IRC log of jsbuiltin on 2019-09-18

Timestamps are in UTC.

01:40:52 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #jsbuiltin
01:40:52 [RRSAgent]
logging to
01:41:15 [dom]
RRSAgent, make log public
01:48:01 [dom]
Meeting: JS Built-In Modules
01:52:17 [drousso]
drousso has joined #jsbuiltin
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dom has joined #jsbuiltin
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denis has joined #jsbuiltin
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02:01:12 [hober]
hober has joined #jsbuiltin
02:02:07 [hober]
ScribeNick: dino
02:02:11 [hober]
02:02:16 [hober]
present+ drousso
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yos has joined #jsbuiltin
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hyojin has joined #jsbuiltin
02:02:45 [reillyg]
reillyg has joined #jsbuiltin
02:02:49 [dino]
dino has joined #jsbuiltin
02:02:56 [dino]
scribenick: dino
02:03:29 [dino]
drousso: I'm here to talk about JS Built-in modules, speaking for some Apple members of the TC39 group
02:04:06 [dino]
drousso: Goals: provide common functionality that appears as if it is built-in. We don't want to keep polluting the window namespace.
02:04:37 [dino]
drousso: also allows browsers to reduce memory by only creating the interfaces as the page needs them
02:04:44 [shaoboyan]
shaoboyan has joined #jsbuiltin
02:05:02 [dino]
drousso: better organization of identifiers across various hosts
02:05:04 [pmdartus_]
pmdartus_ has joined #jsbuiltin
02:05:28 [dino]
`import { ... } from "js:Temporal";`
02:05:59 [dino]
the trick here is that there is a namespace:modulename import string. TC39 reserves the "js" namespace.
02:06:15 [dino]
(at the moment the import string takes a URL)
02:06:38 [dino]
namespace:module implies it is a built-in module and doesn't need to go to the network
02:07:15 [dino]
Namespaces are managed by standards - there will be some form of governance, decided by the stakeholders
02:08:38 [dino]
diagram of example modules for "web", "node" and "embedded" also being inside the "js" namespace.
02:09:09 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #jsbuiltin
02:09:10 [dino]
you can imagine an example where "web" wants to put something in that isn't relevant to all of JS (e.g. dialog element - requires a browser)
02:09:17 [hober]
02:09:55 [dino]
the process would be that whomever manages the "web" module would tell TC39 the feature is being added. loose governance.
02:10:07 [hiroshige]
hiroshige has joined #jsbuiltin
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nhiroki has joined #jsbuiltin
02:10:22 [dino]
we want things to be easy to find and obvious to determine origin
02:11:00 [dino]
trying to avoid the issue where "web" and "node" (for example) to both make features with the same name but are not identical
02:11:15 [dino]
instead they should work together and create a new shared namespace
02:12:25 [dino]
there is also the concept of aliasing, where a namespace can expose a feature from another namespace, with the same name. they'd still do it in a new shared module.
02:12:31 [heycam]
heycam has joined #jsbuiltin
02:13:26 [dino]
dino: doesn't this create the risk of exponential namespace explosion, with every combination of joint namespaces
02:13:27 [shimazu]
shimazu has joined #jsbuiltin
02:13:35 [dino]
devin: there are not many namespaces
02:14:24 [dino]
jaffathecake: ??? (missed sorry)
02:14:53 [dino]
jaffathecake: It won't be the case that all browsers implement everything under the namespace though.
02:15:05 [dino]
rickbyers: isn't this very similar to vendor prefixing?
02:16:05 [dino]
drousso: there is the concept of vendor namespaces. considered private for experimentation.
02:16:50 [sanketj]
sanketj has joined #jsbuiltin
02:17:00 [dino]
drousso: this is one reason why we have aliases. it could eventually move into standardisation.
02:17:46 [dino]
rickbyers: I am skeptical that it will work. all it takes is for one big site to say "i like vendor:foo and will use it" and it effectively becomes a standard
02:18:06 [kinuko_]
kinuko_ has joined #jsbuiltin
02:18:18 [dino]
domenic: we are removing the support for import maps from blink because they were not a solution to built-in modules
02:18:51 [dino]
???: I think that namespaces are there just to avoid conflicts.
