06:02:26 RRSAgent has joined #pwg 06:02:26 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-pwg-irc 06:02:36 Meeting: PWG Session with Amazon 06:02:38 Chair: wendyreid 06:02:46 Date: 2019-09-19 06:03:27 laudrain has joined #pwg 06:03:33 present+ 06:03:35 stantonm has joined #pwg 06:03:37 JunGamo has joined #pwg 06:03:38 present+ 06:03:40 present+ 06:03:43 present+ 06:03:43 present+ 06:03:45 present+ 06:03:45 present+ 06:03:45 present+ 06:03:50 scribe+ 06:03:51 MasakazuKitahara has joined #pwg 06:03:53 present+ 06:04:02 marisa has joined #pwg 06:04:08 present+ 06:04:09 kaleeg has joined #pwg 06:04:15 present+ 06:04:20 Wendy: short meeting with Amazon, welcome Stanton 06:04:33 stantonm: kindle team 06:05:17 present+ 06:05:21 wendyreid: we’d love Amazon join Publishing@W3C 06:05:30 roundtable 06:06:52 bkardell_ has joined #pwg 06:07:36 wendyreid: goal today on questions on our activity 06:07:47 present+ 06:09:01 … question 1: from https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lgY3cAnRCQ7tgIk-w6FvTv2zYusyAmV_U-JcZh4ItOk/edit#gid=0 06:09:17 https://kindlegen.s3.amazonaws.com/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf 06:09:22 … Educational texts often include complex images and tables. Currently, the kindle recommendations suggest that to have a more accessible EPUB, the number of complex tables is limited or converted to images - in contrast to accessibility guidelines. For extended description, if the content is hidden using CSS (aside.hidden) swaths of content are often lost along with the extended discription. How can we get these elements of the EPUB CSS and HTML to translate 06:09:22 more accurately to kindle? 06:09:40 stantonm: paste guidelines link 06:09:59 Rachel: discussions at CSUN 06:10:15 … complex tables, don’t flow well 06:10:33 Avneesh has joined #pwg 06:10:38 … tabel evene well coded dn’t work well 06:10:52 stantonm: we don have problem with larege tables 06:11:17 (every RS has problem with large tables) 06:11:24 Rachel: accessibility is mandated by universities 06:11:38 q+ 06:11:54 … so 2 versions, an Amazon one, and another one for else 06:12:04 … double produciton costs 06:12:25 … recomand our customer not tu use the Kindle version 06:12:47 stantonm: interested to see some content 06:12:48 ack dauwhe 06:13:12 dauwhe: are these tables fonctional in another systems 06:13:23 Rachel: yes, like VitalSource 06:13:39 … these systel were developpped with education in mind 06:14:01 … textbooks require a lot of tweaking 06:14:27 dauwhe: are there behaviours we want to define ? 06:14:44 … there is no solutions for mobile devices 06:15:29 … theorically CSS overflow should sove but small support from reading systems 06:15:46 https://github.com/w3c/publ-cg/issues/49 06:15:55 wendyreid: quesions in the list may be directed to all RS 06:16:23 topic question 2: 06:16:31 We've had some issues with titles being deemed ineligible for enhanced typesetting due to common HTML or CSS, such as display: inline-block or the caption element. Are you working to eliminate such restrictions? 06:16:45 stantonm: we have a backlog, this is the goal 06:17:14 … we’re handling the migration to the new engine 06:17:37 … we prioritize some features 06:17:41 q+ 06:17:53 ack laudrain 06:18:02 q+ 06:18:24 … new engine, fine typesetting, it is in Kindle previewer 06:19:08 https://github.com/FriendsOfEpub/WillThatBeOverriden/blob/master/ReadingSystems/Kindle/KDF-KFX/KindlePreviewer3.md 06:19:09 stantonm: EPUB is the input 06:19:11 ack duga 06:19:33 q+ 06:19:37 brady: itntersting to have you part of this community 06:19:59 … publishers use features that work everywhere 06:20:17 … so we are getting the fonctionnality only we support 06:20:42 … it would be good to share together on this subject 06:21:12 wendyreid: see the ebookcraft 06:21:28 … ‘don’t be creative’… 06:21:33 ack dauwhe 06:21:49 dauwhe: what Brady said 06:21:54 q+ 06:22:02 … see the link in the iRC 06:22:10 … we 06:22:12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OOHyBT-l_0 Theresa's talk 06:22:27 … rely on the minilum commun denominator 06:22:37 ack romain 06:22:40 s/minilum commun/lowest common/ 06:22:51 romain: test platform for ereaders 06:22:59 … difficult to implement 06:23:24 … what does it mean for Kindle? same at Google, Kobo, Apple… 06:23:29 q+ 06:23:39 … discuss how to improve the situation? 