01:44:40 RRSAgent has joined #new-modules 01:44:40 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-new-modules-irc 01:44:42 rrsagent, make logs public 01:58:29 denis has joined #new-modules 03:10:43 denis has joined #new-modules 03:50:53 jessie has joined #new-modules 03:57:23 denis has joined #new-modules 04:17:35 danclark has joined #new-modules 04:19:29 sanketj_ has joined #new-modules 04:19:53 BoCupp has joined #new-modules 04:21:06 sanketj has joined #new-modules 04:22:59 scribe: bocupp 04:23:10 topic: json, css, and HTML modules 04:26:42 juyoung has joined #new-modules 04:28:08 JuanCorona has joined #new-modules 04:31:09 TabAtkins has joined #new-modules 04:31:15 ScribeNick: TabAtkins 04:31:26 pmdartus has joined #new-modules 04:31:27 vkuntz has joined #new-modules 04:31:28 danclark: [introduces] 04:31:35 bashi has joined #new-modules 04:31:35 danclark: Talking abou tne wmodule types: json, css, html 04:31:37 present+ 04:31:47 danclark: Gonna introduce, show hwo they work, show snippets, why they're useful for web devs. 04:31:52 heycam has joined #new-modules 04:31:54 danclark: Some might be recap, some might be new to you. 04:31:56 hayato has joined #new-modules 04:32:05 danclark: lastly, open issues and design questions 04:32:09 nhiroki has joined #new-modules 04:32:27 danclark: Problem to solve is today, to write a web comp that's reusable and importable, the ony way to package it is with JS, primarily JS modules. 04:32:36 danclark: The css and html doesn't have a home, it lives in the JS. 04:32:48 danclark: We'd like to empower authors to write html as html, etc for inclusion with their components 04:32:49 tpk has joined #new-modules 04:32:56 danclark: We already have a great tool for dep management in JS. 04:33:10 danclark: JS odules gives me static dependencies, parallel loading, clear syntax for API surface 04:33:13 Irfan has joined #new-modules 04:33:17 MikeSmith has joined #new-modules 04:33:18 present+ 04:33:21 danclark: A module can define what it exports, importer can define what they want to import 04:33:31 danclark: And they're only loaded once, even if they're imported multiple times 04:33:32 present+ 04:33:44 danclark: So that's great for JS, but dont' ahve a story for html and css 04:33:54 danclark: There's some work to be done in advance for css/html modules 04:34:00 danclark: Synthetic module record has been specced 04:34:26 danclark: Idea is I take some resource, like JSON, which can be projected into JS, if i want to plug them into the mod ule graph there's some common boilerplate I need to achieve that, both in spec and impls. 04:34:36 danclark: Synthetic module spec formalized that boilerplate 04:34:48 danclark: So we implemented synthmod records in Blink/v8 04:34:59 danclark: Then did JSON modules, with Igalia, behind a flag. 04:35:02 tomayac has joined #new-modules 04:35:07 danclark: I just import JSON resource, get a JSON object. 04:35:22 danclark: CSS modules are an integration of constructable stylesheets into the module system 04:35:32 danclark: [shows code example using adoptedStylesheets] 04:35:37 yigu has joined #new-modules 04:35:47 danclark: Why want this? 04:36:03 danclark: If i'm developing a webcomp and want to include styles, all the ways have rough edges 04:36:26 masonfreed has joined #new-modules 04:36:26 danclark: most obvious is a