has joined #webapps
02:56:07 [karl]
karl has joined #webapps
03:02:35 [ericc]
ericc has joined #webapps
03:05:09 [christianliebel]
christianliebel has joined #webapps
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whsieh has joined #webapps
03:23:12 [whsieh]
whsieh has joined #webapps
03:24:52 [christianliebel]
christianliebel has joined #webapps
04:04:02 [Mek]
can people announce what and when they are going to talk about in the web apps room in this IRC channel?
04:04:08 [torgo]
torgo has joined #webapps
04:08:57 [msw_]
msw_ has joined #webapps
04:13:51 [ericc]
ericc has joined #webapps
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christianliebel has joined #webapps
04:24:05 [whsieh]
whsieh has joined #webapps
04:34:52 [ericc]
ericc has joined #webapps
04:38:09 [whsieh]
whsieh has joined #webapps
04:41:10 [jsbell]
Going to try and talk about IndexedDB in the next few minutes
04:43:47 [christianliebel]
christianliebel has joined #webapps
04:47:36 [whsieh]
whsieh has joined #webapps
04:48:51 [karl]
karl has joined #webapps
04:59:51 [jay]
jay has joined #webapps
05:00:16 [jay]
topic: Image Resource
05:00:56 [jay]
marcos: Things to be careful of: purpose, things that are weird in different contexts, overly specific
05:01:16 [jay]
webmanifest we're going to convert into info types
05:01:28 [jay]
we can redefine the whole manifest spec in terms of that.
05:01:33 [whsieh]
whsieh has joined #webapps
05:02:01 [jay]
aaron: Does that make it so that image resource would be extensible within webappmanifest
05:02:10 [jay]
marcos: yes, where possible we'd try and share
05:02:35 [jay]
rayan: We're using the image resource in background fetch and content indexing
05:03:03 [jay]
beverloo: Matt just raised an issue on the image spec adding 50 new purposes
05:03:07 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #webapps
05:03:43 [jay]
marcos: Other things to keep in mind are that it isn't just the members, its the processing model: needs to be generalized correctly.
05:03:59 [jay]
Would the maskable stuff stay in here?
05:04:19 [jay]
rayan: Maskable is very specific to manifest
05:04:29 [jay]
aaron: Usable in the context of the icon and shortcut icon
05:04:42 [jay]
beverloo: About to ship on Android for WebAPKs
05:04:55 [jay]
rayan: platform and purpose are very manifest specific.
05:05:06 [jay]
marcos: Probably need to talk to jake
05:05:53 [jay]
aaron: If we migrate it to a new repo, do we migrate issues?
05:05:56 [jay]
marcos: yes.
05:06:09 [jay]
aaron: Wanted to bring up color scheme: Image is for a specific theme
05:07:00 [jay]
??: 3D image resources
05:07:43 [jay]
marcos: question in my mind is is it just an image type?
05:08:11 [jay]
??: Want a new mimetype
05:08:23 [jay]
05:08:36 [jay]
aaron: Favicon is separate from this spec
05:08:44 [jay]
user agent can determine if it wants to use it
05:08:59 [jay]
hernicus: Only new thing then would be size (we have 3 dimensions)
05:09:56 [jay]
marcos: If there are 2 x's then we could assume it's a 3D size.
05:10:41 [jay]
marcos: Probably needs to go through the html spec
05:11:17 [jay]
we will pick it up automatically afterwards.
05:11:48 [jay]
aaron: Good in our book.
05:12:11 [christianliebel]
christianliebel has joined #webapps
05:18:10 [jay]
topic: Color Schemes
05:18:21 [jay]
aaron: Different icons for different color schemes
05:18:30 [jay]
maybe works with highncontrast?
05:18:37 [jay]
some colors don't look good in darkmode
05:18:52 [jay]
the vscode nightly icon looks bad in night mode --> Nice to have options
05:19:05 [jay]
raymes: What is exposed to the website
05:19:20 [jay]
aaron: The say in the manifest what scheme the icon is for (by default all)
05:19:48 [jay]
beverloo: I like it. It's probably hard to support on Android, but I'm for it.
05:20:26 [jay]
aaron: Wouldn't dynamically switch on Android
05:20:44 [jay]
beverloo: This is tricky, we can maybe do something about it?
05:21:05 [jay]
might be hard on Firefox, because you use shortcuts, which can't be updated.
05:21:20 [sam_]
sam_ has joined #webapps
05:22:34 [jay]
beverloo: I'm a bit concerned, we're worried about the default case working well
05:22:46 [jay]
Devs will have to test, probably not top of mind
05:22:59 [jay]
too easy to just set it to light mode and forget.
05:23:22 [jay]
aaron: No preference would be the default, so it would probably work okayish
05:23:35 [jay]
we should copy what the color scheme folks are doing.
05:24:06 [jay]
leaves it open to the OS to convert the icon (if that's the kind of thing it wants to do)
05:24:22 [scheib]
scheib has joined #webapps
05:25:29 [jay]
marcos: Who wants to do the work
05:25:34 [jay]
aaron: I'll do it.
05:26:06 [soju]
soju has joined #webapps
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soju_ has joined #webapps
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soju has joined #webapps
05:37:02 [christianliebel]
christianliebel has joined #webapps
06:03:07 [kimwooglae]
kimwooglae has joined #webapps
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bkardell_ has joined #webapps
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christianliebel has joined #webapps
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pamela has joined #webapps
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msw_ has joined #webapps
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christianliebel has joined #webapps
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tantek has joined #webapps
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koji has left #webapps
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ericc has joined #webapps
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whsieh has joined #webapps
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tantek has left #webapps
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tantek has joined #webapps
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whsieh has joined #webapps
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tomayac has joined #webapps
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aarongu has joined #webapps
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whsieh has joined #webapps
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aarongu has joined #webapps
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whsieh has joined #webapps
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wonsuk has joined #webapps
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whsieh has joined #webapps
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aarongu has joined #webapps
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tantek_ has joined #webapps
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christianliebel has joined #webapps
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dka_ has joined #webapps
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msw_ has joined #webapps
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torgo has joined #webapps
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plinss_ has joined #webapps
11:56:39 [msw_]
msw_ has joined #webapps
12:33:02 [christianliebel]
christianliebel has joined #webapps
12:47:45 [smaug]
I wish agendas wouldn't link to non-open Google docs
12:48:46 [smaug]
garykac: is raw clipboard stuff in perhaps something you have access to?
13:25:18 [msw_]
msw_ has joined #webapps
13:38:10 [aarongu]
aarongu has joined #webapps
14:03:52 [Mek]
smaug: I pinged the author to make it publi
14:04:06 [smaug]
14:05:32 [Mek]
smaug: should be fixed