23:22:22 RRSAgent has joined #ag 23:22:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-ag-irc 23:22:24 RRSAgent, make logs public 23:22:24 Zakim has joined #ag 23:22:26 Meeting: Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference 23:22:26 Date: 19 September 2019 23:22:36 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 23:26:24 MichaelC has joined #ag 23:28:15 nicaise has joined #ag 23:30:02 Jennie has joined #ag 23:34:47 kzms2 has joined #ag 23:42:07 KimD has joined #ag 23:42:33 Present+ 23:42:59 present+ 23:45:55 ZAkim, agenda? 23:45:55 I see nothing on the agenda 23:46:07 Agenda+ scribe rotation 23:46:13 agenda+ WCAG 2.2 SC work 23:48:05 Scribe: Chuck 23:48:43 atai has joined #ag 23:49:40 david-macdonald has joined #ag 23:49:52 * yes, thanks! 23:50:45 We are going to scribe lightly as Andrew is documenting questions/issues/tasks for different SC at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HqI19P0LUzdpbm1IM2PPhloXjXWHFC9Fo3QjoVQ4Irc/edit#heading=h.xiycc7mrk89l 23:52:14 me/ I'm freaked 23:53:21 Andrew: Essential controls... next is custom interactions. 23:53:32 AWK: Where from? 23:53:43 TOPIC: Custom Interactions 23:53:52 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ouVFq4w-i0rchNHtTAG_JoRwHfYm9mN2MkxFBct1JSI/ 23:55:51 I hear alastair fine 23:57:51 oops 2.2 23:58:03 David, I'll call attention to your request. 00:01:16 Rachael has joined #ag 00:01:32 present+ 00:01:35 present+ 00:02:02 rrsagent, make minutes 00:02:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-ag-minutes.html Rachael 00:02:04 Nicaise has joined #ag 00:03:33 @alastair... thanks. 00:06:45 romain has joined #ag 00:07:36 Fazio has joined #ag 00:07:43 present+ 00:08:28 Questions are being recorded here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HqI19P0LUzdpbm1IM2PPhloXjXWHFC9Fo3QjoVQ4Irc/edit# 00:11:39 JohnRochford has joined #ag 00:11:45 present+ JohnRochford 00:12:46 present+ 00:14:18 mbgower has joined #ag 00:14:39 rrsagent, make minutes 00:14:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-ag-minutes.html mbgower 00:15:40 Makoto has joined #ag 00:16:45 song_jaeil has joined #ag 00:16:57 q? 00:17:52 q+ to say I've been having questions about gestures lately, and this raises them 00:18:17 rrsagent, make minutes 00:18:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-ag-minutes.html Jemma_ 00:19:34 present+ 00:21:14 +q 00:21:28 ack m 00:21:28 mbgower, you wanted to say I've been having questions about gestures lately, and this raises them 00:21:37 noting our questions are recorded here: Seemshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1HqI19P0LUzdpbm1IM2PPhloXjXWHFC9Fo3QjoVQ4Irc/edit# 00:22:21 Questions/notes are recorded here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HqI19P0LUzdpbm1IM2PPhloXjXWHFC9Fo3QjoVQ4Irc/edit#heading=h.xiycc7mrk89l 00:22:49 s|noting our questions are recorded here: Seemshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1HqI19P0LUzdpbm1IM2PPhloXjXWHFC9Fo3QjoVQ4Irc/edit#| 00:23:50 +1 to mbgower's suggestion for documenting the keyboard, gesture actions. 00:24:20 q+ concerns regarding documenting keyboard and gestures. 00:24:43 q? 00:24:48 ack je 00:24:53 q+ concerns with documenting 00:25:03 q- 00:25:06 rrsagrent, draft minutes 00:25:27 q+ to say concerns with documenting keyboard and gestures 00:25:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:25:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-ag-minutes.html AWK 00:26:30 My points were on three things: 1) this kind of guidance saying to document interaction is useful, but we don't have it for keyboard as an SC. So it seems a bit odd to have it only for gestures. 