01:47:33 RRSAgent has joined #webstories 01:47:33 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webstories-irc 01:47:37 rrsagent, make logs public 01:47:47 join #webauthnetwork 01:48:01 s/join #webauthnetwork// 02:02:00 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 02:34:01 yoshiaki_ has joined #webstories 02:45:07 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 02:51:02 yoshiaki_ has joined #webstories 02:52:03 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 03:59:58 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 04:30:30 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 04:31:40 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 05:17:37 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 05:28:41 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 05:31:15 koalie has joined #webstories 05:31:22 meeting: Web Stories 05:31:48 amy_ has joined #webstories 05:32:01 present+ 05:32:05 wendyreid has joined #webstories 05:32:08 YoshiroYoneya has joined #webstories 05:32:09 present+ 05:32:13 present+ 05:32:14 dezell has joined #webstories 05:32:15 present+ 05:32:16 present+ Coralie 05:32:17 Bert has joined #webstories 05:32:21 present+ 05:32:38 Helen has joined #webstories 05:32:43 Present+ 05:32:59 present+ Bert Bos 05:33:06 koalie has changed the topic to: https://w3c.github.io/tpac-breakouts/sessions.html 05:34:20 yoshiaki_ has joined #webstories 05:34:59 yoshiaki_ has joined #webstories 05:35:10 Rachel has joined #webstories 05:36:05 present+ Karl_Dubost 05:36:22 tantek has joined #webstories 05:36:24 present+ 05:36:53 Zakim has joined #webstories 05:36:57 present+ 05:37:02 present+ Rachel 05:37:04 topic: round the table 05:37:09 present+ wendyreid 05:37:15 present+ koalie 05:37:17 present+ amy 05:37:18 [let's tell each other how we came to the web] 05:37:24 present+ Bert 05:37:34 Peng: 1987: testbed for the Web 05:37:37 RRSAgent, make logs public 05:37:40 ... then @@ 05:37:52 Ralph has joined #webstories 05:37:57 ... now I represent my perception of the new web 05:38:04 ... WeChat is like the Web in China 05:38:25 ... drawback is that it's controled by one 05:38:35 ... we're proposing a decentralized WeChat 05:38:36 present+ 05:39:22 ... from WWW to the new Web 05:39:38 s/Peng/Rong/ 05:39:57 Yoshira: 30 years ago in Japan, no internet 05:40:11 ... when the Web appeared, several services like ftp, fogher 05:40:27 s/fog/gop/ 05:40:34 ... history of service, platforms 05:40:49 ... I have a long experience in internet 05:40:55 ... changes of the internet 05:41:12 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 05:41:19 ... how will the changes to the internet affect services 05:41:51 mchampion has joined #webstories 05:41:51 ... my hope for the future: communication with large @@ 05:42:04 ... e.g. between astronauts, to the moon, mars 05:42:10 s/large @@/large distance/ 05:42:20 Karl: Hi, I'm Karl, I'm a webaholic 05:42:35 ... I started using the internet before the Web 05:42:43 ... why? 05:42:46 ... I was using usenet 05:42:54 ... I saw Tim's message announcing the Web 05:43:06 ... I started to compile the server at Montreal University 05:43:22 ... I put a link to page B on Page A and the other way around... and... MAGIC! 05:43:28 yoshiaki_ has joined #webstories 05:43:28 ... I saw the potential right away 05:43:43 ... I bored my friends to death 05:43:45 ... today? 05:43:50 ... I'm still amazed 05:43:58 ... 30 years after, I find it still mind-blowing 05:44:32 ... for those who don't know me: I worked 10 yaers at W3C, then Opera, than a web agency, now Mozilla 05:44:35 ... my fear? 05:44:54 ... hyper-centralization of services, all the things that are needed to put things online 05:45:03 ... threats to individuals 05:45:13 ... it enables searching, control, mass surveillance 05:45:20 ... my hope? 05:45:28 ... finding solutions in the protocols, the formats 05:45:34 ... that allow something more distributed 05:46:04 Tom: I'm with Mozilla 05:46:18 ... I've started very young when I started to "be on the Web" 05:46:23 ... I was into old computer 05:46:33 ... in Ontario Canada, access to internet was a challenge 05:46:49 ... as soon as the internet was available I read everything I could on it 05:47:01 ... then I got education and a job 05:47:08 ... I returned quickly to it 05:47:13 ... became a web developer 05:47:18 ... it blew my mind to return to it 05:47:37 ... how the web was forming 05:47:42 ... I started to feel empowered 05:47:50 ... I joined Mozilla to follow my conscience 05:47:57 ... this has inspired me to do better 05:48:05 ... make the Web a safer place for people 05:48:31 ... I want to be part of the wave that makes that renaissance happen 05:48:40 Helen: I'm with