IRC log of chem-web-pub on 2019-09-19

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:17:11 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #chem-web-pub
12:17:11 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:18:05 [Dan_B]
trackbot, start meeting
12:18:37 [Dan_B]
trackbot, start meeting
12:23:48 [Dan_B]
agenda+ scribe
12:24:08 [Dan_B]
agenda+ Welcome New Members
12:24:47 [Dan_B]
agenda+ Approve Minutes From Last Meeting
12:25:56 [Dan_B]
agenda+ Dan Barrett and Jason White to speak at IsLand Conference. Questions you wish them to ask
12:26:34 [Dan_B]
agenda+ Continue Discussion of Use Cases
12:27:17 [Dan_B]
agenda+ Next meeting proposed for October 24th
14:50:51 [George]
George has joined #chem-web-pub
14:52:39 [George]
trackbot, status
14:53:50 [George]
meeting: Chemistry for the Web and Publishing
14:54:25 [George]
Date: 19 September 2019
14:59:38 [Dan_B]
15:01:04 [George]
15:02:41 [Dan_B]
trackbot, start meeting
15:04:02 [Dan_B]
chair: Dan_B
15:04:04 [jasonjgw]
15:04:50 [jasonjgw]
15:05:02 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
15:05:02 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "scribe" taken up [from Dan_B]
15:06:12 [George]
scribe: George
15:06:31 [franco]
franco has joined #chem-web-pub
15:06:47 [franco]
15:07:07 [George]
zakim, take up next
15:07:07 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Welcome New Members" taken up [from Dan_B]
15:08:03 [George]
present+ Ashley
15:08:44 [George]
Present+ Eleanor
15:09:04 [George]
present+ Elaine
15:09:14 [George]
zakim, take up next
15:09:14 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "Approve Minutes From Last Meeting" taken up [from Dan_B]
15:10:09 [George]
minutes approved.
15:10:17 [George]
zakim, take up next
15:10:17 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "Dan Barrett and Jason White to speak at IsLand Conference. Questions you wish them to ask" taken up [from Dan_B]
15:10:59 [George]
DB: I will be talking about this group.
15:12:00 [George]
JW: I am giving a presentation about MathML and the addition of semantics and also adding how to differenciate math content from chem. I will have hand outs.
15:12:30 [George]
There will be no news for the experts, so more basic.
15:12:58 [George]
DB: Cary runs the conference
15:13:25 [George]
Reach out to Jason and Dan at any time about thoughts.
15:14:20 [George]
GK: what is the current best practice.
15:15:32 [George]
JW:One of the options is to have parallel semantic and presentation MathML. Use ARIA to disembaquate.
15:16:30 [George]
VS: With MathJax, I use huristics to figure out that this is Chemistry versus math.
15:17:21 [George]
let them know that they can still use LaTex, and If you go to the conference
15:18:00 [George]
MathJax fundamentally understands LaTex.
15:20:06 [George]
Elanore we will put in the image, which is not great.
15:20:30 [George]
Zakim, take up next
15:20:30 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "Continue Discussion of Use Cases" taken up [from Dan_B]
15:21:03 [George]
Where did we leave off?
15:21:51 [George]
CS:Three dementional models.
15:22:16 [George]
I went to a conference and met with MollyMods.
15:22:29 [George]
They do not represent bonds.
15:23:16 [George]
They have an App where you take a picture and it patern matches it with an online database.
15:23:34 [George]
DB: That does not sound possible.
15:24:24 [George]
CS: if you use ChemDraw and take advantage of the database, they can do interesting things.
15:24:42 [George]
At the conference the tech people were not there, so I could not get much.
15:25:36 [George]
VS: On some online databases, you can send your mol files and get information back, including references to a 3D library.
15:28:47 [George]
Ashley: I have read about Seelis where you can take a picture and it can return something that can then be presented by vibration. I wonder if something like this could be modified for chemistry.
15:29:40 [George]
DB: I wonder how this would work with haptic output.
15:30:04 [George]
CS: I am trying to compare what is available and what needs to be done.
15:30:32 [George]
Text-to-Speech is an interesting approach.
15:31:29 [George]
If we had a database, how could we make it more effective to produce a tactile, sh ask with swelling paper or a tiger embosser.
15:31:47 [George]
GK: What about imageshare?
15:32:40 [George]
Does a database of Chemistry already exists.
15:33:17 [George]
VS: We have the software to do it. We do not have a database of these items.
15:35:17 [Dan_B]
Cary : volker are you saying you can take a jmol or regular mol file and turn that into an SVG?
15:35:54 [Dan_B]
Volker: Yes, it can pick up the identifier of your favorite molecule and put it into our identifer and render an SVG.
15:37:22 [George]
DB: Is JMol open source.
15:37:37 [George]
Also JSMol
15:37:52 [George]
JSMol you can run on a website.
15:38:11 [George]
VS: JSMol is the useful one.
15:39:00 [George]
VS: if you have a mol file with 3D coordinagtes, it can render it directly.
15:39:30 [George]
/say VS: if you have a mol file with 3D coordinagtes, it can render it directly.
15:39:54 [George]
/say /say VS: if you have a mol file with 3D coordinagtes, it can render it directly.
15:41:36 [George]
CS: The point is to identify gaps.
15:41:57 [George]
There is a gap and how do webridge the gap.
15:42:19 [George]
The wideness of the gap is not as wide as we thought.
15:42:32 [George]
VS seems to have a lot of the solutions.
15:42:56 [George]
VS: I recall that some folks were looking at funding.
15:43:12 [George]
The funding discussion has not moved forward.
15:43:59 [George]
DB: We at HM would love to use what VS has done to render the more complex materials in our books. How can we make that happen?
15:44:56 [George]
/say DB: We at HM would love to use what VS has done to render the more complex materials in our books. How can we make that happen?. It is a service that is available for sale.
15:46:26 [George]
Action: George to send out the survey results of developers.
15:47:39 [George]
/say Action: George to send out the survey results of developers.
15:50:13 [George]
A discussion of how the software renders complex or simple molecules.
15:51:01 [George]
We are good at recognition, but when you get annotations, we have not developed that yet.
15:57:15 [George]
To premature for a CSUN presentation.Action: VS and CS will look at a submission for CSUN.
15:57:37 [George]
zakim, take up next item
15:57:37 [Zakim]
agendum 6. "Next meeting proposed for October 24th" taken up [from Dan_B]
15:57:40 [franco]
Action: VS and CS will look at a submission for CSUN.
16:00:26 [George]
Decision to have next call on the 24th.
16:00:54 [George]
Action:George to send out a calendar invite.
16:02:35 [George]
rrsagent, make log public
16:03:25 [George]
zakim, bye
16:03:25 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Dan_B, George, jasonjgw, franco, Ashley, Eleanor, Elaine
16:03:25 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #chem-web-pub
16:03:59 [George]
rrsagent, draft the minutes
16:03:59 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate George