IRC log of wot-pf on 2019-09-18

Timestamps are in UTC.

01:42:32 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wot-pf
01:42:32 [RRSAgent]
logging to
01:42:41 [wseltzer]
rrsagent, make logs public
01:42:58 [wseltzer]
wseltzer has changed the topic to: Web of Things PlugFest
01:43:01 [wseltzer]
wseltzer has left #wot-pf
01:51:02 [kaz]
kaz has joined #wot-pf
01:53:15 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #wot-pf
01:53:17 [koalie]
koalie has joined #wot-pf
01:53:24 [kaz]
rrsagent, bye
01:53:24 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items
01:53:28 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wot-pf
01:53:28 [RRSAgent]
logging to
01:53:32 [koalie]
koalie has changed the topic to:
01:53:36 [koalie]
RRSAgent, make logs public
01:53:38 [koalie]
koalie has left #wot-pf
01:53:40 [kaz]
Meeting: WoT PlugFest at TPAC 2019
02:44:02 [Sudeep_]
Sudeep_ has joined #wot-pf
02:54:57 [inamori_]
inamori_ has joined #wot-pf
03:13:06 [inamori_]
inamori_ has joined #wot-pf
03:58:31 [inamori_]
inamori_ has joined #wot-pf
04:08:15 [inamori_]
inamori_ has joined #wot-pf
04:22:10 [hirata]
hirata has joined #wot-pf
04:28:09 [kaz]
kaz has joined #wot-pf
04:28:35 [Masa]
Masa has joined #wot-pf
04:31:08 [tk]
tk has joined #wot-pf
04:31:08 [hendo_]
hendo_ has joined #wot-pf
04:31:38 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
04:31:38 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
04:31:54 [kaz]
chair: McCool
04:32:10 [kaz]
mm: presentation plus demo
04:32:17 [azaroth]
azaroth has joined #wot-pf
04:32:26 [azaroth]
present+ Rob_Sanderson
04:32:28 [kaz]
... walk through scenarios
04:32:46 [ryuichi]
ryuichi has joined #wot-pf
04:32:52 [kaz]
... we're looking at PlugFest to see interoperability
04:32:54 [gkellogg]
gkellogg has joined #wot-pf
04:33:14 [gkellogg]
04:33:22 [gkellogg]
present+ Gregg_Kellogg
04:33:27 [ktoumura]
ktoumura has joined #wot-pf
04:33:39 [kaz]
kaz: please join the IRC at #wot-pf and also "present+" you name
04:33:40 [dape]
dape has joined #wot-pf
04:33:43 [sebastian]
sebastian has joined #wot-pf
04:33:49 [kaz]
mm: (goes through the slides)
04:33:49 [hfuji]
hfuji has joined #wot-pf
04:33:54 [mitzu]
mitzu has joined #wot-pf
04:33:54 [gkellogg]
present+ Gregg_Kellogg
04:34:00 [kaz]
... [W3C Web of Things]
04:34:03 [kaz]
present+ Kaz_Ashimura
04:34:05 [JohnRochford]
JohnRochford has joined #wot-pf
04:34:07 [hendo_]
present+ Hiroki_Endo
04:34:08 [kaz]
present+ Michael_McCool
04:34:12 [JohnRochford]
04:34:19 [Masa]
present+ Masa Mashita
04:34:20 [tksuzuki]
tksuzuki has joined #wot-pf
04:34:21 [kaz]
mm: we're middle of rechartering the WG
04:34:28 [JohnRochford]
present+ JohnRochford
04:34:31 [tpk]
tpk has joined #wot-pf
04:34:31 [ktoumura]
present+ Kunihiko_Toumura
04:34:36 [ryuichi]
present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura
04:34:40 [kaz]
... will have 2-day sessions to discuss the plan
04:34:52 [kaz]
... [W3C Web of Things - Building Blocks]
04:34:52 [tksuzuki]
present+ Takahisa_Suzuki
04:35:01 [kaz]
... building blocks here
04:35:13 [kaz]
... TD is general metadata based on JSON-LD
04:35:29 [kaz]
... [Published CRs]
04:35:52 [kaz]
... (Thing Description example on the right side)
04:35:57 [kiyoto_]
kiyoto_ has joined #wot-pf
04:36:04 [kaz]
... [PlugFest picture]
04:36:11 [Mizushima]
Mizushima has joined #wot-pf
04:36:11 [kaz]
... actually several things here
04:36:20 [kaz]
... several scenarios working together