the Sovrin Foundation 05:48:47 ... we're a non-profit 05:48:55 ... deentralized network for the exchange of VCs 05:49:05 ... I am here for the DID WG 05:49:18 ... I was a recipient of one of the Diversity Fund 05:49:23 ... my background is journalism 05:49:33 ... I covered capitol hill for a while 05:50:01 ... facilititad the coverage by all of the journalist 05:50:05 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 05:50:07 ... coming here? that's very similar 05:50:35 ... then I worked in children's books with the privacy and security angle 05:50:51 ... my husband works at the NSA 05:51:02 [people laugh at the contrast] 05:51:16 Helen: I really enjoy talking about decentralization, priv-sec 05:51:25 ... I want my children to have safer interactiosn on the internet 05:51:35 Wendy_Reid: Kobo 05:51:38 ... fellow Ontario kid 05:51:45 ... I'm younger than the Web 05:51:56 [Tanya too!] 05:52:14 Wendy: my early days on the Internet were games and messenger 05:52:26 ... my intro to W3C was through neopets 05:52:36 ... looking at "how do I?" pages 05:52:44 Ralph: wait! are you younger than CSS? 05:52:51 Wendy: not that young :) 05:53:03 ... I searhed html tags 05:53:08 ... ended up on the html specs 05:53:13 ... I created my own web page 05:53:23 ... friends and I would spend hours on table layouts 05:53:33 s/searhed/searched/ 05:54:17 Wendy: my journey with EPUB brought me back right at the W3C 05:54:56 ... I told my childhood best friend I was going to TPAC --she's the only person who understands 05:55:00 [laugh] 05:55:11 Wendy: there are amazing things coming out of the Web 05:55:45 ... I would love the Web to return to a place that was safe, not controlled by big corp run by a man who looks a bit like an alien 05:56:09 Rachel_Comerford: McMillan Learning 05:56:36 ... I had no interest in the Web as a kid 05:56:42 ... but was raised by someone who was 05:56:45 ... my Dad 05:56:52 ... he forced the Web on me at every turn 05:56:59 ... I was given logo to play with 05:57:12 ... and basic and c++ 05:57:22 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 05:57:45 ... because of that I rebelled and went into creative writing 05:57:57 ... I can't avoid the Web under any circumstances apparently 05:58:06 ... so I went into Digital Publishing 05:58:14 ... in standardization 05:58:41 ... when IDPF merged with W3C, MAcMillan decidd that I would become the representative for them at the W3C 05:58:52 ... I'm making my father very happy and proud 05:58:58 [laughs] 05:59:36 Tantek_Çelik: back when I was working at Microsoft in 1998, 05:59:41 ... I was told to implement CSS 05:59:49 ... I asked a lot of questions 06:00:10 ... Chris Wilson, whom as was asking all my questions, told me to just go ask the working group in e-mail 06:00:14 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 06:00:26 ... the group after a while said "you should join our meeting. It's in paris" 06:00:40 ... and this is where I met Bert and started to be a member of the group 06:00:49 ... we have a high bar of where things were 06:00:56 ... since then, I'm in a community I love 06:01:02 ... doing work in the open 06:01:12 ... contribute to other people's work 06:01:17 ... fast-forward 2000s 06:01:29 ... I worked at a startup indexing blogs at Technorati 06:01:32 ... social media happen 06:01:48 ... a bunch of us wanted something decentralized 06:01:50 ... 2010 06:02:02 ... a bunch of us started IndieWeb 06:02:20 ... to reclaim our identities, and content on the Web --with a modern approach 06:02:28 ... fast-forward a few more year: work at Mozilla 06:02:35 ... who paid me to work on the things I liked 06:02:44 ... I was asked to chair the social web working group 06:02:57 ... and people heard my ideas and I was invited to an AB meeting 06:03:13 ... was elected and spent 5 years on the W3C AB 06:03:26 ... despite all the positive impact of the Web I want to ground it in reality 06:03:36 ... in the last few years, there's been very bad impact 06:04:03 ... having worked on some of the fundamental technologies, I feel we could have done a better job 06:04:10 ... the web has brought us societal needs 06:04:37 s/needs/ills 06:04:57 ... people are impacted even those not involved in moving the web forward 06:05:13 ... I'd like to recognise this and @@ 06:05:49 Ralph_Swick: I'm Ralph 06:05:55 s/@@/focus on how can we address the ills especially those that disproportionately impact marginalized communities and individuals/ 06:06:04 ... I have been around longer than the Web 06:06:33 ... the machine I kept running still had Mozilla [first version?] 