06:23:47 ack dauwhe 06:24:17 dauwhe: there was hundreds of tests, running the test is very dificul 06:24:28 topic: Quesiotn 3 06:24:29 s/hundreds/hundreds of thousands/ 06:24:30 Recently Amazon starts to sell ebooks in Tradition Chinese from publishers in Taiwan. But only EPubs in horizontal writing are accepted. I believe that Amazon had done well to support conversion from EPUBs in vertical writing in Japan from 2012. Will Amazon align with i18n requirement of web when dw eloping its own format? 06:25:00 stantonm: we accept EPUb and want to conform to EPUB guidelines 06:25:24 q+ 06:25:25 … we want to honor the styels from the original EPUB 06:25:42 … like for vertical for chinese. 06:25:44 inamori_ has joined #pwg 06:25:52 … every book, every language 06:26:08 ack Yanni 06:26:25 Yanni: vertical writing in Japan and Taiwan 06:26:56 … if you can do for chinese, it shoudl be ok for Japan 06:27:09 topic: question 4 06:27:17 Does Amazon still support KF7? 06:27:47 dauwhe: i have to scripts that propoagte styles in all the paragraphs 06:28:05 … as descendant selectors are not doing the work 06:28:24 … some kindle devices never upgrade 06:28:36 … we would like to stop worrying on that 06:28:50 stantonm: we don’t upgrade these devices 06:29:13 … many devices would not get this 06:29:36 dauwhe: test on my Kindle 1 and Kindle 2 06:29:46 stantonm: devices breaks 06:30:28 … unofficially you should not care about 06:30:59 topic question 5: Using Kindle with assistive technologies on iOS, Android and Windows we are not able to navigate the content by headings (h1, h2, h3, ...) is it a limit of the reading solutions or of the file format? 06:31:20 stantonn: we are committed to accessibility 06:31:38 topic: question Amazon’s "enhanced typesetting” feature interacts with text-to-speech accessibility features. Even if every image has descriptions in the EPUB we send to Amazon, those descriptions may not be available to Kindle customers.  This makes the Kindle ebook significantly less accessible that the EPUB version. 06:31:46 stantonm: same line 06:32:10 q+ 06:32:26 ack duga 06:32:28 dauwhe: some people in operation try to answer the questions 06:33:33 duga: I hear « why are you doing these things » 06:33:53 q+ 06:33:58 wendyreid: Liisa sending files that don’t work. 06:34:26 … we have front line access to the best expertise in accessibility 06:34:40 … a real benefit for this group 06:34:49 q? 06:34:50 ack romain 06:35:15 romain: we do want you in the group, but what about an open issue tracker ? 06:35:27 q+ 06:35:29 … to open to people external of this group 06:35:36 … and tracking 06:35:59 wendyreid: user agent implementation 06:36:18 duga: i let the idea, but getting the feedback 06:36:28 q? 06:36:35 … but we cannot read all 06:36:57 romain: it could reduce the feedback 06:37:00 ack dauwhe 06:37:19 dauwhe: i like the idea but doing triage can be a lot of work 06:37:19 s/the feedback/the feedback noise/ 06:38:07 … trying and seeing the scale of it 06:38:38 Travis: gratefull to be here 06:39:09 … advantages and drawback sitting here for someone of Amazon? 06:39:20 stantonm: interested in joining 06:39:34 … no promises 06:40:16 … getting more customer feedback, but not too overwelming 06:40:38 topic question:ONIX question.  When Amazon switches to ONIX 3, will they accept or require accessibility metadata about ebook features and restrictions in ONIX? 06:40:57 q+ 06:40:59 stantonm: do not know, not on my perimeter 06:41:04 skk_ has joined #pwg 06:41:22 ack dauwhe 06:41:40 dauwhe: a11y inside the EPUB and in the ONIX feed 06:41:51 ack dauwhe 06:42:01 … in EPUB, is there someone to read that ? 06:42:17 stantonm: not much visibility on this 06:42:47 question: Kindle text-to-speech doesn’t seem to respond well to foreign languages text in a predominantly English language ebook - Greek text tagged as Greek is read out letter by letter rather as words. (Note that we haven’t tested this extensively.) 