IRC log of did on 2019-09-18

Timestamps are in UTC.

07:39:01 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #did
07:39:01 [RRSAgent]
logging to
07:39:03 [ken]
drummond: Please sign in to #did with your name
07:39:06 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #did
07:39:07 [yoshiroy]
07:39:08 [Helen]
Helen has joined #did
07:39:09 [Helen]
Present + Helen
07:39:10 [Gerhard_Oosthuizen]
Gerhard_Oosthuizen has joined #did
07:39:10 [mitja]
present+ Mitja_Simcic
07:39:12 [dezell]
dezell has joined #did
07:39:14 [ken]
present+ ken
07:39:17 [dezell]
07:39:20 [kaz]
kaz has joined #did
07:39:21 [Gerhard_Oosthuizen]
07:39:24 [jc]
jc has joined #did
07:39:24 [ken]
... Please state your name when speaking.
07:39:25 [hhan]
present+ Hyunseop_Han
07:39:26 [kaz]
present+ Kaz_Ashimura
07:39:28 [igarashi]
present+ Tatsuya_Igarashi
07:39:29 [Arnaud]
Arnaud has joined #did
07:39:34 [burn]
rrsagent, draft minutes
07:39:34 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate burn
07:39:38 [burn]
present+ Dan_Burnett
07:39:39 [yoshiroy]
present+ Yoshiro_Yoneya
07:39:39 [urata]
present+ shin_urata
07:39:40 [cwarnier]
present+ Clement_Warnier_de_Wailly
07:39:51 [Arnaud]
Present+ Arnaud Le Hors
07:39:51 [ken]
... We just had our first DID WG meeting here at TPAC.
07:39:52 [grantnoble]
grantnoble has joined #did
07:40:04 [manu]
rrsagent, draft minutes
07:40:04 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate manu
07:40:13 [burn]
present+ Arnaud_Le_Hors
07:40:19 [burn]
present- Arnaud Le Hors
07:40:19 [ken]
... Our two co-chairs are here, Dan Burnett and Brent Zundel
07:40:27 [manu]
rrsagent, make logs public
07:40:37 [manu]
rrsagent, draft minutes
07:40:37 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate manu
07:40:56 [ken]
... We will use a handful of basic slide to prime the pump.
07:41:05 [ken]
... What is a DID?
07:41:08 [st]
st has joined #did
07:41:36 [manu]
Meeting: DID Questions and Answers
07:41:45 [manu]
Chair: Drummond
07:42:03 [ken]
... Helen presented a great discussion this morning on talking about DIDs to a non-technical audience.
07:42:06 [manu]
07:42:10 [manu]
rrsagent, draft minutes
07:42:10 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate manu
07:42:28 [jc]
Present+ qiang_chen
07:42:51 [ken]
... A DID is a new type of globally unique identifier (URI) that does not require a centralized registration authority.
07:43:09 [Dudley_]
Dudley_ has joined #did
07:43:15 [florent]
florent has joined #did
07:43:15 [manu]
rrsagent, draft minutes
07:43:15 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate manu
07:43:28 [ken]
... The DID WG has 18 member organizations and 50+ registered participants.
07:43:48 [ken]
... What the deliverables of the DID WG?
07:44:16 [ken]
A specification and two notes, and a test suite.
07:44:26 [manu]
rrsagent, draft minutes
07:44:26 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate manu
07:44:30 [ken]
... What is the WG schedule
07:45:31 [ken]
Dan: The process plan for our primary spec includes an editor draft, CR, PR, and recommendation.
07:45:55 [ken]
... We worked backwards from the charter time to arrive at milestones for each phase.
07:46:09 [ken]
... The feature freeze is targeted for May 2020.
07:46:40 [ken]
... We have options if we can't meet that, but we are focused on meeting it.
07:46:56 [ken]
Drummond: Where did the term DID come from?
07:47:27 [ken]
... The Verifiable Claims interest group document first used the term.
07:48:01 [tpk]
tpk has joined #did
07:48:32 [ken]
... The idea of an identifier with cryptographic verification started here.
07:48:56 [ken]
... How long have we been working on DIDs?
07:49:09 [manu]
rrsagent, draft minutes
07:49:09 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate manu
07:49:14 [ken]
... The work started in Spring 2015.
07:49:45 [ken]
... DHS was an early research grant source.
07:50:10 [ken]
... The first version of the specification was produced in 2016.
07:50:28 [ken]
... The spec was contributed to the CCG in 2017.
07:50:35 [mitja]
mitja has joined #did
07:51:09 [ken]
... A large amount of work has gone into the first version of the spec that will be used as the starting point for the DID WG.
07:51:39 [manu]
rrsagent, draft minutes
07:51:39 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate manu
07:51:46 [ken]
... What reasons did DHS rely on to fund this work?
07:51:59 [ken]
... 1. A persistant identifier.