06:06:40 RRSAgent, make logs public 06:06:44 ... my goals were tools for humans 06:06:54 ... shared with our contemporaries 06:07:07 ... near time, but also that could persist for those who come after us 06:07:16 ... so they understand 06:07:23 s/Mozilla [first version?]/Netscape Navigator 06:07:28 ... "cool URIs don't change" for me is meaningful 06:07:45 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 06:08:02 ... that's how I got here 06:08:06 ... why I stay here? 06:08:13 ... how to fix those problems 06:08:23 Bartek: google Tokyo 06:08:29 ... recently joined 06:08:40 ... trying to find my place here, and in the universe 06:08:51 ... I was introduced to the Web by pure accident 06:08:55 s/Mozilla [/Netscape Navigator 06:09:00 ... I work on the chrome architecture 06:09:35 ... a big chunck of my team was going to TPAC so I decided to tag along 06:10:15 ... I didn't do a lot of web dev myself except in my school days 06:10:24 ... now I'm part of the Chrome team 06:10:31 ... interesting to see where this is going 06:10:41 ... social media are very interesting place 06:10:48 present+ Bartek_Google 06:11:06 Bert_Bos: I've also been working on the Internet before the Web 06:11:13 ... ftp, usenet, e-mail 06:11:17 ... I didn't like the Web at first 06:11:21 ... Gopher I liked 06:11:25 ... but not long 06:11:41 ... I saw the possibilities to create something 06:11:51 ... very useful for researchers at university 06:11:59 ... documentation, 06:12:09 ... URLs, mimetypes 06:12:15 ... I created a web browser 06:12:28 mchampion has left #webstories 06:12:46 ... I installed the first web server of my university, too 06:13:41 ... I want my information and my creation to be useful to others 06:13:57 ... as others here mentioned, people something do things unexpected 06:14:01 ... with things we create 06:14:07 ... in my case, no bad example 06:14:27 Amy_van_der_Hiel: I don't have a tech background 06:14:33 ... mine is art history 06:14:39 ... used the Web to do research 06:14:49 ... I came at the W3C to become PA to Tim Berners-Lee 06:15:03 ... I stay because of what we do and what the Web does 06:15:10 ... I didn't intend to stay that long 06:15:45 ... I can say simply how the web is misused to my friends 06:16:11 ... I'm happy and grateful for all of you doing all you're doing to keep us safe 06:16:31 David_Ezell: I got out of school with a master in performance and musical @@ 06:16:37 ... I thought I'd do that the rest of my life 06:16:42 ... but I found computers 06:16:53 ... at a company that believed in web standards 06:16:59 s/documentation/documentation, ways to combine information of different types from different sources/ 06:17:08 ... fueling convenience stores 06:17:44 hadleybeeman has joined #webstories 06:17:54 RRSAgent, pointer? 06:17:54 See https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webstories-irc#T06-17-54 06:18:07 ... this was before 1999 and I was told "XML? don't worry, it's a buzz word" 06:18:26 ... then 1999, POS (point of sales) <-> back offices 06:18:39 ... XML structured data 06:18:53 ... Tim talked at our 10th anniv 06:19:08 ... he was our keynote speaker, this was 2007 06:19:23 ... let's talk about gas pumps 06:19:40 ... all of what they do is described by SML 06:19:46 s/SM/XM/ 06:19:52 ... Tim gave us this talk on gas pumps 06:20:19 ... we were looking for unicorns 06:20:32 ... what are today's unicorns? 06:20:37 ... answer: web of things 06:20:56 ... that can help monitor a store as a unit factory 06:20:59 ... answer: DID 06:21:42 ... which could help buying a product without engaging with a brand 06:22:04 Tanya_Mandal: I'm also younger than the Web 06:22:08 ... heard about it in school 06:22:16 ... thought it was the coolest thing ever 06:22:24 ... my friends were impressed when I made my first web page 06:22:35 ... I wanted to make my careerd out of it 06:22:48 s/eerd/eer 06:22:59 ...and work in education 06:23:20 ... I work at Internet Acedemy 06:23:31 ... who offered me to become a fellow at the W3C 06:23:35 ... within the comm team 06:23:49 ... what I'm doing comes under the bucket of UX 06:24:10 ... how do we make solutions that empower people, enable them, etc. 06:24:16 ... that's why I love doing what I do 06:24:43 Hadley_Beeman: My story was when I was 9yo in Ohia 06:24:48 s/hia/hio/ 06:24:55 ... at my school 06:25:04 ... our computer teacher showed me a modem 06:25:48 ... we had a limited access 06:26:05 ... what blew my mind was scientific data: the weather forecast 06:26:10 ... fast-forward 2010 06:26:17 ... I was out of job after a contract finished 06:26:33 ... job open at Open Data Institude 06:26:37 ... linkgov 06:26:48 ... founded with friends 06:26:56 ... Tantek came to our of our meetings 06:27:03 ... one question was licensing 06:27:32 ... this is when Tantek, whom I continue to blame for it, said "you should join the HTML WG" 06:27:42 ... they accepted anyone as Invited Expert at the time 06:28:00 ... once I done that and voted in the whatwg / w3c survey 06:28:04 ... I started to pay attention 06:28:18 ... microformat/rdfa conversation interested me 06:28:25 ... I jumped in, and in another one 06:28:36 ... one thing leading to another... 