02:19:01 [annevk]
annevk has joined #jsbuiltin
02:19:07 [jacksteinberg]
jacksteinberg has joined #jsbuiltin
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danclark has joined #jsbuiltin
02:19:13 [dino]
02:19:30 [tomayac]
s/\?\?\?/Yutaka Hirano/
02:19:46 [till]
till has joined #jsbuiltin
02:20:08 [dino]
drousso: we're trying to provide some meaning to names. if there are two implementations of "url" you have to decide which to use
02:20:20 [majidvp]
majidvp has joined #jsbuiltin
02:20:21 [dino]
YukataHirano: but we could solve that with a global namespace
02:20:36 [rbyers]
rbyers has joined #jsbuiltin
02:20:40 [dino]
drousso: but then it's not clear where you can use the module. e.g. is url available when using node.js?
02:21:12 [dino]
02:21:46 [dino]
RickByers: It sounds like your goal is to be able to reason about the ownership of the API.
02:21:57 [dino]
drousso: it's more about the origin of the API, rather than the ownership.
02:22:19 [dino]
RickByers: It makes more sense in TC39, but less sense for the Web because there is no real owner.
02:22:58 [pmdartus_]
pmdartus_ has joined #jsbuiltin
02:23:04 [dino]
???: (mozilla) you talk about aliasing. how do you see it evolving? if now other namespaces want to alias to an already shared namespace.
02:23:08 [heycam]
02:23:17 [till]
02:23:27 [dino]
drousso: that is an expected effect. at some point you might want to talk to TC39
02:23:37 [dino]
02:24:46 [cb]
cb has joined #jsbuiltin
02:25:08 [dino]
Michael Saboff (via phone): for the web, idea is that we could come up with some cross group governance formed from parties who are interested
02:25:19 [dino]
s/s g/s-g/
02:26:25 [dino]
Till's comment is that aliasing is new. It is unchanged from the original proposal. We hope they are exceptional and provide a way for modules to move between namespaces.
02:26:41 [dino]
Till: What is new is the introduction of a shared namespace for the location of the aliasing.
02:26:54 [dontcallmeDOM]
dontcallmeDOM has joined #jsbuiltin
02:26:58 [dino]
till: before that it would be aliases into the copied namespace
02:28:14 [dino]
drousso: takeaways - consider built-in modules instead of window interface
02:28:25 [dino]
drousso: even proposals that are in development
02:29:19 [dino]
drousso: open communication between stakeholders and other namespaces. Does your new feature make sense in other namespaces (beyond the web)?
02:29:26 [dino]
drousso: use good names
02:30:14 [dino]
Current proposal is at
02:30:44 [dino]
heycam: You mentioned freezing. When modules are imported into global, what does that mean?
02:31:04 [bashi]
bashi has joined #jsbuiltin
02:31:08 [dino]
drousso: the idea is that once it is frozen, you can't add to it. If we allowed that the import process can be broken.
02:31:32 [dino]
drousso: there can be exceptions, but in general it is not changed.
02:31:59 [dino]
Michael: Obviously the implementation can change. But the exports are not. You can polyfill and change behaviour.
02:32:39 [dino]
Michael: We could have non-breaking additions as a module evolves.
02:33:01 [dino]
heycam: slightly concerned we will end up with "url", "url2"...
02:33:17 [dino]
rickbyers: e.g. we often add new methods. how would that work?
02:34:06 [dino]
Michael: as long as they are non-breaking, it might be ok. We're still discussing it. It should be possible to use a new version as long as it is backwards compatible you'd feature detect the new version.
02:34:54 [dino]
RickByers: How do you handle organic evolution? W3C might define something. WICG or WHATWG do it slightly different. Does this require a gatekeeper to own the module?
02:35:20 [dino]
drousso: from TC39's perspective the only gatekeeper is the global namespace.
02:35:34 [dino]
RickByers: So no-one can extend a module they don't own.
02:36:11 [dino]
Michael: There can be multiple stakeholders. And different processes. e.g. npm is just a PR and commit. W3C is a more strict process.
02:36:39 [dino]
Michael: W3C and WHATWG would need to come up with rules.
02:36:55 [dino]
Michael: if you do it in your private namespace, then you can import and extend, and then propose back to the originator.
02:37:49 [dino]
???: (Igalia) I worked on node modules. There was a requirement that it be in a specification first, and tests available. I think it would be a good idea to have governance and rules in place before adding anything
02:38:24 [dino]
02:38:45 [flaki]
flaki has joined #jsbuiltin
02:38:46 [dino]
drousso: we don't want TC39 to be the gatekeeper, other than to avoid pollution.
02:39:03 [dino]
drousso: once it is in the registry, it's up to you
02:39:36 [dino]
RileyGrant: In the previous discussion, static maps was mentioned. It seems dynamic import is not supported by built-in modules.
02:39:40 [dino]
is that correct?
02:39:53 [dino]
MichaelSaboff: it is supported, just wasn't in the example.