07:52:17 [ken]
... 2. A resolvable identifier
07:52:30 [kiyoto_]
kiyoto_ has joined #did
07:52:31 [manu]
rrsagent, draft minutes
07:52:31 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate manu
07:52:33 [ken]
... 3. A cryptographically verifiable identifier.
07:52:46 [ken]
... 4. A decentralized identifier.
07:52:59 [ota]
ota has joined #did
07:53:29 [ken]
... Helen Garneau, VP of Marketing at Sovrin Foundation, gave a presentation regarding talking about DIDs to a non-technical audience this morning.
07:53:39 [ken]
... What does a DID look like?
07:54:11 [ken]
... (see slides for example URN &
07:54:18 [ken]
... DID.)
07:54:44 [ken]
... did:method:did-method-specific-string
07:55:03 [ken]
... What is a DID method?
07:55:04 [hiro]
hiro has joined #did
07:55:08 [mitja]
mitja has joined #did
07:55:16 [Steven-Google]
Steven-Google has joined #did
07:55:33 [ken]
... A DID method describes how to perform the CRUD operations on a DID.
07:55:58 [ken]
... A DID is not actually deleted, it can however be deactivated.
07:56:17 [ken]
... What is a DID document?
07:56:39 [ken]
... (see slide for example DID document)
07:56:41 [dezell]
q+ to ask whether "create" creates a document as well
07:56:55 [ken]
... It is a json-ld document.
07:57:23 [manu]
ack dezell
07:57:23 [Zakim]
dezell, you wanted to ask whether "create" creates a document as well
07:57:52 [ken]
dezell: How do you create the DID document?
07:58:10 [igarashi]
07:58:13 [ken]
drummond: It's created when you create the DID.
07:58:39 [ken]
... There are 32 registered did methods.
07:59:08 [ken]
... There is a wide variety of ways DIDs are created by each method.
07:59:27 [manu]
ack igarashi
07:59:29 [ken]
... The person that controls the keys, can change the DID document.
08:00:06 [yoshiroy1]
yoshiroy1 has joined #did
08:00:08 [ken]
sony: What is the difference between between other identifiers and DIDs?
08:00:31 [yoshiroy1]
08:00:39 [yoshiroy1]
08:00:46 [Chunming]
Chunming has joined #did
08:01:05 [ken]
manu: OpenID has aspects of decentralized identity. But it depends on the underlying implementation.
08:01:19 [ota_]
ota_ has joined #did
08:01:19 [kaz_]
kaz_ has joined #did
08:01:27 [kaz_]
08:01:30 [ken]
... Each method states where it will resolve the DID.
08:01:54 [ken]
... OpenID used domain-based resolution.
08:02:23 [ken]
... Some DID methods based on block-chains, cannot take an ID away from an identity.
08:02:25 [mitja]
mitja has joined #did
08:02:55 [ken]
... Only the holder of the private keys can change the DID.
08:03:53 [ken]
sony: The method is not mandated to use a blockchain. OpenID could be used as DID method.
08:04:33 [ken]
manu: You could say that the blockchain is identity provider, but that would be taking it too far.
08:05:12 [ken]
... With a ledger you can demonstrate that it is very difficult to take away an DID.
08:05:57 [ken]
... You can use a distributed hash table or like with did:web, you can publish a DID on the web.
08:06:23 [ken]
... Each method should be evaluated to determine the decentralization of the method.
08:06:49 [Arnaud]
08:07:09 [ken]
brent: Your question is excellent. That is what is motivating the group to produce a rubric to evaluate the decentralization of methods.
08:07:36 [manu]
q+ anotherQuestion
08:08:18 [ken]
yoshiroy: Who is the authority of the did scheme to avoid conflicts?
08:08:36 [ken]
... Who is the authority of the did methods?
08:09:17 [ken]
drummond: As an appendix to the spec, there will be a reference to an IANA registration for the scheme.
08:09:38 [ken]
... The uniqueness of method names is a deeper topic.
08:10:03 [ken]
... The method registry is not a completed discussion.
08:10:15 [manu]
ack Arnaud
08:10:18 [manu]
ack yoshiroy
08:10:37 [ken]
Arnaud: The four properties of the did, might vary by did method?
08:10:52 [manu]
q+ to talk about the politics behind these answers
08:11:01 [ken]
drummond: Yes, that is why there is going to be a rubric.
08:11:23 [kaz_]
08:11:31 [ken]
burn: A rubric is collection of criteria to evaluate.
08:12:04 [ken]
... Rather than define "decentralized", we plan to create the rubric for people to use to evaluate did methods.
08:12:51 [ken]
... We hope this tool will help match use case needs to methods and discover how well the method suits the use case.
08:13:36 [ken]
drummond: This was an intense discussion in the community group to define decentralization and how well a method met the definition.
08:13:45 [kaz_]
08:14:06 [ken]
... Rather than establish a definition, the user can determine this.
08:14:52 [ken]
gerard: If the method specific ledger disappears, would your did also go away?
08:15:03 [ken]
drummond: Yes that could happen.
08:15:30 [ken]
gerard: Could a large company create a did on every method?
