01:45:56 RRSAgent has joined #edge-computing 01:45:56 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-edge-computing-irc 01:45:59 RRSAgent, make logs public 01:46:01 koalie has changed the topic to: https://w3c.github.io/tpac-breakouts/sessions.html 01:46:06 koalie has left #edge-computing 01:58:47 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 02:02:00 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 02:34:02 yoshiaki_ has joined #edge-computing 02:45:07 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 02:52:05 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 03:01:59 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 03:59:59 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 04:31:41 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 04:34:44 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 05:16:45 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 05:17:38 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 05:34:23 yoshiaki_ has joined #edge-computing 05:35:00 yoshiaki_ has joined #edge-computing 05:36:44 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 05:41:16 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 05:43:29 yoshiaki_ has joined #edge-computing 05:50:06 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 06:00:14 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 06:07:45 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 06:32:04 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 06:32:08 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 07:22:35 sudeep has joined #edge-computing 07:22:57 https://www.w3.org/2019/07/31-web-networks-PrinciplesForWebNetworks.pdf 07:24:56 https://www.w3.org/2019/07/31-web-networks-TheviewfromtheEdge.pdf 07:31:36 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 07:34:52 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 08:27:29 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 08:27:33 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 08:28:11 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 08:31:20 dontcallmeDOM has joined #edge-computing 08:31:41 Meeting: Edge Computing for the Web 08:31:49 RRSAgent, make log public 08:32:27 nakakura has joined #edge-computing 08:33:14 Kangchan has joined #edge-computing 08:33:32 scribenick: dontcallmeDOM 08:33:40 yoshiaki_ has joined #edge-computing 08:34:13 yos has joined #edge-computing 08:34:53 kimwooglae_ has joined #edge-computing 08:35:03 DanD: we wanted to briefly introduce the concept of edge computing and how it relates to things developed alaredy in the cloud & networking space and how it may impact the Web 08:35:03 xiaoqian has joined #edge-computing 08:35:18 ... I gave this presentation a couple of months ago to the Web & Networks IG 08:35:21 hirata has joined #edge-computing 08:35:30 Gooroomee has joined #edge-computing 08:35:40 ... if you're interested on the topic, check it out - we're tackling issues related to how to expose network features to the Web layer 08:35:49 ... [slide the view from the Edge] 08:35:58 ... [basic idea of edge computing] 08:36:09 ... historically, functionality has been split between client and server 08:36:33 ... this has gone back and forth depending on evolution of computing power available on device and the capacity of the network 08:36:41 ... this has evolved over the past 3 or 4 decades 08:36:54 ... what we have now is the introduction of a 3rd piece in the architecture 08:37:13 ... adding to client and server the edge, which can sit anywhere between the two (if at all) 08:37:34 ... it's close to existing concepts, CDN, proxy browsers 08:37:43 ... but compared to those, these are for static resources 08:37:58 ... The edge is both an architectural and a deployment question 08:38:08 s/question/paradigm shift/ 08:38:41 ... from a developer perspective, the edge piece can both be the client and the server 08:38:53 ... the edge is defined by the administrative boundaries 08:39:04 ... and it is associated with the network and data center topology 08:39:19 ymatsuura has joined #edge-computing 08:39:26 ... a lot of the elements that (from a network operator perspective) consitute the network can be virtualized 08:39:40 ... most of our network is moved to IP which frees real instate in geographic footprint 08:40:02 ... if you're familiar with central offices where switches used to be, they are now facilities that are closer to the user and can serve as data centers 08:40:15 ... [use cases - a 3 dimension approach] 08:40:26 ... you have to look at use cases