01:45:18 RRSAgent has joined #privacybudget 01:45:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-privacybudget-irc 01:45:20 rrsagent, make logs public 01:58:46 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 02:48:11 blassey has joined #privacybudget 03:01:58 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 04:17:07 johnwilander has joined #privacybudget 04:19:45 mori has joined #privacybudget 04:21:32 miketaylr has joined #privacybudget 04:21:59 yoshiroy has joined #privacybudget 04:22:11 kleber has joined #privacybudget 04:22:13 ajitomi has joined #privacybudget 04:22:35 any objections to using irc for minutes? 04:22:39 kleber has joined #privacybudget 04:23:55 Agenda: Introduction 04:25:28 Agenda: Discussion 04:25:40 RRSAgent: Agenda 04:25:40 I'm logging. I don't understand 'Agenda', blassey. Try /msg RRSAgent help 04:26:38 present+ 04:27:55 https://cryptpad.w3ctag.org/code/#/2/code/edit/5oNjMaFJJM3W8ar5LOiiLmZR/ 04:28:29 ryo-k has joined #privacybudget 04:28:52 miketaylr has changed the topic to: minutes => https://cryptpad.w3ctag.org/code/#/2/code/edit/5oNjMaFJJM3W8ar5LOiiLmZR/ 04:28:55 majidvp has joined #privacybudget 04:29:03 dpc has joined #privacybudget 04:29:31 rmondello has joined #privacybudget 04:29:48 carlosil has joined #privacybudget 04:30:02 cwarnier has joined #privacybudget 04:30:37 odejesush has joined #privacybudget 04:31:21 takumif has joined #privacybudget 04:33:16 Fuji has joined #privacybudget 04:34:14 christine has joined #privacybudget 04:34:18 rowan_m has joined #privacybudget 04:34:43 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 04:34:47 tpk has joined #privacybudget 04:36:08 scheib has joined #privacybudget 04:36:58 reillyg has joined #privacybudget 04:37:40 taraw has joined #privacybudget 04:38:25 yoav has joined #privacybudget 04:38:35 present + 04:38:40 present+ 04:38:42 Dave has joined #privacybudget 04:38:51 present+ 04:39:25 cmp has joined #privacybudget 04:39:27 weiler has joined #privacybudget 04:39:31 toml has joined #privacybudget 04:39:39 st has joined #privacybudget 04:39:40 jungkees has joined #privacybudget 04:39:42 jmann has joined #privacybudget 04:39:42 scottlow has joined #privacybudget 04:39:43 ArturJanc has joined #privacybudget 04:39:51 present+ 04:40:35 kdzwinel has joined #privacybudget 04:40:38 englehardt_ has joined #privacybudget 04:40:55 present+ 04:42:16 SteveBecker has joined #privacybudget 04:46:47 tdresser has joined #privacybudget 04:48:24 +q to ask about k-anonymity vs browser-version-binding 04:48:53 q? 04:48:58 Zakim has joined #privacybudget 04:49:07 +q to ask about k-anonymity vs browser-version-binding 04:49:19 +q to ask about co-operation across pageloads. 04:49:35 ack toml 04:49:35 toml, you wanted to ask about k-anonymity vs browser-version-binding 04:49:48 Dave has joined #privacybudget 04:49:53 jfishback has joined #privacybudget 04:49:54 +q ip address impact ont he budget 04:50:35 q+ englehardt_ ip address impact on budget 04:50:42 q+ englehardt_, ip address impact on budget 04:50:52 +q englehardt_, ip address impact on budget 04:51:08 +q englehardt_, 04:51:16 q+ 04:51:29 vvv has joined #privacybudget 04:54:02 Do I get into the queue by just asking here? 04:54:30 +q 04:55:16 +q 04:55:29 ack tdresser 04:55:29 tdresser, you wanted to ask about co-operation across pageloads. 04:56:14 ack englehardt_ 04:56:36 +q 04:58:07 ack johnwilander 04:59:00 Does anyone have a link to kleber's threat model doc that was referenced? 04:59:25 christianliebel has joined #privacybudget 05:01:11 tdresser: https://github.com/michaelkleber/privacy-model 05:01:26 reillyg: Thanks! 05:02:10 ack vvv 05:03:49 q? 05:04:12 ack yoav 05:04:30 +q 05:05:13 ack ArturJanc 05:05:26 q+ 05:07:33 mkwst has joined #privacybudget 05:07:47 q? 05:08:39 ack englehardt_ 05:08:39 +q to talk about high entropy 05:09:38 ack majidvp 05:10:42 ack toml 05:10:42 toml, you wanted to talk about high entropy 05:11:16 tdresser has joined #privacybudget 05:11:41 q+ 05:12:00 ack blassey 05:15:50 q+ 05:15:51 christianliebel has joined #privacybudget 05:16:33 q? 05:16:44 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 05:16:51 q- 05:18:45 q+ 05:19:07 +q 05:19:23 jeffh has joined #privacybudget 05:19:32 ack rowan_m 05:20:20 +q 05:21:46 ack ArturJanc 05:21:49 ack toml 05:21:56 we should cut the queue 05:21:59 for a summary 05:22:05 Queue is empty. 05:24:16 tdresser has joined #privacybudget 05:24:29 YoshiroYoneya has left #privacybudget 05:24:30 kdzwinel has joined #privacybudget 05:24:43 tpk has left #privacybudget 05:30:49 rmondello_ has joined #privacybudget 05:31:07 scheib has left #privacybudget 05:31:56 christianliebel has joined #privacybudget 05:36:43 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 05:40:32 kdzwinel has joined #privacybudget 05:49:05 dpc has joined #privacybudget 05:49:18 dpc has left #privacybudget 05:49:47 kdzwinel has joined #privacybudget 05:51:20 tdresser has joined #privacybudget 06:31:41 kdzwinel has joined #privacybudget 06:32:03 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 06:32:45 reillyg has left #privacybudget 07:06:18 cmp has left #privacybudget 07:16:13 tdresser has joined #privacybudget 07:25:49 Zakim has left #privacybudget 07:32:29 kdzwinel has joined #privacybudget 07:34:51 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 07:36:10 christianliebel has joined #privacybudget 07:37:26 kdzwinel has left #privacybudget 07:45:13 christianliebel has joined #privacybudget 08:27:32 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 08:31:23 kdzwinel has joined #privacybudget 08:35:44 kdzwinel_ has joined #privacybudget 08:35:54 kdzwinel_ has left #privacybudget 08:49:35 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 08:58:03 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 09:07:01 christianliebel has joined #privacybudget 11:28:48 tdresser has joined #privacybudget 12:07:12 christianliebel has joined #privacybudget 13:17:26 tdresser has joined #privacybudget 13:28:28 tdresser has joined #privacybudget 13:37:28 tdresser has joined #privacybudget 14:02:03 tdresser has joined #privacybudget 14:45:46 frisch has joined #privacybudget 15:16:24 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 15:54:52 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 16:28:48 shimazu has joined #privacybudget 16:41:11 dom has joined #privacybudget 16:41:20 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:41:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-privacybudget-minutes.html dom 17:37:03 shimazu has joined #privacybudget