IRC log of audio-comgp on 2019-09-19

Timestamps are in UTC.

01:51:25 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #audio-comgp
01:51:25 [RRSAgent]
logging to
01:51:29 [mdjp]
trackbot, start meeting
01:51:29 [trackbot]
Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
01:51:40 [phila]
RRSAgent, make logs public
01:52:06 [phila]
meeting: Audio Community Group F2F meeting, TPAC 2019
01:52:20 [mdjp]
Update from WG F2F
01:53:05 [mdjp]
padenot: Met Monday + Tues, addressed majoprity of issues in detail. Moved V2 issues to a new repo
01:53:06 [mdjp]
01:53:23 [mdjp]
padenot this is the place for new issues/prs to be raised on V2
01:54:25 [mdjp]
hoch TAG dropped in on day 2. We will be filing a request for design review of the ADC. Initial feedback was positive.
01:54:57 [mdjp]
hoch 48 issues transferred to V2. V1 has 16 open issues, mainly ready for editing.
01:55:16 [mdjp]
hoch has an action to invite more developers to the CG
01:55:52 [mdjp]
padenot a number of issues were closed around decoding/encoding. It is hoped tha these will be picked up in the webcodec spec
01:56:37 [padenot]
01:57:01 [AdenFlorian]
AdenFlorian has joined #audio-comgp
01:57:40 [mdjp]
padenot WAAPI is focussed on processing not en/decoding.
02:00:01 [mdjp]
phila usecases - SSML1.1 circa 2010 used in all assistants bar siri. Need for updates to the spec.
02:00:29 [mdjp]
phila how to markup a page to allow voice assistants to navigate more easily.
02:01:34 [mdjp]
padenot mozilla are researching this area (ux and nav).
02:01:52 [mdjp]
hoch speech recognition/synthesis is out of scope for WAAPI
02:03:04 [mdjp]
padenot we closed issues during the F2F as we are unable to access speech data from the os
02:03:34 [hoch]
Might be relevant:
02:07:14 [mdjp]
padenot looking at V2 there are a number of categories: 1. Maintenance of the v1 and editorial updates (issue 50). 2. Enhancement to existing features (issue 39)3. New features
02:08:48 [mdjp]
for example a noise generator. Issue 8
02:08:53 [mdjp]
02:09:28 [mdjp]
padenot category 1 & 2 are more for the working group to deal with, category 3 is of most interest to the cg
02:11:48 [mdjp]
padenot people have not yet really discovered the v2 repo or started to request features. Outreach will be needed to different groups. tweet, music dsp list, web audio conference, web audio weekly, icma, nime
02:14:36 [mdjp]
hoch padenot to be successful we need to expand participation in the community group.
02:15:17 [mdjp]
padenot it was hard to accept new features during v1 as the WG was focussed on pulling together a coherent spec, V2 gives a chance to build on this now
02:18:55 [mdjp]
hoch if we have a v2 document do we need a TAG review? padenot not initially, have a period where we scope things and recharter correctly.
02:19:06 [mdjp]
mdjp recharter should be on the next WG call agenda
02:19:28 [mdjp]
hoch how do we handle 1 & 2 (updates to the spec)
02:21:20 [mdjp]
padenot copy v1 spec and seperate document with new features. hoch Need to settle on an approach to updates before encouraging people to engage.
02:21:42 [mdjp]
mdjp do this at WG level and then propose to the group.
02:29:47 [mdjp]
mdjp proposing fortnightly call going forward alternating for different timezones
02:32:15 [mdjp]
WG will continue to meet weekly to complete v1. mdjp will put a schedule for meetings to the end of year on the cg wiki/github wiki
02:36:13 [mdjp]
mdjp any feedback or concerns on V2
02:36:37 [mdjp]
rtoyg_m2 are we still pushing mathmatical processes off to audioworklet?
02:36:59 [mdjp]
rtoyg_m2 mathmatical oscillators as native node?
02:37:18 [mdjp]
rtoyg_m2 or an official standard library?
02:38:20 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio-comgp
02:39:42 [padenot]
02:42:47 [padenot]
02:45:22 [mdjp]
rrsagent, make minutes
02:45:22 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mdjp
02:48:35 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio-comgp
03:51:21 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #audio-comgp
05:01:19 [rtoyg_m2]
rtoyg_m2 has joined #audio-comgp
05:07:54 [rtoyg_m3]
rtoyg_m3 has joined #audio-comgp