through different lenses 08:40:50 ktoumura has joined #edge-computing 08:40:51 ... from a functional perspective, from a control & management perspective, from a location placement 08:41:30 ... latency is definitely a key aspect since bringing functionalities to the edge help with reducing latency 08:41:39 Michael: privacy would another requirement 08:41:58 hfuji_ has joined #edge-computing 08:42:01 DanD: this is not so much about requirements for edge apps as much as characteristics of apps that can benefit from edge computing 08:42:46 ... Edge computing is also relevant now in the context of the deployment of 5G, with a disaggragation of functions in the network, 08:43:00 ... network slicing can also create useful characteristics 08:43:08 ... and a push to the edge among cloud providers 08:43:34 ... An example on how this is relevant to the Web community 08:44:07 ... assuming a Web app runs on the client that has a lot of workload on the client, you may want to find an edge node to shift your processing 08:44:38 ... assuming a component has already been deployed in edge infrastructure - how would a client find it? how does it verify it satisfies the requirements for the appN 08:44:48 ... how does it adapt to mobility circumstances? 08:44:52 s/appN/app?/ 08:45:04 ... how does it adapt to congestion load on the node? 08:45:12 ... this is mostly done as an agent to the OS at the moment 08:45:21 ... WebApps could take advantage of these scenarios 08:45:53 ... Assuming you've deployed your app on edge nodes e;g. in a cloud platform - how do you figure out the best one to find, how do you transition? 08:46:01 ... this type of APIs might be worth exposing from the uA 08:46:04 s/uA/UA/ 08:46:17 ... I don't know how this woudl be done, what security implications this would imply 08:46:26 ... we want feedback and input on these questions 08:46:56 jeff_ has joined #edge-computing 08:46:58 ... ETSI Multi-Access Edge Computing provides APIs at the infrastructure level 08:47:16 ... incl network conditions, location - but this is for the app running on the edge 08:47:21 ... it doesn't involve the browser per se 08:47:33 ... Another initiative is the Akarino project from the Linux Foundation 08:47:53 ... it's an integration open source project that provides blueprint integrated hardware and software for specific use cases 08:47:59 ... e.g. IoT, RAN deployment 08:48:29 takayud has joined #edge-computing 08:48:55 Michael: there are many edge computing stacks under development 08:49:03 ... In terms of use cases, there was browser offloading 08:49:16 ... but there are also non-browser use cases, eg. orchestration 08:49:21 ... some are compute-intensive, some not 08:49:36 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 08:49:38 ... also questions around data movement is a consideration 08:49:49 ... you gain in compute but raises the time to transfer data back and forth 08:50:03 ... We have an existing thing in W3C that could be extended to support this 08:50:07 ... for instance ServiceWorker 08:50:10 ... or PWA 08:50:16 ... Micro-services are also related 08:50:40 @@@Baidu: the CDN is classical in network architecture 08:50:52 ... we're exploring distributed networks, e.g. P2P CDN 08:51:02 s/@@@Baidu/QQT 08:51:04 MasayaIkeo has joined #edge-computing 08:51:10 ... if a browser want to support a P2P CDN, it needs a P2P API 08:51:40 ... how does the browser support a P2P network distribution system? 08:52:04 DanD: to design P2P + edge, finding the peers is something you would want to do very quickly 08:52:17 ... finding the closest peer to you shouldn't involved going out to a far away data center 08:52:41 ... when you design a P2P artchitecture, instead of going peer to server to peer, you could query an edge piece to find that information 08:52:55 ... that would be a way to leverage the edge in a P2P network 08:53:10 QQT: if we find a peer node, how do we connect to it? 08:53:17 ... some nodes doesn't support HTTP, just UDP/TCP 08:53:21 ... e.g. bittorrent 08:53:30 DanD: what you put on the edge is up to you 08:53:37 ... you have your own application that runs on the edge node 08:53:47 ... it hosts your piece of the app 08:53:50 ... you make it work 08:54:03 Michael: another way to look at it is the edge as a set of available functions 08:54:17 ... the question becomes what protocols can be made available 08:54:24 ... the browser is mostly client-server model 08:54:34 ... whereas things-based projects are more peer-to-peer 08:55:12 ... Instead of looking at edge from a full-stack perspective, we can also look at it from a more functional perspective 08:55:20 DanD: for P2P, WebRTC could be used 08:55:31 QQT: WebRTC brings too much for this 08:55:38 Michael: WoT supports multiple protocols 08:55:48 ... we have a scripting API but we don't have a deployment model for it 08:55:59 ... I've been wondering if this would be a good place to put that 08:56:05 QQT: WoT is closer to the edge 08:56:14 Michael: we want to have an environment to run the code 08:56:38 Sudeep: is the question how do we discover the edge and we can use WoT protocols to do that 08:56:44 ... and once we discover the edge, how do we offload? 