IRC log of wpack on 2019-09-18

Timestamps are in UTC.

01:47:38 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wpack
01:47:38 [RRSAgent]
logging to
01:47:39 [koalie]
RRSAgent, make logs public
01:47:41 [koalie]
koalie has changed the topic to:
01:47:44 [koalie]
koalie has left #wpack
01:59:48 [toshiakikoike]
toshiakikoike has joined #wpack
03:39:18 [twifkak]
twifkak has joined #wpack
03:41:31 [twifkak]
twifkak has left #wpack
04:28:10 [toshiakikoike]
toshiakikoike has joined #wpack
05:15:15 [sanketj]
sanketj has joined #wpack
05:31:08 [toshiakikoike]
toshiakikoike has joined #wpack
05:42:16 [drousso]
drousso has joined #wpack
06:22:43 [tantek]
tantek has joined #wpack
06:22:51 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #wpack
06:22:57 [tantek]
RRSAgent, make logs public
07:25:08 [dauwhe]
dauwhe has joined #wpack
07:25:18 [dauwhe]
07:25:21 [dauwhe]
Zakim, who is here?
07:25:21 [Zakim]
Present: dauwhe
07:25:23 [Zakim]
On IRC I see dauwhe, Zakim, sanketj, RRSAgent, dbaron
07:27:38 [kzms2]
kzms2 has joined #wpack
07:31:53 [drousso]
drousso has joined #wpack
07:31:54 [jyasskin]
jyasskin has joined #wpack
07:31:56 [wendyreid]
wendyreid has joined #wpack
07:31:58 [horo]
horo has joined #wpack
07:32:02 [wendyreid]
07:32:14 [MasakazuKitahara]
MasakazuKitahara has joined #wpack
07:32:29 [romain]
romain has joined #wpack
07:32:33 [takayud]
takayud has joined #wpack
07:33:22 [Ralph_]
Ralph_ has joined #wpack
07:33:23 [zcorpan]
zcorpan has joined #wpack
07:33:24 [jeffh]
jeffh has joined #wpack
07:33:25 [domfarolino]
domfarolino has joined #wpack
07:33:33 [zcorpan]
07:33:39 [jlinehan]
jlinehan has joined #wpack
07:33:39 [duga]
duga has joined #wpack
07:33:40 [Ralph_]
07:33:41 [jeffh]
07:33:42 [MasakazuKitahara]
07:33:44 [hober]
hober has joined #wpack
07:33:46 [kinuko]
kinuko has joined #wpack
07:33:50 [toyoshim]
toyoshim has joined #wpack
07:33:50 [duga]
07:34:02 [hober]
07:34:04 [JunGamo_]
JunGamo_ has joined #wpack
07:34:05 [domfarolino]
07:34:08 [chrishtr]
chrishtr has joined #wpack
07:34:10 [hober]
RRSAgent, generate minutes
07:34:10 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate hober
07:34:13 [toshiakikoike]
toshiakikoike has joined #wpack
07:34:16 [chrishtr]
07:34:20 [kinuko]
07:34:31 [drousso]
07:34:31 [zcorpan]
RRSAgent, make minutes world-readable
07:34:31 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes world-readable', zcorpan. Try /msg RRSAgent help
07:34:36 [romain]
07:34:45 [marisa]
marisa has joined #wpack
07:34:45 [masonfreed]
masonfreed has joined #wpack
07:34:45 [jeffh]
jyasskin (jy): wants to describe web packaging and get feedback...
07:35:02 [zcorpan]
RRSAgent, make minutes world-visible
07:35:02 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes world-visible', zcorpan. Try /msg RRSAgent help
07:35:04 [alex_christensen]
alex_christensen has joined #wpack
07:35:05 [horo]
07:35:19 [jeffh]
[ see slides ]
07:35:25 [zcorpan]
RRSAgent, make logs world-visible
07:35:30 [wendyreid]
RRSagent, make logs public
07:35:34 [zcorpan]
RRSAgent, make minutes
07:35:34 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate zcorpan
07:35:44 [tantek]
tantek has joined #wpack
07:35:50 [zcorpan]
Title: Web Packaging
07:35:54 [zcorpan]
RRSAgent, make minutes
07:35:54 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate zcorpan
07:35:56 [jeffh]
...<goes thru wpack basics, terminology>
07:36:05 [hober]
Chair: jyasskin
07:36:16 [zcorpan]
Meeting: Web Packaging
07:36:25 [zcorpan]
RRSAgent, make minutes
07:36:25 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate zcorpan
07:36:43 [jeffh]
...<goes into relatoinship with signed exchanges>
07:36:48 [tantek]
RRSAgent, make logs public
07:37:09 [wendyreid]
scribe+ jeffh
07:37:09 [skk]
skk has joined #wpack
07:37:39 [jeffh]
...<goes into unsigned package use cases...>
07:37:53 [jeffh]
...<video demo...>
07:39:20 [sura]
sura has joined #wpack
07:39:47 [KenjiBaheux]
KenjiBaheux has joined #wpack
07:39:48 [jeffh]
...the demo shows how bundled unsigned exchanges can be utilized
07:40:12 [jeffh]
...<goes into signed eschange use cases>
07:40:43 [jeffh]
...<goes into impl and deployment state...>
07:41:57 [jeffh]
...<currently impl'g navigation to bundles...>
07:42:37 [jeffh]
...<spec is in WICG, proposing WG in IETF in Nov>
07:42:50 [jeffh] quesiions:
07:43:33 [jeffh]
....what's best way to prevent Distributor from handing its user ID to Publisher? Uncredentialed navigation? add attrs to <A> tag?