00:27:04 thanks for your summary, mbgower 00:27:17 mbgower - this SC is aimed at both 00:28:01 it was not clear to me that this SC is aimed at both at first hand. 00:28:49 we've focused on gestures as that's a key scenario, but it was changed to allow for both. 00:28:52 thanks for your explanation. 00:28:59 2) the history of keyboard interaction guidance in wcag seems based on an assumption that the OS supplies the means for a user to not need to use more than one 'finger' at a time (i.e., sticky keys). We don't provide an equivalent to the Pointer Gestures SC for keyboard, because the assumption is the OS handles it. 00:31:02 3) I think it would be an idea to identify what gestures are made accessible at the OS level by the main mobile/touch platforms. That can help inform our decision on what constitutes custom (and poses a challenge to someone who is able to do gestures on a device via the OS a11y features) 00:31:47 * Jennie I'm here for find help, and can be here for about a half hour 00:32:05 RESOLUTION: More work will be required on this SC. 00:32:23 TOPIC: Find Help 00:32:23 Ordering: Find help, then epub SCs. 00:32:37 can u hear me 00:32:43 Notes recorded at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HqI19P0LUzdpbm1IM2PPhloXjXWHFC9Fo3QjoVQ4Irc/edit#heading=h.k2791lcrtdbb 00:32:44 romain has joined #ag 00:32:47 Find help doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fX4Iw169OGUny5RTd70S8qAneYy5e0hr7zupE21gPBM/edit 00:33:03 q+ 00:33:05 present+ 00:33:27 ok I'l check it out... epub folks are interested... I'll let them know we're next (Aveneesh, etc..) 00:33:35 ack ch 00:33:35 Chuck, you wanted to say concerns with documenting keyboard and gestures 00:33:40 ack je 00:34:05 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fX4Iw169OGUny5RTd70S8qAneYy5e0hr7zupE21gPBM/edit#heading=h.c1ri43umkho0 00:36:06 Ryladog has joined #ag 00:37:11 Present+ Katie_Haritos-Shea 00:37:28 DavidClarke has joined #ag 00:39:14 q? 00:40:34 q+ to say that I see this as an extension of Consistent Navigation 00:40:48 q+ to ask whether a link to the info would meet this? 00:42:05 ack mb 00:42:05 mbgower, you wanted to say that I see this as an extension of Consistent Navigation 00:42:17 JakeAbma has joined #ag 00:42:26 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HqI19P0LUzdpbm1IM2PPhloXjXWHFC9Fo3QjoVQ4Irc/edit#heading=h.k2791lcrtdbb 00:42:28 present+ JakeAbma 00:42:31 Navigational mechanisms that are repeated on multiple Web pages within a set of Web pages occur in the same relative order each time they are repeated, unless a change is initiated by the user. 00:42:37 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#consistent-navigation 00:42:45 s|https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HqI19P0LUzdpbm1IM2PPhloXjXWHFC9Fo3QjoVQ4Irc/edit#heading=h.k2791lcrtdbb| 00:43:26 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HqI19P0LUzdpbm1IM2PPhloXjXWHFC9Fo3QjoVQ4Irc/edit#heading=h.k2791lcrtdbb| 00:43:46 q? 00:43:48 q+ 00:44:05 ack kim 00:44:05 KimD, you wanted to ask whether a link to the info would meet this? 00:45:02 On another topic. we may want to think about adding that personalization consideration Katie mention as a conformance requirement? 00:45:03 q+ 00:45:08 q+ 00:45:17 ack je 00:45:27 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#consistent-navigation 00:45:50 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fX4Iw169OGUny5RTd70S8qAneYy5e0hr7zupE21gPBM/edit#heading=h.c1ri43umkho0 00:47:12 +q I agree with putting help info in a consistent location through navigation system(like that of mbgower's suggetion). however, requiring it to be "on every page" will be restricting the room for info architect and designers' expertise. 00:47:17 ack je 00:47:19 ack j 00:48:36 q+ 00:48:51 q+ to ask about very large and very small sites. 00:49:08 ack ni