08:56:49 Michael: discovery is one problem 08:57:03 ... another is management: how do I install some code and control it at run time? 08:57:13 ... another is a provisioning environment 08:57:21 DanD: Akaraino may actually solve this 08:57:38 ... Blueprints go higher or lower in the stack 08:58:01 Michael: from a high level, what gaps can W3C help in this context? 08:58:04 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 08:58:25 ... without looking at specific stacks, what is W3C strength? what is the gap? what is the problem we can solve? 08:58:40 ... we have the Web developers community, a certain collection of APIs that we can evolve 08:58:47 ... can they be expanded to account for the edge? 08:58:55 ... we also need to under the business models 08:59:14 DanD: one thing I do want to point out - I keep mentioning that an app would need to be edge-aware, not edge-dependent 08:59:24 ... you need a fallback in case an edge node cannot be found 08:59:42 Michael: there are various mechanisms that we could extend 09:00:02 ... e.g. considering serviceworker: you could transparently pushing it to the edge if available; if not, fallback on client serviceworker 09:00:26 ... another approach would be microservices: the server could push some of its microservices to the edge 09:00:39 ... but that is no longer in W3C's scope 09:00:48 DanD: if you want to push this to serviceworker, it would need to be partly transparent to the developer 09:01:08 Michael: I think that's one option that should be considered and developed 09:01:27 ... not clear if this would be fully transparent, or with an hint, or with more developer control 09:01:37 SOng: it's not just about discovering the edge node 09:01:50 ... how can a Web developer invoke some interface to do discovery, connection? 09:02:10 ... based on my experience from an operator perspective, the edge computing will support most services 09:02:18 Yoshi has joined #edge-computing 09:02:25 ... for Web/HTTP requests, we need to speak with the infrastructure provider 09:02:33 ... if not, there is no direct communication yet 09:02:46 ... we need to get operators and device makers to support that - as soon as possible 09:02:55 QQT: is there a way to access an edge node from HTTP? 09:03:18 ... from the browser? 09:03:38 DanD: Once you know where it is, you can use the browser HTTP stack 09:03:56 QQT: but the edge node IP address can change all the time 09:04:42 DanD: if I understand the requirement, you would try to find an edge node to find a local peer 09:05:12 ... the edge node is an IP address 09:05:23 ... to which you ask the best peer 09:05:32 ... and then you shift your communications to it 09:05:40 QQT: the results would provide some IP address then? 09:05:43 DanD: right 09:05:57 QQT: and we would use it to access to the edge node, with what protocol? 09:06:25 ... HTTP? the problem is that we can't use HTTPS due to domain matching 09:06:39 DanD: this isn't different from a deployment to the cloud 09:07:52 Dom: but how do you map an IP address to a domain-based certificate for TLS? 09:08:03 Michael: there is COmmunity Group that has been looking at this 09:08:11 ... this has been bugging us for a while in Web of Things 09:08:28 ... it's difficult to get support for this in browsers 09:08:58 ... a local CA would work but can't work in browsers 09:09:14 Dom: I don't think we have an answer to this at this time - it feels like a major challenge from a deployment perspective 09:09:53 DanD: coming back to our broader discussion 09:10:08 ... it would be interesting to look at what W3C could do 09:10:29 ... with Michael's serviceworker approach, would this be like an edge browser after previous cloud browser? 09:10:40 ... would we need to define what a client would look like? 09:10:46 ... and what APIs it would expose? 