04:36:27 [Mizushima]
preset+ Tomoaki_Mizushima
04:36:28 [kaz]
... devices provided by different vendors
04:36:51 [kaz]
... the basic idea is describing what the device does
04:37:07 [kaz]
... devices can be provided in various ways
04:37:18 [kaz]
... [PlugFest Devices]
04:37:37 [kaz]
... end point devices as sensors/actuators
04:37:49 [kaz]
... devices in a homenetwork here
04:37:56 [sebastian]
present +Sebastian_Kaebisch
04:38:00 [kaz]
... you may create a proxy for proper security
04:38:08 [kaz]
... Fujitsu has a proxy system here
04:38:11 [kaz]
... Intel as well
04:38:21 [kaz]
... Mozilla provides gateway mechanism
04:38:36 [kaz]
... light switches from different vendors
04:38:52 [kaz]
... possibly could be cloud services
04:39:15 [kaz]
... this time NHK provides a TV set including the Hybridcast technology
04:39:28 [kaz]
... Panasonic provides a lot of things
04:39:39 [kaz]
... some of the are here in Fukuoka locally
04:39:46 [kaz]
... and some others are remote
04:40:00 [kaz]
... much more devices could be included
04:40:11 [kaz]
... Oracle provides cloud simulators
04:40:38 [kaz]
... Siemens also has a simulator
04:40:49 [kaz]
... TUM provides bunch of sensor devices
04:41:02 [kaz]
... [Scenario 1]
04:41:05 [kaz]
... different scenarios here
04:41:09 [kaz]
... two scenarios
04:41:21 [kaz]
... one is about smart home
04:41:39 [kaz]
... smart building is something like a hotel
04:41:48 [kaz]
... integrate those together
04:42:04 [kaz]
... authentication problem is interesting
04:42:26 [kaz]
... enabling accessibility is also an important/interesting point for the scenario
04:43:00 [kaz]
... maybe you have a door bell and synchronized with a flash
04:43:11 [kaz]
... we have speech synthesizer as well
04:43:48 [kaz]
... also smart storage battery
04:44:09 [kaz]
... [another photo]
04:44:22 [kaz]
... Fujitsu's devices (and Mozilla gateway)
04:44:35 [hfuji]
hfuji has joined #wot-pf
04:44:39 [kaz]
... door bell, buzzer and flash
04:44:50 [kaz]
... motion sensor as well
04:45:05 [kaz]
... you can use a gateway for zigbee devices
04:45:15 [kaz]
... Fujitsu box here is a proxy
04:45:26 [kaz]
... also Google home device can be connected
04:46:07 [kaz]
... interesting to have a local proxy as a hub rather than going out to a cloud service
04:46:13 [kaz]
... [Scenario 2]
04:46:17 [kaz]
... Industrial scenario
04:46:33 [kaz]
... different kind of requirements for authentication and security
04:46:52 [kaz]
... one use case here
04:47:01 [kaz]
... functional safety application
04:47:08 [kaz]
... you want to get alarm
04:47:19 [kaz]
... when people go to wrong places
04:47:31 [kaz]
... Oracle simulator image
04:47:47 [kaz]
... on the right screen
04:48:05 [kaz]
... simulating HVAC system and fest plant
04:48:12 [kaz]
... good for IoT training
04:48:26 [kaz]
... many industrial controls are expected
04:48:40 [kaz]
... has Thing Descriptions included
04:48:51 [kaz]
... [Siemens screen]
04:49:00 [kaz]
... car charging service
04:49:23 [kaz]
dp: buildings representing smart buildings
04:49:29 [yamada]
yamada has joined #wot-pf
04:49:33 [kaz]
... power consumption is detected
04:49:53 [kaz]
... also on the left side electric power charger
04:50:09 [kaz]
... the devices have different interface for each
04:50:34 [kaz]
mm: for smart grid, there are various interfaces
04:50:45 [kaz]
... we can see energy bi-directional
04:50:55 [kaz]
... house to car vs car to house
04:51:06 [kaz]
... very interesting/important question