07:43:39 [kinuko]
navigation to bundle fetch/navigation design:
07:43:47 [jeffh] dies storage work for unsigned bundles?
07:44:02 [jeffh]
07:44:18 [jeffh]
...Discussion? (floor open)
07:44:26 [hober]
07:44:49 [alex_christensen]
alex_christensen has joined #wpack
07:44:51 [jeffh]
?:how does navig to signed bundles work?
07:45:10 [jeffh]
jy: we'll attach bundle to settings object, can trust it cuz it is signed....
07:45:28 [jeffh]
bundle is a resource with a URL, load URL
07:45:41 [jeffh]
07:45:42 [zcorpan]
07:45:56 [zcorpan]
RRSAgent, make minutes
07:45:56 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate zcorpan
07:45:57 [Mizushima]
Mizushima has joined #wpack
07:46:04 [stantonm]
stantonm has joined #wpack
07:46:25 [jeffh]
jy: you're asking which resource within bundle you load?
07:46:42 [jeffh]
jy: yes, there's a manifest in bundle identifying what to load first
07:46:47 [dauwhe]
07:46:50 [KenjiBaheux]
KenjiBaheux has joined #wpack
07:46:57 [zcorpan]
s/?:how does navig to signed bundles workreymes/reymes: how does navig to signed bundles work/
07:47:10 [jeffh]
?: can publishers still get atalinux (??)
07:47:15 [zcorpan]
RRSAgent, make minutes
07:47:15 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate zcorpan
07:47:15 [KenjiBaheux]
07:47:21 [wendyreid]
07:47:22 [dauwhe]
07:47:23 [jeffh]
07:47:28 [KenjiBaheux]
we got this
07:48:12 [Yanni]
Yanni has joined #wpack
07:48:20 [KenjiBaheux]
07:48:33 [jeffh]
jy: <describes how it works...> they do not get http reqs for the url they signed, but if their JS reports back to their servers then they get analytics...
07:48:43 [KenjiBaheux]
07:48:54 [hober]
07:49:03 [hober]
ack dauwhe
07:50:04 [jeffh]
dauwhe: <somehting about bundle navigation details> I can load the bundle from my local file system? will UA be able to "save a bundle" ?
07:50:05 [cmp]
cmp has joined #wpack
07:50:17 [jeffh]
kuniko: we are thinking of that
07:50:53 [jeffh]
dauwhe: what about signed exchanges, it's controversial, are other UAs going to impl ?
07:50:56 [zcorpan]
07:51:10 [jeffh]
kinuko: cant say now, we'll see
07:51:11 [hober]
ack zcorpan
07:51:24 [wendyreid]
scribe+ wendyreid
07:51:29 [jeffh]
zcorpan: any WPTs?
07:51:49 [jeffh]
kinuko: we r definitely planning to supply WPTs
07:52:27 [hober]
07:52:51 [jeffh]
zcorpan: please submit issue on WPT wrt signed exchanges
07:53:01 [jeffh]
07:53:02 [dauwhe]
07:53:16 [jeffh]
annevk: curious about the origin handling?
07:53:35 [KenjiBaheux]
ACTION: please submit issue on WPT wrt signed exchanges
07:53:35 [jeffh]
jy: the origin has to contain the pkg url and the claimed url inside the pkg
07:53:54 [Yanni]
Yanni has joined #wpack
07:54:45 [jeffh]
...this will perhaps intoduce vulns in some non-compliant parsers. have ideas to combine and hash the two URLs... have ideas wrt storage and the the origin(s), but that is not good long-term...
07:54:56 [hober]
ack dauwhe
07:55:46 [hober]
ack Ralph_
07:55:47 [jeffh]
dauwhe: sees usecase from book world where want to have chunks of books that are bundled
07:55:57 [jeffh]
...will submit issue re this
07:56:24 [sura_]
sura_ has joined #wpack
07:56:44 [romain]
s/to have chunks of books that are bundled/to have data storage for books that are bundled/
07:56:58 [jeffh]
?: origin named in the pkg will have assurances wrt security/priv, how will the distributor also p;rovide same priv assurances...
07:57:13 [bdekoz]
bdekoz has joined #wpack
07:57:28 [KenjiBaheux]
ACTION: dauwhe to file an issue regarding use case from book world where want to have data storage for books that are bundled
07:58:38 [hober]
07:58:39 [jeffh]
jy: dunno how to constrain distributor's priv practices. whoever links u to pkg already knows provided that to you, how you got to the distributor is visible in the way loading things on the web is today. want to make the distirbutor request uncred'd which will help....
