01:46:16 RRSAgent has joined #smartweb 01:46:16 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-smartweb-irc 01:46:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 01:46:21 koalie has changed the topic to: https://w3c.github.io/tpac-breakouts/sessions.html 01:46:24 koalie has left #smartweb 02:02:00 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 02:34:02 yoshiaki_ has joined #smartweb 02:45:07 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 02:52:05 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 03:59:59 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 04:31:41 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 05:17:38 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 05:34:23 yoshiaki_ has joined #smartweb 05:35:00 yoshiaki_ has joined #smartweb 05:41:16 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 05:43:29 yoshiaki_ has joined #smartweb 05:50:06 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 06:00:14 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 06:07:45 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 06:15:52 Chemghao has joined #smartweb 06:18:23 Benjamin has joined #smartweb 06:18:24 dali has joined #smartweb 06:28:57 fff has joined #smartweb 06:30:24 RongChen has joined #smartweb 06:32:08 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 07:31:36 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 07:43:20 moon_star has joined #smartweb 07:44:13 moon_star has left #smartweb 08:21:01 cc has joined #smartweb 08:26:30 is anybody here? 08:27:25 cc_ has joined #smartweb 08:27:29 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 08:28:11 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 08:31:21 www has joined #smartweb 08:33:40 yoshiaki_ has joined #smartweb 08:34:47 cwarnier has joined #smartweb 08:35:20 Chunming has joined #smartweb 08:35:24 present+ 08:37:04 yuyin has joined #smartweb 08:37:06 tung has joined #smartweb 08:37:08 xfq has joined #smartweb 08:37:20 Zakim has joined #smartweb 08:37:47 Meeting: Build Smart Web using BLockchain 08:38:00 urata has joined #smartweb 08:38:32 chen: Building a smart web powered by blockchain 08:39:07 xueyuan has joined #smartweb 08:39:38 taka has joined #smartweb 08:40:28 igarashi_ has joined #smartweb 08:40:35 ... phone --> smart phone, and web --> smart web 08:40:35 present+ 08:40:42 ... web is an ecosystem 08:41:03 present+ Rong, Chunming, Xueyuan 08:42:23 ... the other idea is "network as a computer", DNS vs DID(hash id), URL vs. IPFS (a blockchain based p2p file storage) 08:44:24 ... lots of dummy terminals, relies on the backend cloud drive based virtual computer (the runtimes: virtual machines, containers) 08:45:16 ... basic idea of personal cloud: in the lower storage layer, we have IPFS, and other data driver services on the web 08:46:15 ... computing takes place in your smartphone, server, and cloud instances, and devices like TV. 08:47:19 ... in year 2002 I had a project on C++ phone, demenstration the idea. 08:47:29 ... when we talk about web ,web is decentralized 08:47:52 ... then block chain and smart contract, I called consensus computing 08:48:20 ... to create DIDs and running smart contract. 08:48:42 ... but blockchain is slow, less 700 transaction per second 08:48:57 ... to build a decentralized smart web 08:49:46 ... we use physical computers to build the public block chain (trust zone) 08:50:46 ... on top of that, the carrier (Unified blockchain & IoT P2P network), hosting virtual machines (mobile and IoT devices) 08:51:29 MasayaIkeo has joined #smartweb 08:53:09 ... Then the applications on this "web", we called the dApps (decentralized apps) 08:54:33 ... for example, the ewallet, eticket, eshop in a p2p way 08:55:41 ... Then the web services without the web sites. Think about DID (distributed identity), or distributed data, code, and consensus 08:56:56 ... DPos, PeerJet.net, see how many nodes are running as the carier (to do the smart contract validator) 08:56:59 q? 08:58:12 rrsagent, make minutes public 08:58:12 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', xfq. Try /msg RRSAgent help 08:58:17 rrsagent, make log public 08:58:20 q? 08:58:21 rrsagent, make minutes 08:58:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-smartweb-minutes.html xfq 09:09:15 Chunming has joined #smartweb 09:12:44 ydn has joined #smartweb 09:13:00 ydn has left #smartweb 09:17:47 xueyuan has joined #smartweb 09:21:45 black has joined #smartweb 09:33:21 MasayaIk_ has joined #smartweb 09:34:49 yoshiaki has joined #smartweb 09:38:55 yoshiaki_ has joined #smartweb 10:06:29 MasayaIkeo has joined #smartweb 10:24:38 Jay has joined #smartweb 10:25:09 Jay_ has joined #smartweb 12:08:27 xfq has joined #smartweb 12:22:01 Chunming has joined #smartweb 12:23:54 fff has joined #smartweb 13:19:08 Zakim has left #smartweb 14:49:36 Chunming has joined #smartweb 15:05:36 Chunming has joined #smartweb