13:03:21 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-act 13:03:21 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-wcag-act-irc 13:03:23 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:03:23 Zakim has joined #wcag-act 13:03:25 Meeting: Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference 13:03:25 Date: 19 September 2019 13:03:39 chair: Mary_Jo_Mueller 13:04:26 agenda+ What format should rules be proposed (HTML, doc, markdown, other?) 13:04:41 agenda+ How should proposals be submitted? (pull request, email, other?) 13:04:53 agenda+ How do you attach assets (video, pdf, other files) 13:04:56 kathyeng has joined #wcag-act 13:05:05 agenda+ Should we have a template for submission? 13:05:19 agenda+ Go over "Page has a title" rule review survey results 13:05:52 scribe: shadi 13:05:53 present+ 13:05:57 present+ 13:05:59 present+ 13:06:00 present+ 13:06:31 zakim, take up agendum 1 13:06:31 agendum 1. "What format should rules be proposed (HTML, doc, markdown, other?)" taken up [from maryjom] 13:06:51 MJM: community group uses markdown 13:07:01 ...but potentially barrier to others? 13:07:21 present+ Jie 13:07:24 present+ Joe 13:08:15 ...EOWG uses a form to make it easier 13:08:39 ...that involves programming 13:08:57 KE: like the idea of providing a template 13:09:08 ...not sure it needs to be a form but that would be easier 13:10:07 TB: is markdown a barrier because of the syntax or for validation issues? 13:10:15 MJM: syntax mostly 13:11:00 KE: think many people are intimidated by GitHub 13:13:24 SAZ: strongly recommend to reuse the same markdown as the CG, as the basis 13:13:42 ...(1) it has been tested and a lot of thought went into it 13:14:05 ...(2) the CG is probably the primary group to contribute rules at the start 13:14:36 ...(3) we may be able to reuse scripts and functionality from the CG 13:15:32 ...may be able to reuse the script from EOWG to have a form that translates entries into that markdown for those not comfortable with markdown 13:15:56 MJM: yes, script created markdown as an issue in GitHub 13:16:25 SAZ: can get in touch with Eric on that script 13:18:00 KE: doc is difficult? 13:18:29 SAZ: would need someone to translate that into markdown, HTML, or such 13:19:02 ...or a script inside the doc 13:19:31 KE: understand we need to use GitHub but agree need to "hide" it as much as possible 13:20:26 TB: maybe a small script that can parse doc files 13:20:57 SAZ: something you can do? 13:21:20 TB: definitely can parse doc using Python 13:21:30 ...not sure about the pull request or such 13:27:37 SAZ: will find out about the script and send out the information 13:27:51 ...seems we should be able to have a web form at least 13:28:11 ...if we are lucky, maybe also a doc parsing script 13:28:31 ...also may be able to re-use documentation from the CG 13:31:48 https://www.w3.org/WAI/policies/submission/ 13:32:07 That link is the submission form for accessibility laws and policies. 13:32:25 MJM: expecting issues and discussion for each rule 13:32:47 SAZ: think rule providers will be re-submitting rules 13:33:23 ...that is, think less active development in this group 13:33:50 ...trying to keep development outside (eg. community group or vendor etc.) 13:38:16 Topic: Round of introduction 13:38:31 JC: Joe Croning, work for Amazon 13:38:50 ...working on internal tools 13:38:58 ...relevant group for me 13:39:18 MJM: standards program manager for IBM 13:39:30 ...have internal tools too 13:39:42 KE: work for US Access Board 13:40:07 ...develop of Trusted Tester 13:41:15 TB: work with MITRE 13:42:19 ...more on the developer side but do some testing 13:42:28 SAZ: W3C staff contact for this group 13:42:36 zakim, take up next 13:42:36 agendum 2. "How should proposals be submitted? (pull request, email, other?)" taken up [from maryjom] 13:42:50 Joe_C has joined #wcag-act 13:43:51 MJM: mailing list we can use? 13:44:08 SAZ: easy to setup but probably want as much automation as possible 13:44:11 zakim, take up next 13:44:11 agendum 3. "How do you attach assets (video, pdf, other files)" taken up [from maryjom] 13:46:36 MJM: can we just have things uploaded, or do they need to be checked (eg. for virsus etc.)? 13:47:00 JC: check extensions and avoid .exe, .zip, etc. 13:47:18 s/JC/TB 13:49:15 SAZ: maybe can split and focus on HTML with subset of assets (eg. images, audio, video, etc.) 13:51:08 ...opening up to all formats could get quite complex 13:54:55 ...rules with other types of formats would need to go through a different route 13:55:40 https://github.com/w3c/wai-policies-prototype/blob/master/_policies/submission.php 13:59:13 zakim, take up next 13:59:13 agendum 4. "Should we have a template for submission?" taken up [from maryjom] 13:59:28 MJM: already discussed, somewhat 13:59:31 zakim, take up next 13:59:31 agendum 4 was just opened, shadi 13:59:40 zakim, close agendum 4 13:59:40 agendum 4, Should we have a template for submission?, closed 13:59:41 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 13:59:41 5. Go over "Page has a title" rule review survey results [from maryjom] 13:59:42 zakim, take up next 13:59:43 agendum 5. "Go over "Page has a title" rule review survey results" taken up [from maryjom] 13:59:57 MJM: typo 14:00:01 ...editorial change 14:00:10 ...but otherwise seems ready to go 14:01:16 trackbot, end meeting 14:01:16 Zakim, list attendees 14:01:16 As of this point the attendees have been trevor, maryjom, shadi, kathyeng, Jie, Joe 14:01:24 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:01:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-wcag-act-minutes.html trackbot 14:01:25 RRSAgent, bye 14:01:25 I see no action items