09:11:03 Michael: fwiw, I think this only solves a specific use case: browser offloading 09:11:23 ... another issue is that serviceworker are very limited in terms of what APIs they can use 09:11:38 ... for instance, having access to AI on the edge based on what is under development would be important 09:11:47 ... ServiceWorker doesn't have filesystem support 09:11:52 ... e.g. for persistent 09:12:48 Chunming has joined #edge-computing 09:13:00 present+ 09:13:04 q? 09:14:09 dom: cloudflare has a product with a serviceworker-based deployment for its cloud infrastructure 09:14:17 ... which sounds interestingly similar to what we've discussed 09:14:32 ... combined with the advent of Web Assembly on client/servers, lots of interesting opportunities 09:14:38 ... although lots of unknowns 09:14:52 DanD: one unknown would be to understand what features would be available to this "edge user agent" 09:14:58 ... WebGL? WebML? others 09:15:33 Michael: not sure if serviceworkers would have access to them 09:15:43 Dom: maybe not now, but they could be adapted to new contexts 09:15:55 Michael: WebAssembly can be thought as containers 09:16:07 ... so this may be an opportunity for W3C to get into that space 09:16:28 ... The other question is discovery - if I find a node, how do I deploy code to it? 09:16:44 chunming: several years ago, W3C had generated a note about Cloud Browser architecture 09:16:56 ... where a lot of the browser rendering was done in the cloud 09:17:19 ... if we have edge in the middle, can we offload some of the browser tasks (e.g. time consuming calculation to the edge) 09:17:26 ... e.g. to help battery, or better performance 09:17:44 ... Another question - we heard of applications (e.g. AR or VR scenarios) 09:17:50 ajitomi has joined #edge-computing 09:17:52 ... currently all the rendering happens in the device 09:18:11 ... but there are use cases where e.g. AI detection tasks would be running in the edge 09:19:09 DanD: the cloud browser was mostly focused for set top boxes for media 09:19:25 ... it was to offload the settop box to the cloud e.g. for the fancy navigation 09:19:31 ... in the end, the idea is the same 09:19:48 ... between cloud browsers, split browsers with user interactions, proxies - this was done e.g. 20 years ago by Opera 09:20:07 ... they did caching, transcoding, mapping between technologies to save bandwidth 09:20:11 ... the concepts are very similar 09:20:17 ... they had a browser running in the cloud 09:20:37 ... if you think of what properties you want to offload to the edge, you can start identifying what an edge ua would look like 09:20:46 ... and then you have to juggle between where to run these APIs 09:21:22 ... if you tackle this problem by looking at how to run Web technologies to the cloud (closer or further), the question is what can be run with what security considerations? 09:21:27 ... e.g. how to ask user permission? 09:22:27 Dom: I would start with simple e.g. offloading computing 09:23:44 Dom: follow up could happen in the Web & Networks IG 09:24:08 RRSAgent, make minutes 09:24:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-edge-computing-minutes.html xiaoqian 09:24:20 RRSAgent, make log public 09:25:19 ... otherwise, or when we're ready to experiment/prototype, we could move to a dedicated CG to play with ServiceWorker 09:25:31 ... the IG is probably the right place to explore the overall landscape 09:25:45 Michael: WoT would want a lot more and very different things from the edge 09:26:55 Dom: agree, but we probably want to start with low hanging fruits 09:27:18 Michael: for WoT, you would want to install persistent orchestration service - setting new functionalities, now moving things up or down 09:27:38 DanD: if people are interested, please join us in the Web & Networks IG 09:27:52 ... we'll work on clarifying that particular topic and identify concrete next steps 09:28:09 ... it seems there are ideas, probably not clear yet but worth exploring 09:28:17 RRSAgent, draft minutes 09:28:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-edge-computing-minutes.html dontcallmeDOM 09:33:21 MasayaIk_ has joined #edge-computing 09:34:49 yoshiaki has joined #edge-computing 09:38:55 yoshiaki_ has joined #edge-computing 10:06:29 MasayaIkeo has joined #edge-computing 12:22:01 Chunming has joined #edge-computing 14:49:36 Chunming has joined #edge-computing 15:05:36 Chunming has joined #edge-computing 15:16:25 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 15:54:53 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 16:28:49 shimazu has joined #edge-computing 17:37:05 shimazu has joined #edge-computing