08:15:46 [urata]
urata has joined #did
08:16:00 [ken]
manu: 32 methods is probably too many.
08:16:35 [ken]
... Some large companies are not fully decentralized.
08:16:52 [ken]
... The group is trying to create a bigger tent.
08:17:24 [ken]
... If dids can help improve user experience or security, we want to support that effort.
08:17:48 [ken]
... Many block chains are adding did methods to grow their ecosystems.
08:18:26 [ken]
... did:web could help extend the web to offer better authentication. It is not very decentralized.
08:18:40 [ken]
q+ drummond
08:19:13 [ken]
manu: We are trying to be inclusive as possible.
08:19:40 [ken]
... Large, small and diverse organizations are welcome.
08:19:41 [csarven]
csarven has joined #did
08:19:43 [manu]
08:19:45 [manu]
ack ano
08:19:48 [manu]
ack manu
08:19:48 [Zakim]
manu, you wanted to talk about the politics behind these answers
08:20:27 [manu]
ack drumm
08:20:49 [ken]
tobias: We see an innovation that can support dids of all types, including did:peer to did:largecompanies.
08:21:13 [ken]
drummond: The are 4 whole groups of did types.
08:21:33 [ken]
... Over 20 are ledger based.
08:22:02 [ken]
... did:peer and did:key represent non-ledger based methods.
08:22:47 [ken]
... Public organizations might need a ledger based did to anchor credentials.
08:22:48 [tpk_]
tpk_ has joined #did
08:22:59 [Arnaud]
08:23:30 [ken]
... Hybrid dids leverage a DLT but are not registered directly on the ledgers.
08:23:31 [horiuchi]
horiuchi has joined #did
08:23:47 [manu]
ack Arnaud
08:23:51 [mitja]
mitja has joined #did
08:23:52 [ken]
... Proprietary dids are a wide variety.
08:24:05 [ken]
Arnaud: We could see a land rush on dids.
08:24:30 [manu]
08:24:34 [manu]
08:24:37 [ken]
... We are looking at many companies that are creating there own methods. How do you control this?
08:25:29 [ken]
drummond: We indicated on the syntax slide scheme:method:idstring.
08:25:38 [ken]
... But nesting is allowed.
08:25:42 [igarashi]
08:25:43 [manu]
ack manu
08:27:18 [ken]
Igarashi: There could be unintential consequences of credential issuance.
08:27:28 [yoshiaki]
yoshiaki has joined #did
08:27:35 [ken]
drummond: Yes there could be.
08:28:01 [kaz]
08:28:11 [yoshiaki]
yoshiaki has joined #did
08:28:26 [ken]
tobias: If you have a credential and there is unintended consequences, you can't foresee that always from the beginning.
08:29:06 [ken]
drummond: Send further questions to the WG mailing list.
08:29:20 [ken]
... Thank you all for attending.
08:29:40 [kaz]
rrsagent, make draft public
08:29:40 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'make draft public', kaz. Try /msg RRSAgent help
08:29:51 [kaz]
rrsagent, make log public
08:29:57 [kaz]
s/rrsagent, make draft public//
08:30:01 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
08:30:01 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
08:33:39 [yoshiaki_]
yoshiaki_ has joined #did
08:34:26 [yoshiroy]
yoshiroy has left #did
08:35:47 [jc]
jc has joined #did
08:38:18 [yofukami]
yofukami has joined #did
08:40:17 [jc]
jc has joined #did
08:40:38 [jc]
jc has joined #did
08:41:16 [gkellogg]
gkellogg has joined #did
08:51:14 [jc]
jc has joined #did
09:04:27 [jc]
jc has joined #did
09:09:15 [Chunming]
Chunming has joined #did
09:20:17 [jc]
jc has joined #did
09:21:59 [jc]
jc has joined #did
09:28:50 [jc]
jc has joined #did
09:34:16 [horiuchi]
horiuchi has joined #did
09:34:48 [yoshiaki]
yoshiaki has joined #did
09:38:54 [yoshiaki_]
yoshiaki_ has joined #did
09:49:29 [dbaron]
dbaron has left #did
23:52:30 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #did
23:52:30 [RRSAgent]
logging to
23:52:31 [ivan]
rrsagent, set log public
23:52:31 [ivan]
rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight
23:52:31 [ivan]
Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group F2F in Fukuoka — First day
23:52:31 [ivan]
Date: 2019-09-19
23:52:31 [ivan]
23:52:31 [ivan]
ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-09-19:
23:52:32 [ivan]
23:52:32 [ivan]
Chair: azaroth, bigbluehat
23:52:38 [ivan]
23:54:58 [mitja]
mitja has joined #did
23:55:49 [mitja_]
mitja_ has joined #did
23:57:13 [gkellogg]
gkellogg has joined #did
23:59:54 [chaals]
chaals has joined #did
00:02:38 [horiuchi]
horiuchi has joined #did
00:03:39 [ivan]
00:04:39 [ivan]
rrsagent, bye
00:04:39 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items