02:40:05 [dino]
Riley: I was worried that you could not detect. Thanks.
02:40:22 [dino]
drousso: anywhere you can use a module you can use a built-in module
02:40:32 [reillyg]
02:40:36 [reillyg]
02:40:53 [reillyg]
present+ Reilly Grant, Google LLC
02:41:00 [dino]
Jeremy: (Google) you said all the built-in modules are frozen. Does that mean you can't polyfill new features?
02:41:25 [dino]
drousso: it doesn't create a frozen JS object, just that the API is locked
02:42:04 [dino]
Michael: You can definitely import something, polyfill onto it, and use it. The built-in module is untouched.
02:42:23 [dino]
Jeremy: But how does that work? Is the prototype module untouched?
02:42:56 [dino]
Jeremy: e.g. you have a constructer that has the same prototype in all instances, or it doesn't. How does that work?
02:44:28 [dino]
Michael: This is an issue. You have built-in "foo". You want to make "foo-prime". You import "foo" and wrap it, then expose it as a different name. Any import of "foo-prime" gets that instance. A third party module that itself imports foo will not get your enhanced version
02:44:53 [dino]
Jeremy: sounds inconvenient. e.g. I make a better url, but I can't pass that on to other things that expect a url.
02:45:21 [Berwin]
Berwin has joined #jsbuiltin
02:45:32 [dino]
drousso: the idea is that you absolutely know what you're getting.
02:46:15 [dino]
Jeremy: the tradeoff is not the same way the web has worked
02:46:51 [dino]
Domenic: the issue here is that it is changing the way we've been doing things for years, and the global namespace has worked pretty well. We should continue to do it IMO.
02:47:29 [jbroman]
(for the log: Jeremy == me == Jeremy Roman)
02:47:58 [dino]
RickByers: Agree. I think this is Google's position. We don't want things to be as locked down - we can solve some disagreements via polyfills for example. It risks a lot of the properties of openness on the web.
02:49:03 [dino]
Michael: This wouldn't be one body controlling. Different stakeholders have different processes. We're trying to avoid bloat on the window object, and it makes things that TC39 want to do harder.
02:49:38 [dino]
Domenic: The global `this` is the only example of this so far. I don't think this proposal solves it.
02:50:40 [dino]
RickByers: I like that it makes it easier to use longer names. e.g. import a long name as a short name. You might want to get rigour without the guarantees. e.g. aliasing
02:51:03 [dino]
RickByers: i.e. you can get the benefits without the idea of governance
02:51:33 [dino]
Domenic: yes. it comes back to what we're trying to solve. if it is pollution, there are other solutions e.g. namespaces
02:52:39 [dino]
Domenic2: (Google) I don't really see how the strict version work. you could have a shared url between implementations, but node decided to implement the new features. You'd end up having to version check everything.
02:52:56 [dino]
drousso: the idea is that all the stakeholders would agree
02:53:02 [drousso_]
drousso_ has joined #jsbuiltin
02:53:36 [dino]
RickByers: this is scary to us. it means that things can only evolve if everyone agrees at the pace of the slowest person.
02:53:51 [dino]
Michael: this is the current situation on the Web anyway
02:53:58 [dino]
Michael: we
02:54:09 [dino]
Michael: we're working on how to do version checking
02:54:24 [reillyg]
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prushforth has joined #jsbuiltin
02:54:37 [dino]
Michael: even if everyone agrees it will appear in the platform at different times
02:54:46 [prushforth]
02:55:05 [dino]
DomenicFarolino: It's just that it isn't really a guarantee on the primordial version.
02:55:33 [dino]
Michael: the claim on primordial is just that if you import "foo" you'll always get the actual version, not one that has been polyfilled.
02:55:38 [dino]
it can be from any version
02:57:00 [berwin]
berwin has joined #jsbuiltin
02:57:51 [dino]
Riley: You mentioned earlier that there is the opportunity to reduce memory use... is there any potential plan for moving existing APIs into modules so they could be left off the window object.
02:57:58 [dino]
02:58:01 [reillyg]
02:58:25 [dino]
Michael: hard to do without breaking
02:58:46 [dino]
Domenic: we've been experimenting. it isn't clear how or if there are benefits.
02:59:05 [dino]
drousso: please give feedback to TC39
02:59:08 [dino]
------- end -------
02:59:18 [denis]
RRSAgent: make minutes
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06:51:10 [hiroshige]
As for import maps in Blink: we are going to remove "built-in modules support" (e.g. fallbacks) in import maps in Blink (not entire import maps support).
06:51:50 [kinuko]
kinuko has joined #jsbuiltin
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