06:43:14 stantonm: should be read correctly with TTS 06:43:32 … if there are tags in, need specific examples 06:43:51 question: There’s no graceful fallback when devices don’t support certain EPUB features - eg if an ebook contains embedded audio, by default Amazon simply disables sales to some devices, even though the text of the ebook would be readable. 06:44:04 stantonm: interesting, need samples 06:44:12 q+ 06:44:21 quesiton: Very few epub:types are supported, meaning Kindle text-to-speech has very limited access to semantic information, and can’t properly handle elements which should be skipped by text-to-speech. 06:44:58 stantonm: use epub:type or css type, we prefer css 06:45:08 romain: we recommand aira role 06:45:13 ack dauwhe 06:45:20 stantonm: my recognition as well 06:45:30 s/aira role/ARIA role/ 06:45:41 dauwhe: does CSS aural be supported 06:46:14 romain: css ok for hiding, but ARIA should be used 06:47:12 romain: figure caption should be skipped 06:47:21 … some rs support that 06:48:14 question: W3C is working on specification for audio publications with similar use cases. Would the audible team be interested in participating in the working group or providing feedback on FPWD of Audiobooks specification 06:48:37 stantonm: audible is separate from kindle 06:48:53 question: How can we get the feedback that our work on EPUB Accessibility specification is working on the Kindle platform? 06:49:14 stantonm: in the kindle pub guidelines 06:49:22 q+ 06:49:32 q+ 06:49:36 ack laudrain 06:50:12 laudrain: We'd be very happy if the Kindle Publishing Guidelines are edited to include accessibility guidelines 06:50:19 ... we produce born accessible files 06:50:32 ... we are using all of the validators and checkers (EPUBCheck, ACE) 06:50:47 s/ACE/Ace/ 06:51:04 ... we have these files at Hachette Livre and LIA, we have to say that these files go through Kindlegen, and they lose some features 06:51:22 ... Kindle Guidelines are not clear in this area 06:51:33 ... we would be happy to see this supported in the guidelines 06:51:54 ... we rely on kindle gen for this 06:52:03 ... we want to keep all of the features 06:52:03 inamori_ has joined #pwg 06:52:48 laudrain: This is important to Europe because of the European Accessibility Act 06:52:53 q? 06:52:56 github-bot, reboot 06:52:56 dauwhe, Sorry, I can't reboot right now because I have buffered topics in #dap #pwg #svg #tt. 06:52:58 scribe+ 06:53:48 stantonm: we have a whole team dedicated to a11y 06:53:52 q? 06:54:04 q- 06:54:20 wendyreid: is there any quesition form you 06:54:39 stantonm: better undestand the publishers, and opne a communicaiotn channel 06:54:56 https://github.com/kobolabs/epub-spec 06:55:04 wendyreid: kobo publish guidelines 06:55:05 s/opne/open/ 06:55:20 s/communicaiotn/communication/ 06:55:24 … content creators give issues 06:55:30 s/undestand/understand/ 06:55:37 … the volume has been that bad 06:55:52 s/form you/from you/ 06:56:31 stantonm: to RS folks, about EPUB, is it ambuguous 06:57:00 s/ambuguous/ambiguous/ 06:57:10 dauwhe: in EPUB3.2 we had people from Microsoft and they ask good questions 06:57:32 duga: we are cleaning up and fixing 06:57:52 .. tracking ambiguity 06:58:27 wendyreid: some talk about the future of EPUB 3.2, RS guidelines 06:58:50 … and also making the spec in REC process 06:59:26 … EPUB will not be let in a dusty corner 06:59:27 We also created a "Taiwan EPUB 3 Guideline" based on EBPAJ's version which approved by most major publishers and ebook platforms in Taiwan last year. https://github.com/dpublishing/epub3guide 06:59:36 … thank you for coming 07:00:00 duga has joined #pwg 07:00:17 JunGamo has left #pwg 07:01:24 marisa has joined #pwg 07:09:15 dauwhe has joined #pwg 07:20:31 dauwhe has joined #pwg 07:30:48 laurent has joined #pwg 07:34:12 Yanni has joined #pwg 07:55:44 Avneesh has joined #pwg 07:59:49 skk has joined #pwg 08:21:00 dauwhe has joined #pwg 08:57:12 Ralph has left #pwg 09:03:32 Zakim has left #pwg 09:11:21 github-bot has joined #pwg 09:31:47 plinss_ has joined #pwg 10:00:26 inamori_ has joined #pwg 12:22:43 mateus has joined #pwg 13:36:47 marisa has joined #pwg 15:21:51 dauwhe has joined #pwg 21:37:51 ivan has joined #pwg 22:02:31 Ralph has joined #pwg 22:02:38 rrsagent, bye 22:03:06 rrsagent, make record public 22:03:09 rrsagent, bye 22:03:09 I see no action items