04:51:36 [kaz]
... ecoG, Siemens subsidiary, working on the mechanism
04:51:48 [kaz]
... natural thing to happen
04:52:00 [kaz]
... car charging stand is kind of like gas stand
04:52:22 [kaz]
... could be collocated with convenience stores
04:52:44 [kaz]
... could have distributed power management system
04:52:53 [kaz]
... [NHK Hybridcast Integration]
04:53:08 [kaz]
... [picture as well]
04:53:25 [kaz]
endo: our demo describes Hybridcast system
04:53:31 [kaz]
... working with the WoT framework
04:53:55 [kaz]
... broadcasting content can transfer events as a trigger for that purpose
04:54:12 [kaz]
... we use "node-wot" as the basis for the interface
04:54:32 [kaz]
... the orange application here on the slide catches the event from the broadcasting content
04:54:46 [kaz]
... and handle the external devices
04:54:54 [kaz]
mm: [NHK TV content]
04:55:07 [kaz]
endo: application data on the right side
04:55:25 [kaz]
... start/stop a robot cleaner
04:55:58 [kaz]
mm: broadcast content includes signal to kick the application
04:56:13 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
04:56:13 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
04:56:26 [inamori_]
inamori_ has joined #wot-pf
04:56:52 [kaz]
... we have an informative Note on protocol binding
04:57:02 [kaz]
... [Orchestration]
04:57:07 [kaz]
... next issue is orchestration
04:57:20 [kaz]
... currently have two ways
04:57:26 [kaz]
... Node-RED and node-wot
04:58:44 [kaz]
... you can find the code of node-wot on GitHub
04:59:07 [kaz]
... node-wot is a library based on Node.js
04:59:24 [kaz]
... [WoT Workshop: Munich 2019]
04:59:30 [kaz]
... had a W3C workshop the other day
04:59:36 [kaz]
... pretty nice systems running here
04:59:52 [kaz]
... you can see a BMW car as part of the WoT PlugFest
05:00:04 [kaz]
... described by Thing Description
05:00:33 [kaz]
... upper right is Mozilla gateway
05:00:45 [kaz]
... [W3C WoT Resources]
05:00:53 [kaz]
... that's it for my presentation
05:01:05 [kaz]
... uploaded on GitHub
05:01:28 [kaz]
... the main repo is "wot" under w3c
05:01:38 [kaz]
05:01:45 [kaz]
mm: finish a bit earlier
05:01:56 [kaz]
... and would invite you all to the lunch place for actual demo
05:01:59 [kaz]
... questions?
05:02:03 [kaz]
05:02:06 [kaz]
mm: ok
05:02:17 [kaz]
... in that case, please come to the lunch place for the actual demo
05:02:20 [kaz]
... tx!
05:02:21 [tksuzuki]
tksuzuki has left #wot-pf
05:02:35 [kaz]
[presentation done; people move to the lunch place for actual demo]
05:02:40 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
05:02:40 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
05:02:50 [azaroth]
azaroth has left #wot-pf
05:04:54 [kaz]
s|@@@link|-> McCool's slides|
05:05:01 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
05:05:01 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
05:07:44 [mitzu]
mitzu has left #wot-pf
05:24:29 [gkellogg]
gkellogg has joined #wot-pf
05:35:19 [gkellogg]
gkellogg has joined #wot-pf
05:45:28 [kaz]
kaz has joined #wot-pf
05:54:09 [inamori_]
inamori_ has joined #wot-pf
06:11:33 [hendo]
hendo has joined #wot-pf
06:32:45 [hendo_]
hendo_ has joined #wot-pf
06:52:15 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #wot-pf
08:00:58 [kaz_]
kaz_ has joined #wot-pf
08:30:49 [hendo]
hendo has joined #wot-pf
08:41:16 [gkellogg]
gkellogg has joined #wot-pf
08:53:43 [kaz_]
kaz_ has joined #wot-pf
09:18:02 [hendo_]
hendo_ has joined #wot-pf