Automotive Working Group Teleconference

19 Sep 2019




Workshop reactions

Ulf: spoke with Peter about it, thought it was very interesting domain however we felt our part coming from vehicle spec and our scope and view is a just a tiny but important piece of much larger domain

Ted: create demand for VSS@
... alt services

Ulf: path forward is clear with VSS and value it provides@@

Ted: @@service

Glenn: my view is VISS is interoperability across mixed manufacturer vehicles
... as Ulf said this is just one set of data useful in transportation

Ted: agree but more separate trees than branches

Ulf: we should try to sell the VSS generic data model to others
... many have already invested in their data models and unsure we can convince them
... we have metadata properties for sensor and actuator that fit well within the vehicle, not sure the primatives are same in other domains

Ted: @@sdw best practices, modular approach of VSSo more than YAML/JSON of VSS. @@formats


Glenn: how do you see using this task force going forward?
... not very clear the direction

Ted: @@influencing Gen2
... @@routing,compelling client app,aftermarket use case..

Glenn: we could present risk factor for intersections across North America from hard breaking events, etc data we have collected
... does that make sense

Ted: absolutely, including being able to present that to the vehicle and how a client app can prompt the @@nav

Glenn: yes and potentially influence the route to be taken

Ted: @@observations
... @@HERE

Glenn: also presents a point of collaboration with them

Ted: @@consent_shelved and broader than us
... we can get more information on solutions from workshop attendees


Ulf: I think that client app can help in several ways
... it can also be used as input and requirements on Gen2

Joakim: missed the start of this call but did we talk about combining data from a variety of sources?

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/09/19 15:59:21 $

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