15:07:39 RRSAgent has joined #auto 15:07:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-auto-irc 15:07:41 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:07:41 Zakim has joined #auto 15:07:43 Meeting: Automotive Working Group Teleconference 15:07:43 Date: 19 September 2019 15:11:21 Topic: Workshop reactions 15:11:27 Ulf: spoke with Peter about it, thought it was very interesting domain however we felt our part coming from vehicle spec and our scope and view is a just a tiny but important piece of much larger domain 15:11:45 Ted: create demand for VSS@ 15:11:45 … alt services 15:13:39 Ulf: path forward is clear with VSS and value it provides@@ 15:14:40 Ted: @@service 15:16:33 Glenn: my view is VISS is interoperability across mixed manufacturer vehicles 15:17:47 … as Ulf said this is just one set of data useful in transportation 15:18:19 Ted: agree but more separate trees than branches 15:18:32 Ulf: we should try to sell the VSS generic data model to others 15:18:58 … many have already invested in their data models and unsure we can convince them 15:19:50 … we have metadata properties for sensor and actuator that fit well within the vehicle, not sure the primatives are same in other domains 15:20:48 Ted: @@sdw best practices, modular approach of VSSo more than YAML/JSON of VSS. @@formats 15:28:17 @@marketplace 15:28:55 Glenn: how do you see using this task force going forward? 15:29:07 … not very clear the direction 15:31:07 Ted: @@influencing Gen2 15:36:38 … @@routing,compelling client app,aftermarket use case.. 15:37:08 Glenn: we could present risk factor for intersections across North America from hard breaking events, etc data we have collected 15:37:14 … does that make sense 15:39:24 Ted: absolutely, including being able to present that to the vehicle and how a client app can prompt the @@nav 15:39:40 Glenn: yes and potentially influence the route to be taken 15:39:51 Ted: @@observations 15:41:36 … @@HERE 15:41:55 Glenn: also presents a point of collaboration with them 15:44:40 Ted: @@consent_shelved and broader than us 15:45:07 … we can get more information on solutions from workshop attendees 15:53:24 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ACoHvQZQTgJF41gIvM48RfoG695O58AUjdvGATGBB6k/edit 15:53:54 Ulf: I think that client app can help in several ways 15:54:10 … it can also be used as input and requirements on Gen2 15:55:21 Joakim: missed the start of this call but did we talk about combining data from a variety of sources? 15:59:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-auto-minutes.html ted 21:54:01 Zakim has left #auto 23:54:22 cpn has joined #auto