06:28:57 ... what gets me going is doing stuff that's really important 06:29:05 ... the plumbing and architecture for users 06:29:13 ... affects all kinds of people 06:29:22 ... that's why I'm hear 06:29:29 ... I love to be part of this community 06:29:34 ... we're all sharing that same passion 06:29:37 s/hear/here/ 06:29:42 ... It's pretty amazing 06:30:22 s/linkgov/linkedgov 06:30:40 Coralie: i've been at w3c for 20 years. it's my first serious job. my background is secretarial/executive assistant. my diploma was english as foriegn langague 06:31:18 .. I went to ERCIM, I didn't know the web. i used it once because i i bought a Celine Delon CD to find out what this wwww. was. there was no google 06:31:55 https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/ac-coralie-fundraising/Overview.html# 06:31:56 ... they mentioned something, and i figured out what it was. fast forward to ERCIM 06:32:07 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 06:32:34 tantek: RRS Agent? 06:32:50 ralph: I wanted this tool so our meetings could persist. we were using IRC, but it was emphemeral 06:32:50 Ralph: as I said, I wanted tools to persist our conversation 06:32:52 who is RRSAgent? 06:32:55 s/tion/tions/ 06:33:04 ... I learned syntax 06:33:08 https://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent 06:33:16 ... invited my tools to where we recorded the conversations 06:33:25 ... and my bot, rrsagent records this 06:33:35 David: you were also the voice of Zakim 06:33:43 Ralph: RRS are my initials 06:33:50 ... so RRSagent was my agent 06:34:16 coralie: I don't know if I told you, but when RSS came, I kept typing RSSAgent. 06:34:29 ralph: everybody new to W3C makes that mistake. I apologise for that! 06:34:53 coralie: I'd like to get in conversation with you so we can use your stories. 06:35:02 ...You can write to me at coralie@w3.org. 06:35:06 RRSagent, make minutes 06:35:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webstories-minutes.html koalie 06:35:07 My business card / contact info is https://tantek.com/contact 06:35:12 :) 06:35:20 RRSagent, make minutes 06:35:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webstories-minutes.html koalie 07:31:35 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 07:32:10 Ralph_ has joined #webstories 07:35:44 tantek has joined #webstories 08:00:08 Ralph has joined #webstories 08:27:24 Zakim has left #webstories 08:27:28 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 08:28:11 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 08:33:39 yoshiaki_ has joined #webstories 09:13:14 s/Tom:/Thomas_Wisniewski:/ 09:13:42 s/Rong:/Rong_Chen:/ 09:17:03 s/Karl:/Karl_Dubost:/ 09:17:20 s/Helen:/Helen_Garneau:/ 09:17:41 s/Tantek_Çelik:/Tantek_Celik:/ 09:18:35 :) 09:22:47 s/Bartek:/Bartek_Nowierski:/ 09:22:52 RRSagent, make minutes 09:22:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webstories-minutes.html koalie 09:22:59 chair: Coralie_Mercier 09:23:04 I'm logging. I don't understand 'learn UTF8 :)', tantek. Try /msg RRSAgent help 09:23:48 s/web]/Web, our hopes and fears, etc.]/ 09:24:02 RRSagent, make minutes 09:24:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webstories-minutes.html koalie 09:27:32 s/Helen: I'm/Helen_Garneau: I'm/ 09:27:37 RRSagent, make minutes 09:27:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webstories-minutes.html koalie 09:28:42 s/went to ERCIM/applied for a job at Inria; it was for W3C/ 09:28:49 s/langague/language/ 09:29:05 i|Coralie: i've|scribenick: amy| 09:29:23 s/i i/as I/ 09:30:07 s/CD/CD showing the sony URI at the back, and I was not able/ 09:32:49 s/they mentioned/friends of mine mentioned/ 09:33:08 i|Ralph: as I said|scribenick: koalie| 09:33:45 s/Yoshira:/Yoshiro_Yoneya:/ 09:34:22 i|coralie: I don't|scribenick: hadleybeeman| 09:34:28 RRSagent, make minutes 09:34:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webstories-minutes.html koalie 09:34:48 yoshiaki has joined #webstories 09:36:47 i|[let's tell|scribenick: koalie| 09:37:24 s/Topic: round the table/Topic: How we came to the Web, our hopes, fears, etc./ 09:37:40 s/[let's tell each other how we came to the Web, our hopes and fears, etc.]// 09:37:43 RRSagent, make minutes 09:37:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-webstories-minutes.html koalie 09:38:54 yoshiaki_ has joined #webstories