05:43:00 RRSAgent has joined #webtransport 05:43:00 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webtransport-irc 05:43:39 Youenn: how would 'dropping' data happen? 05:44:15 Victor_??_Google: currently no way to ignore, UDP sockets allow ignoring by not reading from buffer (overflow) 05:44:44 rrsagent, set logs public 05:45:12 jianjunz has joined #webtransport 05:45:27 Peter_Thatcher_Google: one of the goals is to apply back-pressure 05:46:02 Youenn: want to send datagram above max size, what would happen? 05:46:32 Victor: exception. API call will give you max size. 05:46:51 minami has joined #webtransport 05:47:44 Victor: closing stream semantics can help. there are a lot of higher level apis you can provide to deal with larger messages. 05:48:53 jungkees has joined #webtransport 05:49:08 Peter: example in explainer shows message of arbitrary size 05:49:28 ???: is protocol name set in constructor? 05:50:06 Victor: it's done using interface mixin. constructors may vary, but object must support WebTransport interface 05:50:45 Alex_Apple: WebSocket has handshake to prevent misuse. does this have a similar mechanism 05:51:48 Victor: Quic transport uses ALPN to match a specific value, without a valid value it won't work and fail the connection. Browser verifies list of domains can talk to before sending data 05:52:22 Jan-Ivar Mozilla: does getWriter get a different writer every time? 05:52:55 wonsuk__ has joined #webtransport 05:53:07 ??: once stream is closed it will never be used again. 05:53:20 That was me 05:53:36 full name would help :) 05:53:39 Adam Rice 05:53:40 s/??/ricea/ 05:54:09 inamori_ has joined #webtransport 05:54:37 Jan Ivar: calling send datagram twice gets two streams, how do they interact (multiplex, etc.) 05:54:55 Victor: should only be one stream in datagrams. they should be either sent or not sent (UDP semantics) 05:55:15 Victor: Goal is to use UDP semantics with flow/congestion control 05:55:41 ????: timing data was missed with WebSockets. can metrics/stats be added to API? 05:56:16 Victor: some stats are there, need users to provide feedback on which stats are interesting/needed. 05:56:44 ?????: ...fallback when you don't have UDP? 05:57:04 Emad_Omara_Google: will it support 0-RTT? 05:57:24 Victor: no support for 0-RTT. API design is hard, more complex state machine, etc. 05:57:38 Youenn: will WebRTC stats be reused (applicable ones)? 05:58:13 Victor: added the ones that we know are already useful 05:59:12 Steve_Anton_Google: WebRTC has a lot of stats because you are not on the data layer, this should be different because you are using the networking layer 06:03:38 ??: how will debugging work? what about dev tools? 06:03:57 Victor: dev tools is planned to be supported. 06:05:12 Amit_Hilbuch_Google: how will this interact with p2p scenario 06:05:23 Peter: currently focused on Server-Client but planned 06:05:35 Jan Ivar: is congestion control required? 06:05:57 Victor: yes all streams are required to use congestion control. 06:06:54 ??: Implemented in quic using datagram frame, data will be blocked if window is full (adding more data will cause it to be dropped) 06:07:35 ???: will Keep-Alive behavior be part of the transport? 06:08:26 Victor: connection will be kept open as long as it isn't explicitly closed (or garbage collected) 06:08:58 David_Google: Quic has a keep-alive mechanism. 06:09:16 s/???/Mark Foltz_Google 06:09:27 06:10:42 Victor: ... multiplexing mechanism is not yet clear. this is a learning from WebSockets on url leading to http assumption. 06:11:06 ????: it should be easy for Http3 06:11:20 Victor: for http it is easy, but for quic transport it's not as clear 06:11:56 nakakura has joined #webtransport 06:12:24 s/????/AdrianHB/ 06:12:57 David: next steps for this work - do people have opinions on the best plan forward? 06:13:06 Jan Ivar: considered forming a WG? 06:13:27 Victor: eventually it will hit a WG, but it's not ready for that state yet (no real dev feedback yet) 06:14:08 Jan-Ivar: mozilla would support a working group 06:14:36 Youenn: would node js or similar frameworks use the same pattern? 06:14:49 Victor: have not reached out about that yet 06:15:19 Youenn: node js can be used for both client and server 06:17:32 Peter: any feedback for technical discussions? CC or BWE? 06:17:45 ??: what happens during connection? 06:18:01 Victor: we need to define how it interacts with extensions 06:18:44 ??: is the expectation that the connection initiation will carry cookies? 06:19:20 Victor: explicitly no, considered exposing channel bindings 06:19:42 ??: is there expectation that a user gesture is required to initiate a connection? 06:20:04 Victor: currently not. 06:20:21 Jan Ivar: thoughts on putting this in service worker? 06:20:36 Victor: should be supported in service workers. 06:21:21 ?????: is this meant to be protocol-agnostic? 06:21:48 Victor: there is a websocket based fallback 06:22:01 ?: how does this interact with prioritization (multiplexing scenario) 06:22:52 Victor: prioritization is a hard topic in http. with http3 it behaves similar to regular http streams (scheduler provides fairness). dos + fairness are concerns 06:24:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 06:24:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webtransport-minutes.html nicktr 07:57:21 Zakim has left #webtransport 08:02:36 wseltzer has joined #webtransport 08:02:42 rrsagent, pointer? 08:02:42 See https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webtransport-irc#T08-02-42 09:20:57 hyojin has left #webtransport