07:57:23 RRSAgent has joined #solid 07:57:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-solid-irc 08:39:04 Matthias_Evering has joined #solid 08:48:33 amy_ has joined #solid 09:03:48 amy has joined #solid 09:24:53 amy_ has joined #solid 09:59:48 amy has joined #solid 10:27:51 amy has joined #solid 12:02:39 Mitzi has joined #Solid 12:03:25 Moderator: Mitzi László Present: Vincent Turn, Michiel de John, Sharon, Sam, Zhang Chun Long @whitesnow0321 Scribe: Mitzi László * Sam and Sharon introduced the apps they were working on which are both related to locational data. https://arcanemaps.com/ was one of the projects that were raised along with https://waag.org/nl/event/data-commons-1-fietsdata * Spoke about the Solid app tutorials work that was being covered by the creators and shared a link o[CUT] 12:03:33 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 12:03:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-solid-minutes.html Mitzi 12:03:38 RRSAgent, please make log world-readable 12:33:27 Zakim has left #solid 14:16:34 codenamedmitri has joined #solid 14:43:06 dmitriz has joined #solid