07:58:47 [jeffh]
...but may not be sufficient
07:59:20 [jeffh]
annevk: origin question: if u wan to use an unsigned bundle on your own site, can it have the same origin as your site....?
08:00:01 [Yanni_]
Yanni_ has joined #wpack
08:00:04 [bdekoz]
official mozilla position is that SxG is considered harmful. See:
08:00:08 [Ralph]
Ralph has joined #wpack
08:00:23 [skk_]
skk_ has joined #wpack
08:00:54 [jeffh]
jy: <yes> if start url is same-origin can treat it that way, but in some cases it might ought to be cross-orig untrusted bundle, might need a flag (where?) to indicate that. a 2nd flag is if we have a signed bundle and the sig expires, do you need to re-fectch bundle over the network, bundle source should erhaps help here....
08:00:55 [ksakamoto]
ksakamoto has joined #wpack
08:01:13 [jeffh]
jy: how do other UA vendors feel about the unsigned bits of this?
08:01:19 [birtles]
birtles has joined #wpack
08:01:25 [KenjiBaheux]
KenjiBaheux has joined #wpack
08:01:25 [hober]
08:01:27 [jeffh]
?: they are less controversial than the signed bits of this...
08:01:54 [dxie_]
dxie_ has joined #wpack
08:02:05 [jeffh]
?: are we treating this as a redirect (in the context of web perf WG)
08:02:55 [zcorpan]
s/?: /bdekoz: /
08:03:12 [zcorpan]
RRSAgent, make minutes
08:03:12 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate zcorpan
08:03:18 [MasakazuKitahara_]
MasakazuKitahara_ has joined #wpack
08:03:20 [jeffh]
jy: as a redirect, if it causes probs with inter nal redirect count have to figure something out -- this wud be in fetch... (bdekoz is the questioner)
08:03:40 [jeffh]
raymes: <something about cachcing>
08:03:53 [jeffh]
jy: <missed>
08:03:58 [marisa]
marisa has joined #wpack
08:04:15 [jeffh]
raymes: is bundle cached in <some special way?>
08:04:31 [annevk]
annevk has joined #wpack
08:04:50 [jeffh]
kinuko: bundled resource is cached as usual. individual contained resources are not cached.
08:04:55 [JunGamo_]
JunGamo_ has joined #wpack
08:05:20 [annevk]
RRSAgent, minutes?
08:05:20 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'minutes'
08:05:25 [jeffh]
jy: if u expose to svc wkr it is up to svc wkr (?) -- this not spec'd yet
08:06:04 [jeffh]
jy: slides URL:
08:06:14 [jyasskin]
08:06:29 [zcorpan]
s/?: /bdekoz: /
08:06:32 [zcorpan]
s/?: /bdekoz: /
08:06:34 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Ralph
08:06:35 [jeffh]
rrsagent, generate minutes
08:06:35 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeffh
08:08:10 [KenjiBaheux]
KenjiBaheux has joined #wpack
08:10:14 [marisa]
marisa has joined #wpack
08:17:30 [marisa]
marisa has joined #wpack
08:18:01 [Yanni_]
Yanni_ has joined #wpack
08:18:48 [JunGamo_]
JunGamo_ has left #wpack
08:24:22 [marisa]
marisa has joined #wpack
08:24:38 [Yanni_]
Yanni_ has joined #wpack
08:25:18 [dauwhe]
dauwhe has joined #wpack
08:29:19 [romain]
romain has joined #wpack
08:29:26 [romain]
romain has left #wpack
08:30:35 [drousso]
drousso has joined #wpack
08:31:04 [drousso]
drousso has joined #wpack
08:33:09 [toshiakikoike]
toshiakikoike has joined #wpack
08:35:06 [dauwhe]
dauwhe has joined #wpack
08:39:31 [MasayaIkeo]
MasayaIkeo has joined #wpack
08:44:11 [dauwhe]
dauwhe has joined #wpack
08:46:23 [kinuko_]
kinuko_ has joined #wpack
08:46:33 [skk]
skk has joined #wpack
08:58:28 [dauwhe]
zakim, bye
08:58:28 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees have been dauwhe, wendyreid, zcorpan, Ralph_, jeffh, MasakazuKitahara, duga, hober, domfarolino, chrishtr, kinuko, drousso, romain, horo
08:58:28 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #wpack
09:03:43 [tantek]
RRSAgent, pointer?
09:03:43 [RRSAgent]
09:07:43 [dauwhe]
dauwhe has joined #wpack
09:16:46 [jeffh]
09:17:12 [tantek]
jeffh, Zakim (who manages q) was dismissed by dauwhe above
09:31:36 [drousso]
drousso has left #wpack
09:33:21 [MasayaIk_]
MasayaIk_ has joined #wpack
10:06:29 [MasayaIkeo]
MasayaIkeo has joined #wpack